
broderhuh, i apparently missed the exciting discussion00:03
broderLaney, maco: if you want people to make core-dev look less intimidating, you two should apply. right now i feel a little awkward applying for core-dev when my app is going to be reviewed by two people who were motu before me and who i know do more than i have recently00:04
micahgbroder: I don't think most people are thinking about that00:05
* ajmitch agrees that they should apply though :)00:06
slangasekbryceh: installation should always recurse down the recommends as well as the depends; so I don't know why it didn't get pulled in on install.  Is it *available* at install time?  (I.e., is it on the CD where it should be?)00:27
slangasekcjwatson: bugpattern - all seems reasonable to me00:27
brycehslangasek, cjwatson sorted it.  I thought pitti had seeded it but it hadn't.00:29
slangasekbryceh: got it00:29
bryceher, wasn't00:29
lamontif I go lucid->maverick->natty, do i need to bother rebooting into maverick?00:31
* penguin42 would00:33
* charlie-tca would, just to run all the updates00:34
slangaseklamont: let us know! :)00:34
lamontslangasek: heh00:34
slangaseklamont: btw, has kees pestered you yet about the bind9 package not shipping the dnssec root cert? :)00:35
slangasekthat sounds inconclusive. :-)00:35
lamonthe even convinced me that having installs of bind9 a year down the road fail horribly to run out-of-the-box, until manually corrected, makes sense00:36
slangasekah :-)00:36
lamont /bin/sh:        $python tests/test_all.py -q; \: not found00:36
macobroder: i kinda doubt ive done more than you recently :P also my next aspiration is kubuntu-dev :)02:03
macobroder: all ive done lately is sorta-emergency ubiquity poking02:04
micahgmaco: there's no rush :), kubuntu-dev is very cool02:09
brodermaco: i may be giving you guys crap as much/more than i'm being serious :-P02:12
macoand now that alpha 2 is out and kubuntu still doesnt have a working ubiquity, the emergenciness of my maybe figuring out how to fix it goes up *sigh* i think slangasek was a lot closer to figuring out what its doing than i am02:13
slangasekmaco: oh ugh, is that bug still there?  I figured it'd gotten fixed somewhere along the line, since I hadn't heard any more about it :/03:01
slangasekmaco: I understand what it's doing *wrong*, I just have no proposed solution for how to make it DTRT again03:02
macoslangasek: i havent seen an email from lp saying i can stop worrying about it...03:02
maco(i did see 9 emails from lp saying harald had decided i get 9 more bugs...)03:02
macoslangasek: ooh though given i see some bug reports about it now crashing on the partitioner, maybe it is getting past that part. will need to attempt in a VM03:05
slangasekwe're talking about the keyboard map bug, right? which should have been language-specific?03:08
ScottKslangasek: Could you promote grantlee and it's binaries back to Main.  kde4libs is now depwait for it.03:27
slangasekScottK: done03:36
micahgScottK: so, anything left to do with bug 60166203:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 601662 in grantlee (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libgrantlee-dev" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60166203:38
ScottKslangasek: Thanks.03:38
ScottKmicahg: Yes.  It needs some work, but let's not block everything for a MIR that's been undealt with through a whole dev cycle.03:38
slangasekthe package was already in main last cycle, so I think it's reasonable to repromote it on that basis anyway03:39
pittiGood morning04:50
pittibryceh: no, I didn't check main promotion for xdiagnose, I just wanted the thing to work and use GTK 3 :)04:51
pitti bryceh: it doesn't need seeding, it already has a reverse dependency04:51
pittii. e. it wants to go into main already, just needs an MIR and actually promoting it04:51
dupondjeOnly Gnome Classic seems to work atm :(05:01
pittinot unity 2d? I heard talks that even 3d works on some platforms now05:02
dupondjenope, Xorg going 100% cpu and doing nothing :p05:02
dupondjegnome3 starts, but no menu's05:03
dupondjeunity 3d also 100% cpu on Xorg05:03
dupondjesomething in last upgrades broke Gnome305:04
pittioh, somehow I read that as "on arm"05:04
pittidupondje: you might want to talk with RAOF then05:04
RAOFdupondje: Define ‘last upgrade’.  Also, nvidia binary driver?05:05
dupondjebroken Zeitgeist couldn't cause that ?05:06
dupondjeelse I upgraded compiz yesterday05:06
RAOFOh, yeah.  Jason was reporting that ubuntuone was eating all his CPU.05:07
RAOFPossibly a similar thing?05:07
dupondjeYea zeitgeist causes that05:07
dupondjebut that could also cause Gnome3 doesn't start completely ?05:07
dupondjethats https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zeitgeist/+bug/807203 btw05:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 807203 in zeitgeist (Ubuntu) "ubuntuone-syncdaemon crashed with AttributeError in __getattr__(): 'Symbol' object has no attribute 'PAGINATED_TEXT_DOCUMENT'" [High,Confirmed]05:10
dupondjeAny idea's on how I can debug the real cause ? Could be usefull :)05:16
didrocksgood morning06:42
evfoolmorning didrocks06:50
didrockshey evfool06:50
dholbachgood morning07:56
mvocjwatson: the changelog stuff should be fixed now and the backlog it has caught up on now over night08:15
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jmlgood morning08:29
RAOFRa raw!  What's broken? :)08:30
jmlRAOF: M-d in my virtualbox install of Ubuntu08:34
RAOFOh.  Again, or still? :)08:35
jmlRAOF: More "still" than "again".08:35
jmlRAOF: am trying out the proprietary alternatives to see if things are better there08:37
RAOFIt's not unity annoyingly eating the super key?08:37
jmlRAOF: no. At first I thought it was (and I think unity eating super complicates things), but after much xmodmap hackery and also, you know, seeing what happened without unity, I ruled it out.08:38
RAOFHeh.  It's my great fear that at some point someone will really want me to learn about X keyboard handling in detail.08:39
jmlRAOF: I guess as a fallback I could get used to having meta & super switched around. But that's not the way that technology is supposed to work.08:40
cjwatsonmaco: I'm pretty sure I fixed the keyboard bug.  I tested my fix and I could no longer reproduce the bug.08:45
cjwatsonmvo: great, thanks a lot08:45
pittiinfinity, lamont: would it be possible to kill the glib build on allspice and gnome-keyring build on yellow? they both eternally hang in the test suite10:37
pitti(and block amd64 builds)10:37
pittithe i386 build of keyring on vernadsky has the same problem apparently10:38
pittiinfinity, lamont: bah, today is a good day for a buildd to die :( pygobject on crested is hanging as well, can you please kill, too?10:59
pittiI understand the latter, and have a fix; for keyring/glib we are currently testing a fix11:00
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pittielmo: ^ can you kill builds? lamont will probably still sleep for a couple of hours11:04
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lamontpitti: infinity can't11:23
lamonton it11:23
lamontpitti: if I'm hearing you correctly, that's glib on allspice, pygobject on crested (how about actinidiaceae??) and gnome-keyring on yellow?11:26
pittilamont: actinidiaceae can be killed as well11:26
pittilamont: thanks!11:26
pittineed to disappear for a few hours, bbl11:27
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dupondjeAll right :) Gnome is working again :)12:17
dupondjewhat was broken now ?12:18
dholbachif somebody could approve my post to u-d-a I'd appreciate it :)12:24
cjwatsondholbach: done12:30
dholbachcjwatson, thanks muchly12:32
nigelbjames_w: Do you want to talk about packageme for 5 minutes at UDS lightning talks?12:52
nigelber, UDW12:53
james_wnot this time I don't think12:53
nigelbok, np :)12:53
mterryapachelogger, looking at the MIR now12:54
jbernardserge_: no objections here12:59
looldoko: Not sure whether you saw this, but latest gcc-4.6 has a libgcc1 breaking older gcc-4.4 and 4.5, which seem to need a merge from Debian13:12
dokolool: yes, seen13:13
abhinav-dholbach: kudos for bringing the long descriptions to harvest but I think something is wrong with harvest at the moment. can't list bugs in any package13:18
sabdflcan IRC tell me last-seen, or do i need to ask a bot?>13:18
loolsabdfl: nickserv might tell you13:22
loolsabdfl: /m nickserv info sabdfl13:23
sabdflthanks lool13:23
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serge_jbernard: thanks, i'll push the pkg13:41
Amozdholbach, aha! found ya14:01
Amozdholbach, maybe you already know this but harvest isn't showing any opportunities14:15
macocjwatson: thanks! that one was scaring me :)14:26
dholbachAmoz, it's known - I hope we get it fixed soon14:28
dholbachabhinav-, yes, it's broken - I hope we get it fixed soon14:28
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bdmurraymvo: bug 801059 had a corrupt alternatives file added to it14:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 801059 in firefox (Ubuntu) "package firefox 5.0+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.11.04.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80105914:55
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Amozdholbach, cool15:11
jibelusers are reporting non working keyboard and mouse on Oneiric, bug 807306 , bug 807291, bug 80753815:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 807306 in xorg (Ubuntu) "[oneiric] Keyboard & mouse not working in X" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80730615:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 807291 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Mouse and keyboard unresponsive until re-plugged in" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80729115:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 807538 in linux (Ubuntu) "Keyboard and touchpad problems" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80753815:31
jibelit started today, could someone have a look at it15:31
seb128jibel: does downgrading the new xorg-server make it work?15:32
seb128jibel: do you have the issue and can test?15:32
jibelseb128, no I tried, but can't reproduce with usb keyboard and mouse15:33
seb128jibel: would be useful to have a list of the packages they upgraded before getting the update as well?15:36
jibelseb128, I requested more info and the history log.15:39
seb128jibel: kenvandine has the issue, he says it's happening on a real box and with startx without lightdm15:40
seb128cjwatson, did you do an autosync run around the time you did the manual sync round you did yesterday?15:41
seb128cjwatson, I'm trying to figure if -changes has a list of all uploads around that time or not15:42
cjwatsonwe're past Debian import freeze, nobody should be doing autosyncs15:42
seb128ok, so -changes probably has all what changed15:42
cjwatsonit should do, yeah15:42
tgardneris it a known problem that oneiric x86en chroots cannot be installed on lucid/maverick/natty ?15:49
dholbachAmoz, abhinav-: fixed15:52
abhinav-dholbach: cool. thanks :-)15:52
cjwatsontgardner: the other way round is known.  I hadn't heard of that way round16:04
tgardnercjwatson, I just tested using an oneiric host. it doesn't work there either16:04
cjwatsonoh, you can't build an oneiric chroot at the moment anyway, the /run transition is incomplete and breaking stuff16:05
cjwatsonmentioned it in the release meeting just now16:05
tgardnercjwatson, oh, is that the root of my problem ?16:05
cjwatsoncould well be16:05
tgardnerI got busy watching the shuttle launch and forgot to pay attention to the release meeting16:06
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dokoslangasek: for the eglibc build failure: either you try to build with gcc-4.6, or you wait until gcc-4.5 is uploaded16:37
slangasekdoko: I can wait for gcc-4.5 to be uploaded, certainly16:37
slangasekdoko: should eglibc not be switched to use gcc-multilib, instead of gcc-4.5-multilib?16:38
* doko didn't want to hear this ;p16:38
dokono, a first eglibc build with a new major version should be checked first16:39
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Laneycan someone please look at sparkleshare in NEW/oneiric? It's been there some time16:47
Laney(and people are starting to ask me about it)16:47
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infinityLaney: Done.17:16
tkamppeterpitti, hi17:20
cr3is there a nice way to check if a package is installed programmatically, to be used in a shell script or a makefile?18:28
cr3dpkg -l package_name | tail -n 1 | grep '^ii' doesn't seem absolutely reliable18:28
brendandcr3: is dpgk --get-selections not reliable?18:30
cjwatsonI would go for something involving dpkg-query -W18:31
cjwatsonbrendand: it's the wrong question18:31
cjwatson--get-selections asks for the intended state, not the actual state18:31
cr3cjwatson: so, if the package is installed, I get two columns, otherwise I get either one column if the package is known or the string "No packages found..." which might be localized. what about dpkg --status?18:34
cjwatsonyou can customise the output with the --showformat option - you don't need to parse out columns.  read its man page18:35
cjwatsondpkg-query will be easier than using dpkg --status and parsing the output18:35
cr3cjwatson: awesome, I will have a closer look. thanks!18:35
cjwatsonthe string "No packages found ..." goes to stderr, not stdout18:35
cjwatson2>/dev/null and only look at stdout18:35
cr3dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' and what you said about stderr, I should be set18:36
cjwatson${Status} is a bit fiddly because it has both desired state and actual state; I think I'd go for ${Version} being non-empty18:38
cjwatsonhm, maybe not, that fails on packages that are removed but still have config files present18:38
cjwatsonI guess ${Status} is the best you've got18:39
cr3success: ifeq "$(shell dpkg-query -W -f='$${Status}' $package 2>/dev/null)" "install ok installed"18:44
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bambeeany idea about this strange behaviour http://paste.ubuntu.com/640306/ ?19:07
penguin42echo $PATH19:09
bambeepenguin42: already done, http://paste.ubuntu.com/640313/ <-- /usr/bin is there19:18
bambeeapparently the symlink is dead19:21
bambeeand not correct http://paste.ubuntu.com/640316/ (I am an amd64)19:22
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slangasekKeybuk: hey there19:40
slangasekKeybuk: it looks like the base-files /run migration is incomplete compared to the Debian approach; /var/run isn't provided as a symlink.  Is this deliberate for any reason, or can I patch up base-files to do the same as in Debian?19:42
ionAny major breakage in oneiric? Thinking of upgrading my laptop from natty.19:44
slangasekI'm sure there is some, though I'm typing this from it and have no specific complaints :)19:45
slangasekwell, that's not true, I have many specific complaints but none that rise to the level of "major breakage"19:45
slangasekor even "I've gotten around to filing a bug" ;)19:46
bdmurrayslangasek: I just uploaded a base-files debdiff to fix another issue19:49
bdmurrayslangasek: and when I say uploaded I mean added to bug 74425319:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 744253 in base-files (Ubuntu) "documentation deep-links in motd" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74425319:51
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Keybukslangasek: umm, what base-files /run ?20:04
slangasekKeybuk: the one uploaded to Ubuntu yesterday with your name in the changelog? :)20:04
bdmurray@pilot in20:06
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: bdmurray
slangasekbdmurray: do you think that change is required if we get the website fixed (which it ought to be, given that this URL is in existing releases)?20:06
bdmurrayslangasek: yes, I think it is still a nice addition20:07
slangasekfair enough20:07
bdmurrayslangasek: however I don't recall what used to be at the original url20:07
Keybukslangasek: I didn't upload anything20:08
Keybukin fact, I'm pretty damned sure I still can't upload20:08
micahgslangasek: barry uploaded that20:08
Keybukdue to the whole Launchpad hates my GPG key issue20:08
slangasekwhy did barry put your name on it? :)20:09
slangasekI saw the bzr log listed him, but thought that was some manual archive/UDD reconciliation20:09
bdmurraydidn't he say something about it in his pilot report?20:09
* slangasek looks20:09
KeybukI don't know, I'm not barry ;-)20:10
stgraber- merged base-files patch to resync archive with sjr's working branch. archive and udd branch should now be in sync.20:10
slangasekKeybuk: so in conclusion, I should do whatever I think is right? :)20:10
stgraber(from barry's e-mail to ubuntu-devel)20:10
slangasekstgraber: yep20:10
Keybukslangasek: I think in general that is a good plan for life20:11
Keybukfor you, especially20:11
stgraberI remember that last time we talked about it in #ubuntu-devel, the discussion was that the changes barry uploaded were done before Debian started migrating to /run and that now that we're late for that change we should merge whatever they did20:11
micahgKeybuk: BTW, you could create a throwaway key just for uploading20:15
slangasekstgraber: yeah, that seems approximately correct20:16
Keybukmicahg: I'd have to install gpg on my Mac then ;-)20:16
Keybuknatty really doesn't like VMs :-(20:21
micahgKeybuk: unity-2d works with one of the kvm drivers20:25
Keybukmicahg: all I see is an old-style gnome desktop with half the bits missing or not working20:25
micahgoh right,, classic was fallback20:26
micahgwell, if you want unity, unity-2d it might work20:26
* highvoltage wants to see what goes wrong in gnome 3 fallback this weekend. it works fine in debian20:27
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Sarvattion: lots of people reporting no mouse/keyboard after the post alpha-2 updates, might be something to watch out for20:35
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ionsarvatt: Thanks. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/807306 apparently20:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 807306 in xorg (Ubuntu) "[oneiric] Keyboard & mouse not working in X" [Medium,Incomplete]20:38
ionOh, that’s about a VM.20:38
Sarvattyep indeed, people are hitting in on real installs too though20:38
Keybukmicahg: tbh, I just wanted something vaguely usable for doing Ubuntu work on20:39
ionSounds like something i might be able to debug.20:40
ion“After this operation, 8,765 MB disk space will be freed.” (Deleting a bunch of games i meant to try out but haven’t got around to. :-P)20:40
ionA.k.a. spring cleaning before release upgrade.20:41
bdmurrayslangasek: speaking of base-files bug 285734 is rather interesting too20:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 285734 in base-files (Ubuntu) "[PATCH] In /etc/issue, tell users how to undo accidental Ctrl+Alt+F1 presses" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28573420:43
bdmurrayI'm particularly worried about that guy's sister20:43
slangasekbdmurray: who presses Ctrl+Alt+F1 by accident? :)20:45
ScottKPeople like that aren't rare.20:45
ScottKThe same ones that hit Ctel+Alt+Backspace20:45
ScottKApparently it was a lot.20:46
bdmurrayslangasek: I seem to recall mpt mentioning it in a presentation at UDS20:46
slangasekwell, at the moment I'm trying to unbreak debootstrap... I don't think I'm in the right headspace to properly consider edits to /etc/issue20:48
infinityI'm as puzzled as others by the idea that you can ctrl-alt-f1 by accident.20:49
* tumbleweed used to press ctrl+alt+backspace quite a lot when I was using ctrl+alt to change workspaces20:49
infinityYou could also end up with people, upon crashing their DM (okay, rare, but probably less rare than accidental ctrl-alt-f1) then wondering why the "text-mode's" instructions are a lie.20:50
slangasekcrashing the dm is supposed to launch the failsafe X interface20:52
slangasekthough I see now that /etc/init/failsafe-x.conf only handles gdm, not lightdm, hah20:53
Sarvattslangasek: it's trying to exec /etc/gdm/failsafeXServer which doesn't exist too21:02
infinityslangasek: I like the theory and all, but there are still times when X is just so hideously hosed that you're ultimately going to end up at a terminal.  Or calling tech support.21:02
Sarvattlooks like that's now in xdiagnose installed to /usr/share/xdiagnose/failsafeXServer21:03
slangasekSarvatt: ugh21:03
brycehlightdm doesn't call it anyway21:03
infinityslangasek: I dunno.  I have no real objections to handholding in issue and motd, I just have old skool UNIX user grumpiness about issue being needlessly verbose, I suspect. ;)21:03
brycehslangasek, lightdm just exits to console right now if X terminates during startup21:04
infinityslangasek: And one could keep it the same classic UNIX terseness with something like: "Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS \n \l (Alt-F7 to return to GUI)"21:05
infinityslangasek: (And of course, even that's a blatant lie if you don't actually have X and/or something graphical on VT7)21:06
brycehor if it is on vt821:06
infinityYeah, or that.21:06
brycehpidof /usr/bin/X would give you whether X is running21:07
brycehps a | grep X shows it on tty7, so seems like would be straightforward to figure out where it is too21:07
infinityYeah, but /etc/issue is just a text file.21:08
broderConsoleKit also knows21:08
infinitySo, this goes from a wishlist "update a text file" bug to something nasty involving hacking getty.21:08
infinityWhich still doesn't work, since getty outputs to terminals when it spawns, not when you switch to them. :P21:09
broderinfinity: one option would be something along the lines of "press enter to switch back to your session" or whatever21:09
broderinstead of outputting a specific tty to switch to21:09
infinityYou'd have to find a key sequence to trap that doesn't break the brains of every console user in the world.21:11
infinity(for instance, the first thing I do when I connect a serial terminal is hammer enter a few times to get a prompt)21:11
infinityThough, obviously, our slightly-odd getty codepath would only be running on VTs.21:12
infinityI dunno.  I think we've just proven the bug's a bit deeper than a text file addition, regardless.21:12
brycehfinally, a use for CAPSLOCK21:12
brodersure, i do the same with enter. the potentially simpler solution would be to just use enter anyway, but include in the "please press enter" printout instructions on how to disable that behavior21:13
infinity"To return to your graphical session, hit left, right, left, right, up, down, A, B, CAPS"21:13
james_wjust make changing VT a sysreq combo21:13
brycehif no user is logged in and it's just a login prompt, there's probably a set of keys which  have no purpose which could be used.  E.g. Home or Esc maybe21:13
infinityjames_w: And how long until people complain that they can hit sysrq by accident?21:14
infinityjames_w: Seems about as likely as ctrl-alt-f1, to be fair.21:14
slangaseknot only is /etc/issue just a text file, it's output to the console in parallel to X startup21:14
slangasekright, infinity said that already21:14
infinityslangasek: Before, generally.21:14
james_winfinity, that's what was done for ctrl-alt-backspace21:14
james_wI haven't heard complaints21:14
brycehI have ;-)21:14
james_wit was only a semi-serious suggestion anyway21:14
infinityjames_w: I switch terminals a lot more than I need to kill X.21:15
james_wcomplaints from people others that X developers :-)21:15
infinity(And, sometimes I switch terminals TO kill X, since ctrl-alt-bkspc no longer works out of the box)21:15
slangasekinfinity: usually after :)21:15
slangasekinfinity: we try to bring the X server up ASAP; we wait until rc is done before spawning getties21:16
infinityslangasek: Oh, right.  Start on stopped rc, I forgot about that change.21:16
slangasekat least for tty121:16
brycehc-a-b angst recently spotted @ http://linuxlock.blogspot.com/2011/06/canonical-alienates-their-major-asset.html21:16
infinityslangasek: Stil, close enough to parallel to not really allow you to do silly things like this.21:16
infinitybryceh: I can't be bothered to read to article, but I love that the URI implies that our "major asset" is people who like to kill X servers.21:17
infinitys/read to/read the/21:17
infinityBesides, if he wants the old functionality back, all he has to do is install unity.21:18
infinityIt's less predictable, but just as reliable.21:18
brycehinfinity, 'The first threads came apart when decisions were made to remove certain keyboard shortcuts, "for the good of the new user".  Ctrl/alt/delete and ctrl/alt/backspace were removed.'21:18
infinityCtrl-Alt-Del isn't removed...21:19
brycehplus it was upstream that removed the shortcut.  But why spoil a rant with messy facts.21:20
infinityThat sort of proves his Ubuntu = Linux side-rant.21:20
micahgbryceh: it's in the comments21:20
brycehmicahg, yep21:20
slangasekah, this is the HeliOS guy21:21
brycehbut in terms of actual ubuntu users, james_w is right, we haven't gotten bug reports about it.  Seems a total non-issue with our users.21:25
james_wI was commenting more about the lack of complaints that sysreq was too easy to hit21:25
james_wI realise that there were complaints about taking away ctrl-alt-backspace21:25
brycehjames_w, ah, also true21:25
infinityjames_w: I'll file a bug.21:25
james_wor rather hiding it in the keyboard configuration21:26
infinityjames_w: My 1 Sysrq bug will match the 1 Ctrl-Alt-F1 bug, and we can have a showdown. ;)21:26
slangasekbryceh: I don't think bug reports is an accurate measure of whether people are bothered by the Ctrl+Alt+BkSp change21:26
macobryceh: did the dude JUST realise c-a-b is non-default *now*?21:26
slangasekI expect people who use Ctrl+Alt+BkSp to also be more likely to research issues before filing new bug reports21:27
brycehmaco, I assume he's been holding it in until now ;-)21:27
brycehslangasek, I like the world you live in, with sane bug reporters, can I join?  :-)21:28
slangasekbryceh: well see, that just goes to show that the people you're getting bug reports aren't the ones who use c-a-b! :)21:29
infinitybryceh: It's easy, you just filter your bugmail and only read incoming mail from the 4 people you like.21:29
brycehanyway, from what I understand of how c-a-b works, it likely isn't going to give the relief that it used to, since the freezy bits have moved from X to the kernel, and c-a-b won't help there21:29
brycehit will help if a client goes seriously out of control and locks up X that way, but that seems to be thankfully rare in practice21:31
bdmurrayslangasek: I seem to recall a guideline for patch numbering like 33-zyx.patch21:48
bdmurrayslangasek: is there one?21:48
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infinitybdmurray: Patch numbering made more sense with systems like simple-patchsys where they were applied in filesystem order.21:49
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
infinitybdmurray: But some large/complex source packages still like to codify meaning in numbers (like 000->500 = to/from upstream, 900+ = local only, never being forwarded, etc)21:50
infinitybdmurray: With people (in some cases, slowly) moving to source-format 3.0 and quilt, though, the filesystem ordering is meaningless, and even the coded meaning is only marginally useful, since they're all meant to have headers that don't suck.21:51
bdmurrayah okay thanks21:52
slangasekyeah, I don't know of any guideline for patch numbering21:56
slangasekthere's a guideline for headers within the patches21:57
infinityDoes dpkg-dev, devtools, or quilt, have a utility to list patches with consice header info?  I haven't looked.21:58
infinityconcise too.21:58
infinitydevscripts, even.  It's clearly Friday afternoon.21:59
bdrung_infinity: it's Saturday. :p22:12
=== dannf-lunch is now known as dannf
micahgbdrung_: the debian package doesn't include the entire multiarch diff as specified in the 1.4.6-5 changelog, is that not a problem?22:36
micahgbdrung_: sorry, libgcrypt11 ^^22:37
bdrung_micahg: multiarching it was done differently22:38
bdrung_micahg: the result should be the same22:38
bdmurray@pilot out22:51
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk

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