
ballOn a Xubuntu box, how do I ask the cpu temperature?04:18
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Community Leadership Summit 2011  A Few Weeks Away! - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/07/08/community-leadership-summit-2011-a-few-weeks-away/07:08
bigcalmGood early morning peeps07:25
diploMorning all07:46
diploMooDoo, I must say Nottingham was dead as a door nail on Tuesday :(07:50
diploQuietest I've ever seen it!07:51
hoovermorning all08:03
MyrttiI just realised that I probably can attend OggCamp this year.08:12
Myrttiall things being equal and nothing that can't be postponed by a week waiting for me in Finland...08:13
MyrttiI'm trying very hard to find good things in life, as you may have noticedc08:13
Myrttiin the meantime, I'll amuse myself with googling expensive cars, jewelry and home appliances.08:16
AlanBellone of these things is not like the others08:17
popeymmmm white goods08:17
bigcalmMyrtti: \o/08:18
Myrttidoes a 3D printer that prints with chocolate count as a home appliance?08:18
BigRedSMyrtti: It counts as *the* home appliance08:21
danfishMyrtti: a 3d printer that prints with chocolate will soon count as a basic human right ;)08:21
Myrttion the other hand, I'm also googling robotic lawnmowers and air source heat pumps08:22
MartijnVdSMyrtti: Robotic lawn mowers? Like a Roomba's big brother? :)08:23
MyrttiHusqvarna has had robotic lawn mowers before roombas existed :-)08:24
danfishhmm - nasty wet day and afternoon off08:27
BigRedSrobotic lawn moweres sounds like a hilariously scary idea08:27
BigRedSI want one08:27
BigRedSautonomous whirly blades of death08:27
danfishthink it's time to give the pink laptop an ubuntu spray can pimping08:27
danfishBigRedS: combine that with one of those quadcopters...very scary08:28
Myrttiyeah well I've recently gained an ownership of a detached house on a hillside with lots of bushes and odd shaped plantings that nobody wants or enjoys to mow...08:29
Myrttiso giving the job to our robotic overlords would be nice, if I only had the money to invest on such gear.08:30
Garyonce you start on that route, they will soon take over and we'll all be dammed!08:31
Myrttistrictly speaking I've recently gained an ownership of a half of a detached house08:31
danfishMyrtti: an arduino, a chainsaw, old lawnmower and some glue - job done :)08:32
MyrttiI've not yet decided should I go carve my half with an axe08:32
Myrttior just dynamite the house down and split the pile of rubble into halfs and quarters08:32
Myrttidanfish: that sounds terribly like work08:33
oimonpay a teenager to maintain it08:33
Myrttioimon: there's more truth in your words than you know...08:33
Myrttisadly :-|08:34
Myrttiaw, now I need to balance this discussion out with pictures of expensive jewelry08:35
danfishah daubers, just the man. Myrtti needs an arduino powered, chainsaw and strimmer-wielding deathbot to trim the garden09:00
* popey glances out the window09:01
popeyme too!09:01
daubersdanfish: unfortunatley the wife has rules about things that a) Might break the law, b) might kill someone and c) Might end up taking over the universe and using it's subjugated human slaves to inflict terrible crimes upon the rest of the universe and any parallel to this one09:02
daubersOtherwise, I'd be there with my soldering iron ready09:02
daubersShe threatened to put it in her wedding vows09:02
danfishdaubers: it's always the little details.........09:03
daubersdanfish: Yup :(09:04
MartijnVdSdaubers: you're really that close to taking over the world with robots? :)09:11
daubersMartijnVdS: When you're wife trains in law, she quickly learns to not leave any stone unturned09:14
daubersMartijnVdS: I think there was also a clause about getting the law changed so I could specifically do something was also frowned upon also09:14
MartijnVdShaha :)09:15
s-foxHello czajkowski , how things your neck of the woods?09:27
czajkowskintb, could end up in A&E befor the day is out as i can't move and i've a flight to get in the morning so a day of lying in bed is ahead of me09:28
czajkowskion the plus side caught up with entire family yesterday09:29
czajkowskiso that should do me for another 12 months09:29
=== denny_ is now known as denny
* AlanBell sends hugs09:29
czajkowskiwanted to go to lahinch today but need to be in the house for a call at 5:3009:29
czajkowskibeen a long week09:29
czajkowskinext week will feel like a holiday09:30
AlanBellI am off to Berlin next week09:30
daubersczajkowski: Still got back problems?09:32
czajkowskidriving walking standing travelling hasn't helped this week09:34
StevenRczajkowski: tried the McKenzie books/method?09:35
czajkowskiStevenR: they used to work great now too sore to do them09:35
StevenRczajkowski: ahh :(09:35
czajkowskiwaiting to go back and get 4 epidurals in back week after next09:35
czajkowskiso hopefully sorted09:35
daubersHmmm... OU course starts the day before I go to Egypt for 10 days..... not the best timing ever...09:45
StevenRless optimal09:46
daubersOh well, eeepc is going to egypt09:46
daubersmight retrofit some dust filters to the air vents09:47
popeyok, canon T2i09:49
popeyer oops09:49
davmor2morning all10:02
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:45
BigRedSgood morning brobostigon10:58
willzhey all10:58
brobostigonorning BigRedS10:58
brobostigonhi willz10:58
=== willz is now known as Xenope
Xenopecan i ask some retarded ubuntu questions lol10:59
BigRedSOn-topic discussion? If you must :)10:59
DavieyXenope: That, we cannot answer until you've asked them.10:59
brobostigonXenope: fire away,10:59
Xenopelol, well how can i install a twitter client that actually works11:00
Xenopei've tried several they don't connect lol11:00
brobostigonXenope: gwibber works,11:01
XenopeI shall try it now :)11:01
bigcalmbrobostigon: oxymoron11:01
brobostigonbigcalm: ?11:01
popeyXenope: hotot is apparently good11:01
* oimon uses hotot11:01
popeybrobostigon: humour11:01
brobostigonpopey: oh, ok.11:01
brobostigonbigcalm: sorry i didnt get it,11:02
bigcalmOne might also say that those two words are mutually exlusive11:02
Xenopehuzza! this seems to be working fine, danke11:04
popeyXenope: you exobuzz?11:05
XenopeI don't knwo what that means11:05
Xenopeexplain and I shall answer :P11:05
popeydont worry11:05
XenopeAh, the answer is no..11:06
bigcalm[revo]What am I still doing here?11:08
bigcalmSilly revo11:09
* popey hugs his revo(s)11:11
bigcalmActually, it's one 'toy' purchase that is in everyday/constant use11:12
popeyheh, ditto11:12
Davieyand here.11:13
BigRedSMy brother got a revo on the grounds that it'd be easier for him to bring it round to mine to make me fix it :(11:13
oimoni have a load of linux machine in my office that are perfectly quiet, but as soon as i get a windows box in the room, it is always "doing something"...tinkle tinkle of the hard drive all day long11:14
oimoneven with no apps open11:14
DavieyI am impressed with it's hd playback.11:15
popeyis yours a frontend?11:15
Xenopejust set the hard drive to stop spinning after a while ?11:15
Davieyoimon: I have an ARM netbook here.. it freaks me out because it makes no sound.. I almost want a buzzer in it, just to let me know it's on.11:15
Daviey"comfort sound"11:15
Davieypopey: yah11:15
oimonSSD too Daviey?11:15
oimonthe XP tinkle click tinkle is v irritating11:16
popeyis that a toshiba ac100 ?11:16
Davieyoimon: Has SDHC/MMC on the mainboard11:16
Davieypopey: yah11:16
popeydoes it have SATA on the mobo?11:16
popeydo us a "sudo lshw -html > make_alan_jealous.html"11:16
Davieynot opened it yet, but the case would not fit it in TBH.11:17
Davieypopey: will do late, it's in the car.11:17
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
popeyDaviey: feel free to give it to me11:22
popeygord: do you still use yours?11:22
Davieyoh yes.11:22
gordpopey, yup, i drag it around the house with me - its a nice little machine11:23
popeyreminds me, I still have the meenee here :D11:23
DJonesAlanBell: Is this any interest? http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/07/08/cabinet_office_negotiates_with_microsoft/11:36
AlanBella little bit11:39
AlanBellnot massively surprised11:40
AlanBellDJones: today is a good day to release bad news11:45
DJonesAlanBell: Thats very true11:45
AlanBellDJones: seen what I am working on with the Cabinet Office?11:53
DJonesI think I read something you gave a link to recently11:54
AlanBellor in fact what the hell, have a play with it http://mumble.libertus.co.uk:300011:55
DJonesAh yes, I saw that earlier11:55
AlanBellthere should be a production version of that on a .gov.uk domain in a few weeks11:56
popeyAlanBell: you do realise that the url is effectively public anyway12:14
AlanBellyeah, it isn't a massive secret12:15
AlanBelljust don't want people getting confused12:15
stgraberpopey: though these results don't point to :3000 (at least here), so you'd just get a 40412:16
AlanBellaahh, it was on port 80 for a few hours, must have been spidered when it was12:16
popeygood point12:18
popeyi do love how stgraber stays dormant for weeks then pops up with useful comments now and then12:18
popeyan asset to the channel ;)12:18
* Gary farts12:18
* popey wafts12:18
vflinuxHi for all..12:20
vflinuxI'm in London and looking for a job like a Linux administrator or support.12:21
vflinuxMay can someone help me?12:21
oimonare you experienced?12:21
vflinuxa litle12:21
vflinuxI work a 10 years with linux12:22
kirrusvflinux: are you willing to move?12:22
AlanBellget your CV to a bunch of agencies12:22
vflinuxI was certified Conectiva Linux12:22
daubersagencies are evil :(12:22
vflinuxI sent my CV for a lot of agencies12:22
vflinuxbut till now12:22
daubersIf I wanted to run a crime syndicate, I'd start a job agency12:22
BigRedSvflinux: fancy working in a noc in cambridgeshire?12:23
daubersvflinux: Following the linux jobs mailing list?12:23
oimonvflinux: do you have a valid work permit to work in the UK12:23
vflinuxI'm Brazilian / Italian Citzen12:23
oimonalso ensure that the English on your CV is immaculate12:23
BigRedSvflinux: email jobs@positive-internet.com if you're up for working in cambridgeshire12:24
oimongrammatical errors on the CV have a tendency to put some employers off12:24
BigRedSPlease. I'd like to have less work to do :)12:24
oimonmy wife watches a lot fo escape to the country and i'm getting tempted to up sticks12:24
BigRedSoimon: you can come here, too :)12:25
vflinuxI'll send my cv for this email12:26
kirrusLet us know when you've sent it (myself or BigRedS) and we'll poke someone to go and check the email :)12:26
=== Patrick is now known as Guest42861
* oimon has had a nightmare of a week with a windows server :(12:28
* Myrtti rubs her chin and considers sending a CV herself12:29
kirrusPlease do, the more the merrier! It's linux sysadmin / tech support, for website hosting. No windows servers here ;)12:30
Garykirrus: meh :'(  that last bit made me cry12:30
kirrusWell, almost no windows servers. For some reason, finding someone who'll do door-control systems on linux is almost impossible12:31
* Gary sadly supports windows servers12:31
Garykirrus: can I support your door access system then?12:31
dauberskirrus: I know a couple of people who made one of those for the comp sci soc at Swansea12:31
dauberskirrus: All rfid and lovely12:31
popeydaubers: not all agencies are evil12:32
vflinuxI sent my cv for the email above12:32
kirrusGary: heh.. it's a single box, I don't think it needs support, considering half of us run windows at home for gaming. You could always apply as a trainee for switching to 'nix full time :)12:32
vflinuxMy cv is not a "Greate Deal"12:33
kirrusdaubers: cool! Have they got a site or 'code available? It might not work with our (proprietory) RFID card readers, is the only down side12:33
kirrusvflinux: I'll let someone know12:33
Garykirrus: hehe, I'd love to work at a noc, but with a mortgage and 15 years windows support exp. I can't afford the step sideways12:33
vflinuxIf you can help me...12:33
vflinuxI pay a beer for us \o/!12:34
vflinuxI'm in London a 40 days12:34
vflinuxno money no laptop no girls, no linux...GRRRRRRRRRR12:35
MartijnVdSvflinux: No linux AND no girls?12:35
kirrusGary: that's a shame :( Any chance you'd be able to find a dual-host, so that you'd be able to get the linux experience?12:35
dauberskirrus: Drop them an email12:38
dauberskirrus: http://sucs.org/12:39
dauberskirrus: http://projects.sucs.org/projects/doorcode12:39
kirrusdaubers: cheers! I've passed it onto the guy who's been trying to replace the windows box :)12:41
kirrusthat's what we are, vflinux? :)12:43
vflinuxsome comunity event like installfast or something like that?12:44
vflinuxI need some to do! it's anoy me...and I can't stay here in internet point for a long time...much money to pay12:45
vflinuxI need install linux to somebody12:46
jpdsvflinux: Check out: http://london.hackspace.org.uk/12:47
vflinuxFirst I want thank to every body12:57
vflinuxI was these days in the Ferdora-uk channel and I was treted like a dog...12:59
vflinuxthank's very much12:59
Myrttiah, my own personal sodastream concentrate that nobody else touches ♥13:01
popeyvflinux: thats sad to hear13:02
vflinuxfor me...13:04
vflinuxI come from Brazil13:04
vflinuxthat the things are a litle bit diferent13:04
vflinuxBut I'm happy with ubuntu-uk channel13:05
vflinuxI will install more Ubuntu Linux in the future...13:07
oimonis there an easy way to find out which chromium tabs i have open, and switch to it? finding it difficult with > 50 tabs13:10
davmor2Myrtti: why what flavour is it?13:10
ujjainclose the tabs you don't use?13:10
gordoimon, try typing in to the address bar the name of the website you want, at least firefox, will switch to the tab you have that website open in13:10
oimongord: yes, firefox is cool like that13:11
gordall the major browsers tend to have the same features these days so i'm assuming chrome does too13:11
Myrttidavmor2: dandelion burdock - it's a flavour totally unknown in here, people go "bwha?" when I tell them about it, and they see it as "coke with a weird taste"13:11
oimonchromium is rather lacking13:11
oimonthe awesome bar in chromium is not called the awesome bar for a reason13:11
gordoh well then i dunno, maybe an extension?13:11
oimonMyrtti: d&b rules13:11
oimongord: i think i just like firefox too much..hope they fix the memory issues soon13:12
gordtime to spend my walk about 3ds coins on pictures -_-13:12
davmor2Myrtti: Hmmmmmm dandelion and burdock hmmmmmmmmmmm13:12
davmor2Myrtti: trust me you wouldn't keep it in the UK :)13:12
gordmy mii now has kitty cat ears, freaking out all the children i wander past i hope13:12
Myrttidavmor2: I know13:14
Myrttiapart when at home, dsample doesn't like carbonated drinks at all :-D13:14
davmor2gord: I got a bargain  in buxton last week Dungeon Seige III for ps3 for 19.99 10 off the game card and it had 10 off it anyway looks like a good game so far :) little slower than I'm used to and hard as hell in places but fun :)13:16
gorddavmor2, yeah they screwed up the co-op in that game so its not selling well, shame, its by obsidian so it must have a good story13:16
davmor2gord: generally a great game, not quite on par with the others but I played them on PC so it was a different kinda game.  Gfx are beautiful, game play engaging etc13:18
hoovercheers all13:28
hooverhave a nice weekend13:28
vflinuxI have to go by now13:31
vflinuxI thank's every body for your atention13:31
vflinuxhave a nice weekend!13:32
popeysee ya vflinux13:33
gordnice chap13:36
oimonnot looking forward to the school reunion tomorrow :S13:59
shaunopft @ having to kludge around the nannywall to be able to watch the shuttle launch14:04
daubersOooooh... finally got access to google+14:49
popeyso i see14:49
popeyso did bigcalm14:49
AzelphurI'm starting to get tempted by these social networking sites I thought were so evil before :p14:50
Azelphuris facebooks privacy policy still a complete joke?14:50
* hamitron proposes giving Azelphur a free lesson on stubborness14:50
danfishgoogle+ is soooooo yesterday ;)14:50
bigcalmHow long until I delete my Facebook profile?14:51
hamitroncan you delete your facebook profile?14:51
danfishI've just signed up to facespacebuzztwitlinkwave+14:51
bigcalmIt feels as though Google+ has had less hype than Wave. I wonder if it will fair better14:53
shaunoI think + stands a better chance because people have half a clue what it's *for*14:54
shaunowave was really quite interesting, but didn't have a stand-out purpose14:54
bigcalmpopey: does it show me having shared a photo?14:54
bigcalmI have to say that I am extreamly impressed by the instant upload feature of the android app14:55
shaunogonna be a while before I get to play with plus tho.  the whole nae pals thing don't mix well with all this social stuff :)14:56
* Ng does his annual wondering about who is good for low cost UK VPSes14:56
* shauno goes back to trying to turn powerpoint trainings into something that doesn't make you stab yourself in the face :(14:57
bigcalmMost of my long term friends are on older mail systems than Google. Not going to be adding them any time soon14:58
BigRedSyeah, I'm wondering what to do with g+14:59
oimonanyone used openfiler as a NAS? it's pretty useful14:59
danfishNg: free ec2 microinstance for a year?15:00
Ngdanfish: that is currently my leading contender, but I'm shopping around to see if there's a good VPS option :)15:01
JGJonesNg you could just setup a microinstance for a year and pay nothing and use this time to shop around for a good VPS option :) I'm using it as my webserver at the moment.15:02
NgI probably want to do EBS root though, which may ruin my ability to use a free instance15:03
DavieyNg: I'll give you a free one, running an old version of centos?15:05
NgDaviey: that sounds.... horrible ;)15:05
DavieyNg: No reason for that, other than to be mean:)15:05
NgDaviey: I don't mind being mean to centos!15:05
gordi can give you access to a zx spectrum? it might be a better system than what Daviey is proposing15:06
gingyou have an internet enabled spectrum?15:07
popeyNg: bitfolk have capacity now15:07
popeyNg: I just got one15:07
gordwell no, but we can print off screens and then input them to an internet enabled computer15:07
JGJonesI've got a Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 4 - it's better than the ZX Spectrum...it got DUAL floppy disk drive!15:07
Ngpopey: interesting15:08
JGJonesit doesn't work, but...dual drives!15:08
Ngpopey: their webpage says they're out of capacity ;)15:08
popey 15:08:26 up  3:30,  4 users,  load average: 0.51, 0.38, 0.1515:08
popeythats how long I've had it15:08
gingirc channel says capacity none15:08
popeyhe hasnt updated the website yet15:08
JGJonesNg - I think there's some EBS with free tier?15:08
popeyspeak to grifferz Ng15:08
gingi thought bitfolk always had capacity at the moment though15:09
gingor was that untill the memory upgrades were done?15:09
popeyhaha, within an hour of being up I have denyhosts blocking IPs15:10
gingthey want your bitcoins15:11
JGJonesNg - this is what you get with the free tier (not just EC2) http://aws.amazon.com/free/15:13
NgJGJones: ooh ta15:13
czajkowskiwhat a friggin day15:14
s-foxanyone else watching the atlantis flight?15:19
s-fox9 mins to launch :)15:19
brobostigonyes, on bbc news 24.15:20
s-foxi got it online here - http://www.ustream.tv/channel-popup/nasa-hd-tv :)15:21
s-foxi didn't realise that they keep stopping the countdown clock15:21
shaunothere was only one hold I've seen so far, at 9 mins.  which is planned, apparently15:23
brobostigonwait for the lowfrequency boom. :)15:23
shaunobut they're back to making funny noises, so \o/15:23
brobostigonit does create a sonic boom doesnt it?15:24
shaunobrobostigon: http://orbitalhub.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/mit-space-shuttle-sonic-boom.jpg15:25
JGJoneshttp://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/ - taking off in 1 minute15:25
s-fox1 minute to go :)15:26
JGJoneslive TV15:26
s-foxomg - failure 31 secs until launch....15:26
shaunoheh.  that's when it's meant to handover to the onboard computer =x15:27
* shauno waits for the lil dude in the pentium suit to run out 'n reboot it15:27
JGJonesdoh...did they say what's the failture? (assuming there's audio?)15:27
shaunonot sure / clear.  that was more TLAs than humans are designed to deal with15:28
JGJonescounting down!15:28
JGJonesLift off!15:29
shaunotheres your boom brobostigon, just before it went into the clouds15:30
shaunoyou see it collect it's own little cloud for a few seconds15:30
JGJonesIt might have been done many many times, but still amazing how fast it's getting into space. Can now see the curve of Earth.15:33
* DJones googles "Trans-sonic", I've heard sub-sonic & super-sonic used, but never trans-sonic15:33
shaunothought my feed was broken for a moment there, but you can see the earth moving.  it just gets really peaceful, really quickly15:33
directhexintergalactic planetary planetary intergalactic15:33
brobostigonJGJones: it just hits  26000 mph as it goes through the clouds.15:34
BigRedSdirecthex: Mach 0.8 - 1.215:34
BigRedSreally iffy bit of aerodynamics15:34
JGJonesWonder what the future rockets will be like after the shuttles.15:34
BigRedSWe, DJones ^^15:34
daubersJGJones: Ask Elon Musk15:34
BigRedSgah. that was meant to be 'er'15:35
BigRedSJGJones: the replacement is to be like the ones before it15:35
DJonesBigRedS: Was reading the same info15:35
BigRedSBig column with a massive engine at the bottom15:35
JGJonesheh that's pretty much true. Although I recall reading that NASA doesn't have a clue how to put together a Saturn V anymore - engineering plans etc was lost?15:36
daubersBigRedS: More efficient that way for heavy lofting (which is the phase we're going through)15:36
shaunotoo embarassed to ask the russians for a copy I guess15:36
daubersshauno: They'd go ask SpaceX instead these days15:36
daubersor the ESA15:36
BigRedSJGJones: yeah, there was a lot of thought that we'll never make one of those again at the beginning of the STS programme15:36
shaunoI'm just assuming the russians would have copies of the original ;)15:36
BigRedSwhere 'we' = 'the americans', I suppose15:37
JGJonesshauno, They did ask the Russians.15:37
BigRedSdaubers: yeah, STS never really became teh shuttle it was supposed do anyway15:37
JGJonesBut the Russians was too embarassed to ask the Chinese for their copy of their copy.15:37
JGJonesBigRedS, You can blame the US military for that.15:38
JGJonesStage 2 separation successful15:38
BigRedSJGJones: I do :)15:39
shaunopft.  stop cutting back to the ground.  I've been watching the ground for hours15:39
daubersBigRedS: I'm more excited about the stuff coming from SpaceX these days. Old Musk trying to put people on Mars privatley15:39
BigRedSdaubers: I'm quite intrigued by the usaf having another go at what they wanted from sts15:40
popeyshame the russian Buran one never took off either15:40
BigRedSmm, it *is* an expensive way to go to space, though15:41
BigRedSnot that there's really a cheap way15:41
shaunoI don't think it's really that expensive :/15:41
daubersBigRedS: That first bit is hard, once you're up it's relativley easy15:42
daubersBlasted gravity wells15:42
JGJonespopey heh I was just looking up the Buran - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buran_(spacecraft)15:42
shaunoone figure I saw bandied around recently, was that nasa's budget this year, was roughly equal to what the US military was spending on air conditioning in afghanistan15:42
JGJonesBy no means whatsoever is the Buran a carbon copy of the Shuttle...that's impossible...just a pure fluke they look alike :-D15:42
shaunoit /is/ a lot of money, but in that kinda context, nasa's a bargain15:43
BigRedS shauno oh yeah, but it's cheaper to put a rocket on a stick15:43
oimondid they take off yet?15:43
BigRedSwhich is why that's what the soviets did15:43
popeysad pics at the bottom15:43
* ball pokes at a new Xubuntu box with a sharpened stick.15:43
JGJonespopey, the Buran did have a launch - in fact it was the only fully automated launch of a shuttle until 2010 by the NASA so it achieved something.15:44
davmor2Xubuntu box dies from being stabbed with a pointy stick15:44
directhexJGJones, buran was much better in many respects15:46
directhexJGJones, e.g. it had actual safety measures built in, which shuttle doesn't15:47
popeyJGJones: i meant "took off" in the "was successful" meaning15:47
shaunoappears it was bigger too.  of course :)15:47
popeyseems there's one in germany15:47
shauno10cm wider than your puny shuttle!15:47
Myrttidamned allergies15:51
* ball laments the fact that Britain was the only country (that I know of) to successfully develop satellite launch capability and then just throw it away.15:51
daubersball: Cheaper to let the rest of europe pay for it15:51
ballPerhaps, but still... we seem to have a habit of that.15:52
daubersball: However, we develop most of the satellite tech that's being launched these days15:52
BigRedSball: we've a distinguished history (well, for the past century or so) of developing something just to prove we can, and then buying the US version so someone else has to maintain it for us15:55
directhexand cocking up when we try to DIY it, e.g. Nimrod?15:58
daubersdirecthex: Nimrod is an interesting case, as it was being built by BAE (so still a private purchase) and lots of those from that period ended up being a cockup15:58
directhexdaubers, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllll15:59
directhex"built by BAE" isn't strictly true. built by de havilland!15:59
daubersUnder licence from BAE wasn't it?15:59
* BigRedS sees directhex's nimdrod and raises him a V-bomber16:00
directhexdaubers, BAe didn't exist when our state-of-the-art russian subhunters were being originally built16:01
daubersOriginal Nimrods where ol16:01
ballI'm going to try tweaking a CMOS setting.16:01
directhexdaubers, remember, our multi-billion-pound nimrods were retrofitted 1940s dehavilland comets16:02
Myrttiyall funny16:02
BigRedSCome now, you've worded that specifically to make it sound bad16:02
directhexthe project's cost was almost entirely because comets were never manufactured. they were coach-built. so every retrofitted nimrod had to be done coach too. down to the last screw, since thos never matched16:03
daubersdirecthex: Most military aircraft of that ilk are based on a given airframe and modified for the purpose. Building one from scratch would be even more expensive16:04
directhexdaubers, correct.16:05
directhexdaubers, but of all the airframes to pick...16:05
daubersdirecthex: Was the best airframe available at the time for the purpose needed16:05
directhexdaubers, there's a reason india bought its much newer much better 737-based spy planes recently for a hundredth of the cost16:05
daubersdirecthex: Hindsight is an amazing thing really....16:05
directhexdaubers, we're talking about the nimrods they were still building for delivery this decade. a de havilland comet is not an appropriate airframe for hunting russian subs in the 2010s16:06
daubersI'd be surprised if we actually keep any thing of that sight. With Skynet now quite powerful, it'd be cheaper/more efficient to fly a fleet of drones16:06
directhexhell, 737s are so cheap these days, the spares come free in packets of breakfast cereal - as opposed to needing to be forged individually16:07
BigRedSyeah, I suspect that most of that sort of size aircraft will only get anotehr generation or so16:07
daubersBigRedS: Exception will be passenger transport. I expect them to get bigger (i.e. A380)16:08
daubersdirecthex: We operate some 737 based spy planes16:08
* BigRedS always forgets there's that whole civil part of aviation16:08
daubersor 707, I forget which16:08
BigRedSdaubers: we have EC3s which are 707s16:09
daubersIt'll all go to drones in the next 15 years or so16:12
dauberscheaper to make/operate and less risky to lose16:12
BigRedSyeah, but the air force do love their planes16:13
daubersWe'll probably keep fast jets for a bit longer for situations where drones aren't good enough16:14
BigRedSoh yeah, I think we'll have fast jets for quite a long time16:14
BigRedSmuch longer than we *need* to. But I can see raf objecting to losing their, say, EC3s16:15
daubersThat'll be the RAFs "thing" for a bit. Until LEO is a problem, then RAF'll move up there with drones at a lower level16:15
BigRedSin the same way as the Navy just managed to end up with a peculiar surface fleet16:15
DavieyHaving spent ~6 hour on a flight on an EC3 Sentry, the kit was pretty old then!16:16
MartijnVdSEC3? Amazon have upgraded?16:17
Davieybah, too much cloud.16:17
BigRedSyeah, where'd that c come from?16:18
DavieyWe /had/ 7 of them, nick named after the 7 dwarfs..16:18
* daubers goes home16:26
neuroDaviey: you spent a 6hr flight on an awacs?!16:31
MartijnVdSneuro: at least they have wifi..?16:33
Davieyneuro: year, the north sea is kinda boring.16:34
neurofor those interested ...16:35
Davieyneuro: honestly, it was not that exciting.  You can't see the mushroom from the inside.. just an 'odd' plane.16:36
neuronimrods are being replaced by three KC-135s converted to RC-135W standard16:36
neurobased on Rivet Joint configuration16:36
neuroshould get them in 2014, plan is to run them through 204516:37
Davieyneuro: then throw another 20 years on the end?16:37
neurothe 707s are hardy buggers16:37
bigcalmjQuery help please :)16:38
neurojust like Nimrods, but with a better support infrastructure behind them16:38
Davieyneuro: I do like it when i'm on a commerical flight, and there are ashtrays in the seats.  Really makes you feel safe, knowing the airframe is somewhat old.16:38
bigcalmhttp://pastebin.com/pem7kZJ0 - when the field gains focus, it blanks ok. When it blurs, it stays blank. Help? :)16:39
neurobigcalm: this is #ubuntu-sigint-geeks, you probably want another channel16:39
Davieyneuro: Do you know where the RC-135W's will be based?16:39
neuro51 sqn16:40
neurothey flew R1s16:40
neurobut now they'll be the OCU for the 13516:40
DavieyNimrods were at Kinloss before, which is now on borrowed tme.16:40
neuroDaviey: kinloss flew the MR216:41
neurowaddington the R116:41
DavieyInterestingly, i don't remember seeing any Nimrods at Waddington.16:41
Davieyneuro: Interestingly, i've been seeing plenty of C130's this week.. Seems they are homeless now.16:43
shaunobigcalm: is this.blur function meant to be nested inside this.focus ?16:44
bigcalmshauno: yes16:45
bigcalmshauno: when the field loses focus, I want to do something with that field16:45
shaunoyeah I see that bit, just can't get my head around js's nesting16:46
bigcalmshauno: neither can JS16:46
bigcalmshauno: it works if I take the .blur() out of the .focus()16:47
neuroDaviey: wikipedia sez: 192 sqn based watton flew comets and canberras in elint and comint roles16:47
bigcalmTa, guess I'll leave it at that for now16:47
neuromoved to the R1 in 197416:47
neuromoved to waddington in 199516:47
neurothey had 3 R1s until nov 2009, one retired16:48
neuroone got redeployed to akrotiri in march16:48
neurothe last one got retired on 28th june16:49
neurocrews are now doing joint training with usaf 343rd recon sqn out of offutt on the RC-135 conversion16:49
neurothe funny thing about the nimrod is16:51
Davieynever heard of offutt. :/16:51
neuroand it's a shame dauber has left16:51
neuroonly 4 comets got used to make nimrods16:51
neurothe rest were built from scratch16:51
neuros/4 comets/2 comets/16:51
neuroDaviey: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Offutt_Air_Force_Base16:52
neurooops, nebraska16:52
neuroi meant16:52
Davieyneuro: I had already googled :)16:52
popeyi has more g+ invites16:52
popeyanyone want one?16:52
Davieypopey: ebay them.16:52
neurohow do you know you have them?16:53
bigcalmIs it not possible to request a read receipt with gmail?16:53
popeythere is a button16:53
Davieypopey: hah!  people are actually ebaying them!16:53
gordyou can send me one if you want, i have had a bunch of people send me google+ invites but they never get through :(16:53
neuroi see no button16:53
shaunoI'd take one if you have spares16:54
popeypm me your gmail accounts16:54
popeyneuro: you aren't speshul16:54
neuroit's a bit shit anyway16:54
Davieypopey: it sounds to me, that if you want to give them away for free you should get this domain - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FREE-GOOGLE-PLUS-INVITES-INVITE-COM-2-Domains-NEW-/170662645218?pt=Domain_Names&hash=item27bc494de216:54
gordpopey, gordallott@gmail.com16:54
gordoh, forgot the /msg16:54
gordwell whatever16:54
* neuro adds to spam list16:55
popeydone gord16:55
gordcool cool thanks16:55
gordlets see if i actually get this one16:55
popeydone shauno16:55
shaunoheh, that domain is .. grasping a little16:55
Davieyi have a button!16:55
bigcalmWTF? I put these recharged rechargeables into my mouse yesterday afternoon and now the mouse is flashing the low battery warning. Silly Uniross16:56
bigcalmThey are possibly the oldest set I own. Into the recycling they go16:58
popeyi see gord got in ☺17:02
gordi added myself as a firend like five times17:02
popeyyeah, odd isnt it17:02
gordwhere is the button to get it to not email me?17:05
gordah thank you17:06
=== willz is now known as Xenope
Xenopehi all18:23
Xenopeanyone there?18:24
AlanBellXenope: nobody at all18:28
Amy1004I have a VPS, I'm trying to create users accounts via the command line and assign the accounts to a directory and lock them into it, for example, adduser: "alex" and lock him into "/var/www/a/alex" so "alex" can't access other directories such as "/var/www/a/amy"18:31
ali1234it's kind of hard to do that...18:31
bigcalmYou can do it with FTP18:32
* bigcalm shudders at the mention of FTP18:32
ali1234yes, but ftp sucks18:32
stemountFTP FTW18:32
* stemount runs18:32
AlanBellAmy1004: http://www.howtoforge.com/chrooted_ssh_howto_debian18:34
AlanBellor this which was the one I intended to find http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/securing-debian-howto/ap-chroot-ssh-env.en.html18:35
AlanBellor google ssh and chroot, there are quite a few guides of variable quality and age18:37
Amy1004bigcalm, with FTP/sFTP I know I can lock a user to a directory, but what's happened is "alex" uploaded a php script which opened access to other directories "amy" etc... because "alex" was only restricted while logged in via FTP but the directory itself isn't locked.18:38
Amy1004Thanks AlanBell I'll look into that now.18:38
ali1234good luck fixing *that* one18:38
ali1234user www *needs* read access to web directories18:39
stemountAmy1004: openbase_dir?18:39
AlanBellah, you need to run multiple web servers for that I guess18:39
Amy1004AlanBell, multiple web servers?18:40
Amy1004AlanBell, I only have 1 VPS18:40
stemountAmy1004: openbase_dir is exactly what you want :-p18:40
bigcalmI was going to suggest chroot, but I wasn't sure how much control over the users you can exert18:40
AlanBellone web server process per user chrooted to the users area and running as the user, but stemount is probably right :)18:40
MartijnVdSstemount: only in PHP- perl scripts will still be able to go to other directories18:41
MartijnVdSor Python18:41
MartijnVdSor any other language18:41
stemountMartijnVdS: yeah so turn off perl python etc from being served or exec ;)18:41
stemountAmy1004 mentioned FTP :)18:41
Amy1004stemount, (sFTP) :)18:42
stemountAmy1004: oh :) so they have shell access18:42
hackersrusHello all :)18:42
hackersrusI was wondering if anyone can help me?18:42
=== hackersrus is now known as ^aDaM
stemount^aDaM: nope18:43
^aDaMI have a problem with my 'Update Manager' - When I open it I get the following error, Screenshot of the Error/Bug;18:44
^aDaMI need to fix this so I can update Firefox, I am trying to play Quakelive and its saying something about the plugin :/18:44
^aDaMSo I presume I need to update to the latest version of Mozilla Firefox.18:45
davmor2^aDaM: try opening a terminal and running sudo apt-get -f upgrade18:46
^aDaMdavmor2: Thanks, what's that upgrade Firefox? is that what the, '-f' stands for :/18:47
davmor2^aDaM: no it will try and fix the upgrade that isn't working18:48
^aDaMHi matti :)18:48
mattiHey ;)18:48
^aDaMWell that failed davmor2.. I tryed it :(18:48
brobostigonevening matti :)18:48
^aDaMReading package lists.... error!18:48
^aDaMReading package lists... Error!18:48
^aDaME: Encountered a section with no Package: header18:48
^aDaME: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/gb.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_i18n_Translation-en18:48
^aDaME: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.18:48
davmor2^aDaM: over to someone with more package management skills than me I'm afraid18:49
^aDaMHey brobostigon :)18:49
^aDaMdavmor2: Ok thanks anyways :)18:50
^aDaMbrobostigon: Perhaps you could help me? :p18:50
brobostigonsame here, i dont know.18:50
^aDaMaw okay :(18:50
* ^aDaM shouts, GOOOOGLEEE..18:51
ali1234sudo apt-get update18:51
* ^aDaM shakes ali1234's hand..18:51
brobostigon^aDaM: try as ali1234 suggests.18:51
* ^aDaM nods to brobostigon.18:51
brobostigon^aDaM: check aswell, to make sure your entries in sources.list are right aswell.18:52
brobostigonalso i would try with aptitude, as it sometimes tend to be better, at resolving inconcsistencies.18:53
^aDaMOk thanks brobostigon..18:53
ali1234gb.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_i18n_Translation-en isn't a real repo18:53
ali1234it's actually called gb.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_universe_i18n_Translation-en%5fGB18:53
brobostigonali1234: it is one less thing, to orry about, that might not be right,18:53
^aDaMI just did sudo apt-get update and got..18:53
^aDaMHmm whats that mean then?18:54
ali1234not sure18:54
brobostigonno idea either, sorry.18:54
ali1234pastebin your /etc/apt/source.list18:54
ali1234hmm hang on18:55
ali1234-en is a real repo18:55
^aDaMI tryed /etc/apt/source.list an get bash: /etc/apt/source.list: No such file or directory18:56
brobostigon^aDaM: sources.list18:56
^aDaMbrobostigon: sources.list: command not found18:57
bigcalmsudo nano -w /etc/apt/source.list18:58
^aDaMcheers bigcalm :)18:58
bigcalmSorry, you want to view it not edit it18:58
bigcalmcat /etc/apt/source.list18:58
brobostigon^aDaM: sudo pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list   and copy the url it outputs.18:58
^aDaMoh ta bigcalm :D18:58
bigcalmbrobostigon: what a handy util18:58
^aDaMbrobostigon: even better lol18:58
brobostigonbigcalm: it is yes.18:59
ali1234well i am confused18:59
ali1234some repos have Translation-en and some have Translation-en_GB18:59
^aDaMahh command not found brobostigon :/18:59
brobostigonali1234: pastebinit auto pastebin's its input,18:59
ali1234natty main does not appear to have a en_GB18:59
ali1234not on my system anyway18:59
brobostigon^aDaM: oh, sorry, i was going to say, can you install it.18:59
^aDaMwhat pastebinit ?19:00
ali1234oh wait yes it does, but it is ignored19:00
brobostigon^aDaM: yes.19:00
brobostigonsudo apt-get install pastebinit.19:00
^aDaMargh wont let me dl anything :/19:00
^aDaMthats because my managers messed up..19:00
^aDaMsays problem with MergeList19:00
brobostigon^aDaM: doas previously suggested then, use nano, and then copy out the contents.19:00
ali1234^aDaM: just delete that file19:01
^aDaMhow? :D19:01
ali1234sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/gb.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_i18n_Translation-en19:01
ali1234then run sudo apt-get update again19:01
ali1234actually don't do that19:02
ali1234pastebin a copy of the file first19:02
ali1234i suspect it will contain just some html with a 404 error19:03
ali1234yeah delete that one too19:04
ali1234you can delete everything in /var/apt/lists19:04
ali1234it will just download them again19:04
^aDaMhow ? ali1234.. :19:04
ali1234rm /var/lib/apt/lists/*Translation-en19:06
^aDaMReally confusing this lol, I don't understand how it cant work?19:06
MartijnVdS^aDaM: it downloaded a file wrong, and it confused itself.19:06
MartijnVdSit happens sometimes :)19:06
^aDaMrm /var/lib/apt/lists/*Translation-en19:06
^aDaMrm: remove write-protected regular file `/var/lib/apt/lists/gb.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_multiverse_i18n_Translation-en'?19:07
ali1234actually the file seriously doesn't exist, at least not on that mirror: http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/i18n/19:07
^aDaMOk done, that right ?19:07
MartijnVdS^aDaM: you need to type 'sudo' in front19:07
MartijnVdS^aDaM: sudo rm [etc.]19:07
Riceyevening all19:07
^aDaMthen type y enter?19:07
MartijnVdS^aDaM: because only the root user (superuser) can write in that directory (and deleting = writing, really)19:07
^aDaMk what now ? :D19:08
ali1234sudo apt-get update19:08
^aDaMSweeet!! no Errors with that Merge :)19:09
ali1234ok all is good19:09
^aDaMThanks MartijnVdS, brobostigon, ali1234 :D19:09
^aDaMEvenings Ricey :)19:09
ali1234but i still wonder what happened to the -en lists19:09
^aDaMlets see if Update Manager works now :)19:10
^aDaMCheck it out.19:12
gingis one of you screens bigger than the other?19:14
Riceyi keep pressing the wrong buttons!19:15
Riceyjust trying irc on my eee pad transformer!19:15
Riceywhat's the command to get a private chat on irc? i've forgotten19:15
gingi want 1 of them19:15
gingcan i have it?19:15
Riceyit's beautiful - i love it19:15
MartijnVdSRicey: /msg19:15
Riceyfraid not ging19:15
^aDaMging: Yea, ones a 17inch LCD as prime, and 26inch as LCD/TV :)19:16
gingRicey: if you want a private channel you just make a new 1 by joining 1 that doesnt exist then make it invite only19:16
ali12341920x1080 + 1280x1024, 50% scaling19:17
Riceyging: thanks, i forgot the /msg bit ;)19:17
^aDaMlol ali1234 ;)19:17
Riceyhmm serv is saying msg:unknown command19:18
gingtry /message19:19
gingor how ever you spell it19:19
Riceyging: nope, same, i,m used to just clicking on the person!19:22
shauno/query is another option19:23
Riceynope :)19:23
gingsounds like the irc client your using is lame19:24
shaunoI think my 3rd option would be a better irc client then :)19:24
Riceythis was just the first one i found on the android market19:26
DJonesRicey: Which android client are you using?19:27
DJonestry "yairc" maybe that will be better19:28
Riceyok, brb19:28
brobostigonthe one thing i found difficultto find, was when i was looking, was one with nick completion.19:28
^aDaMI use Android IRC :)19:28
brobostigonnow its just much simpler, to use connectbot, to ssh to my vps, and then open screen + irssi.19:29
kvarleySometimes instead of the usual gksudo window I get another style window asking for sudo password but it doesn't work if I put in my sudo password. How can I get rid of this?19:31
Riceyhmmm yaaic crashed19:32
Riceylet's try again19:33
Riceycrashed again, back on andchat19:34
gingRicey: yes i saw your pm you sent19:37
Riceyhmm, can you pm me?19:37
Riceyhi, on  real puter now19:52
Riceyback to normality19:52
^aDaMDose anyone know how to make a slideshow of pictures with music in the back ground into .avi format so I can upload it on YouTube? I have tryed using PiTiVi Video Editor, and it seems to only save in .xptv :/20:03
^aDaMI need to put something on there asap.20:03
^aDaMWhat other programmes are there other then pitivi20:04
popey^aDaM: xptv is the internal format, you then need to "render" it out to video20:04
popeyclick render, choose a format, job done20:04
^aDaMpopey: ah right thanks mate :)20:06
^aDaMAfter I have rendered it where dose it save to?20:25
popeywhere you tell it20:25
popeyprobably ~/Videos by defualt20:25
^aDaMCan't find it :/20:26
^aDaMI wen't out when I rendered it come back said it was finished so I closed it :)20:27
^aDaMAnd I looked every where lol.20:27
^aDaMI'm doing it again.. I am rendering the File on my desktop with .xptv on the end is that right? then Render .. I chose 480p.20:28
popeyhang on20:29
popeyam just opening pitivi now to test20:29
popeyyou click "render project" and the dialog box comes up, click "Choose file" and thats where you tell it what to save the file as like "output.avi"20:30
^aDaMthanks popey :D20:31
^aDaMlo daubers20:34
daubersI've never realised how weird security protocals like oAuth actually are20:40
daubersAlanBell: Ever written an oauth service in django?20:59
AlanBellI have written a python app or two that uses oauth through libraries21:02
AlanBelllplib for example21:02
daubersThat acts as the client?21:02
AlanBelland tweepy21:03
AlanBellno idea how to do the other end21:03
daubersHmmm.... I want to make my home automation stuff work through my phone, but to make it .... safe.... I need to oauth it really21:03
AlanBellin fact I have no idea how it works, I just followed the instructions and it did21:03
daubersLooks like an evening or two with a notebook trying to understand it21:06
czajkowskievening folks21:27
czajkowskihow are we all doing eh21:27
daubersczajkowski: confused but good :)21:30
daubersczajkowski: How's the back?21:30
czajkowskiwhy confused21:31
czajkowskigo compare21:31
dauberstrying to understand oAuth, there's too many players in this game to make it easily understandible21:31
daubersAlanBell: With the global Jam, why don't we do something different and organise a set of short courses on various linuxy technologies/security stuff21:43
AlanBellthat would be interesting21:45
AlanBellthe big question is online vs something in the real world21:45
AlanBellfor which a venue of some form would be handy21:45
daubersreal world would be better, but an online side as a plus would be better still21:46
daubersI'd be very appreciative if someone did a bit on oAuth :)21:46
AlanBellI bet!21:46
* daubers whistles innocently21:47
czajkowskiwe do both21:50
czajkowskisat face to face21:50
czajkowskisunday via irc21:50
czajkowskiwe do it at the hackerspace21:51
czajkowskiin dublin21:51
AlanBellwondering whether we should try to find somewhere in London for everyone to take a train to, or say sod it and do one in Farnham21:51
czajkowskiask the hacker spaces for help21:52
AlanBellI was going to take the London hack space a bunch of CDs the other day, will try to do that monday21:53
daubersI suspect the London hackspace would be open to it (and probably do a talk on something if asked)21:53
daubersIf they would do a talk on building electronically controlled secure door locks that would be amazing \o/22:00
daubersIn one day I could conquer dozens of holes in my understanding22:00
AlanBellthey have two things on Sat 4th Sept http://london.hackspace.org.uk/events/ ~22:02
AlanBelland they kind of need money22:03
daubersThere's nothing in the building on the sunday (which is the 4th)22:03
AlanBellhttp://wiki.hackspace.org.uk/wiki/Laboratory_24 nice space though22:04
daubersWhat kind of money?22:04
AlanBelldunno, but the rent on the place is paid by members, I can't see them wanting a bunch of non-members turning up, doing stuff and going away without some contribution to costs22:06
AlanBellwhich we totally can do22:06
czajkowskiAlanBell: we ask the hackerspace for a once off22:07
czajkowskiso it goes to the members22:07
czajkowskimembers ok it22:07
czajkowskiand in turn they can come in and learn stuff22:07
czajkowskiequaly they can give a talk22:08
daubers(and teach stuff)22:08
daubersand potentially recruit new members22:08
czajkowskithe idea is meant to be ubuntu related so really we tend to keep it that way22:08
daubersczajkowski: But shurley open collaboration is Ubuntu related .......22:10
czajkowskiwell it depends what you want from the day imo22:10
czajkowskiwe set out tasks of what we wnat to get done22:10
czajkowskibe it learn how to report bugs as 3 did the last time22:11
czajkowski2 wanted to clean up the wiki22:11
czajkowskiand 2 wanted to update bugs22:11
czajkowskiwe also want  new members so some of the hacker space people popped in22:11
czajkowskiif they are interested great22:11
czajkowskiif not fine22:11
czajkowskibut we appreciate their space as its free22:11
czajkowskidiluating the day into a set of talks isnt what a ugj is about22:11
czajkowskiwe also used to hold a set of talks on logging into lp22:12
czajkowskisigning the coc22:13
czajkowskihow to find bite size bugs22:13
czajkowskieach team is different22:13
czajkowskimake the uk one suit ye is all i can say, ireland is a lot smaller so we do things differently which has worked out well in the past for us22:14
* daubers throws an email out to the world22:16
daubersShame it's not in the next month or so. We've just bought a new building at work and it's going to remain largley empty for about 12 weeks while plans are made on how to kit it out. Would have been a useful space to use22:17
AlanBellI will see if I can pop in with those CDs next week, should be in London Monday and Wednesday, but fairly busy both days22:18
czajkowskidaubers: nothing to stop the team having a dry run22:19
AlanBellwould like to see them and give them something before asking for a free venue22:19
daubersczajkowski: Theale might be a bit out the way for a lot of people22:19
AlanBellLondon is out of the way for a lot of people22:19
AlanBelljust equally out of the way for everyone22:19
AlanBelltheale looks way more convenient than London for me22:20
czajkowskinothing stopping having lots of ugjs either22:21
daubersI'll ask the boss on Monday if we can borrow the new bit for a weekend while it's empty22:21
czajkowskias sure enough someone is gonna whinge on the list waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it's in london22:21
czajkowskiat which point i shall snap and say go organise o9ne in your local area22:21
daubersUGJ is about the time we want the builders to be ripping walls down, so might not be doable then :)22:22
* AlanBell does not want czajkowski to snap22:22
daubersczajkowski: Don't snap! Bribe!22:22
czajkowskicattle prod22:23
czajkowskiwhere is Davmor2 when i need him22:23
daubersAlanBell: London has a lot more public transport links than Theale :) Though we should really throw together a car sharing type website for these events22:23
daubersin a "insert your route and see who you pass close too" kinda way22:23
AlanBelldaubers: theale is driveable, London isn't22:23
AlanBellso it is easy22:23
AlanBelland there is a theale rail station for people who like trains22:24
AlanBellnot sure how important public transport is vs parking space for this LoCo22:25
daubersAlanBell: Closest station to my office is Aldermaston (about a 25 minute walk along narrow roads away)22:25
daubersHowever, it's 5 mins in the car :)22:27
daubersOut of interest, is anyone in here going to Oggcamp from the Reading/Tilehurst area? I have space in my car if people don't mind turning up early/leaving late22:27
daubersAlanBell: We could always do something using the google+ "hangout" thing22:30
daubersmass video+voice meeting22:31
AlanBellyup, could do22:32
AlanBellI don't really care about sticking to the official global dates22:33
AlanBellplenty of other teams don't22:33
daubersI'll ask work about the space, there's no firm plans on when stuff is happening at the moment as my boss keeps going abroad on short notice, so planning stuff takes a long time!22:34
daubersMight end up full of components by the end of the week after next the way things are going :(22:35
* daubers heads off to bed22:37
daubersto dream of an oAuth based control system for his lighting and door access22:37
daubersTheOpenSourcerer: Unfortunatly true, however maybe I'll understand how it works by the morning22:39
hcfdHi guys. I feel silly. I'm trying to get tftpd running (via xinet.d) under Ubuntu 10.04, and the service is running but port 69 is not listening. Any hints?22:43
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popeyAlanBell: how did you do oath in python? which libs?23:03
AlanBellpopey: lplib does it for you23:09
AlanBellas does tweepy23:09
AlanBellnight all23:11

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