
JeZ-l-Leerunning Xubuntu 11.04 - in Thunar file manager, how do I search for files??01:27
knomesearch for files in the currect directory or on the computer?01:28
JeZ-l-Leecurrent directory01:28
JeZ-l-Leethats not what I need - how to search for say all *.DOC files in a folder01:29
knomethere is no such feature - try catfish01:30
JeZ-l-Leeugg, kind of an important feature01:30
knomefree to file a wishlist bug.01:30
JeZ-l-Leewhat is catfish?01:31
knomeit's an application that *drumroll* searches for files, which is what you are asking01:31
JeZ-l-Leethat works, thanks01:33
JeZ-l-Leeits already installed01:33
PhosphenesWhat's the difference between a VPN and a proxy?03:01
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN03:21
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Jacktachatbonjour je cherche un peu d'aide06:52
johnHi all.  Got a question about Skype on xubuntu...anyone about to help?08:50
Sysiask your question and see if somebody pops ouy with an ansver08:51
johnok cheers08:54
johnrunning 2.6.32-32-generic with Skype 2.2 but buggered if I can get the webcam to work (Bus 002 Device 002: ID 046d:08da Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Messanger)08:55
johngoogle video works though08:55
johnbut nothing through skype08:55
johnany ideas?08:56
ikritis there a way to restore xubuntu to default settings?12:21
changeth1sam I on?15:56
Drone4fouri accidentally removed the item on my xfce panel which had the wifi connection icon.....18:28
Drone4fournow there is no way for me to connect to my wirless network18:28
Drone4fouri looked everywhere in Add New Items, but can't find the app18:29
Drone4fourwhat app should i be looking for18:29
* Drone4four pokes #xubuntu 18:29
Drone4fourshould I also be asking in #xfce?18:29
pleia2Drone4four: it should be the network manager applet, lemme see..18:30
pleia2Drone4four: you want "notification area"18:31
Drone4fourpleia2, i found the Notification Area entry in the Add New Items but it is greyed out and I can't Add it18:32
pleia2hm, odd18:32
aatkIt's probably already there18:32
aatkalt+f2 then type nm-applet and press enter18:32
Drone4fourwhen I type nm-applet at the command line, it says, "An instance of the nm-applet is already running."18:34
aatkopen a term, 'killall nm-applet' and try it again18:34
Drone4fouraatk, pleia2:  after i killall nm-applet and retype nm-applet, it seems to hang with the error saying "(nm-applet:1878): DEBUS: old state indicates that this was not a disconnect 0"18:37
aatkDrone4four: have you tried rebooting your machine?19:07
aatkor logging out/in?19:07
Drone4fouraatk, i rebooted and that fixed the problem...ty pleia2 + aatk19:18
aatkcool, glad it works now :)19:29
moxyrAre there some people here who can help me debug a boot delay issue19:49
moxyrit tried the ubuntu-boot channel, but nobody except the logbot was there19:49
aatkmaybe, what's up?19:50
Sysitry installing bootchart and see images it makes19:50
moxyrtried bootchart but the delay is after grub has finished and before init runs19:50
moxyrWhen I boot my system I first get the BIOS19:51
moxyreverything goes according to plan19:51
moxyrthen I get grub19:51
moxyreverything still oke19:52
moxyrgrub finishes with a blank screen and a pulsing white underscore19:52
moxyrthe screen goes completely black, no pulsing white underscore19:53
moxyrthe HDD let pulses for a short time19:53
moxyr10 seconds of nothing19:53
moxyrthe HDD led goes on again but longer19:53
moxyrand the systen boots19:53
moxyrEverything is the same as my previous install with 10.04 except for the 10 seconds of darkness19:54
moxyrI tried /var/log/syslog, but it only starts logging after the delay19:55
moxyrI checked grub timeout in the /etc/default/grub and changed the parameters about timeouts, but it remained 10 seconds19:55
moxyrAs already said bootchart didn't show anything relevant since it starts after the delay19:56
moxyrSo any idea's what is causing this?19:57
moxyrOr how do you troubleshoot something that runs before init?19:57
aatkdoes your grub command line have "quiet splash" in it? might be worth removing that (and turning off any splash graphics) and watching hte text20:03
moxyrAlready removed those when I installed the system20:04
aatkhave you run update-grub?20:05
Sysiyou may need to put "text" as option20:05
moxyrYes I have, every time I changed a timeout setting20:05
moxyris text the same as nosplash?20:06
SysiI don't quite know20:06
moxyrthat's oke. I don't know it either20:07
aatkdoes dmesg have anything immediatly after boot?20:09
* moxyr is rebooting with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text elevator=noop"20:09
moxyraatk: will answer after reboot ;)20:10
moxyrtext-option had the same issue20:12
moxyrgrub -> 10 seconds of nothingness -> console login20:13
moxyras far as I can tell it looks normal20:15
moxyrI shall post the first 4 seconds on pastebin20:15
aatkare you dual booting? or have any weird partitions/booting of SD or USB?20:17
moxyrdmesg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/641491/20:17
moxyrSingle boot, fresh install (No upgrade for old install), no USB drives are attached20:18
moxyroutput of fdisk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/641493/20:19
aatkI'm going to reboot and see if I have any delay20:20
moxyroke :)20:20
aatkit takes about 10s for me to get from grub->login screen20:24
aatkmaybe slightly longer20:25
moxyris your disk active for 10sec?20:25
moxyrMy bootchart reports 8.23 seconds but when i use a stopwatch i get around 18 seconds20:27
aatknot sure, the leds are broken20:28
moxyrprobably because the profiler/collector only runs after the delay...20:28
moxyroke no problem20:29
cetchmoh_hi there20:31
moxyrWhile googling I found that the bliking underscore "is what you get after GRUB boots the default OS but before init loads the kernel DRM module."20:34
moxyrso it isn't grub (or grub2 in this case)20:35
cetchmoh_I'm having a bit of trouble here... I changed my alsa configuration to use my usb sound card as default and everything works perfectly, except I have no sound in flash anymore :/20:35
cetchmoh_any ideas whats going on here?20:35
aatkI'll reboot again in a few minutes and see if I can hear when the disk spins up (fan is pretty noisy) i should really get a new laptop20:36
knomecetchmoh_, it might be that pulseaudio is messing stuff up. you could try installing pavucontrol and see if everything looks okay there20:36
moxyraatk: maybe if you take a bootchart and it says 11 seconds then you know you dont have the same delay20:37
cetchmoh_knome: mplayer is working fine with -ao pulse and -ao alsa20:37
knomecetchmoh_, i'm no expert in audio, but that might be something to start with at least :)20:38
cetchmoh_hmm... pavucontrol settings look okay...20:38
aatkrebooting w/ bootchart20:40
moxyraatk: any luck with rebooting? :)20:50
aatkbooted into windows by accident first time round20:50
aatki should really sleep20:50
aatkjust opening bootchart now20:51
* moxyr will also need sleep in 30 minutes20:53
moxyraatk: do you need my bootchart for comparison?20:53
aatkI'm just checking 2 of mine20:53
aatkand they're totally different20:53
aatkmost recent has a 10-14 second delay caused by ureadahead :/20:54
aatkprevious one looks normal20:54
moxyrprobably because installing bootchart caused a reprofile by ureadahead?20:55
aatkit's the more recent one with the delay20:55
aatk1st one after installing bootchart looks fine20:56
moxyrthat's odd to say at least...20:56
moxyrureadahead seems to be nice according to the bootchart here21:00
moxyrso if it's after grub but before the collector of bootchart21:02
moxyrthen we have "loading of the kernel", "bootstrapping with initramfs" and "init"21:03
moxyrmeh, again an unsuccesfull evening21:12
moxyrtime to sleep. Tomorrow another try21:13
moxyraatk: thanks for your effort21:13
moxyrtoo bad we couldn't find it21:14
moxyrhave a good night everyone21:14
knomenight moxyr21:14
=== moxyr is now known as moxyr|zzz
knomemoxyr|zzz, please try to avoid awaynicks (away message is enough), thanks! :)21:15
Arthenikhi there, I have a problem with the alternate installation CD. I use unetbootin to load it onto my flash disk but the installation procedure crashes because it cannot find a CD drive. i don't have a CD drive on my netbook and neither do I have access to an external drive22:44
Arthenikwould anyone know how to fix that issue? thanks :)22:45
madnickDoes it say that it is the CD drive that is the issue?22:48
madnickOr does it say that it cannot find packages?22:48
Artheniki do not have the dialog in front of me, but it complained of being unable to mount the cd drive22:48
Arthenikit is not a package problem22:48
madnickYou should probably dump to the terminal and find out the exact issue22:49
Arthenikalright, how do i dump? i'm quite comfortable with the console :)22:50
madnickYou could switch using ctrl+alt+fx22:51
Arthenikwill it contain the error code without my cooperation?22:53
madnickArthenik: the right terminal will contain it all22:55
Arthenikalright, sounds good. thanks :) i'm redownloading the CD at the moment, so I'll try it later. thanks again22:55
madnickI wouldnt use unetbootin, it installs its own little enivronment on the disk you use22:56
madnickRather use the Startup Disk Creator22:56
Arthenikdoes it work with all varieties of live cds?22:56
madnickI would suppose it works for all kinds of boot images22:57
madnickIve used it for dump my own OS onto USB22:57
knomeafaik, the usb disk creator needs a desktop image22:58
Arthenikah, i see it only works on linux. unfortunately, i only have access to a windows workstation ATM22:58
Arthenikbut I'm checking alternatives22:58
madnicknvm me, sorry, didnt read what it said23:00
giacomoc'è qualcuno che parla italiano?does anybody speaks italian here?23:01
knome!it | giacomo23:07
ubottugiacomo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)23:07
giacomograzie mille23:08

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