
mhall119first we have to point everybody at UDS to popey's server running Node.js, and if he doesn't have to call the fire department then we're good03:05
* mhall119 is late to the topic, ^^ was about Etherpad Lite03:06
paultagmhall119: my firehose runs nodejs03:08
paultagmhall119: since it's inturupt driven and stores datastructs in memory (not per-instance such as django or php), it uses way less CPU and RAM then other stuff03:09
paultagunless you're an idiot about it03:09
paultagnot to mention v8 is pretty damn awesome03:10
paultaglongpoll + nodejs = awesome03:11
mhall119inturupt driven?  Isn't that how twisted works too?03:37
mhall119paultag: I'm seriously thinking of dropping my Queue datastructure and just making is a list03:38
mhall119but still calling it a queue03:38
mhall119I'm doing some major data structure refactoring on RF03:39
mhall119the last major item on my list before I open it up for testing03:39
paultagmhall119: thank christ for that03:40
paultagmhall119: I'm stoked for you, I love seeing stuff built03:40
mhall119I love building stuff03:41
mhall119I've already reached my initial goal for this project03:41
mhall119which, in and of itself, is a pretty big win03:42
mhall119btw, is the "thank christ" for me dropping the queue structure, or for me going into beta?03:42
paultagmhall119: dropping queue03:42
paultagmhall119: :)03:42
mhall119I just need to figure out an efficient way to let users point to the same feeds and articles03:43
mhall119which still isolating one user's data from another (until I add sharing)03:43
mhall119but I think I've got that figured, thanks to some Django helper functions, which will reduce the number of DB calls the additional layers will cause03:44
paultaghammer the db and set up memcached03:45
paultagif you get big enough where that's not enough you should rewrite anyway03:45
paultagjust get it pushed and feature complete03:46
mhall119it's not so much about hammering the DB, it's about making 50 nearly identical calls when you could get all the data in one only mildly complex call03:47
paultagbuggy but working 1.0 is better then a never-working 0.103:47
mhall119I'm already at 1.0, this is 2.x now03:47
paultagmhall119: you know what I mean.03:47
mhall119but migrating the data is going to be a pain, and I really want to do it before I start bringing in a bunch of users03:47
mhall119also, I found a django-invitations app that'll give me google-style invites with very little effort03:49
mhall119which I'm happy about03:49
mhall119anyway, it's nearly midnight, and I'm laying down flooring in the little girl's room tomorrow, so I'm off to be03:50
paultagmhall119: night03:50

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