
mhall119cjohnston: think we can do a loco-directory deployment this week to fix the Korean bug?14:37
cjohnstonmhall119: sure. is it fixed? is there anything else other than translations we want to push?17:01
cjohnstonstupid wifi!17:06
cjohnstonpaultag: fix my wifi!17:06
paultagmy ass, I spend enough time getting that card to place nice on my non-ubuntu machines17:08
paultagerm, installs, rather17:08
cjohnstonso you should have enough experience to fix mine17:09
paultagscrew that17:09
cjohnstonno diving for yo!17:10
Amozwifi problems?17:25
cjohnstonwant to fix them? :-P17:26
Amozmy old realtek and linux weren't good friends, so I bought a new centrino 6200 only to discover the horrible n-draft bug ...17:29
Amozso now I can't use 802.11n..17:29
Amozhowever, I do have out of the box support :)17:30
Amozcjohnston, which card?17:30
Amozwhat* (?)17:30
cjohnstonbroadcom bcm431217:31
cjohnstonive tried the stuff in the #ubuntu broadcom factoid to no avail17:31
Amozoh god.. broadcom17:32
Amozsrsly, is there a real database of computers showing how "linux compatible" they are?17:32
Amozcjohnston, I was hoping for a database where I can search for a specific model and see a real "report" if you know what I mean17:35
Amozbecause that "certification" isn't really telling me anything17:35
Amoza lot of them isn't even disitributed where I live17:36
Amozhmm linlap.com?17:36
cjohnstonmhall119: https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/loco-directory/801984/+merge/6631222:34

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