
potatoesHello! Anyone awake?04:34
Azelphurme unfortunately04:34
potatoeshow's it going?04:34
potatoesI am pretty excited!04:36
potatoesI just successfully set up my first minimal gnome install (no gnome-core used).04:36
potatoesStill a few things left to do - like fix GRUB2, and get that application that recommends drivers...04:37
potatoesbut yeah, pretty sweet so far. Finally feeling in control.04:37
=== willz is now known as Xenope
Xenopehello everyone07:51
Xenopei need to ask a n00b question07:51
XenopeI installed Gnome desktop environment in the software centre07:54
Xenopebut how do I actually run it?07:54
tsimpsonwhat are you running now?07:57
Xenopeubuntu 11.0407:58
Xenopesorry shudev mentioned that07:58
Xenopeshouldve** lol07:59
tsimpsonif you're running ubuntu, then you already have gnome...07:59
Xenopeoh.. FML07:59
tsimpsonyou just choose "classic ubuntu" in the login menu to go use the old/classic/whatever interface08:00
Xenopeit's a bit retarded they let you install something called "gnome desktop environment" lol08:00
Xenopeah right yeah , i didn't realise gnome was the default environment like, I'm a newbie08:00
Xenopethankyou for your help :)08:01
bigcalmHi daubers08:36
* daubers has a day on the motorbike today \o/08:37
bigcalmIRCing while riding a bike, that's quite a skill you've got there08:40
daubersbigcalm: :P Need to get my gear on and potter over to the parents shortly. Need to pick some veg from the garden before it goes too mad08:44
* daubers ventures out into the wild blue yonder08:50
bigcalmHave fun08:54
popeymorning all09:10
bigcalmHowdy popey :)09:10
popeySam just walked into the den09:11
popeysam: "Daddy have you got your graze box yet?"09:11
popeyme: "No"09:11
popeysam: *slams it on the table* "Yes you have! It's here!!"09:11
popeynow he's asking if he can have something from it09:11
bigcalmI have several tub untouched. Might be time to really cancel09:13
popeymine rarely last more than a few hours09:13
bigcalmMaybe if I were to move it to the weekend, Hayley and I would enjoy it together09:13
bigcalmI currently have it delayed by 4 weeks because they aren't being eaten09:14
popeymy kids eat lots of mine09:17
brobostigongood morning everyone,10:19
bigcalmMorning brobostigon10:24
brobostigonmorning bigcalm :)10:25
brobostigonadsl dead this morning, so tethered eeepc to android phone.10:25
brobostigondoes three have any restrictions ontethering, to anyones knowledge?10:37
AlanBellI think now that that android and iOS both include tethering by default they have probably given up10:42
AlanBelland they have stopped doing unlimited data tarrifs10:43
brobostigonmy tariff with three,allows for unlimited data, without FUP.10:43
brobostigonmyadsl isnt connecting properly, it dies overnight, and wont connect back up again.10:44
bigcalmbrobostigon: call your ISP10:46
brobostigonbigcalm: i have looked all over their site, and havent found anything relating to tethering.10:46
bigcalmI meant about your ADSL10:47
brobostigonbigcalm: oh, yes, sorry, i just found all my dad documents from them, as the account is with my dad.10:48
bigcalmI see10:48
bigcalmMight be of interest to you10:49
brobostigonbigcalm: so in theory, i cant do it, it has to be via my dad. andlast time, theyrefused to help me solve it, as i was doing someof the diagnosis via myeeepcwith debian, when it clearlyisnt related, very frustrating.10:50
bigcalmWhen I lived with my parents, we had Demon for ADSL. They allowed a seperate 'technical' and 'billing' contacts, which meant I could deal with them myself10:51
brobostigonthat is a goodidea.10:52
brobostigonanyways, how can they tell if you have your phone tethered or not?11:07
gordthere is an extra hop in the TTL11:07
brobostigongood point,11:09
popeyalso, depending on the network, the data goes over a different access point11:16
* brobostigon is in Deep *** then.11:16
brobostigonas i amtethered, potentially when i shouldnt be.11:17
popeyi doubt they will come and beat your door down11:18
brobostigonquite, it isnt worth it for them.11:19
bigcalmNever had any hassle from T-Mobile due to tethering11:21
AlanBellczajkowski on a collector card http://randall.executiv.es/ucw_oneiric_1111:21
brobostigonbigcalm: are you on payg or contract, and or doesyourplan allow for tethering or not ?11:22
bigcalmContract and I pay extra for unlimited data. As far as I know, it doesn't include tethering11:23
bigcalmDon't worry about it :)11:24
bigcalmI wouldn't try torrenting over it though11:25
brobostigonno, certainly not.11:26
bigcalmJust because it'd be dog slow11:28
brobostigoni just tried aptitude update, and it baerly his 50kb/s11:28
=== adrian is now known as Guest78069
AlanBelljust told youngest there is no air in space where the shuttle went11:52
AlanBellpause . . ."but how do aliens breath??"11:53
* daubers has acquired a mega haul from the garden today12:27
oracologydaubers: what did you haul in?12:27
daubersMight be eating baked potatoes with broad beans all week though12:27
daubersoracology:  spuds, beans, carrots, spinach and lettuce12:28
oracologydaubers: beans and carrots. make a quick stir fry!12:28
daubersindeed they do12:28
Myrttiif a telly has in front outlets for a headset, and one white and one yellow, what are the white and yellow for?12:28
daubersthats what dinner is this morning12:28
Myrtti(going through stuff at mums, planning to sell some)12:29
daubersMyrtti: yellow is normally video in12:29
daubersnormally a red and white near it (left and right stereo)12:29
oracologyMyrtti: what size connection? RCA?12:29
Myrttiso that's the one with the arrow like \/ above it12:29
oracologyMyrtti: if they're the same size as the yellow video, then you've got a video connector and a mono audio jack (white)12:30
AlanBellwhite is audio, yellow is composite video12:30
oracologyMyrtti: the red gives you stereo. white alone gives you mono.12:30
Myrttithank you ♥12:30
oracologyMyrtti: yeah, it's not two jacks for headphones :)12:30
shaunoit's two jacks for an amiga :D12:30
AlanBelland they are going to be inputs rather than outputs12:31
* daubers puts the kettle on12:31
oracologyAlanBell: right, thanks Alan. important point, forgot to mention it12:31
Myrttiright, thank you12:31
Myrttihelps a lot12:32
shaunoyeah.  that configuration sounds like something they'd provide for camcorders, a good few years back12:32
oracologydaubers: i'm enjoying a nice cuppa myself...cauliflower, potatoes and peas today for lunch (and possibly tomorrow's lunch too)12:32
daubersoracology:  very nice too12:44
oracologydaubers: :)12:44
dogmatic69_how can i 'flush' my dns?12:49
dogmatic69_i always botch the server setup and can now brows the site through a proxy but not on my pc12:50
MartijnVdSdogmatic69_: restart the program that's seeing the wrong host name12:53
MartijnVdSdogmatic69_: if that doesn't work, restart the DNS server12:54
MartijnVdS(the caching DNS server you're using, that is012:54
dogmatic69_how do i do that?12:54
* dogmatic69_ uses google
MartijnVdSyou can't12:54
dogmatic69_and ttl is 60 on the A record12:55
MartijnVdSwait for the TTL to expire12:55
MartijnVdScheck with:12:55
MartijnVdSdig -t A your.record.here12:55
MartijnVdSit'll show what's left of the TTL12:55
dogmatic69_dig -t A stats.infinitas-cms.org12:55
MartijnVdSstats.infinitas-cms.org. 3600INA184.106.157.6312:55
MartijnVdSTTL for that record is 3600 seconds12:56
dogmatic69_its set to 6012:56
MartijnVdSand the IP is as shown12:56
MartijnVdSit's set to 360012:56
MartijnVdS(1 hour)12:56
dogmatic69_so does ninja cloak not use dns cache?12:57
dogmatic69_it always works12:57
MartijnVdSyou might need to reload your serving DNS server after changing the zone (don't forget the zone serial number as well)12:57
MartijnVdSdogmatic69_: ninja cloak? what's that?12:58
dogmatic69_you can set something to 86000 and then change it, and ninja cloak is instant12:58
MartijnVdS86400 = 24 * 60 * 60 seconds :)12:58
dogmatic69_http://www.ninjacloak.com/ is a proxy12:58
dogmatic69_awesome when something is blocked12:58
MartijnVdSnever bother with proxies12:58
MartijnVdS(I never do, I mean)12:58
dogmatic69_found it when i worked at a place that blocked fb12:58
MartijnVdSninjacloak seems down12:58
dogmatic69_im on it, its up12:59
dogmatic69_lots of js / ads if you have ad blocker12:59
dogmatic69_eg: http://www.ninjacloak.com/index.php/1010110A/fdad7b2152c4c019b42996fe7fa35c50ab915a54e0d0ae94fd8d6062c21651212:59
dogmatic69_works ^12:59
MartijnVdSnot for me12:59
dogmatic69_stats.infinitas-cms.org dont12:59
popeydoes anyone have a foolproof way to remove the shadow on the panel at the top of the screen in 11.04?13:13
popeyhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/5669/how-to-remove-shadow-from-gnome-panel/5672#5672 does not work13:14
dogmatic69_why is bash shouting at me? "status: Unable to connect to system bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory"13:18
AlanBellhi czajkowski13:31
czajkowskiwhat a frigging day13:32
czajkowski2 days running13:32
penguin42what was the reaction?13:36
penguin42hmm that was a comment to something entirely different#13:36
dogmatic69_would anyone be interested in trying to ssh in my server so i can see if fail2ban works?13:41
* BigRedS volunteers13:42
dogmatic69_tx, pm'ed you the ip13:43
* AlanBell is off to farnborough later13:44
* popey is going to farnborough shortly13:44
popeythat looks similar to mine13:44
popeydont forget fuel _and_ oil!13:45
TheOpenSourcererand mine :-)13:45
TheOpenSourcererHad mine for years - still working well. I have enlarged the strimming line hole though so I can use ~3mm rather than the really think stuff that snaps all the time.13:46
* czajkowski is never leaving the house again13:48
AlanBellthat bad?13:50
czajkowski4 hr stint in A&E yesterday13:51
dogmatic69_where can i view the cron logs?13:51
czajkowskiput my hand through a glass mirror this morning as i couldnt stand straight so cut my hand in a few places so lots of blood13:51
czajkowskithat was at 7 when we were due to leave13:52
czajkowskiso by 7:30 and most odf the blood stopped in parts rest of my stuff thrown in car13:52
czajkowskimy hand out the window and raised trying to stop it bleeding off to airport13:52
czajkowskii am a disaster13:52
penguin42czajkowski: And they say that breaking a mirror is bad luck!13:54
czajkowskipenguin42: considering the last 15 months it cant get any worse13:55
penguin42ah, like that13:55
dogmatic69_czajkowski: every time i say that it does :S13:57
Myrttivlc mms://3.efstaleiti.rs.ruv.is/katla/ ♥13:59
AlanBellwhat is that Myrtti?14:02
Myrttitld is .is, katla is a volcano14:03
AlanBellis it going to go bang?14:04
shaunoheh.  iceland making irish weather look good :)14:07
daubersWoot! Finally got gson to deserialize some json on my phone \o/14:10
daubersNow to get it into the sqlite db14:10
czajkowskidaubers: i want cake14:26
daubersczajkowski: Me too :( The wife did make naughty gingerbread men yesterday.....14:26
czajkowskinaughty..................how so14:29
daubersczajkowski: I'll take a pic... 2 seconds14:32
daubersSee, told you they where naughty14:37
BigRedSwhat's the current favourite idiot-proof video editor?16:15
BigRedSI just need to cut the first minute off a video :)16:16
MartijnVdSBigRedS: cut it off and use it, or cut a video down to its first minute?16:16
MartijnVdSSimple actions like this are easy with ffmpeg :)16:17
MartijnVdSpopey: can that do "copy" mode, instead of re-encodig?16:18
* BigRedS install pitivi16:18
BigRedSI think I'm going to be doing this a bit, though, perhsaps an ffmpeg script will work out better in the future...16:18
windmillhi.... is there a way to make a copy of data being sent over a tty?16:18
penguin42windmill: Try ttysnoop16:19
popeyMartijnVdS: dunno16:19
windmillpenguin42, I'll give it a look16:19
BigRedSargh. pitivi's fallen into the project trap16:19
MartijnVdSBigRedS: the project trap?16:21
MartijnVdS"everything is a project"16:21
MartijnVdSLike the "library" trap of music/photo apps :(16:21
windmillpenguin42, does that work for external devices connected to tty? I have a device which is controlled by a progam and I want to see what the progam in sending to the device16:21
BigRedSMartijnVdS: exactly. OTOH, ffmpeg is refreshingly simple :)16:21
penguin42windmill: I've never used it but I think that's the idea of it for serial connections16:24
penguin42windmill: The other way is to strace the program16:24
* penguin42 hands MartijnVdS a coat16:25
MartijnVdSyou could just write a small program that opens the tty + a pty, have the app you want to monitor connect to the pty, then have the new app you're writing pipe everything from tty<->pty and back :)16:25
MartijnVdSit would break on ioctls though16:25
penguin42indeed, and you would see them with an strace16:26
MartijnVdSyou can have strace dump out everything sent to a file descriptor16:26
windmillstrace is sounding good16:28
windmillnever used it16:29
windmillwillhave to start reading16:29
MartijnVdSAre you going to trace "just once", or is this a "forever" thing?16:29
windmillMartijnVdS, I just want to record what itis doing once (or maybe twice) to look over and see what it its sending16:31
MartijnVdSthen strace is good -- it can slow down an app quite a bit if it's being traced16:33
windmillok so as far as I can work out I need a set of options after the -e to grab data from the tty16:36
MartijnVdSwindmill: let me look it up.. it's not that hard16:36
MartijnVdSwindmill: strace -o strace.out -e read=fd_of_tty_here -e write=fd_of_tty_here16:37
MyrttiBigRedS: openshot16:38
MartijnVdSyou might have to find those file descriptors first (just numbers -- check the output of "ls -l /proc/$pid_of_program/fd/" and check which one is the tty)16:38
windmillMartijnVdS, ooo thanks... would probably have taken me hours to work that out from the man page16:38
BigRedSMyrtti: Ah, cheers. I'll give that one a go, too :)17:51
potatoesAnyone have time for a newbie question?18:35
gordsomeone might :) generally the best approach is to outline your question and if someone among the 143 people in the channel knows the answer and has time to respond, they will do18:37
potatoesWell gord, I tried asking my question in #ubuntu18:49
potatoesBasically the thing is I'm trying to reconfigure my grub (it seems to have been overwritten by Win7)18:50
AlanBellslightly less frantic here, ask away18:50
potatoesWhen I type in "sudo grub", I get "command not found", so I removed grub using aptitude, and then reinstalled it.18:50
potatoesI went through the configuration steps, and I'm still getting the same error.18:50
ikoniapotatoes: no you got removed for a bad attitude18:50
potatoesHere's the kicker though - I got kicked form #ubuntu by a guy called Ikonia.18:50
ikoniayou didn't get tired asking you got removed18:51
potatoesikonia: I don't understand what my attitude was though, I honestly don't.18:51
gordlets not bring that in here18:51
ikoniapotatoes: calling people names, that's nota good attitude18:51
potatoesikonia: All I did was brainstorm after you told me "try sudo apt-get install grub-pc" which I already did.18:51
ikoniapotatoes: rushing off doing your own thing while asking for help18:51
gordso if you want to recover grub you'll want to follow this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows18:51
potatoesikonia: before I called you an "asshole", you told me you said you were going to stop helping me because I was "rushing off", when I was just thinking out loud.18:52
potatoesikonia: I'm going to ignore you now, bye.18:52
brobostigonalso the grub2 page on the wiki is good.18:52
gordikonia, potatoes   if we need to discuss this then take it to #u-ops18:52
gorddon't bring it in here18:52
potatoesSorry gord.18:52
potatoesgord: I do I feel really frustrated about it, even though it's only the internet. I have half a mind to continue it on in #u-ops.18:53
brobostigonok, lets just work out potatoes issue, and fix it.18:54
potatoesbrobostigon: After following the link gord gave me, I think I'm missing menu.lst.18:55
potatoesbrobostigon: In /boot/grub18:55
ikoniathat's not used for grub218:55
ikoniaread the document properly18:56
potatoesAhh, yeah, that was me being stupid.18:56
ikoniathis is what I meant about rushing it18:56
brobostigonpotatoes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:57
* daubers gets back to his android program after having a nommy stirfry and watching the Wrath of Khan19:08
brobostigongoodfilm, :)19:09
daubersI do enjoy evenings when the wifes out19:10
* MooDoo is just about to watch season 4 torchwood :)19:13
MartijnVdSMooDoo: that's not on until Thursday, is it?19:13
MooDooMartijnVdS, it's been on in the states already apparently, well i hope so as i'm downloading it now :)19:14
MartijnVdSnaughty :)19:14
MooDoo :)19:14
ali1234popey: were you using a dual head system on that screenshot bug?19:14
ali1234cos i cannot reproduce it here19:14
ali1234also launchpad needs twitter integration when i open a bug :)19:15
ali1234i have global menus disabled too, maybe that affects it?19:17
popeyali1234: no19:22
popeyi expect so19:22
ali1234when you press windows key, does the launcher come to the front?19:22
ali1234for me that does not work either19:23
ali1234in any fullscreen app19:23
ali1234there is no way for me to launch apps19:23
popeyoh hang on19:23
ali1234except to switch to another workspace19:23
popeyfor a full screen app, no19:23
ali1234ok, that's not related then19:24
ali1234it's really annoying because the launcher doesn't dodge fullscreen windows either19:24
ali1234the only way to get rid of it is to highlight another window, then click in the fullscreen window, then the launcher goes behind it19:25
ali1234except that that isn't possible when the fullscreen window is the only window on the screen, ie always if you don't have two monitors19:25
suprengrMooDoo, where#s Torchwood on? [pretty please]19:25
ali1234basically unity fullscreen window handling is a massive regression over 10.1019:25
BigRedSunity non-fullscreen window handling's amusing, too.19:50
BigRedSjust the fun trying to get at menus. It's like a steady hand game, avoiding giving focus to anything else on the way :)19:51
ali1234well yeah, that's why i disable global menus19:51
ali1234with that gone unity isn't so bad19:51
BigRedSAh, I'm still trying to convince myself that it's something I'll get used to...19:51
ali1234hmm can't reproduce on netbook either19:54
ali1234so it's not related to dual head, global menus, or nvidia driver19:54
ali1234might be theme related but i doubt it19:54
ali1234i will try changing to default theme19:55
* suprengr is getting tempted to remove global menus (unity)... do I tread in in deep water or relive myself of a pain in the]?19:56
ali1234just say NO19:57
ali1234(and then turn it off)19:57
ali1234it causes a lot of other problems though19:57
suprengrthanks ali123419:58
ali1234but you'll see that19:58
suprengryeh.. that's what i was wondering... any show stoppers though?19:59
suprengrcool, thanks20:00
ali1234just some annoying stuff with firefox menu bar disappearing20:00
ali1234and then clicks go to the wrong place20:00
ali1234but no worse than all the existing problems with ff20:01
suprengr.. can deal with that20:01
gordmarket.android.com might as well be renamed "here is a bunch of crap you don't actually want. dot com" these days =\20:31
brobostigonbest i have found, since i have had android, is k9-mail and astrid.20:32
gordhaven't seen anything really interesting for about six months or so20:33
gordcrackle is interesting, full movies and tv shows streamed for free, neat. but i don't want to watch that stuff on my phone20:34
penguin42gord: I guess it's for those 10" phones20:34
brobostigonor tablets.20:34
BigRedSI keep meaning to try k-920:35
BigRedSis it better than the built in one?20:35
brobostigongord: dos crackle require flash? i havent got it here.20:35
gordbrobostigon, absolutely no idea20:36
gordthe default mail client for honeycomb is nice, its like the gmail client. hope it turns up in 4.020:36
brobostigonBigRedS: it ismore resuorce friendly, and doesnt require background data or  syncing or any of thatstuff, that sucks battery, to be turned on.20:36
brobostigongord: ok, because it isnt showing in market here.20:37
gordchances are it requires certain hardware that supports DRM or some such20:37
brobostigongord: yes,proobebly.20:37
BigRedSbrobostigon: Ah, none of those are particularly important perks to me.20:40
brobostigonBigRedS: oh, ok.20:40
brobostigonBigRedS: also, more battery friendly, due to those factors.20:41
BigRedSyeah, my batter lasts longer than the time between charges already20:41
BigRedSevery so often the native one irritates me and I decide to try something else, but I tend to get distracted before I actually do...20:42
StevenRwoot. Father's day present handed over. "Dad's Ubuntu Kit" :)  (Ubuntu mug, notepad, pens, mouse mat, books). Upgrade to Maverick in progress, then to Natty.22:09
Azelphurwith time zones, will paris always be 1 hour ahead of us?22:17
Azelphuror does DST mess it up22:17
popeyAzelphur: they switch to DST same as us22:30
popeysame dat22:30
Azelphurcool, so always +122:30
popeyLondon vs Paris22:30
popeylook at the dates22:30
popeyhandy site that22:31
Azelphurindeed :)22:32
murchersonanyone know how i can add "Run as admin" to my right click menu for 11.0422:39
* penguin42 wouldn't mind adding stuff to that menu but never seen how - I like how on some fedora versions there is a 'terminal' on it22:43
ascenseurevening peeps!22:51
BigRedSg'morning ascenseur22:52
ascenseuraha, 7 minutes to go here ;)22:53
ascenseurhow are you BigRedS22:53
BigRedSah, it's always morning in my world22:53
BigRedSI'm all good. Just been playing quake. Scared the crap out of me :/22:53
ascenseurWoo :) I'm very good thanks! Just got a lot of things sorted which have made things all the much brighter :)22:54
ascenseurVoIP and IPv6 - both unrelated, but they've been giving me a headache for weeks!22:54
BigRedSthat's a pair of abbreviations I've avoided thus far22:59
BigRedSvoip is voodoo as far as I'm concerned22:59
BigRedSI'm surprised every time it works23:00
penguin42BigRedS: Yeh but so are most comms systems - just think what a moile has to do23:01
BigRedSI used to help look after a pbx, so I should know some of it, I suppose23:03
BigRedSit's just that phone networks aren't IP networks in my head I think23:03
BigRedS"what do you mean it's not got a dhcp lease? It's a phone" etc.23:03
penguin42but mobile stuff is even crazier isn't it?23:10
BigRedSoh yeah23:18
BigRedSI try not to think about that :)23:18

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