nuvolari | wow | 08:38 |
nuvolari | 2011-07-09 10:37:39 (423 KB/s) - `openejb-3.1.4.tar.gz' saved [21869975/21869975] | 08:38 |
nuvolari | that's on my phone | 08:38 |
nuvolari | I just wish my data card would connect | 08:38 |
kbmonkey | ello | 08:41 |
sakhi | morning | 08:41 |
kbmonkey | awe still no connect with the 3g nuvolari ? :( | 08:41 |
nuvolari | mornings | 08:44 |
nuvolari | ye kbmonkey | 08:44 |
nuvolari | and it's not just me | 08:44 |
nuvolari | lady from work that lives in Umhlanga has the same issue | 08:44 |
nuvolari | and I tried with 2 data cards | 08:44 |
nuvolari | kbmonkey: heh, but this time I'm connected with my 'droid. I gave up on the Sony Ericsson P1i... the speed is as good as no connection at all | 08:45 |
nuvolari | and to think it was fast back then | 08:46 |
* Symmetria just listed | 08:56 | |
nuvolari | | 09:02 |
nuvolari | oh wait | 09:02 |
nuvolari | Symmetria: why did it go to | 09:03 |
kbmonkey | is that your 'droid speed test? | 09:04 |
Symmetria | nuvolari huh? go | 09:06 |
nuvolari | | 09:06 |
nuvolari | Symmetria: nevermind :P I clicked on Umhlanga | 09:06 |
nuvolari | after the initial test | 09:06 |
nuvolari | then it went to | 09:07 |
nuvolari | kbmonkey: ye | 09:07 |
Symmetria | kbmonkey here is a scary speedtest | 09:07 |
Symmetria | | 09:07 |
Symmetria | :P that was a test from bloemfontein to | 09:07 |
nuvolari | kbmonkey: that first one of mine was from here to umhlanga | 09:07 |
Symmetria | after we modified the file download size slightly to actually scale up | 09:07 |
nuvolari | the second one is Symmetria's test | 09:08 |
Symmetria | heh that UFS test is truely nuts though | 09:09 |
sakhi | ? | 09:11 |
Symmetria | sakhi heh, you'll need to run one from UWC | 09:12 |
Symmetria | I dont have access to a box there | 09:12 |
Symmetria | to test | 09:12 |
Symmetria | and uwc is better to use I suspect | 09:12 |
sakhi | :)50.78 Mbps | 09:13 |
Symmetria | is that to cpt or to the joburg one? | 09:13 |
sakhi | I'm doing Joburg now and its 22.72Mbps | 09:14 |
Symmetria | thats your latency slowing it down | 09:14 |
nuvolari | ugh :-/ need to go out. Hate shopping | 09:30 |
nuvolari | bbl | 09:30 |
nlsthzn | Speed... give me what I need ... YEAH! | 10:20 |
Squirm2 | morning | 11:14 |
=== Squirm2 is now known as Squirm | ||
nuvolari | lo oom Kilos | 12:41 |
Kilos | lo nuvolari dog jy gaan af wees die naweek | 12:42 |
Kilos | moelik nĂȘ | 12:42 |
nuvolari | Kilos: ja nee oom. het maar 'n exstra data bundle vir my foon gekoop | 12:42 |
Kilos | afternoon all | 12:42 |
Kilos | lol | 12:42 |
Kilos | daai g+ soek en eiteindlik ingaan het my data gedooi dis hoekom ek so laat hier opkom | 12:43 |
Kilos | ek dink dis all die prentjies | 12:43 |
Kilos | avatars en goed | 12:44 |
Kilos | maar dit werk darem nou | 12:44 |
nuvolari | \o/ | 12:46 |
nuvolari | dis goed oom :D | 12:46 |
Kilos | ja man dit was n groot stoeiery | 12:47 |
nuvolari | nou kan gemoedere rus, oom is deel van ons sirkel :) | 12:47 |
Kilos | ja ek kry epos dat hele paar my al in hulle sircels gesit het | 12:47 |
Kilos | sirkel | 12:47 |
Kilos | Maaz, coffee on | 12:49 |
* Maaz flips the salt-timer | 12:49 | |
Kilos | Maaz, coffee for all | 12:49 |
Maaz | Come on ya buncha geeks. Rock up with your mugs with the correct amount of sugar added already | 12:49 |
Kilos | lo kbmonkey hurry for coffee | 12:50 |
Kilos | nuvolari, koffie? | 12:50 |
Maaz | Coffee's ready for Kilos! | 12:53 |
Kilos | Maaz, ty | 12:53 |
Maaz | Enjoy Kilos | 12:53 |
* Kilos sips on my lonesome | 12:53 | |
nuvolari | Kilos: seblief oom! | 12:58 |
Kilos | lol | 12:58 |
nuvolari | opi foon | 12:58 |
Kilos | skuus | 12:58 |
kbmonkey | lo Kilos nuvolari and Maaz | 12:59 |
kbmonkey | Maaz, coffee on | 12:59 |
* Maaz washes some mugs | 12:59 | |
kbmonkey | Maaz, do my laundry too? | 13:00 |
Maaz | kbmonkey: *blink* | 13:00 |
Kilos | lol | 13:00 |
kbmonkey | ha ha just kidding, i did it already | 13:00 |
nuvolari | lo kbmonkey | 13:01 |
* nuvolari munch beestong | 13:01 | |
nuvolari | my ma het saamgebring | 13:01 |
nuvolari | yum | 13:01 |
Kilos | lekker | 13:01 |
kbmonkey | beestong? yuck :p | 13:03 |
Kilos | hehe | 13:03 |
Kilos | dis lekker man | 13:03 |
Maaz | Coffee's ready for kbmonkey! | 13:03 |
Kilos | beter as bees poepol | 13:04 |
kbmonkey | ha ha | 13:04 |
nlsthzn | Paul Scott... He in the Loco? | 13:14 |
Kilos | ? | 13:14 |
nlsthzn | Just someone I see a lot of comments on in Google + ... so was thinking he might be part of the Loco... | 13:15 |
Kilos | quite a few names i dont know either. but peeps hide behind nicks normally | 13:16 |
nlsthzn | My reason for asking... :) | 13:20 |
Kilos | hehe | 13:20 |
Kilos | and maaz dunno either | 13:20 |
nlsthzn | Maaz doesn't like me so he woudn't tell in any case | 13:21 |
Kilos | aw | 13:21 |
Kilos | maaz likes everyone | 13:21 |
Maaz | Kilos: What? | 13:21 |
Kilos | twit bot | 13:22 |
Kilos | Maaz, whois nlsthzn | 13:22 |
Maaz | Kilos: What? | 13:22 |
Kilos | grrr | 13:22 |
Kilos | lo |3o|3 | 13:22 |
nlsthzn | :) | 13:22 |
|3o|3 | hey Kilos, what's up? | 13:23 |
Kilos | all good ty and there |3o|3 | 13:23 |
Kilos | everyone is g+ mad | 13:23 |
|3o|3 | Erm... | 13:23 |
|3o|3 | the weather has improved which is good :D | 13:23 |
Kilos | wish it would improve here | 13:23 |
Kilos | nights are still too cold | 13:24 |
Kilos | ans sun only lekker if you out of the wind | 13:24 |
nuvolari | weather is nice here | 13:29 |
nuvolari | not much sun though | 13:29 |
kbmonkey | im being summoned to westville, il have to catch up later :] | 13:30 |
Kilos | go safe | 13:31 |
=== ludo is now known as Guest36050 | ||
Kilos | hi ludo | 15:55 |
Kilos | oh hi Guest36050 | 15:55 |
Symmetria | soooooooooooo | 16:01 |
Symmetria | to buy new car | 16:01 |
Symmetria | or not to buy new car | 16:01 |
Symmetria | this is the question :P | 16:01 |
Kilos | lol | 16:01 |
Symmetria | (and I been tempted all day but lol, mustttt saveeeee moneyyyyy, but car is sooooo sweet) | 16:01 |
Kilos | big decision | 16:01 |
Symmetria | haha, impulsive :P I get like this, and lol, will probably end up doing it as well, but will resist the urge for as long as possible | 16:02 |
* Symmetria wants that car :P | 16:02 | |
Kilos | lol | 16:03 |
highvoltage | Symmetria: don't you have a fancy car already? | 16:04 |
Symmetria | heh | 16:10 |
Symmetria | have a 335i | 16:10 |
Symmetria | thinking of replacing it with a 1M | 16:10 |
Symmetria | BMW just came out with that 1M Coupe | 16:11 |
Symmetria | and its soooo pretty | 16:11 |
Symmetria | | 16:13 |
Symmetria | look at that, its stunning | 16:13 |
nuvolari | Symmetria: if you really want to buy it, but already have a nice car, still buy it and donate it to charity. problem solved. :P your buy urge is solved | 16:37 |
Kilos | lol | 16:37 |
Kilos | and your pocket wont itch anymore | 16:38 |
nuvolari | see, even oom Kilos knows what i mean :P | 16:39 |
Kilos | lol | 16:39 |
Kilos | he just wears the wrong make of denims | 16:39 |
Kilos | needs to get some with tight pockets | 16:39 |
Symmetria | LOL | 16:40 |
Symmetria | I would need to trade in my car to afford it :P | 16:40 |
Symmetria | its kinda stupid expensive :P | 16:40 |
Symmetria | particularly with the extras I want on it | 16:40 |
Kilos | price Symmetria ? | 16:40 |
Symmetria | with the extras I want? 654k | 16:40 |
Kilos | ouch | 16:41 |
Symmetria | and I'd be lucky to get like, 375 for my current car :( | 16:41 |
Kilos | do they lose value so quick | 16:41 |
Symmetria | but lol, there is something really appealing bout a car that can do a thousand meter sprint from standstill in 23.6 seconds | 16:41 |
Kilos | that one isnt 2 years old yet | 16:41 |
Symmetria | heh, current car wasnt new when I bought it, had 16 thousand on the clock, so it had already lost a lot of value | 16:42 |
Symmetria | I paid 460 for current one | 16:42 |
Kilos | ah | 16:42 |
nuvolari | Symmetria: if you really need a smart car, get an Audi A6 | 16:42 |
Symmetria | so *shrug* not 2 bad | 16:42 |
Symmetria | nuvolari heh, the A6 isnt *NEARLY* quick enough for me | 16:42 |
Symmetria | my current car does 0-100 in 5.7 | 16:42 |
Symmetria | the 1M can do it in 4.9 | 16:42 |
nuvolari | Symmetria: you have enough money, mod it | 16:43 |
Symmetria | (heh, and my current car is chipped, it does top true speed of 308) | 16:43 |
Symmetria | nuvolari LOL, I'd rather buy the 1M and mod that :P | 16:43 |
Kilos | lol | 16:43 |
nuvolari | and it's not like you can use that acceleration in ZA without breaking the law | 16:43 |
Symmetria | nuvolari LOL, ummm when it comes to cars, the latter part of that sentence hasnt really made much difference in my life :P | 16:43 |
Symmetria | there are very long stretches of open road where you aint gonna find cops :P | 16:44 |
nuvolari | bmw's are only for windgatte and Symmetria :P | 16:44 |
nuvolari | *cough* | 16:44 |
* nuvolari makes sure Symmetria does'nt know where he stays | 16:44 | |
nuvolari | *doesn't | 16:44 |
Kilos | i know the feeling | 16:44 |
Kilos | called need for speed | 16:44 |
Symmetria | :P I dont need to know where you stay, I just need to find your IP :P | 16:44 |
Symmetria | LOL kilos, you know the average speed calculator in a car? | 16:45 |
nuvolari | Symmetria: no need to, vodacom already mess up my service | 16:45 |
Symmetria | that if you sitting doing 120 over a long distance normally sits at around 90 odd? | 16:45 |
Kilos | Symmetria, no? | 16:45 |
* Symmetria looks to see if he has this picture | 16:45 | |
Kilos | i rode bikes for speed | 16:45 |
Symmetria | heh kilos, if your car has an average speed calculator, and you do 500 or 600 kilometers, you're likely to hit an average of around 90 | 16:45 |
Symmetria | if you doing 120 all the way | 16:46 |
Kilos | oh yes that goodie inna dash | 16:46 |
Kilos | 16v jetta had one | 16:46 |
Symmetria | | 16:46 |
Kilos | gives ambient temps etc as well | 16:46 |
Symmetria | look closely at that thing :P | 16:46 |
Kilos | i cant browse at the mo | 16:47 |
Symmetria | heh kilos, 682 kilometers, average speed, 130.5 | 16:47 |
Symmetria | that was going windhoek -> .za border | 16:47 |
Kilos | thats good | 16:47 |
Symmetria | kilos LOL, I was flying low to do that kinda average speed | 16:47 |
Symmetria | (like 200+) | 16:48 |
Kilos | yeah | 16:48 |
Kilos | you dont do bikes? | 16:48 |
Kilos | much more fun. stretches your arms | 16:49 |
Symmetria | nah, I like fast cars, not fast coffins :) | 16:49 |
Kilos | lol | 16:49 |
Symmetria | and heh, I do long distance, a bike on long distance isnt exactly pleasant | 16:49 |
Symmetria | (particularly when you talking a thousand kilometers at a time) | 16:49 |
Kilos | no very tiring | 16:49 |
nlsthzn | Night all | 17:23 |
cocooncrash | inetpro: Nothing wrong with sending to other media (although you should mention the original tweeter), but on Twitter itself manual resends lose metadata ;-) | 17:38 |
inetpro | cocooncrash: that's where I do not agree, I don't know the original tweeter and am not aiming to get involved with him or her | 17:40 |
inetpro | for me it's all about the story which I find interesting | 17:40 |
cocooncrash | inetpro: Sure, but I didn't really discover it, someone else injected it into the system and IMHO they should be able to track how/where their content/whatever spreads. | 17:42 |
inetpro | cocooncrash: well you obviously found it interesting didn't you? And since I know you, in a way, I don't mind choqok adding your name | 17:43 |
inetpro | that is how it was done on twitter for a very long time | 17:43 |
cocooncrash | inetpro: I did, which is why I decided to spread it | 17:44 |
cocooncrash | inetpro: But the original RTs were a hack | 17:44 |
inetpro | says who? | 17:44 |
cocooncrash |!/RianVDM/status/89576634432233473 | 17:44 |
cocooncrash | See how it tracks who retweeted it, so you can determine the popularity of a post | 17:45 |
cocooncrash | Traditional RTs firstly don't allow that to be done easily, and secondly only work up to one level of the chain. | 17:45 |
inetpro | well I honestly don't really care about the popularity | 17:45 |
inetpro | and twitter got popular without the retweet function | 17:46 |
inetpro | api* | 17:46 |
cocooncrash | TBF, AFAIK traditional RTs chained the list of tweeters, but that gets out of hand quickly. | 17:46 |
cocooncrash | inetpro: Sure, but why can't it be improved? :) | 17:47 |
inetpro | cocooncrash: well it's definitely not perfect as it is | 17:47 |
cocooncrash | Twitter in general? | 17:47 |
inetpro | cocooncrash: search for "why it's a mistake to use retweet" | 17:49 |
cocooncrash | inetpro: Ye, I skimmed that article and mostly disagreed ;-) | 17:49 |
inetpro | well there are more of those articles | 17:50 |
inetpro | and I happen to agree with some of the points raised | 17:51 |
inetpro | but one big reason for me to manually resend is so that the post will automagically appear on facebook | 17:52 |
cocooncrash | Fair enough | 17:52 |
cocooncrash | inetpro: Does Choqok do Facebook? | 17:53 |
inetpro | I have had many a post cause a nice unexpected conversation on FB after tweeting it | 17:53 |
inetpro | or even after a manual resend | 17:53 |
inetpro | cocooncrash: I doubt | 17:54 |
cocooncrash | inetpro: So how do your posts get to FB? | 17:54 |
inetpro | on FB installed a twitter app if I remember correctly | 17:54 |
Kilos | night all. keep warm | 17:55 |
inetpro | and I have researched how to pull in retweets but have not found the solution, yet | 17:55 |
inetpro | hi Kilos, bye Kilos | 17:55 |
cocooncrash | inetpro: I'd argue that that's a bug in the Twitter FB app then | 17:58 |
inetpro | cocooncrash: and I have thought about breaking the automated link between FB and twitter but I still like the convenience | 17:58 |
cocooncrash | Hrm, I wonder if FriendFeed is pushing my tweets to FB... | 17:58 |
inetpro | the new retweet takes the "social" out of "social media" by eliminating conversation and interaction | 18:03 |
inetpro | cocooncrash: btw, I really like the new google+ way where I can choose the target audience with every posting | 18:10 |
marcog | cocooncrash: it's not a bug, they filter out RTs and directed tweets (e.g. @user foo bar) on purpose | 18:43 |
marcog | and i like that | 18:43 |
marcog | cause i don't want to overload my FB feed | 18:43 |
marcog | generally RTs are something my twitter followers would be far more interested in than my FB friends | 18:43 |
Symmetria | man, I wish du had a -g, instead of having to do du -B 1073741824 | 19:42 |
inetpro | hmm Symmetria,now that you talk about it, I wish I had a du g+ to see the size of my google+ account :-) | 20:01 |
inetpro | Symmetria: doesn't du -h do it for you? | 20:02 |
inetpro | marcog: I agree with you, sometimes it is nice to do a simple retweet just to your twitter followers | 20:04 |
Symmetria | inetpro only if you have less space than X number of terabytes | 20:07 |
Symmetria | otherwise -h shows you terabytes not gigabytes | 20:07 |
Symmetria | which can be annoying | 20:07 |
Symmetria | but you can do -B 1G | 20:07 |
inetpro | ok | 20:07 |
inetpro | I guess that can get annoying | 20:08 |
inetpro | Symmetria: who maitains coreutils? | 20:09 |
inetpro | | 20:10 |
Symmetria | inetpro dunno | 20:12 |
Symmetria | heh inetpro check this: | 20:13 |
Symmetria | | 20:13 |
Symmetria | then for more redundancy I used md to do a software mirror on sdc and sde | 20:13 |
inetpro | yikes | 20:14 |
Symmetria | lol, its pretty :) | 20:15 |
Kerbero | time for more space it seems | 20:30 |
Symmetria | btw, if anyone is looking to buy REALLY nice harddrives | 20:32 |
Symmetria | I recommend these: | 20:32 |
Symmetria | | 20:32 |
Symmetria | probably the fastest non-SSD disks you're gonna find | 20:32 |
Kerbero | looks like a normal hdd to me with a high price | 20:38 |
Symmetria | Kerbero heh, nah, its got SAS firmware on it | 20:39 |
Kerbero | o ok | 20:39 |
Symmetria | full sync read/write, they are fast as hell :) | 20:39 |
Kerbero | not for normal users then | 20:39 |
Kerbero | for that price i would rather buy a ssd | 20:40 |
Symmetria | heh, I have 3 at home in my home server, my desktops use other disks | 20:40 |
Symmetria | I wouldnt use SSD's for 99% of things | 20:40 |
Symmetria | SSD's have limited number of writes, you can kill those things pretty damn fast :) | 20:40 |
Kerbero | i use hdd's for storage | 20:40 |
Kerbero | and ssd's for os's | 20:40 |
Kerbero | i won't care if i lose my OS | 20:41 |
Symmetria | yeah SSD for operating system works ok, still a lot more expensive than those SAS disks though in terms of price per meg | 20:41 |
Kerbero | even my desktop is symlinked to a hdd | 20:41 |
Symmetria | but if you're only use it for OS you dont need huge space | 20:41 |
Kerbero | exactly | 20:41 |
Kerbero | my netbook only has a ssd | 20:41 |
Kerbero | the chipset can only do 140MB/s | 20:42 |
Kerbero | the ssd about 250 | 20:42 |
Kerbero | a waste of ssd, but nice if you throw the netbook around | 20:42 |
Kerbero | and use it in a car | 20:42 |
Symmetria | I managed to flatline the NIC in reading directly off the disks, but thats only because of the numbers of disks it can read off similtaneously with the arrays | 20:43 |
Symmetria | think I peaked it out at about 9.6gigabit/second directly off the disks | 20:43 |
Kerbero | Symmetria: if you have a router in AMS, do you also have a fiber going there? | 20:43 |
Symmetria | Kerbero 10G leased wave from lnd to ams | 20:43 |
Kerbero | ahh ok | 20:44 |
Symmetria | dirt cheap to lease a wave between those 2 | 20:44 |
Symmetria | (like, 2.2k euros a month) | 20:44 |
Kerbero | so theoretically i should be able to get my full 100mbps from groningen to stellenbosch campus? | 20:44 |
Symmetria | Kerbero even without the AMS router you should be able to do that if your tcp window sizes are big enough and if stellenbosch isnt limiting anything | 20:45 |
Symmetria | without even blinking | 20:45 |
Kerbero | ok | 20:45 |
Symmetria | the london router has 30gig of direct internet access attached to it | 20:45 |
Kerbero | i will test that | 20:45 |
Symmetria | and we've tested a udp stream from sweden over the general internet back to .za at over 6 gigabit/second | 20:46 |
Kerbero | do you know of the google server farm in the eems haven? | 20:46 |
Kerbero | right in the north of the netherlands | 20:46 |
Symmetria | never actually seen it, heard of it but not much more than that | 20:47 |
Kerbero | it is located right next to a gas power plant | 20:47 |
Symmetria | heh, google typically doesnt let anyone anywhere near their server farms, or even admit where they are :P | 20:47 |
Kerbero | according to rumours it takes up exacly as much power as the entire groningen cirty | 20:47 |
Kerbero | hehe | 20:47 |
Kerbero | yeah, that was part of the rumour that google doesn;t itz' theirs | 20:48 |
Kerbero | *doen't say | 20:48 |
Symmetria | heh, I only know for a fact where 5 of the google points of presence are, and all 5 arent server farms, they are all african mini-nodes | 20:48 |
Symmetria | (don't ask, I won't be able to tell you where they are haha) | 20:48 |
Kerbero | lol | 20:48 |
Kerbero | is that like you know the ip but don;t know fisically where they are? | 20:49 |
Kerbero | i'm typing very badly now | 20:49 |
Kerbero | :( | 20:49 |
Symmetria | lol, no, I know where they physically are, I'd just be breaking a lot of rules by saying where they are :P | 20:49 |
Kerbero | ahh ok | 20:49 |
Symmetria | btw, stellenbosch going offline later tonighyt | 20:49 |
Kerbero | the one is in bree street | 20:49 |
Kerbero | ok | 20:49 |
Symmetria | if all goes well, it will only be 10 minutes | 20:50 |
Kerbero | thanx for telling | 20:50 |
Kerbero | ok | 20:50 |
Symmetria | if everything goes to hell, it will be a coupla hours :p | 20:50 |
Symmetria | I'm upgrading both joburg routers, the pretoria router and the capetown router (the main provider edge routers) | 20:50 |
Kerbero | reason? | 20:50 |
Kerbero | o ok | 20:50 |
Symmetria | complete with both operating system and line card firmware upgrades | 20:50 |
Kerbero | i heard about that | 20:50 |
Symmetria | router takes anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes to boot | 20:50 |
Kerbero | saw your mail about it a few days ago | 20:51 |
Symmetria | capetown will be last router to be done | 20:51 |
Kerbero | is the OS buggy? | 20:51 |
Symmetria | heh, leaving capetown till last because I got guys in joburg and pretoria on standby if it goes to hell | 20:51 |
Symmetria | versus in capetown I gotta drive myself :P | 20:51 |
Symmetria | Kerbero very at the moment :) | 20:51 |
Symmetria | we're trying to sort out about 28 different bugs we know of in the current code | 20:51 |
Kerbero | so after the upgrade our internet stability should be better | 20:52 |
Symmetria | heh, well, stellenbosch hasnt had a bad stability record from our network point of view | 20:52 |
Symmetria | I'm not sure that any of the bugs being fixed tonight would directly affect stellies | 20:52 |
Kerbero | well, my ping graphs disagree | 20:52 |
Symmetria | *hrm* where have you been pinging? | 20:52 |
Kerbero | | 20:52 |
Kerbero | | 20:52 |
Kerbero | and | 20:52 |
Kerbero | | 20:53 |
Symmetria | got graphs I can look at? | 20:53 |
Kerbero | uhm | 20:53 |
Kerbero | i'm not in STB atm | 20:53 |
Symmetria | you will see big jumps in graphs to internationals if we get backbone failures because traffic will reroute | 20:53 |
Symmetria | so instead of going cpt -> plz -> els -> dur -> mtz -> international | 20:53 |
Symmetria | it will go cpt -> bfn -> jnb -> pta -> dur -> mtz -> international | 20:54 |
Kerbero | if i see weird internet latencies in two weeks' time i'll send you graphs | 20:54 |
Symmetria | and the secondary path is a HELL of a lot further | 20:54 |
Symmetria | and the telkom path between capetown and durban on that primary route isnt the most stable of paths | 20:54 |
Symmetria | it probably goes down at least once a week | 20:54 |
Symmetria | (assholes in the eastern cape keep stealing the fiber) | 20:54 |
Kerbero | lol | 20:54 |
Kerbero | n00bs | 20:54 |
Symmetria | anyway :) off to finish movie before the maintenance window | 20:55 |
Kerbero | i wonder if the scrap metal guys actually pay them for the fiber | 20:55 |
Kerbero | cheers Symmetria | 20:55 |
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