
bryceh /etc/lightdm/Xsession00:01
RAOFThat doesn't actually start the server, though.00:01
brycehwell it's just  /usr/bin/X :0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/authority/0 -nolisten tcp vt700:02
brycehcompared with /usr/bin/X :0 -nr -verbose -auth /var/run/gdm/auth-for-gdm-jn8cMJ/database -nolisten tcp vt700:03
cndcould the -nr have something to do with it?00:16
RAOFUnlikely; that just turns on BGNoneRoot.00:17
RAOFWhich interacts not at all with input.00:17
cndare we 100% sure?00:20
cndis there a way I could check it?00:20
RAOFWoo!  More intel fbc.01:28
SarvattRAOF: what are you thinking, --with-extra-module-dir="/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/xorg/extra-modules"01:44
* Sarvatt saw the xorg-server task opened up01:44
RAOFSarvatt: Indeed I am.01:44
RAOFWell, actually, --with-extra-module-dir="/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/xorg/extra-modules,/usr/lib/xorg/extra-modules\01:44
Sarvatti'm not sure that it'll take 3, hmm01:45
brycehcnd, heh lp #807306 just came in01:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 807306 in xorg (Ubuntu) "[oneiric] Keyboard & mouse not working in X (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80730601:45
brycehlooks like you're not alone01:45
Sarvattin kvm? hmm that should be easy to reproduce01:46
Sarvattwill check tomorrow's daily live01:47
RAOFSarvatt: Looks like X should handle as many comma-delimited components to that path as we want.01:47
Sarvattkvm -cdrom oneiric-desktop-i386.iso  -boot d -m 512 --vga vmware01:48
Sarvattlove how easy that is01:48
Sarvattoh? thought i read it wouldn't in the patch, my bad01:48
Sarvattawesome, if thats all it takes it'd be easy01:48
RAOFThe patch doesn't change how the string is parsed at all, and the parser seems to loop over the strtok components, so… :)01:49
RAOFHm.  Multiarching stuff is an excellent way to discover locally installed cruft.02:18
RAOF“What do you mean you can't resolve shlibdeps for /usr/lib/libpixman?  Oh, it's now in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/?  What's that local copy doing there?”02:19
tjaaltonbryceh: the logfile on that bug shows no input devices06:07
RAOFWhich would make it Sarvatt's ‘udev doesn't fire for input devices’ bug.06:08
brycehalso cirrus.  ick06:09
tjaaltonthat's what kvm has06:09
tjaaltoncirrus, that is06:09
brycehXAA yum06:10
tjaaltonmost of them do just that :)06:10
brycehis there a bug # for sarvatt's udev bug?06:11
tjaaltoni've not seen that before06:12
RAOFI'm not sure if he actually filed it.06:19
RAOFIt looks like it's time for your old friend, deadly neurotoxin.07:43
tjaaltonhappy boozing :)07:46
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tseliotRAOF: still around?15:42
Sarvattcnd: did you ever try downgrading lightdm?15:54
cndSarvatt, lightdm never worked for me15:54
cndso I wouldn't know which version to try?15:55
Sarvattyeah but this is happening to more people now post alpha 2 so it might have just been reintroduced15:55
seb128Sarvatt, what bug?15:56
Sarvattseb128: the one you guys are talking about, cnd hit it after an upgrade about 18 hours ago too15:56
seb128which is 2 hours early than the bug report15:57
seb128i.e 10utc yesterday15:57
Sarvattbut he had it back in may as well and had been using gdm this whole time15:57
seb128it's not lightdm15:57
seb128kenvandine said on #ubuntu-desktop he gets it with startx15:57
Sarvattgnome-session --session=ubuntu-2d in ~/.xinitrc and an xinit works15:57
cndI get it with xdm too15:58
Sarvattok then nevermind :)15:58
seb128<kenvandine> i am guessing udev15:58
seb128 maybe udev gets the plugin event and configures the device15:58
seb128 confirmed, re-plugging in the mouse and keyboard worked15:58
seb128 but doesn't work at boot15:58
seb128<kenvandine> looking at the X logs, it isn't finding input devices15:59
Sarvatthttps://launchpad.net/bugs/807306 is another bug, apparently we should be able to reproduce it in kvm with today's daily-live15:59
ubot4Launchpad bug 807306 in xorg (Ubuntu) "[oneiric] Keyboard & mouse not working in X (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [Medium,Incomplete]15:59
seb128jibel says he doesn't get it15:59
Sarvattoh no daily live today, darn15:59
Sarvattalpha 2 is fine it was something updated just after15:59
jibelwe have a list of package updated in bug 80753816:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 807538 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Keyboard and touchpad problems (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80753816:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 807538 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Keyboard and touchpad problems (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Medium,Incomplete]16:00
seb128that one has an xorg server update16:02
Sarvattthats natty?16:02
jibelno oneiric, but looks like a mutant16:03
seb128that's a natty to oneiric upgrader16:03
seb128would be nicer to find somebody who has the issue on oneiric to oneiric update16:03
Sarvatti did oneiric alpha 2 installs on 2 machines and just fully updated them and they are fine16:08
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=== jcastro_away is now known as vish
Sarvatthttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/oneiric-changes/2011-July/004255.html hrm16:22
Sarvattthat also has /etc/nsswitch.conf in it and libnss was crashing with gdm, wonder if its related16:23
Sarvattcnd: dbus?16:41
cndSarvatt, what about dbus?16:41
Sarvattit had a huge update and switched to upstart, wondering if something got left around on upgrades breaking things that arent there on a fresh install16:42
cndlet me know if you can think of something for me to try16:44
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Sarvattso the emails from people trying to use xorg-edgers on debian are getting a bit out of hand, I wonder if launchpad will ever support debian PPAs.. I'd be more than happy to maintain a debian version of it but our xserver and mesa are so drasically different you can't just use it that way anymore for the past few years. I use debian-unstable debian/ for everything but xserver mesa intel nouveau ati synaptics and evdev so that stuff wouldn't change bu23:23
Sarvattt thats like the majority of the usage by far23:23
brycehSarvatt, seriously?  how many people trying to do that?23:26
Sarvattenough to make me think it'd be worth maintaining a debian specific version when I dont use it :P just counted 31 emails this week, usually people leaving ubuntu for debian over unity and wanting the same thing they used to have (wait until they get gnome 3 pulled in automatically) lol23:31
brycehoh yeah, the unity dissidents will probably die down in time23:35
brycehSarvatt, probably if you don't do it, if there's enough demand someone will volunteer on the debian side to do something similar23:36
brycehand if not... tough titties ;-)23:37
brycehI'd like to know why so many people run -edgers... it sort of implies we're missing something in the distro itself23:37
Sarvattbecause you get things like 20% speed improvements overnight and its drastically less unstable than people think, that matters to gamers :)23:38
Sarvattbut the person who cares about that is probably more willing to forgive a bug they hit than someone who just expects the desktop to work perfectly23:42

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