[10:29] Morning. Overslept :/ [10:30] morning sleepyhead [10:49] howdy rmg51 [11:00] o/ [11:01] 14 days to fosscon. [11:30] ChinnoDog: is dc definite? if you stay in PA i'll vote for you to LoCo commander in chief [11:30] insert be where appropriate [13:49] jedijf: lol! Yes, it is. I'm going tomorrow. [13:49] But thanks for your vote. [13:50] ChinnoDog: see you in January! [13:50] at shmoo [13:51] Its not like I won't be driving back all the time anyway. You could vote me in despite my lack of proximity! [13:51] When was the last time we had an event? [13:52] can't remember is not a good answer [13:52] JonathanD: the coffee will be sponsored by PA Ubuntu Local Community Team [13:52] jedijf: I'll make a note of that. [13:52] Do you perhaps have a small sign or something? [13:53] pleia2's bringing it [13:53] it's sparkly [13:53] Ok :) [13:54] 'have an event, get one of these' is the sign [13:54] I'll see about maybe arraning some donuts to go with the coffee. [13:54] But no promises. have to see where we are with budget after today. [13:54] did you contact Krispy? [13:54] I did not. Do they have some sort of foss connection I don't knwo about? [13:55] no, but with their new push in this market, and they sponsored tech week....you should reach out last minute to all the tech week sponsors [13:55] they already have shown a 'tech' interest [13:56] Ok. [13:56] i can get some pastries there too, they can be hive76 sponsored [13:56] Today is going to be chaotic. [13:56] Good bacon to all! [13:56] everyday until 3 days after should be [13:56] I wanted to do cold tea too. [13:56] but I don't have anything to put it in [13:56] jedijf ! Hihi! [13:56] yo SamuraiAlba [13:56] I have a 3rd pot for hot water, for hot tea. [13:56] SamuraiAlba will sponsor bacon. [13:56] Right? [13:56] When is the next meetup for us, IRL? [13:57] And finally, I need about 3 more speakers. [13:57] I may bring bacon :) [13:57] SamuraiAlba: there is this little thing called fosscon in 2 weeks. [13:57] let me put out an email to The Delaware Valley Purchasing Group and see if they want to help.....geeks eat [13:57] Where many of us will be :P [13:57] fosscon? WHere is that? [13:57] Center City. [13:57] I bring bacons? [13:57] And a 16 port switch? [13:57] I've gotta hit the mailing lists again today. [13:58] chairs, mailing lists, sponsors from tech week. [13:59] that's enough for one day. [13:59] and convincing SamuraiAlba to bring bacon. [13:59] jedijf: I would say we should vote for you but you live in the wrong state [13:59] Vote for teddy-dbear, obviously. [14:00] Will all those with leadership skills living in in PA please raise their hand? [14:00] I haz no leadership skills. [14:02] ssweeny for president [14:02] * ssweeny doesn't like where this is going... [14:02] ChinnoDog: this might work best if we vote for someone who isn't here, so they can't say no. [14:02] Who's afk? [14:03] I'm here [14:03] so's I [14:03] We could enslave ssweeny to be president like the cannibals on Pirates of the Carribean [14:03] Good plan. [14:03] * InHisName is here only so's no one picks on him [14:03] i'm not sure how effective i can be seeing as most of you are on the other side of the state [14:04] ssweeny: you'll be moved to the holodeck. [14:04] llavins ? [14:04] would it help if i said you were all on the WRONG side of the state? [14:04] We are in the WRONG state! [14:04] no. I can't fit the rest of us in the holodeck [14:04] no, it would not [14:04] or at least, we will be :-) [14:05] JonathanD: do not overload the holodeck relays without good cause [14:05] DC isn't a state. [14:05] Virginia is a state [14:05] DC doesn't even have a vote in the house [14:05] gas is a state [14:07] I have gas :) [14:07] $360 or so for chair and table rentals. [14:07] SamuraiAlba: are you coming? [14:08] I would certainly like to. 408 from Millville to Philly, right? [14:08] NJ? [14:08] hmm... NJ is closer then Thailand, JonathanD [14:08] yup [14:09] gmaps says 55 [14:09] route 55, takes 55 minutes (lol?) [14:09] SamuraiAlba: bring all your millville friends. I want to fill those chairs :) [14:12] ssweeny: an embedded talk would be hottt [14:12] see if mark will pay [14:12] to get you here [14:12] haha [14:13] cheaper than budapest [14:13] i hope [14:13] ssweeny: speak! [14:13] btw you can also stay at the venue, for cheap. [14:13] we're gonna basekamp at basekamp [14:14] lamalex: you too! a talk about being a real dev, the journey, etc [14:14] at least the stuff that /can/ be told [14:15] If I told you, I'd have to decompile you. [14:15] i like just imagining how i would have played out the Spain hand.... [14:15] SamuraiAlba: perhaps you would like to prepare a small packet of bacon for each of the gift bags [14:16] squeeze bacon [14:17] baconaise. [14:30] baconated chocolate? [14:34] yummers :) [14:37] SamuraiAlba: did you see the bacon T-shirt in a link I sent you a while ago? [14:37] ok, SamuraiAlba, you are officially in charge of all bacon related matters at fosscon. [14:40] sweet. I dont have a car [14:41] and my fiance' is now an ex [14:41] so I will be taking the bus [14:41] no train? [14:41] guess not :/ [14:57] what is the date of Fosscon? [14:58] July 23rd. [14:59] fosscon is http://fosscon.org/ JULY 23rd Be there! [14:59] Title: FOSSCON - Free and Open Source Software Conference Fosscon (at fosscon.org) [14:59] fosscon? [14:59] http://fosscon.org/ JULY 23rd Be there [15:05] OUCH [15:05] Sons birthday [15:11] What better birthday presant than taking him to fosscon! [15:15] lol [15:17] he can even get a cup of coffee [15:17] I wonder when my coffee pots will be here. [15:39] coffee pots? [15:43] is there a VIP area; if so, I'll bring my espresso machine [15:43] my and lyz [15:43] maybe JonathanD [15:43] :) [15:43] jedijf: we don't really have an extra spot, I don't think. [15:44] Maybe iron chef downstairs will give us one :p [15:46] JonathanD: relax; i am tesing you, which is pretty cruel down the home stretch [15:46] teasing [15:51] jedijf: I intially read your typo as 'testing' [16:39] andrew: funny thing; me too, and i typed it [17:13] testing / teasing whatever floats your boat [19:07] jedijf: PA will be using a table, right? [20:28] waltman for president [20:29] waltman: while you were out.... [20:29] you're welcome [20:29] we elected you. [20:32] Wow, I'm honored! [20:33] Does this mean I have to install ubuntu instead of debian? [20:36] yes. [20:39] :( [22:11] JonathanD: re PA table - nah [22:12] JonathanD: better used with a group with soemone to show - maybe hive if they pull it together [22:12] s/soemone/something [22:24] 100 soft pretzels @ fosscon [22:25] yay! [22:43] ChinnoDog: i live in the right state, just split my time almost equally with NJ [22:43] I live in the state of insanity. [22:44] Which is way too far from PA> [23:06] hi BeckySanderlin_x