
paulproteustiemonster: Hi!13:00
tiemonsterDo I know you?13:00
paulproteusNope! Let me explain, one sec, slow typing this morning (-:13:01
paulproteusYou Tweeted about wanting to work on an open source job board thingamabob, and two years ago I co-started openhatch.org.13:01
paulproteusI thought that sindcde you're interested in that sort of thing, maybe we could join forces and make that site rock way more.13:01
paulproteuss/sindcde/since/ # not just a slow typing morning, but bad typing morning, it seems13:02
tiemonsterpaulproteus: sweet!13:03
paulproteusI have some ideas about what sucks about it, and could always use more ideas. Redesign or coding help is extremely welcome. It's in Python.13:03
tiemonsterI was actually sent your way by gwoo. Do you know him?13:03
paulproteusWe hang out in #openhatch all the time, and I would love it if you'd join too (-:13:03
paulproteusYeah, isn't he a sourceforger?13:03
tiemonsterand a former CakePHP dev13:03
tiemonsterHe just got hired on at Orchestra.IO13:04
tiemonsteranyways, yeah. let me come on over and lurk.13:04
TesttubeAre you from the Tampa Area?15:23
tiemonsterbut plenty here are15:23
Testtubetiemonster do you have a moment?15:24
tiemonstermaybe two. what's up?15:24
TesttubeOur company is looking for a local Ubuntu/debian expert to help out with a issue that we are encountering. We would likely be interested in bringing the person in and pay for consulting. Would this be the right place for that?15:25
tiemonsterprobably posting on the meetup page for the Tampa Linux group would be best15:27
tiemonsterwell, here: http://www.meetup.com/Tampa-Linux/messages/boards/15:28
tiemonsterI'm off to lunch. Try contacting mhall119 if you need additional assistance.15:28
mhall119tiemonster: watch for the launch, it's going up now15:29
tiemonstermhall119: too cloudy :-(15:43
mhall119yeah, I watched on TV15:44
mhall119cjohnston: did you get to see it/15:44
tiemonsterwe can tell our children we lived in a time when people cared about something beyond the end of their nose ;-)15:45
mhall119there's still Orion15:45
mhall119damn you Bay News 915:54
=== suifur is now known as rufius
DammitJimit's gone :(17:01

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