
lafonhow can i connect my ubuntuone account to my computer?18:12
jo-erlendlafon, run ubuntu one client and log in?18:13
lafonthe client doesn't open up the browser to do that18:14
lafonIn fact what I'm really wondering is how do i login18:14
jo-erlendI don't remember if it opened my browser at all when I connected for the first time here. I don't think so?18:15
lafonoh. so what you are saying is that i need to go to the application panel: name>Ubuntu One...18:16
jo-erlendI don't understand exactly what that means, but yes, you run the application called Ubuntu One.18:18
jo-erlendthen you click on "I already have an account" and it'll ask you for your passord and email.18:18
jo-erlendI just tried it in a guest account to be sure.18:18
karnilafon: Which version of ubuntu are you running?18:19
karnilafon: Have you logged in before?18:19
jo-erlendlafon, ah. That's relevant. I'm using 11.04.18:19
karnilafon: Or is it this the first time you log in to U118:19
karnijo-erlend: ;)18:19
lafonnot on this computer. its been a few years18:19
lafon2 maybe18:20
karnilafon: So you haven't logged in on this computer before?18:20
lafonlast time was on 7.1018:20
karniSystem -> Preferences -> Ubuntu One -- can you see it there?18:20
lafonand opened18:20
karnilafon: Can you click to _log in_ ?18:21
lafonno such button18:21
karnilafon: It should open the browser.18:21
lafonyeah that doesn't happen18:21
karnilafon: please open seahorse (You can use: Alt+F2 type in seahorse and Enter)18:21
lafonI tried that before and waited for half an hour18:21
karnilafon: and make sure you don't have "ubuntu one" entry in there18:21
karnilafon: no need to wait so long.18:21
lafonbtw what is Desktop Couch?18:22
karnilafon: If you somehow do have Ubuntu One entry in seahorse, please delete it.18:22
lafonnope no ubuntuone entry18:22
karnilafon: It's a database software that sits on users computer, it supports replciation so it can sync data with U1 (like, bookmarks)18:22
karnilafon: All right. What do you see when you open the Sys -> Prefs -> Ubuntu One?18:23
lafonso does everyone have two of them?18:23
lafonThe ubuntu one preferences window18:23
karnilafon: Desktop Couch is a software. CouchDB is the database. And there's a corresponding CouchDB database on the server, if the uses uses it, yes.18:23
karnilafon: Can you go to 'Devices' seciton?18:23
jo-erlendany ideas how I can get my contacts soon? It's important to me and I really don't want to copy them by hand.18:23
karnilafon: I know it's that window. I mean what is in that window :)18:24
karnilafon: Interesting. Then you have your U1 configured already. You would not see it otherwise.18:24
lafon<LOCAL MACHINE>18:24
karnilafon: Click delete next to it (or 'Remove')18:24
lafonlimit bandwith18:24
karnijo-erlend: Please come back tomorrow and ask rye, he'll know better.18:24
karnilafon: can't?18:24
lafonthe only buttons are connect and restart18:24
karnilafon: try connect18:25
karnilafon: if you have no U1 in seahorse, it doesn't have your credentials18:25
karniso it should ask you to log in in the end.18:25
karnilafon: I'll be back in 2min18:25
lafonso the connect box has been greyed out18:25
karnilafon: type this in the terminal and paste the output to paste.ubuntu.com: u1sdtool --status18:29
karnior: u1sdtool -s18:29
karni(same command)18:29
lafonkarni:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/641448/18:31
karnilafon: try u1sdtool --connect , wait short moment, and paste u1sdtool --status again18:31
lafonstatus is identical18:32
karnilafon: Are you using default NetworkManager to manage your connection or something else, like WiCD ?18:33
lafonno its a dial-up connection so wvdial18:33
karnilafon: Probably U1 this there's no network connection. It bases on NM to track network. I'm not 100%, please come back tomorrow and ask again. There will be support guys around :)18:34
lafonso can i remove networkmanager without damaging my system?18:35
jo-erlendif you don't use network-manager, then you can remove it. You can always reinstall it later if you want to.18:38
karnilafon: ↑ true. But I think it's a U1 dependency.18:48
karniWhich theoretically is a bug, but.. Not something I want to talk about right now :)18:48
lafondoes look like it. i uninstalled and u1 doesn't even startup18:48
lafonso i need to reinstall, and find a way to disable rather than remove18:49
lafonhuh. just used firefox for an unrelated reason and i got the message that it was already running19:00
dobeykarni: it is not a dependency19:45
karnidobey: doesn't U1 require NM ?19:46
dobeyit assumes there is network, if there isn't a networkmanager to talk to19:46
karnidobey: cool19:46
karniI'll know next time.19:47
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