
=== serge_ is now known as serge_afk
kim0Morning everyone08:01
TeTeThi kim0 08:06
kim0TeTeT: Hey o/ Morning 08:08
koolhead11hi all09:30
kim0hey :)09:32
koolhead11hi kim0 TeTeT 09:35
TeTeThi koolhead11 09:37
hazmatfwereade, how's the spring location?14:25
niemeyerHey there14:39
niemeyerPart of the team is sprinting in Ensemble this week14:40
niemeyerSo apologies if conversations feel a bit confusing, in advance14:41
niemeyerFeel free to join in, though :)14:41
smoserRoAkSoAx, so... the preseed file that we were starting with (which i believe is incomplete at this point) is orchestra/./provisioning-server/etc/orchestra/ubuntu-orchestra-client.seed15:04
RoAkSoAxsmoser: ok. That's not in the archives yet I presume15:06
RoAkSoAxso we'll have to build that from source15:07
RoAkSoAxsmoser: would it be possible for you to do a small howto of the things you were doing so we can work that from here?15:09
smoserwell, its not exactly what we want anyway15:09
smoserright. thats what i'll work on.15:09
smosergetting you a running system and doc on how its working15:09
RoAkSoAxsmoser: cool, I'm setting up my own cobbler /orchestra server here15:10
smoserRoAkSoAx, http://paste.ubuntu.com/641956/ is an example of a late_command15:10
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-machines r281 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com15:11
_mup_Stubs for directly testing open_close_ports_on_machine15:11
smoserthat is generated with ./update-latecmd oneiric-amd64-preseed.cfg update-latecmd from lp:~smoser/+junk/cobbler-devenv/15:12
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-machines r282 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com15:12
_mup_Merged trunk15:12
RoAkSoAxsmoser: ok cool15:13
jcastroniemeyer: do you have any slides from any ensemble presentations you might have done? I'm making a collection.15:21
smoserRoAkSoAx, http://paste.ubuntu.com/641966/ would be how i think preseed might look for us.15:21
RoAkSoAxsmoser: right, all those variables are provided by cobbler, orchestra, or ensemble?15:22
smoseri'm not sure about EXTRA_PACKAGES15:23
smoserbut the idea is that we will start hte installer from ensemble and pass it ks_args to populate ENSEMBLE_LATE_COMMAND15:24
RoAkSoAxsmoser: ahh I see, so those are ks_args then15:24
negronjlHi guys:  Regarding ensemble and standard AMIs ( Bug: 791501 ).  I have two questions:  Is it released in the ppa already and, how do I specify the AMI/size ?15:29
_mup_Bug #808854 was filed: need a skeleton for a cobbler provider <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/808854 >15:37
jimbaker`negronjl, as i understand it, the ppa should be built against trunk; bug 791501 is marked released and the code is in there15:37
_mup_Bug #791501: Ensemble should use standard amis and the ppa <Ensemble:Fix Released by hazmat> <Principia Ensemble:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/791501 >15:37
negronjljimbaker':  thx.  How do I specify AMI/size for ensemble to use ?15:38
jimbaker`re the way to specify it: default-instance-type and default-ami15:38
jimbaker`(i was on vacation last week, so i haven't had a chance to use it)15:38
fwereadehazmat, sorry I missed you, I kinda forgot IRC existed this morning :)15:39
hazmatindeed, that's it, ensemble is configured entirely through cloud-init with the new branch, it no longer uses pre-built images15:39
negronjljimbaker':  thx15:39
hazmatso any standard ubuntu ami (natty or latter due to cloud-init  fixes)15:39
hazmater. 10.10 should work15:39
negronjlhazmat:  Is there a way to dynamically specify the AMI/size when deploying a formula with ensemble?15:40
hazmatfwereade, no worries, just looking over the orchestra skeleton branch15:40
negronjlhazmat:  ie:  ensemble deploy <formula> <AMI> <size> 15:40
hazmatnegronjl, not atm15:40
jimbaker`hazmat, negronjl - that would be something that the stack concept should be handle15:41
negronjlhazmat:  then I would use the default-instance-type and default-ami in the ~/.ensemble/environment.yaml file ?15:41
jimbaker`able to handle15:41
jimbaker`negronjl, correct15:41
hazmatnegronjl, yeah.. at the moment's that the only expose way of configuring them15:41
fwereadehazmat it's smal, but I bet it's got some sort of problem :p15:41
negronjlthx hazmat and jimbaker'15:42
hazmatnegronjl, tests ;-)15:42
negronjlhazmat:  I'll be testing today.  I'll report back15:43
=== jimbaker` is now known as jimbaker
m_3hazmat: do we have to add a default-ami line to environment.yaml?15:44
m_3hazmat: I've been having problems with the new AMIs in r26815:44
hazmatm_3, hmm are you on oneric or natty?15:51
hazmatm_3, it should default to the natty image15:52
hazmatm_3, what sort of issues are you seeing?15:52
m_3hazmat: the ami (ami-06ad526f) is coming up, but any ensemble command stays in "...will wait"15:55
m_3hazmat: let me try on natty locally first... then I'll ping you15:56
hazmatm_3, i just verified it, i do see the wait problem, the agents on the bootstrap machine are running though.. i'm investigating15:59
kim0Daviey: o/16:09
m_3hazmat: same behavior for natty and lucid (don't know about oneiric yet)... both default to same ami(^^)16:12
hazmatm_3, i'm testing a patch right now16:12
m_3hazmat: cool... I'll grab coffee... lemme know if I can help16:12
_mup_ensemble/test-using-system-zookeeper r261 committed by gustavo@niemeyer.net16:19
_mup_Minor styling changes from review.16:19
niemeyerfwereade: Can you please merge this and see if it works for you: lp:~niemeyer/ensemble/test-using-system-zookeeper16:19
Davieyhey kim0 16:19
niemeyerfwereade: That's just SpamapS' branch with stylistic fixes16:19
niemeyerfwereade: If it does I'll commit to trunk16:19
hazmatniemeyer, jimbaker could you guys look at this trunk trivial diff, it looks like i missed a shelved commit when merging the sans-ami branch.. https://pastebin.canonical.com/49564/16:20
jimbakerhazmat, looking16:21
hazmatm_3, that diff is the fix for the issue your seeing16:21
fwereadeniemeyer, works fine for me16:21
niemeyerhazmat: +116:22
m_3hazmat: I'll apply it locally and give it a spin16:23
_mup_ensemble/trunk r269 committed by gustavo@niemeyer.net16:26
_mup_Merged branch test-using-system-zookeeper from Clint [a=spamaps] [r=hazmat,niemeyer]16:26
_mup_This enables tests to be run using the system installed ZooKeeper.16:26
_mup_Note: I've applied irrelevant style changes to the original branch.16:26
jimbakerhazmat, looks good to me too16:26
RoAkSoAxsmoser: any luck?16:29
m_3hazmat: that worked... thanks!16:29
niemeyerjcastro: I don't have any useful slides myself.. the talk from last week was in pt_BR, and the ones before are out-of-date and in a crazy format16:29
smoserno. working on it right now.16:30
jcastrook, I'm organizing a bunch now16:30
smoserwill focus on gettin gthat to you.16:30
jcastroPSA: If anyone has ensemble slides send them my way16:30
niemeyerjcastro: bcsaller, Nick Barcet, and Davie Duffey had good ones, though16:30
hazmatm_3, yeah.. i missed that one, it should have been part of the sans-ami merge. glad its working for you.16:30
jcastroI've got Nick's already, I'll check with the other 2, thanks!16:30
_mup_ensemble/trunk r270 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com16:31
_mup_[trivial] Fix bootstrap initialization with ensemble ppa installation [r=jimbaker,niemeyer]16:31
_mup_This was a missing commit from the sans-ami merge. It allows for any ensemble-admin cli within16:31
_mup_the path to be used instead of hardcoding it to /usr/local.16:31
niemeyerjcastro: David's was not specific to Ensemble, though16:31
niemeyerjcastro: Not sure if it'd be useful16:31
niemeyerjcastro: It had an awesome video cut out from a screencast16:31
RoAkSoAxsmoser: thanks!16:31
niemeyerjcastro: Which I found handy to reuse16:31
jcastroniemeyer: even raw material will be useful16:31
kim0does anyone know if that hadoop formula can be used today, as is16:37
kim0thinking about coming up with some cool demo for it16:37
m_3kim0: let's coordinate... I'm working on similar demos16:38
kim0m_3: sure thing16:40
kim0well basically the simple plan for me was for every working formula, I'd blog an article about it and perhaps a screencast. And I'll try to push to the interested communities16:41
kim0m_3: ofc there's enough cool demos for everyone :) if you think you'll be doing lots of those, then perhaps let's coordinate with bugs?16:41
niemeyerFolks, we'll attempt to run through the normal procedure here in the sprint16:41
m_3kim0: we should certainly cover http://www.michael-noll.com/tutorials/running-hadoop-on-ubuntu-linux-single-node-cluster/16:42
kim0m_3: btw, where do you blog, I'd like to add you to cloud.ubuntu.com16:42
niemeyerincluding branches, merge proposals, reviews, etc16:42
m_3kim0: but the single/multi in one tutorial... it'd be great if we could get him to repoint to an ensemble-based demo as "the" getting-started16:43
niemeyeras one exception, we'd like to run with one review for the bits which are specific to Orchestra support16:43
niemeyer(rather than changing existing logic)16:43
kim0m_3: I hope the ensemble formula is gonna make it way much simpler than this :D16:43
niemeyerSo that we can run a tighter loop here16:43
niemeyerE.g. for stuff like this: https://code.launchpad.net/~fwereade/ensemble/cobbler-integration/+merge/6756816:43
kim0m_3: probably once we have a dead simple article demo'ing that, we can point him, he'll surely add that16:44
niemeyerhazmat, bcsaller, jimbaker: Is that alright?16:44
m_3kim0: blog.markmims.com, but it's still under construction atm16:44
jimbakerniemeyer, +116:44
kim0m_3: once you have a cloud tag, give me the rss I should add16:44
m_3kim0: dude, it'd totally be simpler for that getting started guide16:45
niemeyerhazmat, bcsaller, jimbaker: Even then, you should feel free to come over and review the logic, before or after merging16:45
kim0m_3: so the formula is ready? do we have like a readme of what needs to be done to get to crunching map/red jobs ?16:45
niemeyerWe'll be happy to address any points16:45
m_3kim0: I want some more interesting ones too though16:45
kim0m_3: is it a good idea to create a spreadsheet now to track cool demos we can think of ?16:46
kim0I was thinking more like, as each formula is done, I'd figure out a cool demo for it16:47
kim0but if you have ideas, let's write'em down16:47
m_3kim0: nope... those forms not ready yet... I'll devote some time today to test juan's formulas out and add a readme16:48
m_3kim0: spreadsheet yes, definitely16:48
kim0m_3: that would be awesome :)16:48
kim0m_3: cool then .. creating it16:48
niemeyerfwereade: Re. XML-RPC on Twisted: http://twistedmatrix.com/documents/current/web/howto/xmlrpc.html16:48
=== koolhead11 is now known as koolhead11|afk
hazmatniemeyer, that sounds good16:50
niemeyerCool, thanks16:51
DavieyIs twisted really needed for this?16:51
kim0Here's a spreadsheet to track cool demo ideas for formulas that are being written http://j.mp/peTAKG16:51
kim0m_3: jcastro ^16:51
niemeyerDaviey: It's not needed for anything in theory, and I hope we manage to simplify things quite a bit in the near future17:07
niemeyerDaviey: But we do have to use Twisted right now for implementing that17:07
niemeyerDaviey: Not using Twisted for XML-RPC blocks every other activity in the system17:07
Davieyniemeyer: it's like 4 xmlrpc calls?17:12
Davieyblocking for <0.05s is a big deal?17:12
niemeyerDaviey: It's a remote call, and it stops every other activity in the system.. if it takes longer for whatever reason, nothing else works.17:16
niemeyerDaviey: This is the price for using Twisted.. I very much want to get rid of it, but we can't be in the middle17:16
niemeyerWe're stepping out for lunch17:23
Davieyhave fun17:25
_mup_ensemble/security-principal-def r269 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com17:50
_mup_security principals for ensemble17:50
_mup_ensemble/security-principal-def r270 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com18:16
_mup_principal identity token database.18:16
_mup_Bug #808935 was filed: ensemble needs principals and way to store/retrieve principal identity tokens <Ensemble:In Progress by hazmat> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/808935 >18:19
negronjlguys:  running ensemble r270 from ppa.  I have modified my environment.yaml by adding default-instance-type: m1.large and default-ami: ami-4eab5127 (oneiric).  I then run ensemble bootstrap and I get: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/642099/18:58
negronjlany help would be appreciated.18:58
negronjla simple search for ami-06ad526f finds it at:  /usr/share/pyshared/ensemble/tests/test_utils.py  in case that makes a difference.19:00
niemeyernegronjl: hazmat would be the right person to help you19:01
negronjlniemeyer:  thx.19:01
negronjlhazmat: ping19:01
hazmatnegronjl, looking19:01
niemeyerhazmat: Danke19:01
negronjlhazmat:  thx19:01
hazmatnegronjl, that paste is to the environments.yaml? the instance launched is not the ami specified?19:03
negronjlI'm not following.19:03
hazmatnegronjl, i'm trying to understand what the problem is19:03
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-machines r283 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com19:03
_mup_Explicit direct testing of corner cases in open_close_ports_on_machine19:03
negronjlhazmat:  Here is what I did.19:03
negronjlhazmat: I am running natty btw.19:04
negronjlhazmat:  I modified my environment.yaml file by adding the default-instance-type and default-ami values19:04
negronjlhazmat:  after I saved the file, I ran "ensemble bootstrap"19:04
negronjlhazmat: ...and got the error I pasted.19:04
negronjlhazmat:  that's all I have done so far.19:05
hazmatnegronjl, ah.. i see i missed that at the bottom of the pastebin, i thought it was just the environment.yaml content19:05
negronjlhazmat:  no worries.  I appreciate the help :)19:06
niemeyerfwereade, RoAkSoAx: For reference, this is the cobbler/remote.py file which contains the server-side XML-RPC API: http://j.mp/cobbler-remote19:06
hazmatnegronjl, the setting is 'default-image-id'19:10
negronjlhazmat:  ahh.. that may be it....let me change/try again.19:11
negronjlhazmat:  heh....look at that...it seems to be working so far.19:11
negronjlhazmat:  thx for the help19:11
hazmatnegronjl, cool19:11
hazmatnegronjl, it looks like we led you astray on irc re the param name, but  fwiw it is documented correctly here https://ensemble.ubuntu.com/docs/provider-configuration-ec2.html19:16
negronjlhazmat:  cool.. no worries.  I'm just glad it's working now.  Thanks for the help19:16
_mup_Bug #808969 was filed: determine the instance type at deploy <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/808969 >19:21
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-machines r284 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com19:34
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-machines r285 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com19:41
_mup_Test some corner cases19:41
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-machines r286 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com19:59
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-machines r287 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com19:59
_mup_Merged trunk19:59
niemeyerhazmat: As a heads up, we're attempting some refactoring work on the EC2 provider20:02
hazmatniemeyer, great20:02
hazmatniemeyer, based on what clint already did?20:03
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-machines r288 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com20:03
niemeyerhazmat: The first few branches may not be entirely obvious, because it's just untangling things20:03
hazmatSpamapS, not sure if those branches are pushed re refactoring20:03
hazmatniemeyer, sounds good20:03
niemeyerhazmat: We hope to move some bits to a common place til the end of the day20:04
niemeyerhazmat: No, it's not based on Clint's work.. we're hacking the EC2 provider itself to extract logic out of it20:04
niemeyerhazmat: Hopefully the bootstrap logic inside it will get very thin20:04
hazmatniemeyer, sounds good20:05
niemeyerhazmat: SpamapS work will be most useful to us once get past that initial phase, because it has very good hints about how to structure the work with relation to the cobbler interaction20:12
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-machines r289 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com20:12
_mup_Properly guard against topology state changes20:12
jimbakerniemeyer, sounds good about ec2 refactoring - will be useful for the ec2 firewall mgmt piece i have queued up20:15
niemeyerjimbaker: Likely20:15
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-machines r290 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com20:18
_mup_Removed debugging statements20:18
_mup_Bug #809005 was filed: inconvenient EC2Operation inheritance <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/809005 >20:30
_mup_Bug #809007 was filed: Modify provisioning agent so that port changes are made against a machine <Ensemble:In Progress> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/809007 >20:38
niemeyerhazmat: ping20:49
_mup_ensemble/expose-status r265 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com20:53
_mup_Merged trunk & resolved conflict20:53
_mup_ensemble/expose-status r266 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com21:04
_mup_Fix open-ports output in ensemble status to report [] if service is exposed but the service unit has no open ports21:04
hazmatniemeyer, pong21:12
niemeyerhazmat: Hye21:12
niemeyerhazmat: Curious about a test problem here21:13
hazmatniemeyer, shoot21:13
niemeyerhazmat: I suspect it may be caused by a left-over/unfinished branch, but not sure21:13
hazmatniemeyer, what's the failure?21:13
niemeyerhazmat: test_watch_user_callback_invocation_delays_node_watch21:13
niemeyerhazmat: ensemble/state/tests/test_relation.py21:13
niemeyerhazmat: See the assertions at the end of the test?21:13
hazmatniemeyer, seems to work fine on trunk21:14
* hazmat looks over the test21:14
niemeyerhazmat: That "state: connected" string doesn't seem to be anywhere21:14
niemeyerhazmat: I suspect you may have a local uncommitted change in your txzookeeper branch21:14
hazmatniemeyer, update your txzk21:14
niemeyerhazmat: Already did21:14
niemeyerhazmat: let me confirm I don't have paths mixed up21:14
niemeyerhazmat: fwereade sees the same issue, FWIW21:15
hazmatniemeyer, hmm my python path is pointing to a txzk branch..21:15
niemeyerhazmat: Uh oh21:15
hazmatyeah.. i was trying to make sure ensemble trunk ran with the branch before i merged.. investigating21:15
_mup_ensemble/trunk r272 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com21:15
_mup_merged expose-status [r=niemeyer,hazmat][f=767414]21:15
_mup_Modifies "ensemble status" to report whether a service is exposed, and21:15
_mup_if so, the open ports for each of its service units, if any.21:15
niemeyerhazmat: Well, that's exactly what is happening!  ensemble trunk runs with the branch before you merged. 8-)21:16
=== daker_ is now known as daker
hazmatniemeyer, what revno do you have for txzk21:17
hazmatniemeyer, it works fine for me with rev 42 of trunk21:17
hazmaton txzk21:18
niemeyerhazmat: Well, something funky just happened21:19
niemeyerhazmat: I checked it moments ago, on revision 42, and ClientEvent wasn't changed21:20
jimbakerhazmat, niemeyer - i saw this problem this morning, it went away with the update to txzkookeeper trunk21:20
niemeyerhazmat: I've updated back to 40 to test, and now updated to 42, and it is there21:20
niemeyerhazmat: Super weird21:20
hazmatniemeyer, trial doesn't clear out stale pyc files, not generally an issue..21:20
niemeyerhazmat: Let me check with fwereade's branch before he touches it21:20
niemeyerhazmat: No game.. he's using the package, so the issue is expected21:22
niemeyerhazmat: Just so you don't think I'm crazy, this is from my history:21:22
niemeyer..eeper-bzr/trunk]% bzr update21:22
niemeyerTree is up to date at revision 42 of branch bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ensemble/txzookeeper/trunk 21:22
niemeyerhazmat: I could reproduce the bug after that..21:23
hazmatniemeyer, i believe you.. although they have some good rum in miami i hear ;-)21:23
hazmatperhaps the universal answer confused the issue21:23
* hazmat looks for a towel21:23
jimbakeri just cleaned up pyc files in trunk txzk and ensemble, our test suite still works fine for me21:25
niemeyerhazmat: :-)21:25
niemeyerhazmat: So, we need to fix that package.. will look at that21:25
niemeyerjimbaker: Sweet, thanks for confirming21:26
_mup_Bug #809030 was filed: [ReOpen] Ensemble should use standard amis and the ppa <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/809030 >21:29
niemeyerhazmat: Did you enter the date by hand?21:29
hazmatniemeyer, ? what date21:29
niemeyerhazmat: The changelog one in txzookeeper21:30
hazmatniemeyer, i did21:30
_mup_ensemble/trunk r43 committed by gustavo@niemeyer.net21:30
_mup_Add seconds to the changelog date. (/me looks at hazmat)21:30
hazmatniemeyer, it looked like the other lines, but it still doesn't like it21:30
niemeyerhazmat: "date -R" is what you want21:30
kirkland`hazmat: hi, could we get https://bugs.launchpad.net/ensemble/+bug/791501 reopened?  the fix doesn't appear to be working for us ...21:30
jimbakerniemeyer, when you have a chance, my branch debug-log-relation-settings-changes has been waiting for a review for 2.5 weeks (i made all changes that hazmat requested)21:30
_mup_Bug #791501: Ensemble should use standard amis and the ppa <Ensemble:Fix Released by hazmat> <Principia Ensemble:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/791501 >21:30
kirkland`hazmat: it seems that LP has recently disabled the ability to reopen bugs in projects :-)21:30
kirkland`hazmat: in the mean time, we've filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ensemble/+bug/809030 as a placeholder21:31
_mup_Bug #809030: [ReOpen] Ensemble should use standard amis and the ppa <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/809030 >21:31
niemeyerjimbaker: Ok.. it will wait for at least another one, sorry about that21:31
hazmatkirkland`, k, i'll try it out now21:31
jimbakerniemeyer, np. this should be a pretty useful branch for formula developers, so just wanted to get merged in :)21:31
niemeyerjimbaker: Yeah, I know.. I still want to check it out for sure, but it's also a low priority feature.. this week we really have to get orchestra cranking21:32
jimbakerniemeyer, ok21:32
hazmatniemeyer, fwereade re the ec2op refactoring, i feel like i'm missing the point about what value this brings21:36
hazmatcould one of you elaborate on where you going21:36
niemeyerhazmat: Hehe :-)21:36
niemeyerhazmat: I anticipated that21:36
hazmatniemeyer, all i see is21:36
hazmat56-            d = self.ec2.describe_instances(instance_id)21:36
hazmat57+            d = self._provider.ec2.describe_instances(instance_id)21:36
hazmatwhich is a little unclear as far refactoring towards orchestra21:37
niemeyerhazmat: We need higher bandwidth21:37
hazmator others21:37
niemeyerhazmat: Yeah, I know21:37
niemeyerhazmat: Which is why I've briefed you21:37
hazmatniemeyer, skype | google+ ?21:38
niemeyerhazmat: Google+21:38
niemeyerAnyone else want to join?21:38
=== kirkland` is now known as kirkland
kirklandhazmat: try "what" out now?  changing the state of the bug?21:41
kirklandhazmat: or launching ami's?21:41
hazmatkirkland, launching amis21:42
hazmatkirkland, going to do this meeting, and i'll check back in on it21:42
kirklandnegronjl: what version of ensemble do you test the ami launching?21:42
kirklandhazmat: let me check with negronjl to see which version he tested21:43
negronjlkirkland, hazmat:  latest ensemble ppa ( r270 )21:43
kirklandhazmat: which rXXX do you want us to test, specifically?21:43
negronjlkirkland, hazmat: 0.5+270-0ensemble1~natty121:43
kirklandhazmat: also, could you check that we're configuring it correctly?  it's possible that we have a bad configuration21:44
hazmatkirkland, un momento, doing a chat with niemeyer21:44
kirklandhazmat: k21:45
negronjlkirkland, hazmat:  the config that I am using:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/642192/21:47
niemeyerhazmat: Oh, btw, before you leave, would you be able to have a quick look at the branch?22:07
niemeyerhazmat: Should be pretty much a trivial now that you have the context22:07
niemeyerhazmat: Btw, txzookeeper package updated..22:09
niemeyerhazmat: It was the missing seconds indeed22:09
hazmatniemeyer, sure22:14
hazmatre quick look at the branch22:14
hazmatniemeyer, done22:19
hazmatkirkland, negronjl it's working for me.. using the same config.. all m1.large oneiric instances.. http://ec2-174-129-90-179.compute-1.amazonaws.com/wp-admin/install.php22:23
hazmatwell same param names and same ami and machine size22:23
hazmatkirkland, negronjl what problems are you seeing? your on the latest rev, so that should all be good22:24
hazmatniemeyer, thanks re seconds22:28
* hazmat wanders off to dinner22:28
negronjlhazmat:  i am unable to deploy any formulas at all.22:30
niemeyerhazmat: no worries22:35
niemeyernegronjl: What problem are you seeing there?22:36
negronjlniemeyer:  I don't see anything at all.. nothing happens.22:36
negronjlensemble deploy <formula>22:36
negronjlthen ensemble status22:36
negronjland status is always null22:36
adam_ghey guys, stumbling in here late but it i can confirm 0.5+270-0ensemble1~natty1 doesn't deploy22:36
adam_git bootstraps the first node fine22:37
negronjlensemble ssh <machine> hangs as well22:37
adam_gbut deploying nodes does not use the new userdata22:37
niemeyeradam_g: new userdata?22:37
adam_gone sec22:38
adam_gniemeyer: the userdata that cloud-init uses to install and bootstrap ensemble on the stock ubuntu AMIs22:39
adam_gfrom ensemble boostrap: http://paste.ubuntu.com/642216/22:40
adam_gfrom ensemble deploy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/642217/22:40
niemeyeradam_g: Hmm22:40
hazmatit shouldn't be doing the bzr stuff there22:41
adam_gi believe hazmat committed something last week to produce userdata from the first pastebinit, to allow ensemble to bootstrap stock AMIs22:41
adam_gbut 'deploy' is still producing it in the way pre-commit22:41
niemeyerOk, understood22:42
hazmatadam_g, are you using an existing environment perhaps?22:42
niemeyerhazmat: MACHINE_ID=1.. probably not22:42
adam_ghazmat: perhaps i am? http://paste.ubuntu.com/642225/22:43
hazmatthe "bzr up" line isn't in trunk (rev 270) anymore is why i ask22:43
adam_ghazmat: im using the enviornmnet ensemble originally generated, with a new default-image-id 22:44
adam_gill wipe my environment and try again.. strange, though, 'ensemble bootstrap' brought up the first node as expected22:44
hazmatadam_g, but you've shutdown and bootstrap since then?22:44
adam_ghazmat: yup. bootstrap'd for the first time this week after upgrade22:44
hazmatbootstrap on existing environment is a no-op.. the environment has to be shutdown and then bootstrap again to get a fresh install22:45
hazmatnegronjl, perhaps the same applies for you? i was able to shutdown/bootstrap/deploy formulas/add-relations with trunk (r270)22:45
hazmatusing the ppas for the ensemble install on the environment nodes22:46
negronjlhazmat:  I did:22:46
negronjlhazmat:  ensemble shutdown22:46
negronjlhazmat:  updated environment.yaml22:46
negronjlhazmat:  ensemble bootstrap22:46
negronjlhazmat:  ensemble deploy <whatever> 22:46
negronjlhazmat: waited a while22:46
negronjlhazmat:  ensemble ssh < machine >22:47
negronjlhazmant:  nothing22:47
hazmatnegronjl, if you ec2-describe-instances can you login into the machine directly?22:48
hazmati'm curious if the machine and unit agent are running 22:48
adam_gnegronjl: can you pastebinit /var/lib/cloud/instance/scripts/runcmd?22:48
negronjlhazmat:  bootstrapping now22:48
adam_ghazmat: i see the same as juan. i can ssh directly, there is nothing installed or running22:49
negronjlhazmat:  waiting for bootstrap to complete22:49
* hazmat checks the ppa22:49
negronjlhazmat:  do you want me to ssh into the bootstrap instance or try to deploy and then check that ?22:50
hazmatnegronjl, the service unit instance (post deploy)22:50
negronjlhazmat: ok.  waiting22:50
niemeyerhazmat: Please note txzookeeper was _just_ updated.. if they were using the PPA, it was out of sync with Ensemble trunk22:50
hazmatlooks like the current ppa rev is 272 (updating)22:52
negronjlhazmat:  upgrading ensemble to latest ppa 22:53
negronjlhazmat:  the bootstrap process on the previous attempt timed out.22:53
hazmati'm running through the same steps with the latest22:53
hazmatnegronjl, the bootstrap is waiting on the remote end, so i'm not clear what its timing out on22:53
hazmatnegronjl, you mean the command just hangs?22:54
hazmatthat would imply a problem connecting to ec222:54
negronjlhazmat:  ensemble returned a time out error ( took longer than 30 seconds )22:54
negronjlhazmat:  bootstrapping now22:54
negronjlhazmat:  bootstrapped.  should I deploy something now ?22:55
hazmatnegronjl, yes22:55
negronjlhazmat:  trying to deploy tomcat6.   waiting22:55
hazmatnegronjl, i've been using the example formulas as a known working base set22:56
negronjlhazmat:  that's ok.  If this one doesn't provide definitive results, I can try one of the included ones.22:56
hazmat"2011-07-11 18:56:36,260 ERROR SSH forwarding error: @@@@@@@"22:57
negronjlhazmat: I now have an instance.  What should I do now ?22:58
hazmatnegronjl, does it show up in ensemble status?22:58
negronjlhazmat:  it does22:58
negronjlhazmat:  after the upgrade.  it seems to be working now.22:58
negronjlhazmat:  let me do some testing .... hold on22:59
hazmatnegronjl, k22:59
hazmatnegronjl, i'm going to grab dinner but i'll be back shortly22:59
negronjlhazmat: ok22:59
hazmatnegronjl, how'd it go?23:10
negronjlhazmat:  so far, it seems good. but, I am having issues with aws/ec2.  two of my instances are still pending.23:10
adam_gafter upgrade, cloud-init stuff looks consistent across boostrap + deploy'd nodes.23:13
adam_gi too ran into a timed out instance, but it may be ec2 related. it also took an unusually long time to provision the instance23:14
negronjlditto that.  ec2 is having issues23:14
negronjlhazmat:  it's all working well for me now.23:17
hazmatnegronjl, great23:17
negronjlhazmat:  thx for the patience and help :)23:18
hazmatnegronjl, np23:18
=== franciscosouza_ is now known as franciscosouza
hazmatadam_g, afaics your bug and patch are against an older version of the codebase23:40
hazmatadam_g, is your local ensemble from the ppa?23:40
hazmatensemble doesn't do bzr up anymore.. it either does the bzr checkout, or defaults to installing from ppa on the environment machines. it looks like your local installation might be out of date23:41
adam_ghazmat: yeah, that was last week before you committed the sans-AMI stuff23:42
hazmatadam_g, ah.. gotcha23:43
hazmatadam_g, are you still having issues running with oneric images?23:43
adam_ghazmat: nope, that last upgrade ~30mins ago seems to fix the issues i was seeing23:45
hazmatadam_g, great23:45
_mup_Bug #809070 was filed: ensemble should allow execution of formula specific/defined hooks <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/809070 >23:47

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