
* smb --> BOD07:46
smbcking, Beginning Of Day07:57
* apw notes cking is so last year08:17
cking'cos I don't comprehend an arbitary TLA08:18
apwnot knowing BOD ... i bet you can't understand your kids either :)08:18
smbapw is quite harsh this morning. :)08:19
apwsmb, its my job08:20
ckingignorance is not an excuse I see08:27
apwcking, there are no excuses08:31
apwsmb, http://people.canonical.com/~apw/CVE-2011-1090-hardy/08:32
ubot2apw: The __nfs4_proc_set_acl function in fs/nfs/nfs4proc.c in the Linux kernel before 2.6.38 stores NFSv4 ACL data in memory that is allocated by kmalloc but not properly freed, which allows local users to cause a denial of service (panic) via a crafted attempt to set an ACL. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2011-1090)08:32
ubot2Factoid 'kernel-src' not found08:35
ubot2You can access all the kernels for previous and current development releases at http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git. There are repositories for each supported release under ubuntu/ubuntu-<release>.git - For more details see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/SourceCode08:36
ubot2A list of common questions and answers about Ubuntu: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions - Official documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com08:36
ubot2Factoid 'kernel-faq' not found08:38
apw!kernel-faq is A list of common questions about the Ubuntu Kernel: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/FAQ08:40
apw!kernel-mainline is Information and binaries of the upstream mainline kernels are found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds08:43
ubot2apw: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:43
ubot2Factoid 'kernel-mainline' not found08:43
* apw tires of ubot208:46
smb!kernel-mainline is <reply> Information and binaries of the upstream mainline kernels are found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds08:47
ubot2smb: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:47
smbhm, does not like that either...08:47
apwno odd indeed08:50
ubot2Factoid 'kernel-mainline' not found09:09
ubot2Factoid 'kernel-faq' not found09:10
ubot2Factoid 'kernel-faq' not found09:11
ubot2Factoid 'kernel-faq' not found09:12
hemin Hi, I compiled my kernel from the source code.. after make, make_modules and make install and update_grub, I rebooted.. Now when I choose the new entry from the list, It gives me this error "Kernel panic- not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)" .. any suggestions ??09:44
smbDoing the install that way you likely missed to build an initrd. If "the source code" is our git repos, you should better follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel which gives you .deb packages that will do that all when you install09:49
heminI downloaded from kernel.org, .. how do I know if I have missed to build initrd?09:52
smbYou have no initrd.img-... with that version in /boot. Btw, if that is a vanilla build, did you know those are already built?09:53
ubot2The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds09:54
ubot2A list of common questions about the Ubuntu Kernel can be found in http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/FAQ09:54
ubot2Factoid 'kernel-oops' not found09:59
ubot2Factoid 'kernel-dev' not found10:00
smbcking, she does not like you. :)10:00
heminsmb: I tried to compile the same version installed on my machine through source which is .. does it cause any problem?10:01
smbhemin, Apparently it does. But seriously, it would just save you the compile time and some of the worries when using the mainline builds. As your build now there are a few special drivers/modules missing but usually that does not cause problems. And installation is much simpler when using a .deb10:04
heminsmb, ok.. My motive to compile through sourcecode was to learn rather than just installing it10:07
heminsmb, i would try the .deb package too10:09
smbhemin, Then I would actually start with the build your own kernel link. Which uses the exact same sources as are used for the releases (and have the ./debian infrastructure). And when being familiar with that look at mainline kernels as a secondary step10:11
heminsmb, ok.. would go through that document and try out10:12
heminsmb, I would like to remove the kernel I installed from the source.. how to do that safely as my current working kernel and the installed one has the same version?10:33
smbhemin, While they are based on the same version, they should have slightly different names. You probably have a vmlinuz-2.6.38 and a vmlinuz-2.6.38-x-generic or so in /boot and likewise a directory with -gerneric (or whatever flavour you got) in /lib/modules10:37
smbBut as you installed them without a package the way to remove them is to remove the file / directory in /lib/modules and then run update-grub to clean up your grub menu10:39
smbNote those files with -generic in them are the original ones and you should _not_ remove them10:39
heminsmb, yes.. vmlinuz-, vmlinuz- both are there.. ok.. so the generic ones are not to be touched10:41
ppisatiapw: when you want, can you open an lp tracker for CVE-2010-4251? thanks11:07
ubot2ppisati: The socket implementation in net/core/sock.c in the Linux kernel before 2.6.34 does not properly manage a backlog of received packets, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption) by sending a large amount of network traffic, as demonstrated by netperf UDP tests. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-4251)11:07
blisshmm, haven't noticed that one11:08
apwppisati, should be done: bug #80746211:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 807462 in linux-ti-omap4 "CVE-2010-4251" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80746211:10
ppisaticool, 1011:19
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
tgardnerapw, are you happy with 3.0.0-4.5 in kernel-ppa ?12:44
smbherton, sconklin It looks like I need to do yet another respin of lucid-ec2. This time it even needs an aditional revert for ec2 (as I had made changes to follow the reverted patch)12:45
hertonsmb: hmm ok, just invalidate the current tracking bug. In fact we should be doing the rebases now, you can just have the branch ready and we do the packages12:48
smbherton, ok. I will be pinging you when I have pushed the tree. Want to get it test built before12:49
smbherton, new lucid-ec2 branch pushed out. proceed at your leisure13:12
hertonsmb: ok13:12
hertonsmb: the repo misses the tag for 2.6.32-317.35, the previous release, not sure this matters much13:24
smbherton, I did put it. Maybe you need to try git fetch --tags?13:25
smbpush I mean13:25
hertonsmb: yes, --tags brought it. I found strange as I had here the 317.36 tag but not the .35...13:27
* smb thinks it may happen when the tag in question is not part of any named branch anymore...13:28
brendandsconklin - what's up with lucid SRU?14:37
brendandsconklin - 33.69 not getting released?14:38
ricotzsconklin, hello :), i saw a lot of ubuntu kernel updates lately, but is there a reason that the natty kernel is still base on instead of
apwricotz, its pending the current round of updates making it through testing and out14:40
smband lucid seems to have found one more regression14:40
hertonbrendand: sorry, we had to resping lucid again because of another regression14:40
smbso -33.70 got mode14:41
apwherton, yep smb is correct, only things on the linear history are downloaded without --tags14:41
brendandskaet mentioned another fix going in?14:41
apwherton, what the hec was this one14:41
brendandand this is the one that will be used in 10.04.3?14:41
hertonbrendand: yep, steve talket to her14:41
hertonapw: let me see here the bug number14:41
ricotzapw, i see, it has been quite some time and the last update missed it by one day ;)14:42
ppisatido i need to put BugLink and "commit upstream" even on commits upon which other CVE commits depend?14:42
hertonapw: bug 80520914:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 805209 in linux "System locks up after upgrading to linux-image-2.6.32-32-generic-pae" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80520914:42
hertonbrendand: correct, this one should end in .3 point release from what I got14:43
apwppisati, all upstream commits should be recorded if they are pulled in in case we ever care to know where they came from14:43
brendandok, good to know14:43
apwppisati, and anything we commit for a specific fix should mention the bug number 14:43
apwso i think thats yes and yes14:43
hertonbrendand: so just watch the 33.70 tracking bug when you got the task to confirmed14:43
brendandherton - certainly14:43
keesI'm nervous about the fix for 791019 -- this ends up mixing spinlock_bh() with spinlock(). I don't think this is safe...14:50
tgardnerkees, for natty ?14:52
keestgardner: oneiric14:53
keesI don't know if mixing _bh with non-_bh is safe14:53
tgardnerkees, its not. what did we miss?14:53
keeslet me look, I haven't seen the commit yet. fetching it now14:54
tgardnerkees, looks like all uses of ptracer_relations_lock use _bh lock/unlock functions14:55
keestgardner: ah, so they all got replaced? is that sensible? i.e. it's only to use _bh everywhere?14:56
tgardnerkees, yes, its quite sensible.14:56
keesokay, cool. reading commit now14:56
tgardnerkees, if any of the list manipulation functions can be called from soft IRQ context, then you must use _bh functions for protection.14:57
keestgardner: right, that's cool. I wasn't sure if it was okay to use _bh in non-soft-IRQ context.14:58
tgardnerkees, well, in fact you have to in order to prevent a soft IRQ context from getting control. Thats the whole point.14:59
* kees nods15:05
ppisatibesides rolling an image and testing it with qemu, is there any quick way to test a lucid amd64 kernel?15:28
ppisatior if anyone wants to try it...15:28
ppisatii just need a "it boots!"15:28
bjfppisati, there are a few of us that are running lucid 64, put the kernel up somewhere and we will boot test it for you15:51
ppisatibjf: i'm almosto done rolling my image15:52
sconklinmanjo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/linux/+bug/790754 is going to be reverted16:44
ubot2Ubuntu bug 790754 in linux "[NATTY] RICOH [1180:e823] unable to read MMC cards" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:44
manjosconklin, agreed ...16:45
manjosconklin, why revert for natty ? 16:45
sconklinFor Maverick16:45
* smb -> EOW17:07
* tgardner --> lunch18:03
* cking --> EOD19:06
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
lamont15811424        build/buildd/linux-3.0.0/20:02
lamontum... guys?  that's a tad bit huge, don't you think?  I'll put cash on it failing to build on most of the ppa buidlers20:02
=== dannf is now known as dannf-lunch
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
lifelesswhat target builds linux-header-x.y.x package? 21:18
lifelessSarvatt: thanks! I should have nvidia going again on my custom build :)21:38
=== dannf-lunch is now known as dannf

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