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chrisvjI have a checkout of my code on launchpad. When I try to commit, I get http://pastebin.com/mNfaDG5X  can someone help me?03:54
mwhudsonsigh, i thought those errors were a thing of the past04:01
* mwhudson pokes spiv 04:01
chrisvji brought back an old problem?04:02
spivmwhudson: most of the sources have been squashed...04:02
mwhudsonchrisvj: that traceback is doubly unfortunate because what it means is "something went wrong, and then this error happened trying to clean up so you can't see what went wrong"04:03
chrisvjoh :/04:03
chrisvjso... what do i do about it?04:11
ttxsoren: https://help.launchpad.net/API/launchpadlib#Persistent%20references%20to%20Launchpad%20objects06:55
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=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: adeuring | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
=== Naresh` is now known as Naresh
dokolifeless: do you know about the status of bug #797915 ? shouldn't that work again, if the import which was causing the timeout, was done manually?09:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 797915 in Launchpad itself "large bzr-svn imports failing" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79791509:33
lifelessdoko: I believe that its bzr-svn reading all the tags09:34
dokoahh, ok. so jelmer would need to update an import manually again?09:34
pooliefyi jelmer will be back at work on monday09:34
lifelessdoko: well, its more we need to address the underlying performance issue09:36
lifelessdoko: then they will all come good09:36
dokolifeless: I know, I know, however the release schedule doesn't move because of this09:36
lifelessbut AIUI doing one by hand does not make the next run faster09:37
lifelessdoko: perhaps poolie can ask jelmer to work on this09:37
dokoI'll work around it09:38
pooliehm no jam?09:38
pooliedoko, i asked him to look at it for today09:41
dokocool, thanks!09:42
poolieno problem; thanks for escalating it09:46
jamhey doko, poolie wanted me to check with you about bug #79791509:46
ubot5Launchpad bug 797915 in Launchpad itself "large bzr-svn imports failing" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79791509:46
poolieit looks like jelmer did a manual import somewhere else?09:47
pooliei'm not sure whether/how to do that again, or where it is failing now09:47
jampoolie: it sounds like he did a "bzr svn-import" manually, and pushed it up over the gcc branch09:47
pooliei don't know if we should just do that again or if it's feasible to make the automatic import faster09:47
poolieit could be interesting actually to get your memory-usage fu together with jelmer on bzrsvn09:48
pooliesince there are some memory bugs there09:48
jamyeah, we talked about the latest one09:48
jamwhich is that he requests the full history for all tags (concurrently)09:48
dokojam: I'll work around the import failure, so please don't spend time on a manual update09:53
jamsure, is that the only one that blocks, though?09:53
dokoyes, just because ubuntu is getting the baseline from linaro, which is using bzr09:58
jamI still think it is worth fixing these things, but probably not must-do-right-now since you're unblocked10:02
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smspillazadeuring: is staging still being cleaned out ?15:02
adeuringsmspillaz: seems so.15:03
smspillazah ok15:03
smspillazhow long does that usually take ?15:03
adeuringsmspillaz: I haven't accessed staging today before you asked. It the server down since a longer time15:03
wgrantIt's currently half-way through an update which is going to fail.15:03
smspillazoh, fun :)15:03
wgrantIt's been down for about an hour now.15:03
wgrantIt will be wiped on Sunday.15:03
smspillazah ok, ping me when it comes back up I guess15:04
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smspillazwgrant: hm, I guess its still down16:02
smspillazwgrant: in that case, should i just use launchpad proper for now and inform someone on the launchpad team which projects need to be deleted ?16:02
wgrantsmspillaz: Try qastaging.16:03
wgrantsmspillaz: We're trying to get staging back up and running, but qastaging is still fine.16:03
smspillazah, will try that16:03
smspillazwgrant: no problem16:03
wgrant(it's erased manually, rather than weekly, but otherwise is pretty similar)16:03
smspillazwgrant: for that, if I need to login with launchpadlib, I just use 'qastaging' right ?16:03
wgrantsmspillaz: Natty's should know about it, yes.16:04
wgrantMaverick's probably doesn't.16:04
smspillazI'm on oneiric :)16:04
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jonoIn a few mins, join Francis Lacoste, head of the Launchpad team, for a Q+A session about Launchpad - join #ubuntu-classroom16:26
ScottKwgrant: BTW, I'm accepting a bunch of packages today and it's working well.16:42
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=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
Cube``hey guys, i forgot my password, tried the email password feature, but the email hasent reached me in over a week16:46
Cube``idk what to do16:46
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m4n1shI am working on a small writeup of LP19:26
m4n1shis it right to name the correct the various components of LP19:26
m4n1shlike Malone19:26
m4n1shor the name has been deprecated?19:26
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QuintasanNCommander: Can you please retry https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kwordquiz/4:4.6.90+repack1-0ubuntu1/+build/2616392 ?19:53
smspillazhrm, was qastaging just taken down now as well ?20:04
Guest6749how do I find fabricator4?20:20
benjihttps://launchpad.net/~fabricator4 ?20:40
ScottKFirst +queue timeout today: (Error ID: OOPS-2015AQ375) - Want a bug?20:55
ScottKQuintasan: I retried it.20:56
QuintasanScottK: Thanks.20:56
lifelessScottK: sure, file a bug21:05
lifelessScottK: if its a dupe we'll dupe it, but need to wait for the oopses to sync first21:05
lifelessso don't worry about lots of detail or anything just yet :)21:05
ScottKDone.  80773921:06
zachtibcan anyone tell me what "Failed to upload" means in the context of a ppa package?21:32
zachtibit seems to build fine, but then I get that error back21:32
maxbIt means you need to check the upload log for a more detailed erro21:32
maxbYou can see this on the Launchpad page for the build21:32
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zachtiboh, whoops. forgot to put anything in the description field >.<21:34
zachtibmaxb, thanks21:34
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komputesI've noticed that bug notification emails sometimes do not have a subject other than [Bug ######]22:08
komputesI've also noticed that most of these bugs are related upstream to mozilla (with comments in the lp bug from the mozilla bug)22:09
micahgkomputes: bug 48853622:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 488536 in Launchpad itself "subsequent upstream comments in email have no title or note that they are from upstream" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48853622:29
komputesmicahg: cool thx22:29

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