[03:30] cjohnston: yo bro, ping === IdleOne is now known as AcmeOne === AcmeOne is now known as IdleOne [17:02] paultag: pong [18:15] AlanBell: make sure you update your clickable maps, the world has a new country today. Congrats to South Sudan! [18:49] yes indeed, I had made a note to get that right [21:46] c [21:46] soooooooooo full [22:16] I wonder how de facto (but for political reasons unrecognized) countries are handled...? [22:17] (e.g. Somaliland) [22:41] JanC: Or Palistine? [22:44] this is why they removed flags from the gnome keyboard layout applet [22:44] _) [22:44] and .) [22:44] bah [22:45] flags were never useful for indicating keyboards ;) [22:46] e.g. there exists no "latin america" flag ;) [22:47] i insist on calling my keyboard layout 'finnish'. who cares if it's the same as the swedish one and originally developed for them! :) [22:49] I hope they use a hardlink or symlink then, I don't want to waste disk space on such follies! ;-) [22:52] I used flags for languages in an application once [22:52] seemed like a good idea at first [22:57] i never looked at this properly, but i think red hat basically found it difficult to sell licenses to china when their software included the taiwanese flag (and other similar problems) [22:57] (in other countries) [22:58] I had UK, France, Germany and Japan and they loved their flags [22:58] then Spain, so added that flag [22:58] then it went to Dallas [22:58] where they speak Spanish [22:59] oh yes i see your problem :) [22:59] but the Mexicans didn't like the Spanish flag, so I changed it [22:59] that nearly caused a riot [23:00] factory stopped, whole floor meeting, big discussion of the way forward. Puerto Ricans and other South Americans *really* not happy about the mexican flag [23:01] final decision, "please revert to the flag of Spain" [23:01] but you never removed flags? :) [23:02] no, but I never put them in again either :) [23:02] right :) [23:03] not to mention what to do with minority languages that have no single country associated with them ;) [23:04] it's awkward to put the indian flag on hindi even [23:05] at the time 日本語 didn't render well on the European desktops [23:07] JanC: we also have a dilemma in the irc space about channels like #ubuntu-es [23:08] it's much like #ubuntu itself, just spanish. but it's not really associated strongly with the spanish loco afaik [23:08] for support that makes sense [23:09] normally, we'd let locos take care of those, but -es is a pretty broad space [23:10] i think the spanish loco is actually minding it now [23:10] in case of -fr & -nl the French & Dutch locos run it, but get help from (people of) other locos that use those languages [23:11] so I'm a member of both ubuntu-be & ubuntu-nl ;) [23:12] yeah. fortunately the big languages often have a connection to a big country with a strong loco [23:17] btw i didn't mention -es as if it were a problem, just connected to the flag issue :)