
pleia2instead of making a static page on the site, I just linked to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Artwork which is maintained by knome00:57
pleia2easier than keeping two places updated00:57
pleia2http://xubuntu.org/contribute/marketing has the link now00:57
charlie-tcaThat works, too00:58
Unit193Well... Lubuntu 11.10 (Mini > lubuntu-desktop, s/lxdm/lightdm/) has a working guest account!02:00
* micahg has the option of a guest account with lightdm, but no idea if it works02:02
Unit193It doesn't when I try it02:02
micahgUnit193: did you file a bug?02:12
Unit193micahg: Er... No, I have not done so (But I did make a note of it in testing)02:12
Unit193micahg: I take it you want me to file it? (Don't exactly know what to file it under...)02:35
micahgUnit193: ubuntu-bug lightdm :)02:36
Unit193Yeah, but they don't like "Guest account doesn't login" :P02:37
GridCubei know this is old as time itself, but i want my login screen to look like this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=login_screen.png02:46
Unit193GridCube: That is a nice one!03:17
micahgUnit193: if it's reproducible, that's sufficient03:34
Unit193micahg: Really? Sweetness! List version: Xubuntu 11.10 Oneiric and say Guest account didn't login and just went to LightDM background?03:36
micahgUnit193: wait, so the login phase completes?03:37
Unit193Guest Account doesn't need a pass and it just will go to the LightDM background, so I'm not sure that counts as "logging in" (No desktop, panels, wallpaper, etc)03:38
micahgUnit193: k, file the bug and feel free to subscribe me03:39
Unit193micahg: Sorry about that (Got busy quick) bug #80733804:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 807338 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu guest account doesn't load" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80733804:14
micahgUnit193: thanks04:37
Unit193I just hope it's understandable... And thank you for helping!04:38
astraljavaUnit193: Can't check at the moment, but that does sound awfully close to my mistake when logging in with a real user. Do you need to choose the session with that also?07:18
Unit193astraljava: I don't think so (I think it takes from the last user), but it doesn't matter as you don't get the option07:19
astraljavaUnit193: Gotcha. Yeah like I said, just a thought, and couldn't check. Thanks for confirming!07:45
Unit193astraljava: Thanks for checking my stuff! The more help I can get, the better!07:45
astraljavaUnit193: I haven't used XFCE/Xubuntu much, I'm learning too, so it's good to ask a lot of questions. :)07:47
mr_pouitall current issues with default settings and default sessions in oneiric are caused by lightdm (we're blocked, waiting for one fix to land in lightdm -- now news for this, and another one in x11-common -- should be committed already, will be in the next upload)08:26
mr_pouits/now news/no news/08:27
Unit193I just remembered I was supposed to add 807338 to the Xubuntu bug list...08:29
charlie-tcaNo testable images today for Xubuntu. Desktop failed to build, and alternate doesn't exist today due to server errors14:03
charlie-tcaUnit193: Thanks for adding that bug to the list.14:03
charlie-tcaAlternate images are being rebuilt now, we should have those in a few minutes14:16
charlie-tcaImage is up now, no desktop cd's for anyone, but here is the alternate cd for testing:14:34
OurAny Xubuntu Official Here?15:30
charlie-tcaThis is where the Xubuntu developers hang out15:30
Ouri am new here15:31
Ourcan i ask you some questions?15:31
charlie-tcaI am in a meeting right now, but will be free in about 20 minutes15:32
OurOk, so i will be waiting for you15:32
planterhow do i copy a file in terminal with showing the file transfer speed?15:39
planteroh maybe wrong chan15:39
=== planter is now known as plantoschka
Ouris there any other official available here?15:44
plantoschkaOur> is there any other official available here? thought you mean another official channel15:46
davmor2Our: general xubuntu help can be found on #xubuntu this is the developer channel normally reserved for development talks, they will help you too but you may need to wait as they are fairly busy15:46
OurI need to ask some questions about distributing xubuntu15:47
charlie-tcaOur: ask away, I will try to answer15:47
OurI was not able to find link or something on the official xubuntu website15:47
Ourmy company is distributing edubuntu kubuntu and xubuntu15:48
charlie-tcaA link to?15:48
Oursorry my mistake i wrote xubuntu15:49
Ourits ubuntu15:49
Ourso i was thinking to also add xubuntu in our products 15:49
Ouris it legal or i need some permission to do it?15:50
charlie-tcaIt would be the same as the others15:50
charlie-tcaCanonical owns all the trademarks15:50
Ourso i do not need to send a mail or something?15:50
charlie-tcaIf you already have permission for the others, you should be okay15:50
Ourthanks for your help!15:51
charlie-tcaYou are welcome. 15:51
charlie-tcaWe are being looked at again. I brought up the daily testing in the release meeting16:41
charlie-tcaGridCube: Alternate images only today16:42
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
* micahg ducks behind the nearest rock16:42
charlie-tcaGoing to try to make us a well-known distribution :)16:43
* charlie-tca been ducking a lot lately16:43
* charlie-tca gets a lot of rocks thown at him, though16:43
GridCubeok zsyncking16:46
GridCubecharlie-tca, what do you think about the mail i send to the mailing list? about the logs of questions and stuff16:55
charlie-tcaI am looking at them17:09
GridCube:) 17:09
charlie-tcamr_pouit: bug 802304 17:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 802304 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Take hplip-gui into the standard installation/live session of Ubuntu/Xubuntu/Edubuntu" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80230417:15
charlie-tcamr_pouit: we are not seeding QT on the cd, are we? If not, we can sign this off as not valid for Xubuntu.17:16
* micahg cries17:24
micahgas much as I like QT, I don't see why it's pulled in, I guess I need to dig...17:25
GridCubewhats the standard image editor for oneiric?17:29
charlie-tcaBecause ubuntu decided it should be, of course17:36
charlie-tcaimage editor?17:36
charlie-tcaum, for Xubuntu, should be gimp, yes17:36
micahgcharlie-tca: I meant in Xubuntu :)17:36
charlie-tcamicahg: same answer, because Ubuntu decided it should be, and we get to fix it now.17:37
Unit193Re: FAQ: I've seen a few questions on how to make Keyring not ask for a pass17:41
charlie-tcaI don't know the answer to that one, either17:46
GridCubedelete it and start over17:47
charlie-tcathe password?17:47
GridCubethe keyring file17:48
charlie-tcanot the install, too?17:48
GridCubeno just the file, it will ask you again to make it over17:48
GridCubeand then you can make it fine17:48
charlie-tcaoh, yeah, reinstalling without removing /home makes it still broken17:48
GridCubei would guess it should17:49
charlie-tcaso, where is the keyring file?17:49
Unit193GridCube: Exactly17:52
GridCubeI can't remember exactly where, im looking for it17:53
GridCubeinside are a few files17:53
GridCube:) eating time17:54
Unit193I've seen that one a few times and wasn't sure if it counts (Wouldn't think so)17:55
charlie-tcaGridCube: can we parse those FAQ's for the top 5 in each category?17:56
charlie-tcaThen we can trim that down for the first 10 FAQ's to post.17:56
micahgcharlie-tca: actually, I don't know if QTs actually being pulled in, I'm still learning how to read this stuff18:00
charlie-tcaI did not think we were pulling it, but Ubuntu is. It will be used for some accessibility stuff, too18:01
micahgit's used for unity-2d18:02
charlie-tcato further make life difficult outside of Ubuntu :)18:02
charlie-tcaThat's right, it is18:02
charlie-tcaGridCube: I wonder if it is possible to set up a rotation for those, kind of like using fortune ?18:09
GridCubethat be nice too18:15
charlie-tcamicahg: any progress getting pavucontrol in the sound preferences18:29
micahgcharlie-tca: haven't looked at it, I think I forgot :(18:30
charlie-tcaGood thing I wrote it down, then18:30
micahgcharlie-tca: can you remind me on Monday?18:30
charlie-tcasure, I will even try to do that before the meeting18:31
micahgk, thanks18:31
micahgmr_pouit: xfce4-indicator-plugin doesn't work with the latest libindicator upload (apparently they changed the .pc as well since it fails to rebuild at configure), I don't know if I'll get to it this weekend as I already have too much that I'm committed to, but will look next week if you don't get to it first23:56

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