
GryllidaHi! Can you package Seamonkey 2.1, please?00:35
micahgGryllida: on my list, merge requests welcome thought (we'll jump straight to 2.2 though)01:07
Gryllidamicahg: That'd work as well. Where will I find it once you package it?01:11
micahgGryllida: it'll end up in the stable releases as well as the dev release, but I have no guarantee on when ATM01:12
micahgwe need help keeping the package up to date, I'm going to do a cleanup, then hopefully someone can take over regular maintenance01:13
Gryllida2.0 is available but crashes on my system. 2.1+ is okay but I'd need a .deb file (not necessarily a pushed/uploaded one)01:15
micahgright, it's the same work to go to 2.1 as 2.2, they're both vastly different from the current packaging01:16
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