
kristian-aalborga netbook... with 1.66 ghz and 1 gig of memory... needs a beginner-friendly distro00:05
kristian-aalborgUbuntu or Lubuntu?00:05
kristian-aalborgor something else... I see there's a lot of projects, but many seem abandoned00:07
kristian-aalborgalso, o/ holstein00:07
stlsaintkristian-aalborg: lubuntu00:10
kristian-aalborgyes, I'm leaning towards that00:10
Unit193She knew what I was going to say :P00:10
kristian-aalborgjolicloud seems interesting00:10
kristian-aalborgbut is it free-free?00:11
stlsaintkristian-aalborg: why would you want jolicloud?00:11
kristian-aalborgthe end user is very much into dropbox and such...00:12
kristian-aalborgalso, it might look better on the small screen00:12
kristian-aalborgPLUS I see there's a windows installer00:12
kristian-aalborgand the user wants two OS's00:12
stlsaintsounds like your mind is made up00:13
kristian-aalborgit's not00:25
kristian-aalborgI've installed Lubuntu many times00:25
kristian-aalborgand it's very good... so either that or JoliOS, I think00:25
stlsaintkristian-aalborg: maybe im biased but im partial to lubuntu00:28
kristian-aalborgI have good experiences with that also00:29
Unit193stlsaint: I agree with that, but I also like Xubuntu (For non-lightweight)00:30
kristian-aalborgit seems very good also00:30
kristian-aalborgThunar is the bomb00:30
stlsaintUnit193: with limited resources i would have to suggest lubuntu00:30
kristian-aalborghow good is Dropbox support these days?00:30
Unit193stlsaint: That's why I said non-lightweight ;)  I'm not the most fond of Thunar though...00:31
kristian-aalborgI'm thinking it might be the same as on Lubuntu00:31
kristian-aalborgUnit193, what do you use then?00:31
kristian-aalborgI think Nautilus is too heavy, and PCManFM is just not ready yet00:31
Unit193kristian-aalborg: On my Xubuntu installs I do use Thunar, but I like to have pcmanfm00:32
kristian-aalborgit's neat... I just seem to have been having all kinds of problems with it lately00:33
kristian-aalborgusually works on Lubuntu though, so crossing my fingers00:33
stlsaintkristian-aalborg: pcmanfm not ready?? how so?00:34
thewrathhey all00:43
kristian-aalborgstlsaint, probably something I did myself... just some weird issues w/ segfaulting and such00:44
kristian-aalborgstlsaint, I forgot you're on #lubuntu as well00:44
kristian-aalborgthat explains the bias ;)00:44
stlsaintthewrath: sup man00:44
thewrathstlsaint: nothing much00:44
stlsaintkristian-aalborg: yep00:44
thewrathhey do you know how i can determine what a user is using as in what password to connect to my honeypot00:45
stlsaintdid you not set the user password allowed?00:45
thewrathi have a machine that i have setup a password and in /var/log/secure i see them failing to login00:46
thewrathi am curious to see what passwords taht they are using00:46
thewrathit is a standard openssh server00:46
thewrathi always forget how can i get my voice back in here? the +?00:47
thewrathnot sure if i am member of the team anymore00:48
stlsaintthewrath: i used logs when i was being attacked to see what was happening00:48
stlsaintauth.log should tell you something00:49
stlsaintthewrath: did you leave team?00:49
stlsaintbodhizazen: o/00:49
bodhizazen'lo stlsaint00:50
stlsaintbodhizazen: nm, have you given google+ a go?00:50
bodhizazenno, what is google+ ?00:50
stlsaintbodhizazen: you have gmail account?00:50
thewrathstlsaint: i feel dormate i believe00:50
thewrathgoogle+ = facebook00:51
thewrathbut it is closed again stlsaint00:51
thewrathyou can not invite anyone right now00:51
thewrathstlsaint: what logs did you use?00:51
stlsaintthewrath: not true00:51
thewraththey just closed it again00:51
stlsaintthewrath: and google+ is WAY more than facebook00:51
thewrathi tried to invite other people not to long and it did not work00:51
bodhizazenyep, bodhi.zazen@gmail.com00:51
thewrathmy gf can not do it anymore00:51
stlsaintthewrath: i am still able to invite folks00:52
thewrathstlsaint: lucky00:52
stlsaintthewrath: i just sent one to bodhi00:52
stlsaintbodhizazen: google+ == facebook+skype+flickr all rolled into one awesome app00:53
kristian-aalborgthewrath, there's a #security here as well,  you might want to try that00:53
thewrathstlsaint: it is still in beta or alpha00:53
thewraththanks kristian-aalborg00:53
stlsaintthewrath: still in beta but i have not had any issues with it thus far00:53
stlsaintthewrath: /var/log/auth.log00:53
thewrathi have not00:53
* bodhizazen looks00:53
thewrathi havent either00:53
stlsaintbodhizazen: video hangouts with other folks, create your own "circles" to seperate people, immediate uploads of pics, rss feeds called "Stream" feature, plus regular google services still00:55
thewrathstlsaint: how did you set that log up?00:55
stlsaintthewrath: no need to set anything up, comes standard00:55
thewrathoh i forget to mention that i am in fedora not ubuntu00:55
thewrathfound setting up snort from source was easier :)00:56
stlsaintLOL, you know i meant to ask you what distro you running but i just assumed ubuntu00:56
thewrathhas anyone set up a honeypot with Ubuntu00:56
stlsaintthewrath: well fedora is a HIGH security feature riddled distro, im sure they have logs just as ubuntu does00:57
thewrathapparently in FC 4 they had that log00:57
stlsaintthewrath: i was gonna on one of my servers in a lxc container, then got lazy, then deployed to kuwait! lol00:57
stlsaintthewrath: your not using F15?00:58
thewrathi hate really really hate the UI00:58
thewrathare you back from Kuwait00:58
stlsaintthewrath: so why not F14?00:58
thewrathI am on 1400:58
stlsaintthewrath: nope still here00:58
thewrathhow long are you there for?00:58
thewrathif i may ask00:58
stlsaintthewrath: oh ok cause above you said FC 400:58
thewrathand what branch of service00:58
stlsaintthewrath: i should be home before Xmas00:59
thewrathFC4 is what they said auth.log is in00:59
thewraththat is nice00:59
thewrathmy cousin was in the army00:59
thewraththank you for serving and thank you00:59
stlsaintno prob00:59
thewraththere are worst places you can be....00:59
stlsaintthewrath: much worse!!00:59
thewrathI can name atleast two.....01:00
stlsaintthewrath: i would suggest going into the fedora irc but those folks can be frustrating sometimes, best bet is good ol' google01:00
thewrathi am googling around now01:00
thewrathi would agree with the first part of teh statement01:01
stlsaintalright well i was suppose to be in bed over an hour ago so off i go01:01
stlsaintthewrath: if you have a server and running fedora i suggest kvm ;)01:02
stlsaintlater folks01:02
bodhizazenFedora + KVM + spice = FTW01:03
bodhizazenand the #fedora folks are fine, much more professional then #ubuntu, IMO01:03
thewrathbodhizazen: do you now where that is in fedora01:11
bodhizazenwhat thewrath ?01:11
bodhizazenthewrath, Personally I use F15 + xfce or fluxbox =)01:12
bodhizazengnome3 is looking good, but not ready for prime time yet01:13
thewrathwhat is xfce and fluxbox,01:16
thewrathi have heard them before01:16
bodhizazenAlternate window managers =)01:16
bodhizazenI have been using mainly xfce, fluxbox, or openbox for the last few years. not a big fan of gnome or KDE01:18
bodhizazenI run gnome in a VM just so I can answer gnome questions01:18
bodhizazenFluxbox was very easy to configure in Fedora01:19
bodhizazenI would post a screen shot, but my background images seem to have naked women in them =)01:21
bodhizazenthewrath, http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/179/200609272321061600x1200scrot3rc3.jpg/01:22
bodhizazenthat image is safe for work, and from several years ago =)01:22
thewrathbodhizazen: is xfce is just the UI it looks ike01:24
thewrathi have to really look into what flukbox is01:24
bodhizazenthewrath, http://xwinman.org/01:25
bodhizazenFluxbox is a window manager01:25
thewrathafter i said that i had to double check because i have heard of it before01:26
bodhizazenxfce is a DE - DE = window manager (xfwm4) + panel + applets01:26
thewrathcan you use both of them in fedora?01:26
thewrathalot of the time i ssh into that server01:27
bodhizazenthewrath, http://spins.fedoraproject.org/xfce/01:27
thewraththanks bodhizazen01:27
thewrathbodhizazen: have you used DVL?01:27
bodhizazenDam vulnerable inlux ?01:27
bodhizazenyes, some time ago01:28
thewrathdo you still have v1?01:28
thewrathwhat did you think of it01:28
thewrathtrying to set up a honeypot and some of the guys at work suggested that01:28
bodhizazenIt is sort of technical, and they have not released an updated version in some time01:28
bodhizazenI would NOT use DVL as a honeypot01:29
thewrathwhat would you suggest01:29
bodhizazenhoneyd on Fedora =)01:29
thewrathi have my IDS on my host namechine01:29
thewrathi will have to do honeyd on a VM with fedora01:30
thewrathor could i do it on the machine with my IDS/snort01:30
thewrathi would say seperate them but that is me01:30
thewrathyes more overhead and more processing power but i think it would be better01:30
bodhizazenthewrath, http://www.symantec.com/connect/articles/open-source-honeypots-learning-honeyd01:30
thewraththanks bodhizazen01:32
thewrathi know i have asked this before01:32
thewrathi do not think i am on the team list01:32
thewrathif i want and get my +v back01:32
thewrathdo i just e-mail me the team?01:32
thewrathor e-mail the team leadership01:32
bodhizazenalthough the team is changing01:32
thewrathwhat do you mean changing?01:32
thewrathstructure, leadership?01:33
bodhizazenthewrath, http://www.honeyd.org/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=101:33
thewraththat link i get forum does not exist but that is probably because i do not have a login lol01:34
thewrathhow is the team canging01:36
bodhizazenthewrath, see also : http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/unix-koans/script-kiddie.html01:37
bodhizazenMint chocolate chip ice cream sandwich FTW !!!01:43
thewrathis that the klondik bar?01:43
bodhizazenno, local brand01:44
=== thewrath_ is now known as thewrath
thewrathsorry guys02:16
thewrathi lost my connection02:16
thewrathbodhizazen: what is the email i need to use to email the team leadership/02:16
Ozikhi, I need help with WoL. I confugured it and it worked fine. Even at night I could halt and then wake. Now I can't. Server is behind Linksys WRT54G2, ip reserved for 166hrs (but it disappeared from DHCP table, other offline devices didn't) ports 7-9forwarded08:48
illdubb40anyone here chatting?10:05
stlsaintilldubb40: sup10:09
illdubb40stlsaint: trying to figure this whole thing out10:16
stlsaintilldubb40: what whole thing out?10:17
illdubb40irc chat10:17
illdubb40and unity10:17
stlsaintoh ok10:18
stlsaintyou new to ubuntu?10:18
illdubb40i've used an earlier 10, but decided i wanted to try again10:19
stlsaintilldubb40: 10 as in 9.10, 10.04,10.10, 11.10?10:20
stlsaintah, one of my favs10:21
stlsainttis what i run now10:21
illdubb40I liked it... came back to Ubuntu hoping there would be more to love...10:21
illdubb40a little bummed after discovering unity10:21
stlsaintha, i am more than a little bummed lol10:22
stlsainthence i stick to 10.0410:22
stlsaintilldubb40: how did you hear about this channel?10:23
illdubb40my good pal google10:24
illdubb40to direct a msg at a user do you type "@" or just name with ":"?10:24
zkriesseilldubb40: just type their name :)10:28
illdubb40zkriesse thanks10:29
illdubb40new to irc as you can tell10:29
zkriessei think i might drop back down to 10.04 as well10:29
illdubb40same i'm glad i kept my iso disk10:30
suprengrilldubb40,  or for pm [private message] or direct message ... /msg [name]10:31
illdubb40ok thanks10:32
illdubb40i still have to register nick10:32
illdubb40how do i spot staff?10:32
zkriessestaff for?10:33
zkriesseFreenode? or here10:33
zkriesseah, staff are voice10:33
zkriesseah, staff are voiced10:33
illdubb40is that the users with yellow idol looking status markers?10:34
illdubb40are they*10:34
zkriesseYou using XChat?10:34
zkriesseah sweet10:34
zkriesseI can teach ya a few tweeks10:35
illdubb40on xchat?10:35
* zkriesse uses XChat10:35
suprengrilldubb40, sorry to interrupt - if you do want to pm someone - correct & polite etticate demands that you ask them first [if you don't actually know them]10:37
illdubb40suprengr, regarding staff? or users in general?10:39
suprengrilldubb40, regarding anyone really - I have blocked users because they just jumped into a pm to me without permission so many times10:41
suprengr...and yes, that's something xchat allows you to do very easily10:42
illdubb40suprengr, understood...10:42
illdubb40are you on xchat as well?10:44
suprengr:) yep10:44
illdubb40ok, so the users with yellow markers are who i pm to register nick?10:45
illdubb40in freenode room...10:45
suprengrno - the is a nickserve job10:45
Sidewinder1suprengr, I have only experienced that once in a great while; I usually just "!pm > 'Nick'", that usually solves that problem. :-)10:45
suprengrSidewinder1,  ;D10:45
Sidewinder1suprengr, I think most just don't realize that it's a little impolite.10:46
zkriesseto register do /msg nickserv help register10:48
zkriesseilldubb40: ^^10:48
illdubb40zkriesse thanks10:48
suprengrilldubb40, http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml for the complete method10:48
zkriesseand since you're on XChat you can do /ns help register10:48
zkriesse /ns is short for /msg nickserv lol10:49
Sidewinder1Just out of curiosity, after /ignoring someone, how would one revert back? Unignore, if you will?10:49
suprengrzkriesse, sorry - was typing not looking.. you got there as well10:49
zkriessemenu bar at the top, Window -> ignore list10:50
zkriesseon XChat anyway10:50
Sidewinder1Thanks zkriesse , will try...10:51
Sidewinder1Unfortunately I don't see any ignore list in my menu bar. :-(10:53
zkriesseSidewinder1: XChat?10:54
zkriesseok, the Window Tab up top, click it10:54
zkriesseIn that list you'll see "Ignore List"10:54
Sidewinder1Ah, yes, there it is...mant thanks!10:54
zkriesse:) not a problem10:55
Sidewinder1many, even.10:55
illdubb40after 10 minutes i'm finally registered...lol thanks for the help10:58
zkriessenot a prob10:58
zkriesseI'd recommend you set ENFORCE on10:59
illdubb40zkriesse: you're making sure I memorize the google homepage eh? lol10:59
zkriesseAlso, you can add your password to your IRC server settings so that you auto identify11:00
zkriesseTo nickserv11:00
zkriesseXChat -> Network List -> Freenode -> Edit -> Server Password Field -> Put your nickserv password there11:01
zkriesseAlso, you can edit your IRC server for freenode in there as well. I recommend you make it chat.freenode.net/7000 and Check the boxes "Use SSL for all the servers on this network" and "Accept invalid SSL certificate"11:02
leoquant /connect irc.freenode.net 6667 :<username> <password>11:04
leoquant=7000 or 707011:04
zkriesseleoquant: heya man11:04
leoquantin xchat, this means you put :<username> <password> into the server password box.11:04
zkriessesee me on that askubuntu chat room?11:04
leoquantubuntu answers is a bit less "modern"11:05
zkriesseyeah anyway did ya get that illdubb40 ?11:06
zkriesseI should make a post for that on the forum...11:07
illdubb40i'm still trying to catch up...11:07
zkriesselol no worries mate11:07
illdubb40easiest method is /connect irc...method?11:07
leoquantsasl is nice illdubb4011:07
leoquantand very easy, see the linkage i gave you11:08
zkriesseI still promote what I said!11:08
* zkriesse promotes it11:08
leoquantok ok11:08
zkriesselater bro!11:10
zkriesseargh he left11:10
zkriesseYeah ok, so ask away if you need help illdubb4011:10
suprengrweeeee! F! starts on BBC... me go quiet now11:10
illdubb40ok, so it doesn't matter which file i save to xchat dir right? either the py or pl?11:10
zkriessewhat file11:11
illdubb40for sasl11:11
zkriesseOh I have no idea11:11
illdubb40or should i used your "promoted" method?11:11
zkriessenever used SASL11:11
zkriesseEither one I don't care lol user preference11:11
zkriesseI just know my method11:11
illdubb40not finding my network list or any type of option box11:12
zkriesseXChat Menu Button Top Left hand corner of the xchat screen11:14
zkriesseClick that11:14
zkriesseClick Network list11:14
zkriesseSearch for the Freenode server in the list11:14
zkriesseClick it then click "EDIT"11:14
illdubb40nothing in top left... just minimize, max, etc...11:15
illdubb40just chat window is open11:16
zkriesseYou using 11.04 ubuntu?11:16
zkriesseah ok11:16
zkriesseWell top menu bar, you should see options pop up11:17
coalwaterhi all11:18
zkriessecoalwater: Yo11:18
illdubb40wow... i feel slow right now... i'm not finding it zkriesse11:18
zkriesseone sec man :)11:18
zkriesse_Ok full screen your xchat window11:20
zkriesse_right to the right of the fullscreen button after minimize/close etc you should see a button called XChat pop up11:21
illdubb40put my password in nick? or server?11:22
stlsaintzkriesse_: yo11:23
zkriessestlsaint: :) hey man11:24
zkriesseilldubb40: Server11:24
zkriesseThat way you auth to services and don't join/disconnect/rejoin (You won't notice it but others can)11:24
zkriesseDid ya edit the freenode connect up at the top? where it says chat.freenode.net/6667 ?11:25
zkriesseChange it to chat.freenode.net/700011:25
zkriesseAnd don't forget to check the SSL Boxes11:25
illdubb40what does changing that do? (in a nutshell)11:28
zkriesseGives ya a Secure Shell Connection11:28
zkriessePrevents your password being sent over the server in plain text format11:29
illdubb40done. Thanks zkriesse11:30
StevenRzkriesse: secure socket, not secure shell11:30
zkriesseStevenR: indeed11:31
stlsaintback...what i miss ?? O_o11:32
illdubb40not losing much if i go back to 10.04 right?11:45
zkriesseNot really imo11:45
illdubb40I expected 11.04 to have plenty of eye candy for my new graphics card... Wondering why 11.04 could not be installed on my older machine, it seems basic as far as visualizations and such...11:47
illdubb40but i am new to ubuntu, so maybe it was wishful thinking.11:48
Sidewinder1I'm definitely a 10.04 guy. :D11:48
Abhijitilldubb40, try kde.11:48
Abhijitfor more eyecandy.11:48
illdubb40does it run through unity?11:49
Abhijitilldubb40, have you enabled all the important funtions in compiz?11:49
illdubb40such as?11:49
Abhijitilldubb40, nope. its completely different desktop environment.11:49
Abhijitilldubb40, see the compiz docs.11:49
Sidewinder1illdubb40, There's even a #compiz channel, I believe.11:50
* zkriesse loves Kubuntu11:51
* Abhijit has wonderful compiz animations!!! :-D11:54
illdubb40Abhijiz I can't do much through Unity though correct? or is there still features through compiz w/ unity11:57
Abhijityeah I have no idea about Unity. I am using Lucid. Plane gnome.11:57
illdubb40ok, yeah just installed 11.04 hours ago...11:58
=== coalwater_ is now known as coalwater
suprengrs-fox = silver??15:36
suprengrhi :)15:37
suprengrbeen away for a while15:38
suprengr[me that is - & not "away" as in put inside at #HM leisure!]15:38
* s-fox nods. Perhaps you would like to continue this conversation in #ubuntu-beginners-team ? :)15:39
Abhijithi s-fox15:39
cam_can someone recommend the best browser to use from the command line16:37
=== Abhijit_ is now known as Abhijit
s-foxcam_,  Elinks, links, links2, lynx-cur or lynx are commonly used16:48
bioterroror even telnet :D16:53
cam_thanks s-fox17:16
s-foxcam_,  I would perhaps avoid lynx because I am sure development on it has slowed down .  I can't remember where i have read it though17:17
scott__Does anyone know how to get a Via VT 6410 pci ide card to 'see' ide drives in ubuntu 10.10?18:41
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Ozikhi, I have a problem with bind9, can't start because permission denied to file /etc/bind/named.conf both - file and cat are 744 and chown -R bind:bind18:56
stlsaintOzik: i dont have bind installed but have you checked the bind9-doc ?18:58
Ozikstlsaint: well no, I just google it. named.conf: -rwxr--r-- 1 bind bind 463 | /etc/bind -> /var/lib/named/etc/bind lrwxrwxrwx 1 bind bind 2319:04
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Neffirithionanyone here have any experience with preseeding installations?19:36
stlsaintNeffirithion: i have not myself put i know there is alot of documentation on it if you need help19:37
NeffirithionI am turning to the chats due to most documentation not helping19:37
Neffirithionbut what is the link in which you refer? maybe it is something I have yet to see19:38
stlsaintNeffirithion: honestly i have just seen it wiki pages before some time ago19:38
NeffirithionWell thanks for responding at least... the folks in #ubuntu don't seem to notice my requests at all19:40
stlsaintNeffirithion: sorry i cant help more19:41
alexduboisHi, what is the best channel to learn IRC? Thanks.20:14
Error404NotFoundwhats to learn about irc...20:15
stlsaintalexdubois: this is a support channel that can offer you help with irc20:16
alexduboisWell, I've spent time reading about it a bit, but don't want to jump in a channel and anoy everybody, like I might now...20:16
stlsaintalexdubois: again this is a support channel so support is what we do ;)20:16
stlsaintalexdubois: what is it that you are inquiring about?20:16
alexduboisok... So, I have found a channel of interrest. I asked a question and no answer so far... I supose not enought people there to help...20:17
stlsaintalexdubois: do you have a question about your client?20:18
Error404NotFoundi think he wants to learn irc etiquette20:18
alexduboisAs you have answered my posts, not anymore :-) I though my client was not working20:19
alexduboisis it important to preserve your privacy?20:19
alexduboisyes lol :-)20:19
alexduboisBy that I mean what another client know about me? My nickname, my IP addess, anything else?20:20
Error404NotFoundgood luck getting a vhost on this server20:20
alexduboisOK, vhost is to hide IP address. thanks for the term. not too bothered about that. Well I think I won't take more of your time... I'll do a bit more reading. Thanks.20:22
stlsaintalexdubois: vhost is to hide ip????20:28
=== scott is now known as Phr3d13
alexduboisSorry, I thought that it was for this purpose as @Error404NotFound mentioned vhost... I googled vhost+irc  and found this as the result http://www.irchighway.net/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=111&theme=Printer20:31
stlsaintwho is trying to use vhosting?20:31
Error404NotFoundblocks host mask20:31
alexduboisOK, I'll read the IRC specs, it's probably safer than raising assumptions :-)20:32
stlsaintwell i dont know if that will be allowed on freenode as most people just request a cloak20:32
Phr3d13Does anyone know how to get a Via VT 6410 pci ide card to 'see' ide drives in ubuntu 10.10?20:47
Error404NotFoundi do but its expensive..20:49
Error404NotFoundthrow yer old crusty computer with ide away and buy a new one with fancy sata..20:50
Phr3d13feel like donating a sata hard drive to my "Junky Computer" fund?21:32
Error404NotFoundi do have a few laying around21:33
Error404NotFoundsell ya a 150gb wd raptor x for 25 bucks lol21:39
=== scott__ is now known as Phr3d-13
jimmieIs there any way to make the File/Edit/etc bar go into the launcher in Gnome much like it does in unity?22:45
bobweaverany one here and got some time for a brain buster ?23:30
bobweaverHi there23:35
bobweaverhere is my question http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=180152923:35
zer010Just lookin in and seeing what's goin on...not much from the looks of it...23:35
bobweavernot much is right23:35
zer010It looks like your question was answered.23:37
bobweaveror tried to be answered23:51

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