
cwillu_at_workBUGabundo, has lagged out.00:14
BUGabundoI noticed00:14
BUGabundobad ADSL bad00:14
cwillu_at_workhey, my home internet came back!00:17
* cwillu_at_work disconnects :p00:24
* BUGabundo slaps cwillu_at_work with a webcam00:29
h00kSo, I have Sandy Bridge graphics, which mesa package do I need to take advanage of them?00:34
DaekdroomHm.. I didn't even know Mesa 7.11 had Sandy Bridge 3D accel.00:36
penguin42hmm that's not good - I just upgraded my oneiric vm to latest and mouse/keyboard have stopped working00:37
h00kpenguin42: are you using lightdm?00:37
penguin42h00k: Yes00:37
h00kpenguin42: I found on my actual oneric install, I had to reseat my mouse/keyboard receiver00:37
penguin42 'receiver' ?00:37
h00kpenguin42: it's a small USB plug (wireless mouse/keyboard)00:38
penguin42oh I see00:38
h00kDaekdroom: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=intel_sandy_breaks&num=100:38
penguin42h00k: I don't have a way to do that in the VM00:38
h00kpenguin42: can you detach and reattach on the bottom? somehow?00:38
h00kpenguin42: on...whatever vm platform you're using?00:38
Daekdroomh00k, it should work by default.00:39
Daekdroomwhat does glxinfo | grep return?00:39
Daekdroom(you probably have to install mesa-utils)00:39
Daekdroom* glxinfo | grep OpenGL00:39
penguin42h00k: KVM - doesn't look like it00:39
h00kDaekdroom: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/639826/00:40
h00kDaekdroom: mesa-utils is installed00:40
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Daekdroomh00k, try installing libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental00:41
DaekdroomIf it's not there, I don't think it's mesa's fault.00:41
h00kbrb restarting00:42
penguin42hmm just X - there was someone on here the other day who had keyboard/mouse issues00:43
* penguin42 slaps lp with a large herring00:44
hggdhanyone experiencing ubuntuone-sync-daemon looping (seemingly crashes/ends & restart, to crash/end again, etc)?00:45
penguin42hggdh: No, but I get that with ubuntu-panel-services00:46
hggdhpenguin42: hell. Eating up 1 1/2 cores...00:46
hggdhpenguin42: for the record, this is bug 807203 -- a bad one00:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 807203 in zeitgeist (Ubuntu) "ubuntuone-syncdaemon crashed with AttributeError in __getattr__(): 'Symbol' object has no attribute 'PAGINATED_TEXT_DOCUMENT'" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80720300:49
h00kDaekdroom: yeah, it didn't help, removed it.00:51
Daekdroomh00k, ouch00:53
hggdhyeah. removed zeitgeist, logged out/in, and ubuntuone is now kosher00:55
hggdh<sigh/> no, still looping00:56
Scribbled2xto make a long story short - upstart basically takes the first argument as the process which it is looking to start up and based upon the daemons configuration starts that daemon?  Is that correct and is the goal to get all of Ubuntu running on upstart rather than individual scripts for each daemon?  Or am I way way off base here?01:16
sebsebseb 01:30
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asriahello, i just checked for updates using synaptic on oneiric ocelot and i had older gcc versions installed. now this gcc 4.6 update that got in today wants to remove all older gcc versions. is this intended?02:43
asriawhy would it need to do that? i still need those lder versions to compile sources that have issues with gcc 4.6. well, i know, oneiric is alpha2 and you shouldnt rely on it. but its pretty inconvenient02:45
cwillu_at_workasria, I think you answered your own question :p02:46
asriai wanted a better answer than mine. one i like more ^_~02:46
cwillu_at_workcheck what the dependency looks like;  you might be able to reinstall them after02:47
snadgethe updates to xorg that i just installed.. are they significant enough to break an xbmc compile?02:49
asriamhm, that was what i was wondering. there doesnt seem to be a dependency conflict. it just cicks the older versions because it can, it seems. good to know that reinstalling might be possible. or force installing and messing things up, heh... but i wouldnt want to do that02:49
snadgeits a bit crashy now.. so im rebuilding it.. i also had to rebuild fglrx drivers02:49
snadgeagainst updated xorg libraries.. or it wouldnt start02:50
micahgrww: do you have a reference?02:52
* micahg was wondering about the gcc thing as well02:52
rwwmicahg: I'm assuming it's intended behavior since autoremoval of old versions of gcc has been happening for me on Ubuntu and Debian for years.02:52
micahgright, but that's usually because they drop to universe or leave the archive, not because something replaces then in this manner AFAIK02:53
rwwmy package manager autoremoves packages that aren't manually installed or a depend/recommend of something manually installed. I guess things are set up differently these days though, so never mind me :|02:54
cwillu_at_workif you didn't explicitly install them (because you just installed build-essential), then they'll get removed when build-essential depends on the newer version02:55
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asriareinstalling gcc 4.4 wants to remove all kinds of stuff. oh yay :/03:02
snadgegood to know.. are the xorg changes just merged from debian upstream?03:05
snadgecurious to know why those upgrades caused breakage for a few things03:06
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dupondjeSomething badly broken atm ? :)04:16
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snadgeno more than usual :p04:18
dupondjeno bit more then usual :p04:18
dupondjegnome3 doesn't start anymore :s04:18
snadgea few of my movies are causing xbmc nightly to segfault.. i dunno where to post04:19
snadgexbmc.. splitted desktop systems (for libva for xvba) amd radeon hw video decode support04:19
snadgeor launchpad :p04:20
dupondjeguess xmbc bugtracker ? :D04:20
snadgeyeah but i know for certain that it must be driver related04:20
snadgethe xbmc nightly works on my desktop system, natty.. radeon 4770, different chipset04:21
snadgei strongly suspect the xvba/splitted desktop systems driver to be the culprit which sadly has little to do with ubuntu or xbmc04:22
snadgeother than that happens to be what im trying to use it with04:23
h00kHoly smokes. Ran glxgears on my Sandy Bridge after upgrading to Oneric today: 5636 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1127.193 FPS05:38
kim0|oneiricI just had a failed upgrade experience, what's the important log files07:58
BigWhaleIs adding new accounts in Evolution currently broken or is this only my problem?09:38
cousin_mariois it planned to allow moving the panel and the dock in the upcoming release of unity?10:05
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BluesKajhey folks11:29
penguin42Hey BK11:30
BluesKajhi pen11:31
cousin_marioIs it planned to allow moving the panel and the dock in the upcoming release of unity?11:32
penguin42hmm I don't seem to have any theming today11:34
* penguin42 suddenly realises he doesn't actually mind the plain old Gnome theme11:39
BigWhaleI'm having trouble running Bibble5 on Oneiric. I have amd64 version and x86_64 oneiric... it used to work with natty, now it is complaining about not finding libGL.1, when I modified the LD path it puked with./bibble5: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6412:15
BigWhaleok apparently bibble5 was linked against 32bit libGL12:18
cousin_marioIs it planned to allow moving the panel and the dock in the upcoming release of unity?12:24
yofelBigWhale: mesa now uses multiarch, so you'll need the /usr/lib/i686-linux-gnu/libGL or something like that12:25
BigWhaleyofel, yeah, I figured it out. When I forced the use of 64bit libs I got the above error. Now I used 32bit libs and it works.12:26
BigWhaleI'm already filing a bug report with the author. :)12:26
zniavregoos afternoon13:17
zniavrei loose keyboard shorcut as volume up/dwn and play/stop buttons13:17
zniavrelike everyone i suppose?13:18
penguin42mine is much more broken than that :-)13:34
ikoniawhoa, I missed the memo that synaptic was being dropped13:58
yofeldpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libkexiv2-10_4%3a4.6.90-0ubuntu1~ppa2_amd64.deb (--unpack):14:09
yofel trying to overwrite '/usr/share/kde4/apps/libkexiv2/data/topicset.iptc-subjectcode.xml', which is also in package kdegraphics-libs-data 4:4.6.3-1ubuntu114:09
yofelbah, wrong #14:10
DaekdroomOooh. So many updates!14:16
dzone_Hi all how to burn lubuntu or ubuntu oneiric on my usb flash drive I tried with LinuxLive USB creator but it can't do it14:22
penguin42dzone_: I generally recommend unetbootin14:22
BluesKajuhoh , kate now crashing...never seen that before14:23
dzone_I'll try it14:24
dzone_penguin42, thanks14:24
yofelBluesKaj: if you upgraded a part of kate might have gone with kdelibs ^^14:25
DaekdroomStarting Gwibber through the message-menu makes it not use appmenu.l14:28
BluesKajyofel, yup. looks that way..did a dmesg ... maybe a dist-ugrade will help14:35
DaekdroomIt looks like I'll have to file a bug report.14:35
DaekdroomWhat to report it against?14:36
Daekdroomindicator-messages-service, gwibber or appmenu?14:36
yofelBluesKaj: we've got a ton of stuff stuck in SOURCE NEW, should be resolved in a day or 214:37
BluesKajok, yofel , np i'll use nano14:37
cousin_marioIs it planned to allow moving the panel and the dock in the upcoming release of unity?14:39
Daekdroomcousin_mario, as far as I know, no.14:43
genii-aroundWill muon be the default package manager by 12.04 ?14:43
cousin_marioDaekdroom: I see.14:44
genii-around( for Kubuntu )14:46
yofelgenii-around: should already be for 11.1014:49
genii-aroundyofel: Ah, interesting, I see now that Adept was removed and in fact Muon IS the default. Thanks14:52
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DavieyDoes oneiric seem really unstable today?17:21
BluesKajif you run kde it is17:22
penguin42gnome is pretty broken for me17:23
BluesKajkate text editor is broken here17:25
DaekdroomMy unity and indicator updates are being held back too.17:40
h00kDaekdroom: glxgears runs super-quick, but video playback is crap on my Sandy Bridge :)17:43
Daekdroomglxgears is no benchmark, to be honest.17:43
DaekdroomWhat was the problem anyway?17:44
DaekdroomOr are you still running on software rendering?17:44
h00kprobably that17:48
h00kbut I don't know17:48
penguin42glxgears is one of those things that if it's awfully slow then somethings probably very broken, but if it's fast - well....17:49
DaekdroomI think software rendering now runs on top of llvmpipe, which is not very slow.17:49
h00kMy wallpaper (default, purple) looks super-bad, like the spectum isn't entrirely visible17:50
h00kI can see like...color lines, if that makes sense17:50
DaekdroomReally? It's like the only one default wallpaper that seems to have some quality for me.17:52
h00kYeah, looks pretty bad :( And video playback is terrible. Hoping updates will clear it, anyway17:53
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PiciHow is lightdm looking in Oneiric?18:18
h00kPici: I have to reseat my USB adapter for my mouse and keyboard in order to use them, but other than that, it gets me logged in18:19
h00kPici: it appears terrible yet, but it isn't themed/done18:19
h00kbug 80729118:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 807291 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Mouse and keyboard unresponsive until re-plugged in" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80729118:20
Picih00k: ah.18:21
PiciI was testing it in Natty using the lightdm PPA yesterday, just was curious if there was anything better about it in O.18:22
* penguin42 is caught in a bit of a quandry - do I update this machine and hope it gets rid of my unity problem at the risk of it picking up the udev problem I'm seeing in my vm (probably the same as h00k's)18:33
genii-aroundChoices, choices18:37
Klau3Hi, I can install updates in Oneiric alpha 2 (Unity2D) without entering a password at all – is this a bug or feature? Video: http://ubuntuone.com/p/13JD/19:26
micahgKlau3: feature: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/policykit-desktop-privileges/0.619:32
sebsebsebKlau3: Nice video and nice background :D19:33
Klau3ok, thanks19:33
Klau3background is from here http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/19:33
sebsebsebKlau3: ok :)19:34
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Klau3from time to time they have really nice picture series19:35
BluesKajyofel, I have 6 or 7 packages being kept back in kde , is it safe to try to install them individually with apt ?20:21
yofelhard to say, there will be many depency issues since all kdebase* packages got renamed20:22
BluesKajok, we'll wait , most of the installed versions are still working20:24
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Andre_Gondimoneiric will be release with gnome 3.0 or 3.2?21:06
DaekdroomAndre_Gondim, 3.2 it seems21:07
DaekdroomSome apps are already 3.2, some are not21:07
BUGabundoguud evening22:28
=== Afwas_ is now known as Afwas
afvhi (using oneiric), i guess each time i hold the shift key for some seconds the "slow keys" become activated, even if the "turn on accessibility features from the keyboard" is disabled at "universal access"! i already checked at gconf-editor (/desktop/gnome/accessibility/keyboard) and all the options are disabled.. how is this possible? and how can i return to the normal state without having to log out and log in again (if it's really the "slow22:39
afvkeys" problem)? (it took me 8 minutes to write this. yay..)22:39
afvis it just me?22:41
DaekdroomOh no, update-manager is crashing.23:00
yofelDaekdroom: could be lp 80771523:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 807715 in update-manager (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Missing dependency on gir1.2-gconf-2.0" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80771523:01
DaekdroomI'll check.23:02
DaekdroomIt looks similar, but not exactly the same.23:05

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