
hazmatadam_g, there are also images available in other regions if you'd prefer till such time00:00
adam_ghazmat: hmm, well the us-east-1 archive mirror seems to be broken ATM. ive hacked providers/ec2/launch.py a bit so i can bootstrap oneiric from trunk00:04
adam_gmirror for natty, that is00:04
niemeyerBom dias13:36
hazmatniemeyer, greetings13:57
niemeyerhazmat: Hey13:57
hazmatniemeyer, i think i'm going to switch the sans-ami branch back to what you approved, just addressing the review comments, and put the work for ben's in a separate branch, i'd like to get this feature in this week.13:59
hazmatbcsaller, does that sound good?13:59
niemeyerhazmat: Sounds good.  How far is it from getting the next few things in?14:00
niemeyerhazmat: This will be important for us next week too14:00
niemeyerhazmat: I mean, the actual branch, not the further chnages14:00
hazmatniemeyer, i'd like to land it today14:02
hazmatniemeyer, maybe 20m for the changes from your review14:02
niemeyerhazmat: Ah, cool14:03
hazmatthe additional distro selection, ensemble source selection, i'd think early next week, in review monday14:03
niemeyerhazmat: What's the distro selection about?14:03
niemeyerhazmat: That wasn't entirely clear for me, because there are a few different perspectives on it14:03
hazmatniemeyer, being able to select what release of ubuntu you want to use for your image14:03
niemeyerhazmat: Hmm14:03
hazmatits an image selection filter14:03
niemeyerhazmat: Do we really want that?14:04
hazmatdefaults to using what's current on the machine running the admin tools, but can be selected per environment 14:04
hazmatniemeyer, i think so, the caveat is we probably need a 10.10 selection or higher atm due to cloud-init feature changes (workarounds for which we have removed)14:04
niemeyerhazmat: This isn't clear to me14:05
niemeyerhazmat: Formulas target a specific release14:05
niemeyerhazmat: We shouldnt' be selecting the machine.. we should select the formula14:05
hazmati see what you mean, sounds good, we'll need to capture this release metadata for image selection, i assume we'll be deploying formulas from multiple releases in an environment.14:07
niemeyerhazmat: Yeah, we'll have to handle multiple releases14:09
niemeyerhazmat: The metadata is in the repository too14:10
niemeyerhazmat: Not sure about the proper way to do it14:10
hazmatniemeyer, same mechanism i was about to expose to the end user14:26
niemeyerhazmat: How do you mean?14:43
bcsallerhazmat: I am fine with the other part of that branch coming later14:55
hazmatniemeyer, image selection encoded as formula metadata, a machine placement alg, using the formula metadata, via kw arg/image/machine type selection on the launch machine api of the provider interface, the low level is basically already done for ec2. it will be interesting to see what comes out of the sprint next week. we really need some cross-provider way of specing machine size.14:59
hazmati'm curious if that sort of info is exposed via the orchestra api14:59
hazmater. cobbler14:59
niemeyerAgreed.. but we need to sort out the distro selection first15:00
hazmatbcsaller, cool, could you update the merge proposal to reflect that15:10
hazmatniemeyer, regarding upgrading formulas and removing files not in the new formula, for local state do we want to spec a location within the formula that we ignore, if we allow for formula contained state. 15:16
niemeyerhazmat: It feels wise to do so15:17
hazmatie. ignore '/var' dir in a formula, before co-located formulas, i'd have said just stick it in the fhs somewhere.. its not clear that doesn't still work well but if we want to preserve the option15:17
hazmatof self-contained state15:17
niemeyerhazmat: Right15:17
niemeyerhazmat: There's another question regarding whether we should be killing things arbitrarily15:18
niemeyerhazmat: On upgrades15:18
hazmatrealistically anything there installing is already on the machine. if we removal of a co-location, we'll need an uninstall hook perhaps.15:18
niemeyerhazmat: It feels like we should be more precise and only remove the files that disappeared from one version to the next15:18
hazmats/we removal/we support removal15:18
hazmatniemeyer, we don't kill things for upgrades.. not sure what you mean?15:19
hazmatah.. files15:19
hazmatniemeyer, yeah.. that supposes a notion of an install time manifest15:20
hazmatthe formula dir manifest implementation is a dir walk15:20
hazmatie always current15:20
niemeyerhazmat: We might even pick it out of the bundle15:25
hazmatniemeyer, sounds good15:32
niemeyerhazmat: The zip actually has the manifest already15:32
niemeyerhazmat: So it's just a matter of exploring it15:32
hazmatniemeyer, yup reusing the  local cache of downloaded formulas would simplify15:34
niemeyerhazmat: Hmm15:34
hazmatactually that will make it easier to support the upgrading against the same version15:35
niemeyerhazmat: I don't think we can trust the cache to be there, otherwise it stops being a cache15:35
niemeyerfwereade: Yo15:35
fwereadeniemeyer, heyhey15:35
hazmatniemeyer, hmm. make sense, so we do need an install manifest and checksum recorded out of cache15:35
fwereadethat was an unexpectedly gruelling many hours15:36
fwereadeI'd forgotten what london is like15:36
niemeyerhazmat: Yeah, I think so15:36
fwereadebut I think I'm actually ready to fly tomorrow15:36
hazmatfwereade, greetings15:36
fwereadeheya hazmat15:36
hazmatfwereade, out of curiosity where are you normally based out of?15:36
fwereadehazmat, malta15:37
hazmatfwereade, nice15:37
fwereadeyeah, it's lovely15:37
hazmatfwereade, care to help organize a sprint? ;-)15:37
fwereadewhatever I can do to hlpe :)15:37
fwereadeI can even spell things sometimes15:38
fwereadewhat do you need from me?15:38
hazmatfwereade, not much, but its not in the cards atm, we've got a couple sprint scheduled for the next few months.15:44
fwereadehazmat: cool, as long as it's not for Monday :p15:46
niemeyerhazmat: So, just to make sure, is the branch going in soonish?15:46
niemeyerhazmat: Just asking because Dustin mailed me about it15:47
fwereadehazmat: but in principle I'm happy to help however I can, just let me know15:47
hazmatniemeyer, i hope to have all my approved branches in by end of day15:47
hazmatwhich should solve most of the immediate issues jcastro brought up last week15:48
hazmatniemeyer, what do you think about closing out this milestone and setting up a new one15:51
niemeyerhazmat: I'd like to close it in the sprint in Austin, as originally planned15:51
hazmatniemeyer, sounds good15:51
niemeyerhazmat: There is still very important work that didn't land15:51
* niemeyer looks at bcsaller15:52
* bcsaller nods15:52
niemeyerhazmat: I'd also hope that simplistic pieces of the security work see the light of the day there15:54
hazmatniemeyer, hmm... i could start, but the spec still needs discussion15:54
hazmatniemeyer, what do you think about team conf call to discuss15:54
niemeyerhazmat: Sounds good15:55
niemeyerI need lunch now, though15:55
niemeyerhazmat: Please feel free to book a time for us today15:56
hazmatniemeyer, sounds good cheers15:56
m_3Aaargh.... launchpad!16:06
m_3SpamapS: I need some repo naming help when you get back16:07
kim0o/ I'd like to see many Enmseble related sessions in Ubuntu cloud days → Please add a session to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuCloudDays/Timetable16:32
SpamapSm_3: pong, got a few minutes now, sup?16:46
niemeyerSpamapS: Hey man16:47
SpamapSniemeyer: greetings earthling. :)16:48
niemeyerSpamapS: Re. the LXC work, we need a specification that describes what is the intended operating semantics and the way we want it to impact the several areas16:48
niemeyerSpamapS: Are you interested in championing it?16:48
SpamapSniemeyer: yeah thats a good idea. I already threw it together in my head. ;) just need to spit it out in rst :)16:49
niemeyerSpamapS: ... and get agreements :)16:49
SpamapSniemeyer: Its impact on anything except itself is *minimal*, and mostly involves fixing bugs16:49
niemeyerSpamapS: That's awesome16:49
SpamapSThough eventually I'm sure the LXCControl class I created would be useful for the separation work that is desired in the unit agents.16:50
SpamapSniemeyer: in fact I've gotten it all separated into branches which I'll propose for merging next week along w/ the bugs that are fixed16:52
niemeyerSpamapS: I'd appreciate reviewing the high-level problem first16:53
SpamapSniemeyer: meanwhile the spec for the provider and such can be subject to review separately16:53
niemeyerSpamapS: As we discussed over the sprint last week, there are a few different ways it can be made to work16:53
SpamapSniemeyer: the only bugs are things that were implemented in the ec2 provider that should be common to all providers.16:53
niemeyerSpamapS: So we should start by agreeing on which way we want it to16:53
niemeyerSpamapS: That's certainly neat no matter what16:54
niemeyerSpamapS: In fact, we'll have to do exactly that next week16:54
niemeyerSpamapS: So if you have well tested code splitting it off, I'd _love_ to have those available next week16:54
niemeyerSpamapS: Otherwise we'll be redoing that work again16:54
SpamapSniemeyer: sure, I don't have strong feelings about the ways it should work internaly. I just want to have a provider that works w/o amazon, and, preferrably, one that works w/o any net connection at all.16:54
niemeyerSpamapS: Right, +1 on that16:55
niemeyerSpamapS: The issue is not just internally, though16:55
niemeyerSpamapS: as we talked, the initial approach was to have a LXC representing a machine16:55
niemeyerSpamapS: We really want to have LXC representing a unit16:55
SpamapSniemeyer: yes, I'm perfectly fine with deprecating what I've already done once that work is ready.16:57
niemeyerSpamapS: Well, rather than deprecating what you do, I'd prefer to integrate what you do as a goal. :-)16:57
niemeyerSpamapS: Which is why, in general, it's important to have a spec and to debate a bit before actually diving in16:57
SpamapSniemeyer: that is, IMO, much more important to long term goals, and so, should be done more carefully. This provider is the way forward w/o touching ensemble's core functionality.16:57
SpamapSIts my little runt.. cute, but I don't expect it will live as long as its stronger brothers. :)16:58
SpamapSniemeyer: anyway, agreed, no more working on it until there's a spec and a gooddiscussion17:00
SpamapSniemeyer: anyway I need to run out now. Are any of the ensemble team going to attend the LXC sprint in Austin? I'll be there.17:01
* SpamapS will read the answer to that later.. 17:01
niemeyerSpamapS: Yeah, we'll be there17:01
niemeyerSpamapS: Cheers!17:01
m_3SpamapS: hey man17:24
m_3SpamapS: just having problems pushing stuff to lp17:25
m_3SpamapS: I think I've gotten some things pushed into other places coincidentally b/c there are already packages in oneiric with those names17:26
m_3SpamapS: but then I saw jamespage's pushes and totally lost any understanding I thought I'd gained17:27
m_3that one works in both 'principia' and 'ensemble' yet no 'trunk'17:27
m_3I'll just put it in +junk for now17:28
m_3no biggie17:28
=== daker is now known as daker_
niemeyerhazmat, bcsaller, jcastro, fwereade: Fail19:26
hazmatniemeyer, we're still on, can you rejoin?19:26
bcsallerniemeyer: I sent an invite 19:26
hazmatdoh.. chrome crash19:51
bcsallerhazmat: if you can't see the link let me know19:52
hazmatbcsaller, dont' see it19:52
hazmatbcsaller, go tit19:52
hazmater. got it19:52
bcsallerthat worked pretty well19:54
hazmatbcsaller, agreed, that was fun20:07
Ryan_Lanehi guys. what's the license of the project?20:08
hazmatRyan_Lane, AGPL for the core20:09
Ryan_Laneany specific license for formulas?20:09
Ryan_Laneanything AGPL compatible?20:09
hazmatRyan_Lane, formulas licensed per individual authors wishes.. canonical formulas are like to be GPL afaics20:09
Ryan_Laneit isn't very clear in the documentation20:09
hazmatRyan_Lane, indeed, perhaps even propretiary.. its a separate process20:10
Ryan_Laneno license is listed on launchpad either.20:10
hazmatfixed re launchpad for ensemble20:11
Ryan_Lanegreat. thanks :)20:12
=== dannf is now known as dannf-lunch
=== daker_ is now known as daker
=== dannf-lunch is now known as dannf
_mup_ensemble/trunk r266 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com23:45
_mup_merge sans-ami [r=bcsaller,niemeyer][f=803852]23:45
_mup_Enables the use of ensemble with standard ubuntu amis instead of pre-built images, 23:45
_mup_along with installation from the ensemble ppa as the default, while allowing 23:45
_mup_option of source install from lp branches.23:45
adam_gnice :)23:46
_mup_ensemble/trunk r267 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com23:55
_mup_merge hook-with-formula-dir [r=fwereade,niemeyer][f=761015]23:55
_mup_Hooks now execute in the formula directory. The formula directory23:55
_mup_can be referenced in hooks as environment variable ENSEMBLE_FORMULA_PATH23:55
adam_gnice x2 23:57

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