
NRWlionformula1 time ... be back tonight!12:03
* pleia2 waves17:37
pleia2need summaries :)17:37
holsteinpleia2: im busy today :/18:07
holstein2 concerts18:07
holsteini'll be around some tomorrow though18:07
holsteinmaybe we could move some of those blog posts from 'the planet' down to the 'blog-0-sphere' ?18:08
pleia2nah, blogosphere is specifically non-planet18:09
pleia2have to keep them separate because planet is from project members, and blogosphere is meant to be more outside the core community18:09
pleia2we need more summary writers, I'm going to blog about this need and offer to collect email addresses of people who want to be informed when we're ready to accept summaries (a few people have told me that they don't want to ues irc)20:46

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