
pleia2ok, got https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-women.org/ under control for now, 2 more bugs with fixes committed and a ticket submitted for another \o/03:01
IdleOneGood job pleia2 and Bug fixers!03:02
* pleia2 still needs to follow up with Tubu on a couple fixes she put in, but at least has a list now03:04
pleia2actually, the css she gave me the other day has what I needed \o/03:13
* pleia2 fix commits another bug03:13
pleia2#798813 is tricky, I think we need to talk about it at our meeting03:15
pleia2bug 783303 too03:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 783303 in ubuntu-women.org "mointheme: Header is too busy (affects: 1) (heat: 3)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78330303:17
pleia2they are related03:17
pleia2all style issues that I'm useless about03:17
pleia2anyway, http://uw.princessleia.com/MyWiki (no login required) is updated with the latest things checked into the theme, please kick the tires :)03:19
elkypleia2, in all honesty, taking the background dots out of the header would do lots for 78330305:59
Tm_Tand side06:12
Tm_Thmmm, the front page is wall of text06:12
elkyoh, it's about the links. that'll be in the python template file iirc06:12
elkyTm_T, the dots down the side aren't underneath text06:13
Tm_Telky: yup, but still makes it appear rather busy06:13
Tm_Ta line or two of dots would work06:13
elkynot really and would throw our colour ratio off from the branding06:14
elkyit's already not grey enough ;)06:14
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