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dholbachgood morning06:48
ronin___dholbach: good morning07:07
ronin___dholbach: may i ask a question?07:07
dholbachronin___, sure - but you can just ask everybody in here :)07:08
ronin___I love to remove esmaeil@esmaeil-Latitude-D630:~$ from mu konsole?07:10
ronin___Ok I ask this question from all07:11
ronin___how can i do that?07:11
geserronin___: that's more a question for #ubuntu, but edit the variable PS1 in your ~/.bashrc07:12
dholbachhave a look in your ~/.bashrc for the line with PS1 in there07:12
dholbach(save and "source ~/.bashrc" until you're happy)07:13
ronin___sorry all but anyone there didn't know unfortunately07:14
tumbleweedLaney: I put your UDD tables to use http://ubuntu-dev.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi08:12
Laneytumbleweed: nice08:41
LaneyI can't get any results though08:41
dholbachtumbleweed, I marked the WI about harvest long descriptions as completed, although I know that a bunch of harvest-data feeds still need to be updated08:43
dholbachbut at least it's fixed and working in harvest now08:44
tumbleweedLaney: hrm08:44
Laneytumbleweed: but e.g. select changed_by_name from ubuntu_upload_history where signed_by_name = 'Stefano Rivera' and changed_by_name <> 'Stefano Rivera'; works08:48
tumbleweedLaney: what are you searching for when you can't get results?08:49
tumbleweeddholbach: I saw, thanks. Sorry I never got anywhere near that one08:49
dholbachhopefully somebody gets around fixing the data feeds08:49
Laneytumbleweed: oh, wait.08:50
tumbleweeddholbach: you are aware that it's not currently possible to debootstrap oneiric? which might make the beginning of ubuntu dev week fun08:50
Laneydo I have to fill in both fields?08:50
LaneyI was expecting just giving a sponsor name to list all sponsorships08:50
tumbleweedthat's easy enough to fix08:50
Laneyor the other way around08:50
tumbleweedjust put an * in for now08:50
Laneyyeah. blank should be equivalent to that08:50
Laneyworks now, but shows me my own uploads08:51
dholbachtumbleweed, no, I wasn't - do you know what the issue is there?08:51
tumbleweeddholbach: bug 807974 (discussed in #ubuntu-devel earlier, and also on friday (but that might have only been #ubuntu-release))08:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 807974 in eglibc (Ubuntu Oneiric) "debootstrap fails to install libc6 installing oneiric from natty" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80797408:52
dholbachugh :-(08:52
tumbleweedif it isn't sorted out, it'd be easy enough to provide some preprepared pbuilder chroot tarballs08:53
dholbachor for now just ask them to set up a natty pbuilder - I don't think we'll build many packages anyway - and subscribe to the bug08:53
dholbachtumbleweed, thanks a bunch for the heads-up!08:54
tumbleweedLaney: I can add signed_by_name <> changed_by_name, but that'll probably miss some08:55
tumbleweedI assume the one comes from launchpad, the other from the changelog entry08:55
tumbleweedso they may not be the same08:56
tumbleweedanyway, done now08:57
tumbleweedLaney: including origin may be handy, it'd allow identification of syncs. I used to also be able to detect merges from the changelog entries, which can't be done from this data09:04
jtaylortumbleweed: please ack bug 80868809:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 808688 in gmsh (Ubuntu) "Sync gmsh 2.5.1~beta1~svn9559~dfsg-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80868809:27
dupondjewhere does requestsync gets its newest version info ?09:28
jtaylorforget that I filed a dup09:29
* jtaylor must learn to read09:29
tumbleweedor I should just stay clear of things you've working on :)09:31
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Laneybdrung: how did you get packaging-dev backported? did you ping someone?09:41
papoI am wondering what is affecting the inclusion of libclang. There is a clang package but for some reason the library was omitted, see bug 785665.09:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 785665 in clang (Ubuntu) "libclang is not built" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78566509:55
dholbachdirecthex, ready for UDW later on?09:56
directhexdholbach, more or less, yeah.09:57
dholbachawesome! :)09:57
dholbachthanks directhex09:57
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geserdupondje: from the Debian "mirror" on LP and/or rmadison (not sure about the first part as I didn't look for some time at the code)10:14
dupondjeits behind a bit but ok :D10:19
dupondjedh clean --buildsystem=ruby --with ruby10:19
dupondjedh: unable to load addon ruby: Can't locate Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/ruby.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.12.4 /usr/local/share/perl/5.12.4 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.12 /usr/share/perl/5.12 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at (eval 23) line 2.10:19
dupondjebut I can't seem to find ruby.pm anywhere ...10:20
tumbleweed$ apt-file search Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/ruby.pm10:21
tumbleweedgem2deb: /usr/share/perl5/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/ruby.pm10:21
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dupondjejean-louis@laptop-jl:~/Ubuntu/ruby-tilt-1.2.2$ apt-file search Debhelper/Sequence/ruby.pm10:22
tumbleweed(that was on a debian box, it was what I had at hand)10:22
gesergem2deb 0.2.5 is in oneiric and published10:24
geserdupondje: do you have gem2deb installed?10:25
geserContents-i386.gz  04-May-2011 05:34  19M (from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/)10:26
geserdupondje: ^^ that explains why you can't find it with apt-file (or packages.ubuntu.com)10:27
dupondjeheh ok :)10:27
dupondjeit works with gem2deb installed indeed10:27
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jtaylorurg mcrl2 implements c++ templates in a .cpp file, how did that ever compiel12:24
jtaylorstupid c++, started two make -j4 builds and now I'm swapping with 4gb ram :(12:30
tumbleweeddupondje: are you going to request a sync for archivemail?12:46
jtaylortriage 771014 please12:52
tumbleweedjtaylor: sounds like you should join bug control12:57
dupondjetumbleweed: it needs a separate requestsync bug ?13:01
tumbleweeddupondje: it doesn't need to be separate, but it does need to look more like a sync request. I modified it a bit13:02
dupondjeoh ok :)13:02
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dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek Day 1 to kick off in 10 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom15:50
jtaylorncbi-blast+ seems hard, 20+ libraries and all are underlinked, probably simpler to just disable as-needed for that one16:20
MysteriousManhello how to check if there is Internet connection using c++ ,,, dont  say system(ping -c1..) cuz it slow17:05
PiciMysteriousMan: ##C++ would probably be a better place to ask your question.17:09
PiciYou'll need to be identified to join there though.17:10
Pici!register > MysteriousMan17:10
ubottuMysteriousMan, please see my private message17:10
MysteriousMan<Pici> thanks17:12
jtaylorwill gcc4.4 be included in oneiric?17:24
micahgjtaylor: I think the answer is yes17:25
jtaylor4.6 4.5 and 4.4?17:25
micahgit seems that way, I asked a couple months ago and that's the answer I got17:26
jtaylork thx17:26
bdrungLaney: no, i waited17:50
Rhondawhat for is the tag fsys-tarfile-error used in launchpad?17:53
jtaylorcorrupted tarfiles?17:54
jtaylorI used to get dpkg errors with broken tarfiles last release cycle a lot17:54
RhondaSo they are common and not a result of some diskspace related issues that they deserve their own tag? What is done about them?17:55
jtaylorI think there was a problem with tar itself last time17:55
jtaylordid not have the errors this cycle yet17:56
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kamalHi MOTU people... is there a script that will generate a "request no-change rebuild" bug report for me?19:14
maxbI don't think so - but there is very little boilerplate to say in one of those, so I don't think a script would be a help.19:17
kamalmaxb: sure, I guess I'm wondering who I should subscribe to a request like that:  ubuntu-sponsors ?19:17
micahgkamal: you can just file a bug and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors, add a changelog (use dch -R to create if you want credit in the changelog)19:17
kamalmicahg: I don't care about credit -- do we even actually need a new changelog?19:18
micahgkamal: if you don't care, just file the bug, adding a changelog to the bug make more work for the sponsor19:19
kamalmicahg: excellent, thanks19:19
micahgmy last comment should've read: you can just file a bug and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors, add a changelog (use dch -R to create), if you want credit in the changelog19:20
kamalmicahg: :-)  got it19:22
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tumbleweedkamal: if it's a whole bunch of related rebuilds, we should rather set up a transition tracker for it20:35
kamaltumbleweed: it was just one (that I'm aware of)20:35
tumbleweedoh, ok. You were asking about a script, though :)20:35
kamaltumbleweed: for future reference ;-)20:36
kamaltumbleweed: (alternately):  because I'm insanely lazy20:36
tumbleweedthat's a good sign20:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 808971 in cqrlog (Ubuntu) "Request no-change rebuild for Oneiric" [Undecided,New]20:38
tumbleweedkamal: ah, if the package failed to build, we don't need a no-change rebuild, we can just retry it, or in debian terms "give it back" to the buildds20:42
kamaltumbleweed: I don't understand the distinction between 'rebuild' and 'retry the build'20:43
tumbleweeda no-change rebuild is a new source upload20:44
tumbleweedif it's already built successfully, we can't just retry it20:44
dupondjebleh, can't create a pbuilder for sid :(20:44
tumbleweeddupondje: on oneiric?20:44
dupondjeand lucid :s20:45
kamaltumbleweed:  ah, ok -- then in that case, should I have filed the same request but s/rebuild/retry/  ?   i.e. still goes to ubuntu-sponsors?20:45
tumbleweeddupondje: I'm suprised20:45
tumbleweedkamal: I'm rebuilding i386 now20:45
tumbleweedif it looks happy, I'll do the others20:45
kamaldupondje: I use pbuilder-dist for 'unstable'  (not "sid") on Mav and Natty  just fine20:46
dupondjewanted to build it on sid20:46
dupondjemmm I used 'sid'20:46
dupondjelets test with unstable20:47
tumbleweedI'm tempted to suggest a newer puilder-dist, I did a fair number of improvements to it in 0.10720:48
dupondjei'm giving you guys some work :p20:49
dupondje10 items already in sponsor queue :p20:49
kamaltumbleweed: if you're involved with the development of pbuilder-dist, please accept my gratitude!  pbuilder-dist brings me joy on a daily basis :-)20:50
tumbleweedwell, it was a little empty :)20:50
tumbleweedkamal: I just did some recent tweaks, it existed long before I got involved20:50
dupondjedebootstrap is bit broken20:51
dupondjeso :20:51
tumbleweeddupondje: ah, yeah I just saw it fail too20:51
tumbleweed"Encountered a section with no Package: header"?20:51
dupondjeI: mounting /proc filesystem20:52
dupondjemount: /proc already mounted or /var/cache/pbuilder/build//31959/proc busy20:52
dupondjemount: according to mtab, /proc is mounted on /proc20:52
tumbleweeddupondje: that's similar to what you were seeing the other day?20:54
dupondjecompletely broken somehow :s20:54
tumbleweeddupondje: pastebin your .pbuilderrc?20:54
dupondjeCOMPONENTS="main universe multiverse restricted"20:54
dupondjesee https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debootstrap/+bug/80588620:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 805886 in debootstrap (Ubuntu) "/proc does not get umounted after debootstrap" [Undecided,New]20:55
kamaltumbleweed: thanks for the cqrlog retries, that did the trick for the platforms where lazarus isn't busted21:05
dupondjedol.c:865:6: error: ignoring return value of 'write', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Werror=unused-result]21:13
dupondjeany idea why I get this on oneiric, but not on debian sid when i'm building csh.21:14
* micahg thought that option was on in sid as well...21:14
micahgdupondje: ah, debian might not have -Wall by default21:15
micahgerr, s/-Wall/-Werror/21:16
dupondje            (void) write(STDIN_FILENO, short2str(obuf),21:17
dupondjethis line gives the error21:17
dupondjeso better fix that part of the code :D21:17
micahgdupondje: you can file a bug against the compiler I guess :)21:20
jtaylordebian does not use compiler hardening so far I know21:21
jtaylorthat includes _wor21:21
micahgbut that doesn't look very robust though21:21
jtaylor-DFORTIFY_SOURCE=2 I think21:21
keesjtaylor: debian doesn't do it by default, but individual package maintainers might use it for their packages.21:23
dupondjewhy is it a compiler bug ?21:24
jtaylorits not21:24
keesmicahg: it's not a compiler bug. you can compile with -Wno-error=unused-result to avoid it21:24
dupondjeor fix the code ofc21:24
keesdupondje: the compiler is doing exactly what we asked it to do.21:24
jtaylorthe (void) indicates upstream wanted to ignore it there, replace it with if (write(...)) {} to silence the warning21:25
micahgkees: I meant that usage that's flagged, the call is cast to a void, so it shouldn't have a return value, right/?21:25
jtayloryes unison failed on armel ._21:26
keesmicahg: the compiler is not fooled into ignoring it with (void) casts. upstream says that's not a bug, IIRC.21:27
micahgkees: ah, smart compiler ;)21:27
keesmicahg: perhaps overly so. I would prefer the (void) trick, but for whatever reason, upstream doesn't like that.21:27
keesjtaylor: better than just {}ing it, see if it's possible to actually do something interesting in the failure case.21:28
micahgkees: well, if a function has a return value, then it's meant to do something with it and you end up with non-robust code in general if you ignore it21:28
jtaylorkees: of course, but often you just don't care, and that it has that (void) indicates that it is such a case21:29
jtaylorhm -2 succeded on arm, with essentially same code21:30
* micahg thinks people need to be taught to care...21:30
jtaylorand it succeded in debian21:30
dupondjebut doesn't build on oneiric :)21:31
jtaylorprobably time to look into emulating arm ._.21:32
tumbleweedjtaylor: it works pretty well21:32
tumbleweeddupondje: I can't debootstrap sid on lucid, but I don't think I'm running into the same bug as you. I can debootstrap wheezy, though, so sid may just be broken atm.21:33
jtaylorhm no, I think its hopeless, I have no idea of ocaml and arm21:33
dupondjetumbleweed: squeeze worked here, sid/unstable not21:35
dupondjeits weird :)21:35
jtayloris there a arm emu for packaging tutorial?21:35
tumbleweedjtaylor: pbuilder-dist oneiric arm create21:36
tumbleweederr armel21:36
tumbleweed(assuming you are a pbuilder-dist user :P )21:36
jtaylorhm cowbuilder-dist should work too21:37
dupondjemmm next issue: pmake: don't know how to make /usr/lib/libc.a. Stop21:37
tumbleweedwhy is it trying to statically link to libc?21:37
jtaylordupondje: your working on libc? ^^21:37
dupondjecsh :)21:37
tumbleweedstill, statically linking...21:38
* tumbleweed wondedrs what crazy people still use csh21:38
jtaylorE: Invalid Release file, no entry for main/binary-arm/Packages21:39
tumbleweeddupondje: anyway, vorlon tagged that multiarch, that should be a good hint21:39
dupondjetumbleweed: we need new version of pmake :P21:43
jtaylorany idea whats problem?21:45
ubottuDebian bug 626877 in pmake "pmake: Hardcoded paths to libraries breaks multiarch" [Important,Fixed]21:45
slangasektumbleweed, dupondje: "don't know how to make" is the generic make message for "you said this was a dependency and I don't know where to get it" - declaring a dependency on libc is a little weird (I don't think I've ever seen non-BSD-y sources do this), but it's valid, supported, and requires patches to pmake to cope with multiarchitude21:52
slangasekI think Debian unstable has this patch now - I don't know if it's in oneiric yet21:52
dupondjepmake in unstable has patches indeed21:54
dupondjeand can be synced ...21:54
dupondjecould you sync it ? or do I report a sync request ?21:56
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dupondjeslangasek: ?22:01
slangasekdupondje: sync request, please; the package currently has an Ubuntu delta that I haven't looked at22:03
dupondjetumbleweed: going tru my requests ? ;)22:04
tumbleweeddupondje: the easy ones. embedian-crush has a big  delta, so I'll skip it and go to bed22:05
tumbleweeddupondje: what's the reason for the darcs-monitor sync request? (in fact a few of them could have used better explatations)22:10
tumbleweedah, I see it currently ftbfs in oneiric22:11
dupondjeits ftbfs22:11
dupondjealot of them are ftbfs22:12
dupondjethats why sync reqs22:12
tumbleweeddupondje: if helps if you say that in the report. One assumes reporters have good reasons for doing things, but it really does help when evaluating22:14
dupondjetumbleweed: I'll do that!22:15
tumbleweedthanks :)22:16
tumbleweedanyway, I've left you with some to fix up22:17
dupondje+++ php-ps-1.3.6/debian/ps.ini22:17
dupondje@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@22:17
dupondje+; configuration for php ps module22:17
dupondje   * Replace '#' by ';' in ps.ini, because it is deprecated22:18
dupondjethat debian bug can be closed it seems :)22:18
tumbleweeddupondje: you can do that :)22:21
dupondjeyea done it22:21
papoI am wondering what is affecting the inclusion of libclang. There is a clang package but for some reason the library was omitted, see bug 785665.22:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 785665 in clang (Ubuntu) "libclang is not built" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78566522:32
papoI would offer to provide a patch to build an additional package containing the library but if this is out of question in the first place it's not worth doing it22:34
micahgpapo: see debian 59873822:36
ubottuDebian bug 598738 in src:clang "Package libclang libs and headers" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/59873822:36
dupondjebut if you install clang22:37
dupondjeyou have libclang.so22:37
dupondje/usr/bin/install -c /build/buildd/clang-2.9/build-clang/Release/lib/libclang.so /build/buildd/clang-2.9/debian/tmp-clang/usr/lib/libclang.so22:37
micahgpapo: you can as Sylvestre if he's interested in patches22:38
papomicahg: Hm OK that bug seems to be about the static libs but goes into the same direction... I'm interested in the .so, though... so the answer is just "it's complicated an needs time" ?22:39
micahgpapo: that bug is for all of it22:39
papodupondje: OK interesting, I have to check that quickly. The natty package most certainly does not but maybe it was included later on22:40
micahgunless I'm not understanding something22:41
papomicahg: the bug description mentions static libs and some header files but yeah, probably the same issue22:42
* micahg wonders if it's possible to have a -dev package w/out an actual library22:44
brodermicahg: i've seen one where the library wasn't available as a shared lib22:44
jtaylorpossible yes22:44
jtaylorthats just a bunch of source files as upstream does not provide a library22:44
papodupondje: Which version of the clang package are you referring to? I find myself unable to locate the shared lib in clang (2.9-7)22:46
papodupondje: or was this from the build log? not everything that is compiled gets packaged (that is actually my problem...)22:47
dupondjewas from build log indeed22:47
papohm ok22:48
papomicahg: well the debian bug report suggests that the library should be packaged, too, but Sylvestre just doesn't have time to do it currently, so I guess patches are welcomed after all22:50
papobut I'm not quite sure what is supposed to make the thing complicated, the library gets built, it's just a matter of extending some debian/ files as far as I can see... in the end things will not be as the maintainer wants them to be and the time spent will have been in vain :(22:53
micahgpapo: right, that's why I suggested talking to sylvestre22:55
papomicahg: is that guy a regular IRC user by chance?22:56
micahghe's around some times22:56
papoOK nice22:56
* micahg has no idea when though22:56
papono problem, I'll just hang around... now is the second time this month that I though that having the library at hands could be helpful, a couple of more days and my needs will exceed my lazyness-threshold anyway22:58
micahgpapo: you could send an e-mail :)22:59
papoyep, or follow-up on the bug report, I know :)23:00
papoanyway, I guess I'll just dig into it and once I have something that could potentially help him with the bug I'll post it or maybe even be able to catch him here... thank you for your insights, micahg23:05
jtaylorScottK: do we really still need this delta: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/matplotlib/ qt3 is still in the archive23:10
ScottKjtaylor: No.  It looks like someone from Debian Science may adopt qt3, so it's not going to die as soon as I thought when I did that.23:11
jtaylork then I'll sync matplotlib dropping it23:11
jtaylorI'll quote you in the bug k?23:11

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