
dokoScottK, pitti, seb128: please don't process the kde stuff in NEW within the next two hours09:55
pittidoko: acknowledged09:56
pitti(I don't do regular NEWing anyway)09:56
dokowho is? will start the test rebuild first09:56
* pitti looks at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArchiveAdministration09:56
pittiapparently jdstrand today09:56
pittijdstrand: ^09:56
dokook, thanks09:57
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jdstranddoko, pitti: ack, but I am off today anyway12:14
charlie-tcaCan someone kick the server hard for me? All Xubuntu images failed to build today13:55
charlie-tcadesktop errors:13:55
charlie-tcaW: Failed to fetch file:/srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/ftp-universe/dists/oneiric/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch13:55
charlie-tcaE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.13:55
charlie-tcamake: *** [apt-update] Error 10013:55
charlie-tcaSorry, alternate log errors above.13:56
charlie-tcaDesktop image has no log today13:56
charlie-tcalivefs failure by email:13:57
charlie-tcaW: Failure trying to run: chroot /build/chroot dpkg --force-depends --install /var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.13-9ubuntu1_i386.deb13:57
charlie-tcaWhy am I getting the same failure for the LiveFS that I got the day before the alpha2 candidates were built?14:11
charlie-tcacjwatson: ^  ^  any idea?14:11
cjwatsondon't know, haven't had time to debug it yet.  it's affecting all images.14:13
cjwatsonperhaps you could look into it?14:13
cjwatsonI've scheduled a Xubuntu alternate rebuild14:14
charlie-tcaThank you14:14
charlie-tcaSomebody throw the wrong switch and cause everything to revert ?14:15
cjwatsonthat seems overly simplistic14:20
cjwatsonthere's no evidence as yet that it's the same thing, merely that it has similar symptoms; somebody needs to debug it14:21
charlie-tcaI was afraid of that14:21
charlie-tcaI honestly don't know how, but I will be patient, as long as I know you are aware of it.14:21
cjwatsonsee if you can reproduce it with a bare debootstrap, then look at the logs inside the half-completed chroot14:22
tumbleweedcharlie-tca: yeah I was running into those this morning. mkdir /var/run before you debootstrap14:24
* tumbleweed hasn't got around to writinga decent bug report :)14:24
cjwatsonso what's changed?  (it's definitely not the same thing as before; I just looked at the eglibc diff.)14:25
cjwatsonah, base-files 6.3ubuntu314:26
cjwatsonhooray for semi-coordinated start of /run transition.  in that case if I were you I would just not expect coherent images until it's done.14:26
tumbleweedit loooks like we're behind debian in /run transition14:26
cjwatsoncreating /var/run is probably the wrong answer14:26
cjwatsonwe want to end up on /run14:26
tumbleweedcjwatson: yaeh, that was my quick solution to get a working chroot14:27
tumbleweedIIRC there were broken permissions on /var/lock too14:27
charlie-tcaI got the same results on the alternate image respin; no image14:31
cjwatsonthere is an image14:32
charlie-tcaThen I wasn't patient.14:32
charlie-tcacjwatson: Thank you again. I got in to big a rush, and it wasn't quite there when I looked14:34
slangasekcjwatson: base-files in Debian still ships /var/run; you think this isn't the right thing to do?16:07
cjwatsonslangasek: don't know, it was Keybuk's change :-)16:14
cjwatsonI guess I don't mind that being smoothened in base-files16:14
slangasekah; you'd said "creating /var/run is probably the wrong answer"16:15
cjwatsonI meant as a hack in debootstrap16:16
cjwatsonminimum-diff from Debian where we can, as usual, seems like the right answer since they're already in progress on this16:16
* slangasek nods16:19
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skaetSpamaps, cjwatson;   could one of you copy the new lucid kernel into -proposed?  would like to get qa and cert testing started on it,  so we can see if wecan use it for
cjwatsonI think I'm done for the day ...17:00
skaethiya brendand,  looks like the kernel's built and ready, but we're needing to get someone to copy it into -proposed.17:04
brendandskeat - cool. i'll be waiting for the certification-testing task to go to confirmed17:04
cjwatsonskaet: I thought you had the necessary permissions17:05
cjwatson(I'd have to look up how to do it just as much as you, I expect)17:05
skaetcjwatson, possibly,  not sure.  I can look it up and try too.17:06
cjwatsonyou should do, it just requires being an archive admin17:06
skaetok,  will give it a shot.   Spamaps is on holiday here, so that fall back isn't in place.17:07
skaetbrendand,  I'm getting errors when running the script,  so will probably need to wait until one of the more experienced folk is around to help.18:08
brendandskaet - no panic18:09
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bdmurrayalpha2 is still an active milestone22:14

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