[04:34] Hello! [04:49] Good evening :D [04:55] howdy [04:55] Subset of the Avaneya Crew Handbook now available on www.avaneya.com including recovered images from the Viking Lander. [04:55] yah I got yer mail mate :) [04:55] how goes KombuchaKip ? [04:56] willwh: Nice. Things are good. Excited about how this Avaneya Crew Handbook is coming along. It's at 150 pages now and packed with a lot of information. [04:57] very nice [04:57] I just got home from the hospital :) [04:57] willwh: How's Callum? [04:57] willwh: Pinch his cheek for me eh? [04:58] I did, as instructed, haha [04:58] willwh: Nice ;) [04:58] he's well.... wriggly tonight [04:58] and lots of hiccups :] [04:58] willwh: haha [04:58] I didn't realize how much my world would shrink [04:58] he is about all I can think about atm [04:59] willwh: Paternal instinct hardwiring. [04:59] it's rather awesome... and I hate leaving him there :( [04:59] willwh: I would do. Hospitals aren't the best places for anyone. [04:59] *would too === IdleOne is now known as AcmeOne === AcmeOne is now known as IdleOne [11:51] Hiyas [16:34] hi guys :) [16:34] so I have an xbox kinect hooked up - using openkinect bits [16:34] I am thinking there must be a way to use the main camera and mic for video/voice