
* Unit193 is now a voiced member of Ubuntu Youth!00:38
canthus13Unit193: Yay!00:40
* canthus13 is too old for Ubuntu Youth.. is there a Ubuntu-People-Who-Don't-Act-Their-Age?00:40
Unit193Normally you need to be approved in a meeting, but the lead just added me sice I've been around and had everything setup right (I didn't ask, just commented about waiting for a meeting...)00:41
Unit193canthus13: I could fit into that group too...00:41
* dzho prefers Sonic Youth to voiced youth01:55
Unit193+s is already in use by "Enables use of the set command." :(02:01
dmcglone1Hi all02:18
* Unit193 ops and bans02:21
Unit193No you're not ;)02:21
dmcglone1How's everybody been?02:21
Unit193Not bad, how dee dee?02:21
dmcglone1I'll be leaving for Myrtle Beach tomorrow night :-)02:21
dmcglone1Staying out of trouble Unit193?02:22
Unit193Hmmm... No? I be now a member of UY02:22
dmcglone1Hmmm, whats UY?02:25
Unit193Ubuntu Youth, nothing big, but I'm moving up a little! (Can't/won't tell you about the second...)02:26
dmcglone1I didn't know they had a Ubuntu Youth. Nice!02:27
Unit193Means I get voiced in that channel!02:27
Unit193I have op in another persons personal channel (Not Ubuntu channel)02:28
dmcglone1Hmmm now you got me lost. LOL02:30
Unit193Welcome back!02:37
dmcglone1for some reason my login password and my keyring password are different. I thought if I changed the login password so would the keyring password02:38
Unit193I hate mornings....09:33
=== paultag is now known as clearly_not_jcas
=== clearly_not_jcas is now known as paultag
Unit193Well, howdy there!19:34
Unit193canthus13: <+bioterror> whole plymouth is a bug21:08

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