
TheMusoDoes anybody know if there is a tag we can mark bugs with that need translating?01:23
micahgTheMuso: well, bugsquad policy was convert to question, but you can either use google translate or add an ubuntu-translators project tasks if you know you want the bug01:28
TheMusomicahg: Right, its just another "no sound" bug.01:29
TheMusoI think.01:29
evfoolping hggdh06:25
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brendandmy new pet peeve in life is launchpads duplicate 'detection'13:08
jibelbrendand, bug_tasks.findSimilarBugs lp method or whatever tries to find duplicates definitely needs improvements.13:13
brendandafaict it doesn't even search for the proposed summary in the description of existing bugs13:14
brendandand the matching needs to be much more fuzzy13:14
brendandat least it should always propose 5-6 bugs on a best effort and then let the reporter decide13:15
evfoolhi all, what would you set as a status for bug 685973, as the About Me dialog is obsolete now13:19
ubot4Launchpad bug 685973 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Selecting 'No image' in 'About me' is not the same as the default, i.e. no image (affects: 2) (heat: 18)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68597313:19
pedro_evfool, invalid for the development release , valid for the stable , if someone wants to propose a fix in a sru is welcome to do it13:24
evfoolpedro_ unfortunately I think I can't create release-targeted tasks, so if you could do that, I'd be grateful13:25
hggdhevfool: pong13:39
pedro_top of the morning hggdh13:41
evfoolhggdh just wanted to ask you whether you've seen anything like in bug 80722313:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 807223 in r-base (Ubuntu) "package blcr-dkms 0.8.2-15ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: blcr kernel module failed to build (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80722313:41
hggdhpedro_: a very good morning to you, sir13:41
evfoolthe bug is totally a duplicate of bug 700036 based on the dkmsbuild log, but it's filed against r-base, and has a seemingly totally unrelated dependency error in the bug description13:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 700036 in openmpi (Ubuntu Natty) (and 5 other projects) "package blcr-dkms 0.8.2-15ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: blcr kernel module failed to build - error: ‘struct signal_struct’ has no member named ‘count’ (affects: 157) (dups: 152) (heat: 1342)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70003613:42
evfoolcould it happen that apport "merges" two bug reports somehow?13:43
evfoolthat seems to be the case here, as the bug title, the dkmsbuildlog, everything seems to be about blcr, but the package it's filed against is another one, and the description has that dependency error13:44
evfoolapport got a bit confused here, I think, this might be an apport bug13:44
hggdhevfool: it might. Better to ask the OP, though. I have not seen apport *that* confused13:45
jibelevfool, probably the user merged it. apport triggered the blcr bug and the user added the r-base trace to the description and changed the package assignment ?13:46
jibelnever underestimate the user.13:46
hggdh(I am a bit curious on why the user has /opt/real/RealPlayer on the make path)13:46
hggdhjibel: good afternoon13:47
hggdhand yes, never underestimate the user :-)13:47
evfooljibel: the full bug activity log should have things like package changes in it, shouldn't it?13:47
jibelGood afternoon hggdh pedro_ evfool and all13:47
jibelevfool, not if he did it when he filed the bug.13:47
evfoolthen would it be ok to mark it as a duplicate based on the logs?13:48
jibelbut, as hggdh said, better ask the op to be certain it is not apport being confused. But I'd be surprised.13:48
evfoolop = reporter?13:48
yofeloriginal poster = reporter13:49
jibelevfool, well it is not a duplicate according to the description. His problem is really with r-base13:49
evfooljibel, hggdh, I give up, this one seems too complicated for me :)13:51
pedro_afternoon jibel!13:52
jibelevfool, try to triage bug 807540 then ;-)13:59
ubot4Launchpad bug 807540 in dpkg (Ubuntu) "Attempting to update with dpkg (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80754013:59
evfooljibel, Incomplete, I guess :)14:00
hggdhpedro_: UDW next week... what about talking (again...) about DOs and DONOTs on triage?15:16
pedro_hggdh, yes that and add some tips for searching , etc15:20
brendandnautilus break for anyone after todays update?15:31
pedro_brendand, it was sort of broken yesterday due to the zeitgeist update works fine now though at least for me15:32
pedro_zeitgeist caused ubuntu1 to have a crash loop which also caused nautilus to crash, but that was fixed by the amazing didrocks15:33
brendandhmm, maybe i didn't get all updates yet. still have u1, zeitgeist crashes and nautilus doesn't open15:34
jibelbrendand, fixed in ubuntuone-client 1.7.0-0ubuntu215:35
pedro_brendand, anything on ~/.xsession-errors?15:35
brendandpedro_ - these are repeating always : http://paste.ubuntu.com/640203/15:38
pedro_brendand, right, that's the u1 issue15:39
brendandwell, i'll try a dist-upgrade15:40
brendandpedro_ - yeah, looks like some updates there15:40
hggdhpedro_: http://pad.ubuntu.com/udw-qa15:50
hggdhand jibel ^, and, actually, anyone that wishes to help15:51
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bdmurraycyphermox: is bug 421673 fixed? it looks like blacklisting was fixed upstream16:28
ubot4Launchpad bug 421673 in modemmanager (Fedora) (and 1 other project) "modem-manager tries to probe, crashes PalmOS handhelds and makes other serial devices unusable (affects: 17) (dups: 1) (heat: 104)" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42167316:28
cyphermoxbdmurray: yes, it should be fixed in maverick and later.16:33
bdmurraycyphermox: hrm, I don't have /etc/modemmanager/blacklist on my system is that not the right file?16:33
cyphermoxlook into /lib/udev/rules.d/ for files starting with 77-mm-16:34
bdmurraycyphermox: got it thanks.  also in the screenshot in bug 806082 is there some way to get modem-manager to stop filing the screen there16:36
ubot4Launchpad bug 806082 in casper (Ubuntu) "Shutdown screen after installation is confusing (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80608216:36
cyphermoxyes, there is. I'll take a look at it16:36
cyphermoxseems like MM gets killed which causes it to get respawned16:36
bdmurraycyphermox: great, thanks16:37
cyphermoxperhaps upstartifying modemmanager could make this work properly, if I make sure it gets stopped when NM gets stopped16:39
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cyphermoxbdmurray: testing a fix now, brb16:47
cyphermoxbdmurray: upstartifying seems to work, so I'll commit and upload and updated modemmanager *today*17:02
bdmurraycyphermox: sweet, thanks!17:02
Ampelbeinbug #807652 ;-)19:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 807652 in ubuntu "11.11 on 11-11-11T11:11:11 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80765219:04
pedro_oh wow19:06
pedro_i'm affected19:06
* pedro_ clicking on affects me too19:06
paultagpedro_: jebus19:06
paultagpedro_: http://pault.ag:8080/firehose.html ← you're going nuts on LP now :)19:06
paultagpedro_: what kind of nasty script are you running? :)19:07
seb128well at least that one means extra time for bug fixing :p19:07
pedro_paultag, oh yeah!19:07
pedro_paultag, checking really old new bugs without any comment for the original reporter19:07
pedro_really old meaning more than a year19:07
paultagpedro_: Gotcha. Sweet :)19:07
pedro_i should make that script public though so others can use it for their projects..19:08
seb128pedro_, you should write a script that close all segfault bugs older than lucid that didn't get a comment19:08
pedro_saves a lot of time19:08
pedro_seb128, i have one for assigning all the bugs to you19:08
pedro_oh wait that's a secret19:08
seb128there is probably a collection of those to close19:08
paultagpedro_: I bet, I usually try to keep my timesavers on github or similar :)19:08
seb128pedro_, keep it pointed on rodrigo and I will keep quiet about it ;-)19:09
pedro_seb128, will check at those (old segfaults)19:09
pedro_roadmr, congrats on being a bugcontroller!19:09
seb128or maybe those which didn't get an update for a year19:10
roadmrpedro_: thanks :) tho I think I haven't used my new superpowers yet heheh19:10
pedro_brendand, congrats to you as well :-)19:10
pedro_paultag, the firehose is pretty cool ;-)19:11
* pedro_ grabbing bugs from there19:11
paultagpedro_: thanks! I spent a night over a few beers hacking that up, figured it would be fun to watch when I work19:11
paultagpedro_: at some point I'll add some filters and a bit of love to it (linked items, etc), but for now it's just eyecandy :)19:12
pedro_paultag, yeah pretty useful specially when you're not in IRC for looking at bugs-announce ;-)19:12
pedro_filters would be *neat*19:12
pedro_like for tag19:12
paultagoh cool idea19:12
pedro_so we can look at only 'apport-crash' reports , etc19:13
pedro_loving the idea19:13
paultagthanks :) -- good to know a night-time hack was on-target :)19:13
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brendandroadmr - i've been using my new superpowers...20:14
roadmrbrendand: to kill bugs?20:14
brendandthat's why i'm invisible20:14
brendandyes - laser vision20:15
roadmrbrendand: oh awesome20:15
brendandfrankly i didn't think bug-control granted such superpowers20:15
RedSingularityjibel: have you run into any similar bugs yet?  bug 807715 seems to have popped up with the latest updates today.20:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 807715 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "update-manager crashed with ImportError in /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/UpdateManager/UpdateManager.py: cannot import name GConf (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80771520:31
jibelRedSingularity, it looks like a missing required dependency. Why to you say it affects all installs of 11.10 ? Did you see other occurrences of this bug ?20:36
RedSingularityjibel: yep.  Just tried it on 2 other fresh installs.20:36
RedSingularityComes with latest updates20:37
paultagheyya RedSingularity20:37
paultagRedSingularity: long time no see, mang20:37
RedSingularitypaultag: PM!!20:37
jibeloh, I'll try with on fresh install20:37
paultagRedSingularity: go for it chap :)20:37
RedSingularityjibel: sounds good20:37
jibelbug 807518 might be linked in some way. The transition doesn't seem to be really smooth.20:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 807518 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "update-manager crashed with NameError in update_count(): global name 'glib' is not defined (affects: 7) (dups: 1) (heat: 36)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80751820:41
RedSingularityjibel: yeah.  That came up a few hours ago but does no seem to anymore.20:43
RedSingularityjibel: i do get that other one I just tested every time tho.  Not sure if its related to another package....  You think is an update-manager problem?20:45
jibelthat's maybe a transient error due to the port to gtk3 and gsettings.20:45
RedSingularityjibel: leave it triaged you think then?20:46
jibelyes, lets wait if there's more coming.20:46
RedSingularityjibel: good deal :)20:46
paultagRedSingularity: P.S. did you get your control yet?20:50
RedSingularitypaultag: yeah been there a few months now :)20:50
paultagRedSingularity: thank christ for that. Well done20:51
RedSingularitypaultag: LOL  thanks man ;)20:51
paultagRedSingularity: you were wasting too much time asking people to set bug status fields20:51
RedSingularitypaultag: yeah, I was becoming a burden alright! :)20:52
* charlie-tca would wish for more burdens like that20:58
paultagcharlie-tca: tell me about it. I'm really hurting for good solid developers who will take a task and really work on it. Such a shame, really.21:01
jibelRedSingularity, that's a missing dependency, report updated.21:15
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penguin42anyone know how I switch from lightdm to gdm to see if a bug goes away ?22:36
penguin42ah it's ok, I did it with a stop lightdm    start gdm22:37

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