
wrstreally chris4585?00:06
wrsthmm I had no issues00:07
chris4585yeah well nvidia-current in 11.1000:26
cyberangerchris4585: that explains my kernel panic better (presumed it was just dual monitor code in the nvidia card)00:26
chris4585I've had all sorts of issues with video drivers00:26
chris4585I used vesa a while, and now nvidia works again with regular 2d00:26
cyberangerI've had to keep work on maverick due to that00:27
chris4585I mean, I use a little bit more ram due to only having 2d, but it all still works just fine00:28
wrstchris4585: on arch I have no issue but they aren't up to kernel 3.0 yet either00:30
cyberangerchris4585: more ram for 2d, vs what, console?00:32
chris4585/exec -o echo "oh I'm on $(uname)"00:33
chris4585oh I'm on Linux00:33
chris4585oh I'm on Linux RX881 3.0-3-generic-pae #4-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 1 10:16:45 UTC 2011 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux00:33
chris4585fail ^00:33
cyberangerchris4585: uname -a00:48
=== cyberanger changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-tn to: Next Meeting August 4th at 8:30 PM EDT/7:30 PM CDT | Welcome to the Ubuntu Tennessee Team IRC Channel | Members add your info http://tr.im/nogt | Ask about our Wiki Jams
wrstwow august... year is a flyin'01:27
cyberangerthat it is01:36
wrstbut means we are busy I suppose01:37
cyberangerYeah, or something like that01:42
wrstor crazy01:53
wrstor have no concept of time01:54
wrstor can't read a clock or a calendar01:54
wrstetc, etc...01:54
cyberangerwrst: crazy is a matter of perception02:13
cyberangeror is that sanity, hrm?02:15
wrsti think it works either way cyberanger02:16
cyberangerThat's good, my perception varies every day ;-)02:16
wrstmine by the second :)02:18
* cyberanger wonders if wrst is referring to perception on sanity02:20
* cyberanger wonders if wrst is referring to perception or sanity02:20
cyberangerperhaps both ;-)02:21
wrstyeah both why not02:22
cyberangerJuly isn't quite over, but our meetings in July are02:30
wrstand july is just gettting started02:31
cyberangereh, we passed all the exciting stuff though02:32
cyberangerNothing like detonating a couple milion in chinese gunpowder to celebrate amarican independence02:32
cyberangerafter all02:32
cyberangerNothing like detonating a couple milion in chinese gunpowder to celebrate american independence02:33
cyberangerman I cannot type tonight02:33
wrstcyberanger:  I never can02:37
wrstnight cyberanger03:06
Unit193wrst: Good night!03:07
cyberangernight wrst03:41
Unit193Looks like nobody here likes Xubuntu :/03:42
pleia2I doooo03:46
Unit193pleia2: You're here! And you don't count...03:58
Unit193So you're here and there watching me make an idiot of myself?03:58
chris4585anyone know what happened to exodus_ms?04:02
cyberangerpleia2: I can't stand it04:30
cyberangerUnit193: how does pleia2 not count?04:30
Unit193cyberanger: She does some major work with Xubuntu (Website and ??)04:31
Unit193I'm just a minor tester :/04:31
cyberangerchris4585: as far as I know, he's still fine, just dealing with pressures of finances04:31
cyberangersomething we all are lately04:32
chris4585I just haven't seen him in here in a while07:28
cyberangerchris4585: he doesn't stay long, 15 minutes on avg. I'd say07:49
wrsthellow everyone20:44
wrstor hello even20:44
Unit193wrst: Howdy! Doing well?20:47
wrstdoing great Unit193, how about you?20:47
Unit193It's warm here, and I have been having computer problems, but I have my tea20:48
wrstits hotter than the surface of the sun here20:50
wrstwell not really but its hot!20:50
Unit193Temperature: 88°F / 31°C (Heat Index: 88°F / 31°C)20:51
Unit193Er... Missed Humidity: 40% ... I like my little test bot :D20:52
wrstwhat are you running?21:01
Unit193wrst: Running? Lubuntu 10.10 on one21:10
wrstno i mean the bot Unit193 :)21:27
wrstbut good ol' 10.10 was a very solid release21:27
* Unit193 is a little scared to update it21:28
wrstUnit193: I'm running linux mint 11 right now and its using 11.04 as its base and its really really good21:30
wrstI think 11.04 is good... unity not so good :)21:30
Unit193It's a Supybot with some cool plugins (I kinda like rbot but don't know how to import a database)21:31
Unit193I'm not so much a fan of Mint, but I'm using Xubuntu 11.04 on two computers (And Lubuntu 11.04 looks better than ever!!)21:32
wrstUnit193: i've never been either but compared to unity it looks wonderful!21:36
wrstand its easy to get going21:36
Unit193I've still not tried Unity (But I know I would hate it).  I currently have my little bot in a few channels too ^_^21:37
Unit193I'm going to have to download one of the Mints now21:38

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