
jaddi27head_victim: Should I send an email out to everyone reminding them of the meeting on Sunday night?13:24
jaddi27ok. doing it now13:39
sagacii can't really speak for head_victim but I think meetings should always start with a roll call and also a "matters arising from last meeting" before everything else, as to clean up any action or to-do's from the previous meeting13:42
sagaciit doesn't need to go on the agenda13:42
sagacior maybe it does, i don't know13:42
jaddi27I am not really sure if they should be or not13:43
jaddi27I know that I have not done the Facebook page TODO from the last meeting13:44
jaddi27I didn't see the point in bringing it up for a third meeting in a row, so I have put it aside for the meantime13:44
sagaciwell it just means that we're following up with things we say we're going to do and remind if we haven't done them, etc13:44
jaddi27sorry, what I meant was that I was not sure if they should be added to the agenda or not13:45
jaddi27I do think it is a good idea to bring them up at the beginning of the meeting13:45
sagaciwell it all could be under 1. introduction, a ) roll call, b) matters from last meeting, c) team contact's report (lol?)13:47
jaddi27Yes, I could add it in there13:48
jaddi27I have added in the normal one that head_victim puts as the first agenda item, so that should hopefully cover it13:52
jaddi27sagaci: Did you finish off the plasma weather translations?13:59
sagaciHeavy Freezing Slow Grains Rain Rain14:00
jaddi27Yes, it was quite a funny one14:00
jaddi27Well I will be off now. Speak again later14:01
mrshr3dsagaci: Yeah the intro, rollcall etc etc, probably wouldn't have to be on the Agenda for every month, probably more convenient to have it written down somewhere (e.g. the Wiki) as documentation of the running order/format for the meetings.14:05
sagacii just have noticed that there's no section within the meetings for review from last meetings/actions raised. I realise they don't have to be an agenda item but I think it's fairly important to build that into our meeting structure14:08
sagaciand wow, I suck at typing14:16
mrshr3dactually  "there doesn't"  :-)  I have my moments too where I think people must think I'm a retard.14:19
sagaciyeah something like that14:21
sagaciobviously can't type as quick as my brain thinks14:21

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