
airtonixso last week, i was happily using gedit to edit files through ssh to a server. today, i do the same, happily enter ssh://servername in the nautilus address bar, it loads i see files, select one and start editing with gedit... much joy02:18
airtonixexcept when i go to shift+ctrl search... it tells me ~/.gvfs/servername does not exist02:19
twbairtonix: GUIs are off-topic for this channel.  Try #ubuntu.02:21
airtonixi thought it might be a server related issue02:22
airtonixsince you know... ssh-server is involved02:22
airtonixapparentyl ssh-server is not in any way related02:22
twbIt sounds like a client-side issue02:24
ntoombsI have installed LAMP on my ubuntu server and I cannot connect to it on port 80. I have forwarded port 80 and the port check tool I am using says 80 is closed.  I have also forwarded ports 22 and 8080 to ensure that port forwarding is working and it is. I edited the /etc/apache2/ports.conf file to listen to port 8080 as well as port 80. When I ask someone to connect using address:80 they can't see anything. But when I ask so02:31
ntoombsgenerated by my apache2 server. I can connect to everything localy just fine so I know the server itself is working. I have asked my ISP if they block port 80 and they said no. I called my router manufacturer today for 4 long hours to see if they could figure out why port 80 wasn't working and they couldn't solve it.02:32
ntoombsSo my question would be this... with this information of things I've already tried, how do I get port 80 to work with my LAMP web server?02:34
twbntoombs: pastebin the output of "netstat -nlp"02:35
jmarsdenntoombs: apache is not listening on port 80 on your server.02:38
jmarsdenIt is listening on port 8080, which probably means you messed with its configuration?02:38
ntoombsmy  /etc/apache2/ports.conf file has it set to listen to port 80 and port 808002:39
jmarsdenWhy?  Just    sudo tasksel install lamp-server     # gets you a running apache on port 80.02:39
ntoombsbecause at first port 80 wasn't working so i set it to listen to both ports to make sure apache could actually listen to anything02:40
jmarsdenHow about not trying stuff you don't fully understand, and fixing the real issue instead? :)02:40
jmarsdenCan you uninstall the lamp setup and start over?02:41
ntoombsAnd i just checked that file and apache2 wasn't listening to port 8002:41
ntoombsjmarsden: that's why i'm here02:41
ntoombsbut i only come here as a last resort02:41
ntoombsi like to figure stuff out on my own. can you respect that?02:41
jmarsdenOK, so uninstall all the LAMP stuff and then do    sudo tasksel install lamp-server02:41
jmarsdenand nothing else.02:41
jmarsdenWith a freshly installed, default, unchanged lamp-server installed, you can do   wget -q -O - http://localhost     to see if it is listening on port 80.02:45
ntoombsjmarsden: done and the wget command just outputs the contents of the index.html file02:52
jmarsdenRight, so it is working.02:53
jmarsdenSo now checj your port 80 forwarding and all will be fine.02:53
ntoombsit's not02:54
ntoombsthe port check tool says port 80 is closed02:54
jmarsdenI have no idea what a port check tool is.  What does      sudo netstat -ntlp | grep :80     output now?  Should be just one line.02:55
jmarsdenOK, cool.02:56
jmarsdenSo, this server is on a local LAN, I take it.  Can you browse to it from any other local PC on that LAN and see the index.html contents?02:57
ntoombslan yes wan no02:57
jmarsdenOK, so then the issue is in the router, not the server.  Are you sure the server is forwarding port 80 to the correct local IP?02:58
ntoombsyes everything but port 80 forwarded to that address works02:58
Delerium_ISP blocking port 80 ?02:58
ntoombsthey say no02:58
ntoombsbut i may call them again to double check02:59
jmarsdenThen this is no longer a Ubuntu server issue... either the ISP is blocking it and lying about it, or else you made a mistake somewhere in the router config.02:59
lifelessserge_: hi02:59
lifelessserge_: lxc appears to reset the sudo timeout :)02:59
lifelessserge_: I think there is some crossover02:59
ntoombsjmarsden: i spent 4 hours today speaking to netgear support and they said the same thing about ubuntu and my isp03:00
jmarsdenSo... sounds like your ISP is lying to you!03:00
ntoombsi'll check03:00
=== dreaded is now known as fyrfaktry
twbntoombs: which ISP?03:16
twbDunno them, sorry.03:16
Delerium_ntoombs, You can always try to ask on the DSLReports.com : http://www.dslreports.com/forum/windstream03:20
ntoombsok I'll try that.03:20
ntoombsare you sure it's not a problem with ubuntu?03:21
ntoombsor more specifically the lamp server03:21
Delerium_No. I'm not.  But since port 80 is listening, wget is working (like jmarsden says) ... I don't think it's a Ubuntu issue.. especially if you can see the index.html from you LAN03:22
ntoombswindstream insists they are not blocking port 8003:26
twbIMO most likely your appliance router03:26
ntoombswhat do you mean?03:26
twbntoombs: OK, the thing between the wall and your Ubuntu server03:27
twbntoombs: is it running Ubuntu, or did you buy a tiny solid-state box from Walmart and just plug it in (hence "appliance")?03:27
ntoombsit's a netgear n300 dgn2200 modem router combo that costs $100 so it's not a simple appliance03:29
ntoombsbut i know what you mean03:29
twbIn technical terms, that is definitely an appliance03:29
twbExcept possibly if you reflashed it with openwrt or dd-wrt or whatever03:29
ntoombsyea technicaly :p03:29
ntoombsi'm too much of a noob with routers to know how to do that03:30
twbSo: I consider that suspect #1, because it'll be running some random crap firmware03:30
ntoombsmost default firmware is crap03:30
ntoombstwb: are you still there?04:26
ntoombsjmarsden: are you still there?04:28
jmarsdenntoombs: Yes.04:28
ntoombsok so i called netgear again04:28
ntoombsfinally got someone seemingly competent04:29
serge_lifeless: not sure how sudo timeout works.  I assume it's something that will be solved when user namespaces are sufficiently completed to be used in lxc.  (I think I just hit a new milestone on those at git://kernel.ubuntu.com/serge/userns-2.6, but still quite some time before they're ready)04:29
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ntoombshe still couldn't figure out why port 80 won't work04:30
twbntoombs: hmm?04:30
ntoombsevery port i open for the server (22 and 8080) works but port 80 doesn't04:31
twbntoombs: you are nmapping from somewhere outside your network?04:31
twbDo so04:31
ntoombsbut i am checking open ports outside my network04:31
ntoombshttp://www.isup.me/ with my ip address04:32
ntoombsand http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ for open ports04:32
twbWell, I don't trust some website's say-so04:33
twbI know nmap works04:33
ntoombsi've had multiple friends try to connect too04:33
jmarsdenntoombs: So... it sounds like nothing has changed, your ISP is still possibly lying to you, or your router is misconfigured.04:34
ntoombsjmarsden: it still remains that lamp is the most complicated piece of the puzzle. I've checked with my isp multiple times to make sure port 80 is open and looked on the internet to double check. I've had multiple hour long conversaitons with my router manufacturer to ensure i have configured the router correctly.04:35
jmarsdenntoombs: lamp is very well tested.    sudo tasksel install lamp-server    works.04:36
ChmEarlntoombs, give me your IP so I can test04:36
jmarsdenIf you suspect the router, replace it or bypass it.  If you suspect your ISP is lying, get a different ISP.04:36
ntoombsChmEarl: doesn't sound like a very smart thing to do tbh04:37
jmarsdenntoombs: If you really think ssh is so much simpler and less buggy than apache, run your openssh server on port 80 and see if you can ssh to it...04:37
ntoombsbut ssh doesn't use port 8004:38
ntoombsand i never said apache was buggy or unsimple04:38
jmarsdenHuh?  It does it you tell it to!04:38
twbssh uses whatever port you tell it to04:38
ntoombsoh my misake sorry04:38
jmarsdenntoombs: That's like saying "apache doesn't use port 8080"... well, it doesn't do so by default...04:38
ChmEarlntoombs, you are open on 808004:39
ntoombsi've tried changing apache to port 8080 and it gives me a 404 error04:39
ChmEarlntoombs, http://paste.ubuntu.com/641653/04:39
ChmEarlis that you?04:40
ntoombsis port 80 open?04:40
ChmEarlI tried it04:41
ntoombsdo you know why it might not be open?04:41
ChmEarlntoombs, grep -ir 8080 /etc/apache2/*04:41
ChmEarlwhereever you see 8080, change it to 8004:42
ChmEarlntoombs, maybe not... nm04:43
ChmEarlntoombs, those are not apache configs04:43
jmarsdenChmEarl: That sort of advice is really dangerous...04:43
* ChmEarl feels the reins pulling on my neck04:44
ChmEarlntoombs, iptables -L -v -t nat    <-- check for a redirect04:46
jmarsdenChmEarl: On a freshly installed Ubuntu server... how would that have got there?!04:47
jmarsdenI'll leave you do it...04:47
ntoombslol jmarsden04:48
ChmEarlntoombs, who setup the router? there is a forward/redirect there04:48
ntoombsdo you have better advice besides get a better isp or router?04:48
ntoombsthe router changes the ip address to a static local ip based off the mac address04:48
jmarsdenntoombs: well, if you knew enough you could hook the server to the public IP, and use *it* as a router to the rest of your LAN... but I'm not walking you through doing that :)04:49
ntoombsi couldn't get my server to statically assign a static ip so i had my router do it04:49
ChmEarlntoombs, 100% sure.. your router is open on 8080 and redirects it to a private IP:8004:50
ntoombsso how do i fix that?04:50
jmarsdenntoombs: You did remove the 8080 forwarding before you added a straight port 80 forwarding rule in the router, right?04:51
ntoombsdoes it matter in which order i forward ports?04:51
ntoombsjmarsden: i think i may be missunderstanding what you're asking04:53
jmarsden(a) Why  are you still doing things with port 8080, when you actually want port 80; (b) did you clear out all your port forwarding stuff in the router, and then add *only* port 80 forwarding, in all those hours with netgear support?04:54
ntoombsno because I didn't know it mattered if other ports were open04:55
jmarsdenTry it.  You have little to lose.04:55
ntoombsshould i power cycle afterwords or is that unnessecary?04:56
jmarsdenIt all depends on the router.  power cycle it if you want.04:59
ntoombs_jmarsden: port 80 is still closed05:04
ntoombs_port 22 is still open05:04
jmarsdenThen you left a port 22 forward in the router... I thought you were going to " clear out all your port forwarding stuff in the router, and then add *only* port 80 forwarding"  ??05:05
ntoombs_it shouldn't matter05:05
jmarsdenNo, but it suggests you are bad at following directions.  Port 80 forwarding "should" just work, too.05:06
ntoombs_yea it should work but to me it's silly to think the reason could be because it's not the only port forwarded on my router05:07
ntoombs_i got rid of ever open port on my router except for the ones i need open05:07
ntoombs_the fact that both are forwared the same way and only port 80 is closed could mean two things05:08
ntoombs_my isp is blocking port 80 which i've alredy confirmed to be false or something is wrong in the configuration of my ubnutu server05:08
ntoombs_or more specifically lamp05:09
ntoombs_and yes i know lamp should work right out of the box05:09
ntoombs_chmearl: what whas this you were 100% sure about earlier?05:09
jmarsdenOK, you can go on blaming LAMP as long as you like... it won't help.05:10
twbjmarsden: just plonk him, you're not going to get anywhere :-/05:10
ChmEarlntoombs_, http://localhost:80  should work as is05:10
ntoombs_jmarsden: i'm not trying to blame anything. I just don't see where the problem is05:11
ChmEarltelnet localhost 8005:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #808611 in samba (main) "package samba-common-bin 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.3 failed to install/upgrade: failed in buffer_write(fd) (10, ret=-1): backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/bin/net.samba3'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80861105:12
* jmarsden gives up and goes to bed...05:12
ntoombs_ChmEarl: Connection closed by foreign host.05:13
ntoombs_twb: what do you suggest I try? because i am seriously out of ideas05:15
twbntoombs_: sorry, you've already taken up too much of my/our time.05:17
ntoombs_twb: have i annoyed you somehow?05:17
ChmEarlntoombs_, grep 80 /etc/apache2/ports.conf    <--- thats what controls listening port05:19
ntoombs_chmearl: it's set to listen to port 8005:19
ChmEarlntoombs_, tail /var/log/apache2/access.log   <--- see my IP hit your server05:22
ntoombs_yea i see it05:23
ntoombs_well i think i see it05:24
ntoombs_i'm not really sure what i'm supposed to look for05:24
ChmEarlntoombs_, normally port 8080 on a router is used for outside config... not as a passthrough to the LAN05:25
ChmEarlntoombs_, for someone to hit your router on 8080 means they want to config the router from internet05:25
ntoombs_i don't have anything going to port 8080 on my router anymore.05:26
ntoombs_but port 80 is still closed05:26
ntoombs_am i understanding correctly?05:26
u1035how to check security of ubuntu server05:42
u1035is there any tool or script available05:43
carldoncarlgetting a fd0 read error v.v05:51
carldoncarlmemtest solve that up?05:54
jmarsdenu1035: Many.   tiger, openvas, auditd, lynis, and several more.05:55
twb#ubuntu-hardened also05:59
twbjmarsden: debsums06:00
twbAlso logcheck, and making sure you actually, you know, receive and READ mail from the system.06:00
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uvirtbotNew bug: #808631 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new post-removal script returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80863106:47
=== smb` is now known as smb
airtonixis it common that ssh-agent won't start on ubuntu server?07:31
airtonixtrying to add my ssh keys with ssh-add so it tells me 'Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.', so i try to start ssh-agent, which just spews out some stuff that looks like it should be in a .sh file07:33
joschiairtonix: yep, that's actually what the output of `ssh-agent` is supposed to be ;)07:33
airtonixok, so it is normal that ssh-add still says 'Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.'07:34
joschijust run `ssh-agent` or $(ssh-agent)07:34
airtonixbash: SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-RwCCmL5827/agent.5827;: No such file or directory07:35
joschiairtonix: yes, because you probably didn't set SSH_AGENT_SOCK07:35
joschiairtonix: ehm, s/AGENT/AUTH/07:35
* airtonix rages07:35
airtonixanything else i need to know ?07:36
airtonixbecause on desktop, i just run ssh-agent and it works.07:36
joschinope, should work out of the box07:36
airtonixbah this is broken07:39
airtonixi can't set that variable because it keeps changing07:39
airtonixok so you have to07:41
airtonixssh-agent $SHELL07:42
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sorenairtonix: That's the way ssh-agent always worked.07:49
airtonixi've never had to do that before07:49
airtonixon desktop just had to run ssh-agent in startup applications07:50
sorenThen someone has done it for you.07:50
airtonixyeah well maybe the gnome desktop is just that awesome07:50
sorenIt's not GNOME. it's in the packaging.07:50
sorenof ssh-agent.07:50
airtonixyou would ruin my fantasy?07:50
sorenEVery day.07:50
airtonixok so with that out the way, i need to figure out how to make fabric use my ssh keys07:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #808653 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.8.2-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80865308:06
twbBy default Xsession.d will start an ssh-agent on graphical login08:24
twbThis is not the case for text logins, but you can ask for it in your .profile or similar.08:24
twbFilme at 1108:24
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tyrezahello i  can't boot my pc this is what i got as error :09:50
tyrezawhat need to do ?09:52
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sorenzul: You owe Launchpad a couple of bzr revisions (swift 1.4.2~blahblah-ubuntu3 is in the archive, but bzr only has up to -ubuntu2). plz to fix. kthxbai10:29
smoserRoAkSoAx, awake?11:01
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Ursinhabom dia coleguinhas12:49
acidflashhello everyone12:57
acidflashi have a LVM which should be full to the max,12:57
RoAkSoAxsmoser: I'm here12:57
acidflashi have moved from one computer to another12:57
acidflashwhen i do pvscan, it says the drives are empty, but im sure they are full12:57
acidflashis there anyway to create a symlink and mount the lvm ?12:58
uvirtbotNew bug: #808769 in lm-sensors (universe) "Please sync lm-sesnsors from Debian Unstable." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80876913:01
smbacidflash, Not sure what you mean with symlink. But what exactly does pvscan say? And what release are we talking about?13:06
acidflashubuntu 10.04 pvscan output >> pvscan13:07
acidflash  PV /dev/sdb1   VG Videos   lvm2 [931.51 GiB / 931.51 GiB free]13:07
acidflash  PV /dev/sdc1   VG Videos   lvm2 [931.51 GiB / 931.51 GiB free]13:07
acidflash  PV /dev/sdd1   VG Videos   lvm2 [931.51 GiB / 931.51 GiB free]13:07
acidflash  PV /dev/sdf1   VG Videos   lvm2 [931.51 GiB / 931.51 GiB free]13:07
acidflash  PV /dev/sde1   VG Videos   lvm2 [1.36 TiB / 1.36 TiB free]13:07
acidflash  Total: 5 [5.00 TiB] / in use: 5 [5.00 TiB] / in no VG: 0 [0   ]13:07
acidflashthis lvm was full, now its showing up as empty... i mean when i want to mount the vg, shouldnt there be a place where its refered to? ie: /dev/Videos/Videos13:08
acidflashor whatever ??13:08
smbIf the meta-data was read correctly and all, yes. The vg needs to be activated (though that should be done automatically)13:09
acidflashhow do i activate it?13:10
smbSo, vgdisplay would also tell you its empty?13:10
acidflash1 min13:10
smbsudo vgchange -ay Videos13:10
acidflashoutside of the lvm ?13:10
acidflash  0 logical volume(s) in volume group "Videos" now active13:11
acidflashthats what hte result is13:11
acidflashi must re-create the lv you think?13:11
smbYou should not need to13:11
smbAnd it would likely destroy the contents (which you probably do not want either)13:12
acidflashno i dont want to do that13:12
smbSo when you moved the disks. Was that from another computer running 10.04 to this one running 10.04?13:12
acidflashits the exact same computer13:12
acidflashi just moved it from one case to another (diff motherboard)13:13
smbAh ok13:13
smbCould you pastebin the output of "sudo pvscan -vvv" for me?13:14
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acidflashyes sure13:17
zulsmoser: damn it13:17
acidflashits not fitting in buffer13:19
acidflashand >> is only giving me last bit13:19
smbHave you tried pastebinit (probably needs install): pvscan -vvv 2>&1|pastebinit13:22
acidflashgrabbing it13:22
smbacidflash, Hm the only small thing I see is that for the partitions it changes to read with 1K blocksize. But I cannot say whether that is really an error. Just seems different to what I see on my own installation.13:35
acidflashi dont think it should effect it though,13:35
acidflashill show you how it was mounted before from fstab, 1 min13:36
acidflash#/dev/Videos/Videos /videos     ext4    defaults,barrier=0,data=writeback        0       313:36
acidflashof course without hash13:36
acidflashthere was a symlink to the lv -> /dev/Videos/Videos13:36
smbApart from that it really thinks there are no LVs defined...13:37
acidflashis there any way to teach it of the lv ?13:37
smbDid you do any reinstallation or just replace the board and reboot? Just to get my mental image...13:37
acidflashno i replaced the board, booted, was having problems with a pci->sata converter that had 2 hdd's on it13:38
acidflashso i took it out13:38
acidflashthen it was saying it couldnt mount the lv13:38
acidflashso i just skipped13:38
acidflashwent into lvm13:38
acidflashdid a pvremove --removemissing -force to remove the unknown pv's13:39
acidflashsorry vgreduce13:39
acidflashnot pvremove13:39
acidflashvgreduce --removemissing -force13:39
smbHm... When I read the description of --removemissing and -force together I wonder whether this might have been the bad thing...13:41
acidflashit wouldnt remove the the unknown pv's otherwise13:42
acidflashiirc though, even before that it said that the drives were empty13:42
acidflashand you cannot or do not want to remove them  manually,13:43
acidflash              you can run this option with --force to have vgreduce remove any partial LVs.13:43
acidflashthe lv is gone13:43
acidflashbut the data is still there i think13:43
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smbIt should be. What I am wondering is why it did complain about missing/wrong pvs. Those should get identified by the scan and metadata on them and not by any physical location13:44
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smbThere may (but treat it carefully) be a backup of the configuration in /etc/lvm/backup13:46
acidflashyeah you'd think so, but pvname was unknown13:46
acidflashlet me check13:46
acidflashok there is..13:47
acidflashdescription = "Created *after* executing 'vgreduce --removemissing --force Videos'" <-- no good i think13:47
smbNo :/ Does not sound too good... before would be better...13:48
acidflashhehe yeah13:48
acidflash5 Tb's of videos :(13:49
acidflashthere must be a way to manually recreate the lv, because the data is still there without doubt13:49
acidflasheven if the lv says otherwise13:49
smbYou may try to re-create the lv. The problem is that you would need to get the order of used PVs right. Nothing that feels like one wants to do it without have the current status of everything backed up before...13:51
ppetrakismb, acidflash, LVM keeps backup copies of the metadata in /etc after every operation. /etc/lvm/backup13:52
ppetrakismb, acidflash, if you find a decent one, pre vgreduce, you can do a "restore" with it, and get your LVs back13:53
acidflashppetraki: we saw the meta data after the command was executed, im not sure its too beneficial13:53
smbppetraki, There seems only to be one and that was done *after* the operation...13:53
=== oubiwann` is now known as oubiwann
smbacidflash, has that backup sections in it describing lv's (maybe it has even when saying it did it after the command)13:54
ppetrakiacidflash, smb, normally if makes a copy after each volatile lv operation, like lvcreate...13:54
acidflashthats the backup, you will be better judges if it helps or not13:55
smbYeah, think it did what it was saying. There is only pv information in there13:56
ppetrakiacidflash, :(13:56
acidflashi came across a blog, but im not quite understand what the guy did..13:56
smbacidflash, wait13:57
smbMaybe there is hope13:57
smbThere could be /etc/lvm/archive13:57
smbwith backups13:57
acidflashthere is stuff in here13:59
acidflashFOUND ONE13:59
ppetrakiI was wondering if it kept multiple superblocks13:59
acidflashbefore the extend tooo13:59
smbacidflash, So what you want is the file with the highest index number that still has logical volumes int there13:59
acidflashthat one was after adding the 2 pv's but before the extend14:00
acidflashshould i go one before?14:00
acidflashok now how do i use those backups, i found one before i extended the vg14:01
acidflashthank god for auto-backups :D14:02
smbHm, probably you want the one that had the same (number) of PVs in it which are now present... But then you say you added two volumes and then extended the vg. Also extended the lv to be bigger?14:02
acidflashsmb: I found a backup before the extending14:02
acidflashsmb: the same hdd's are present now that were present before the extended but after the pvcreating14:02
ppetrakiacidflash, smb, do we know for sure that the extend succeeded?14:02
acidflashppetraki: yes it had worked, this was 3-4 days ago, before the board fried and the move today14:03
acidflashppetraki: i had added 3.4 Tb of data to the LVM with the extend (2 x 2TB Hdd's)14:03
acidflashit worked alright14:03
smbacidflash, Hm, but that was then using the same LV right?14:03
ppetrakiacidflash, so at this point, you can't make it much worse, get copies of all the sequences off that machine, and then you can start experiementing with restoring the boundaries14:04
acidflashsmb: yes it was using the same LV14:04
acidflashppetraki: its the same machine, just diff board, even same hdd sequence as before.. put them in same sata ports (numbering wise)14:05
smbSo the filesystem was extended as well and using the two drives...14:05
acidflashSmb: yes I extended the filesystem after the vgextend14:05
ppetrakismb, that's how he'll know if he got the boundaries right, fsck won't explode due to missing inodes :)14:06
smbppetraki, Well I think to get it recovered there need to be all the drives present. Because all of them were part of the fs14:07
ppetrakismb, yes14:07
serge_afkfwiw, my net link is horribly unreliable right now (after some storms went through)14:07
acidflashsmb: all the hdd's that were on the fs or all of them that were on the lv ? because if only the ones that were on the lv, they are all present14:08
smbacidflash, So you need to get into a state where you have all 7 drives accessible, then you should restore the backup before the removal14:08
acidflashsmb: couldnt i do a restore before the addition of the pv's to the vg?14:08
acidflashi have a back up of that state14:08
ppetrakiacidflash, your filesystem would be upset with you, since you've already extended it14:09
acidflashppetraki: I could probably reduce it i think??14:09
ppetrakiacidflash, what's your goal here? you've got everything you need to put things back as they were. You were the victim of an LVM bug, not an FS bug14:10
acidflashppetraki: i am unable to get the otehr 2 hdds to function properly because they were installed with a pci->sata converter that is buggy, its causing problems and not working half of the time14:10
smbacidflash, only if you have the LV ok and only if the data on it could fit into the remaining drivers. But since you extended the LV and with it the fs, all the files are spread over all PVs and you want to get back to that state14:11
smbacidflash, You may use any connection method you can (like external usb connections14:11
acidflashi think ill try that,14:11
ppetrakiacidflash, there you go14:12
acidflashok so is there an article or guide i can follow to do the recovery process?14:12
ppetrakiacidflash, it's just vgrestore and a solid understand of the LVM components14:13
smb... and a lot of sweat...14:13
acidflashok let me grab some usb to sata converters and give this a try14:14
ppetrakimaybe next time you'll consider backing your LVM with a fault tolerant volume, like a RAID 5/6 MD14:14
* acidflash crosses fingers14:14
acidflashthanks for all the help guys, you were extremely helpful14:14
=== cerber0s is now known as cerberos
=== viezerd- is now known as viezerd
sorenzul: Did you see my comment earlier today?15:18
zulsoren: yeah i thought it was smoser who said it15:19
zulsoren: ill fix it up15:19
sorenCool, ta.15:19
sorenzul: Like now?15:27
zulsoren: yes lemme finish what im working on15:27
sorenLet me know if it's going to be more than 20 minutes.15:27
* soren is on a tight schedule today.15:28
zulsoren: wait fix it in the bzr branch or in the archive?15:29
Davieysoren: Are you in London on Wed?15:30
sorenzul: It's in the archive!15:32
sorenDaviey: I'm not, no.15:32
sorenzul: As per my comment earlier: "(swift 1.4.2~blahblah-ubuntu3 is in the archive, but bzr only has up to -ubuntu2)"15:32
=== blkperl_ is now known as blkperl
jamespagedoes anyone know if squid 2.7 had IPv6 support?15:35
jamespage/had/has/ :-)15:35
Davieyjamespage: let me google that for you :)15:37
Davieyjamespage: you need 3.1 or later.15:38
jamespageI don't think it has - just want to make sure I'm not missing something obvious15:38
jamespageyeah - thats what I thought15:38
jamespagehmm - so does that make our choice and squid-deb-proxy (which uses squid not squid3) in orchestra good?15:39
sorenzul: ?!?15:40
sorenzul: Er... that's not what I meant at all.15:41
zulsoren: take it...im really busy here as well15:41
sorenzul: Ok, I'll take it from here. Don' touch anything :)15:41
Davieyjamespage: perhaps not.. we should get lifeless's PoV on this.15:43
=== jimbaker` is now known as jimbaker
jamespageDaviey: I kinda assumed it did but just found out otherwise...15:47
hggdhsmoser: got a question on a ec2 image update for Lucid -- available?15:48
hggdhsmoser: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/641989/ mostly between lines 143 and 21215:51
smoserhggdh, ignore15:51
smoserie, ignore "/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sda1.  Check your device.map."15:52
hggdhsmoser: I am deeply in debt, etc, etc :-) Thank you15:52
smoserits there because grub2 doesn't really like xen/ec215:53
smoserbut we have grub2 installed in the images a.) i think because it gets pulled in by ubuntu-server seed, and b.) because it is used in UEC boot15:54
sorenDaviey: Have you guys started an agenda wiki page for the sprint?15:54
Davieysoren: not yet..15:55
sorenDaviey: Ok.15:55
=== zz_ng_ is now known as ng_
hggdhsmoser: perfect -- I thought we were cool, but I wanted to be sure15:55
smosersoren, etherpad, please.15:56
smoserothe rthan i dont know how much backup we have on that, i prefer it to wiki15:56
sorensmoser: You youngsters and your newfangled tools.15:56
smosersoren, i'd be just as happy if you started a text doc, and bzr pushed it15:57
sorenEtherpad is fine.15:58
sorenttx, mtaylor: ^ btw16:14
ttxsoren: on it16:17
sorenttx: Ta.16:19
=== unreal_ is now known as unreal
=== koolhead11 is now known as koolhead11|afk
amerowhat is the timer frequency of stock kernel in ubuntu server? can anyone that find that out for me? i dont have access to ubuntu server right now17:25
amero$ cat /boot/config-`uname -r` | grep HZ17:25
hggdhzul, adam_g: can I use two machines from the UEC test rig?17:44
adam_ghggdh: go for it17:44
hggdhadam_g: thank you. I am taking (for the day) sapodilla and soncoya17:45
roasted_anybody here use likewise open by chance?18:07
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
uvirtbotNew bug: #808939 in autofs5 (main) "autofs has undocumented dependency on smbfs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80893918:31
syadnom2[{disclaimer, also posted in #ubuntu-cloud }] hi all. anyone able to chat with me about the differences between the ubuntu cloud an something like vmware or xenserver?18:35
b0nghitteri hope someday ubuntu can work with adobe so that flash media server is supported on ubuntu server.18:37
b0nghitterit installs fine, just needs some tweaking in the init scripts18:37
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b0nghittercurrently they only oficially support centos and rhel :[18:40
=== ng_ is now known as zz_ng_
RoAkSoAxSpamapS: ping19:09
aljosaanybody knows why in 11.04 when i enter $PWD<tab> i get \$PWD in bash? how can i make it expand $PWD normally?19:41
zulback later19:44
mintacious21can someone tell me how to free up space on usb drive19:49
mintacious21for to be able to use 4.1 GB or more for installing iso19:49
patdk-lapdelete files, empty trash19:49
mintacious21i did19:50
patdk-lapthen what is the issue?19:50
mintacious21my usb information says thatthere is only 3.75 GB free and there is nothing onit!19:50
mintacious21do i compress iso or something/19:51
patdk-lapnormally you can only access 90% of rated capacity19:51
patdk-lapdoubt anything is going read a compressed iso19:51
patdk-lapif you have to fit a 4.1gig iso, you need a 8gig usb stick19:51
mintacious21darn is there any way i can get a copy protected iso from a linux company that will be able to copy it to usb19:53
mintacious21or something19:53
patdk-lapwhat exactly is a linux company?19:53
patdk-lapand I didn't know open source made copy protected iso's19:54
mintacious21linux distribution i meant19:54
mintacious21yeah you can buy them from their website19:54
patdk-laprhel, centos, ubuntu, debian, freebsd, none of them come with copy protection19:55
mintacious21they are put on a disc but i want to figure out how to be aqble to copy linux based iso to usb19:55
Harzileinlooks like the people who maintain our production server only _upgraded_ (w/o dist-upgrade) from hardy to lucid. i can't really change that right now, but i need to install an upstart 0.3 config for cron. as upstart 0.3 would not be able to determine the pid of forked/daemonized jobs i'm considering running cron -f. do you think this should work? (http://paste.debian.net/122594/) (without making upstart block or something, i fear i need to read th19:56
mintacious21it doesnt even show up as a file in unetbootin19:56
mintacious21or anything19:56
patdk-lapharzilein, upgrade/dist-upgrade won't upgrade form hardy to lucid at all19:57
oCeanmintacious21: show us19:57
oCeanshow us what you are talking about19:58
mintacious21i downloaded the iso from linuxmint .com and it wont even show up in unetbootin19:59
* Pici wonders what this has to do with Ubuntu Server19:59
mintacious21do i have to extr4act it first?19:59
ppetrakiPici, nothing at all19:59
mintacious21just help me okay ubuntu is a type of linux so it wont hurt you guys20:00
mintacious21i dont have debian20:00
mintacious21ihave linux ubuntu20:00
mintacious21and plus nobody is on #linuxmint20:02
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
mintacious21they never are20:02
mintacious21they dont seem to listen like you guys do20:03
Picimintacious21: This channel is for support for the server release of Ubuntu. If anything, #ubuntu would be the place to ask about running unetbootin. Just because you are banned from there doesn't mean that you can ask off-topic questions in our other channels.20:04
mintacious21what are you talking about?20:05
mintacious21im trying to get help20:05
PiciAre you running Ubuntu Server?20:05
mintacious21i have ubuntu right now20:05
mintacious21it is my default se3rver20:07
Picimintacious21: Sorry, then.20:08
Picimintacious21: How big is your usb drive?20:08
nealmcb_Any AppArmor gurus here?  There is an interesting question at the IT Security StackExchange site about MAC.  I tried to provide some Ubuntu AppArmor input, but would love your insights.  http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/5134/45320:09
nealmcb_"What is preventing the widespread common use of MAC-type systems?"20:09
mintacious214.0 GB20:10
Picimintacious21: Well if it claims it needs 4.1G, I don't think you can fit that on a 4.0G drive.20:10
mintacious21no it says i only have 3.7520:11
mintacious21and the iso is 3.8 GB20:11
ppetrakimintacious21, well, sure, that's its formatted capacity, and is true everywhere, harddisks included20:11
Harzilein<patdk-lap> harzilein, upgrade/dist-upgrade won't upgrade form hardy to lucid at all20:12
Picimintacious21: Do you need any files on there? check out what your favortite partitioning tool says about the partitions on the usb, maybe you aren't seeing all you should see.20:12
ppetrakimintacious21, so either, don't use a filesystem or find a different way to boot from USB.20:12
Harzileinpatdk-lap: i don't know what they did. maybe they tried to downgrade to hardy then. anyway, i'm stuck with upstart 0.3 and it'd help if i knew i can expect my cron config to work...20:13
mintacious21huh thats weird everything seems to be mounted correctly now20:13
utlemmingmintacious21: please check with your device manufacter's definition of what a GB is. Many USB devices define a GB as 1000000000 bytes, while OS's like Linux define it as 1073741824 bytes. So the differential that you're seeing likely the result of a manufacturer that is giving you the short definition of a GB.20:15
mintacious21it says 1/4 of a trillion20:17
patdk-laputlemming, also, formatting it uses up space, the partition table, ...20:18
ppetrakiwe don't even support this usb tool he's using to copy the iso, it appears to require knowledge of the distro he's trying to burn: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/20:20
mintacious21so what does that mean?20:22
ppetrakimintacious21, it means, we don't know enough about the tool you're using to help you20:24
mintacious21you mean the usb drive20:24
mintacious21it is a kingston20:24
mintacious214GB usb drive20:25
ppetrakinope, back in your initial post, you stated unetbootin can't see the file, and if that's true, it doesn't matter how much space you have20:25
mintacious21what do you mean?20:25
ppetraki"<mintacious21> i downloaded the iso from linuxmint .com and it wont even show up in unetbootin"20:25
ppetrakiyou tell me20:26
mintacious21i told you20:26
mintacious21it must be formatted differently20:27
mintacious21or somrething20:27
mintacious21i think i know why20:27
ppetrakimintacious21, well, you can start helping yourself by reading the unetbootin docs and figure out what it's looking for20:28
mintacious21the unetbootin is out od date20:28
mintacious21it only supports up to linux mint 10.1020:28
oCeanwhat download at linuxmint is of that size? Even the dvd is 864MB20:28
mintacious21isnt something20:29
* patdk-lap also wonders what download could be *copy protected*20:29
mintacious21isnt that something20:29
mintacious21hey i have an idea how if i download linux mint 10.10 and upgrade it20:31
mintacious21to linux mint 1120:31
mintacious21would that work?20:32
oCeannow that's a question for a mint channel20:33
mintacious21ok thanks for your help i just figured out how20:35
=== kirkland` is now known as kirkland
RoAkSoAxserge_afk: by any chance have you experienced that VM's on br0 cannot obtain IP from a DHCP server?22:19
uvirtbotNew bug: #809046 in apache2 (main) "Apache Server Dumpos Frequently - "*** glibc detected *** /usr/sbin/apache2: double free or corruption" " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80904622:21
serge_afkoops, i'm not afk!22:22
serge_afkRoAkSoAx: no, i haven't.  do you mean dhcp server which is not on host?22:23
serge_afkRoAkSoAx: if so, i suspect br0 needs stp on?22:23
RoAkSoAxserge_afk: correctbut was working until today22:23
serge_afkshouldn't have been?22:24
serge_afkRoAkSoAx: best way imo to look into it is to test it with a veth tunnel (without kvm)22:25
serge_afkRoAkSoAx: other possibilities include that /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward isn't set now, or that iptablnat iptalbes rules aren't set...22:26
serge_afki see, 'serge' is taken22:28
RoAkSoAxserge_afk: it was working until today's upgrades.. so something might have been messed up22:28
RoAkSoAxbut will look at it22:28
RoAkSoAxcause is not even giving IUP address to the VM's when using virbr022:29
serge_afkhow is br0 set up?22:29
serge_afkis eth0 on it?22:29
RoAkSoAxserge_afk: yes22:29
RoAkSoAxserge_afk: as I said, everything was working until I upgraded today22:30
serge_afkyes, everything was working, i'm just wondering what could've changed and therefore what yoru setup is :)22:32
serge_afkbut ok, lemme know when you find out.  interesting.22:32
RoAkSoAxserge_afk: just tested with natty22:34
RoAkSoAxand everything is fine22:34
RoAkSoAxso it is not my router's fault22:34
RoAkSoAxserge_afk: might it be because of udev or related?22:34
serge_afks'possible.  could also be kernel22:35
RoAkSoAxserge_afk: i think might be udev or related as I ended up not having mouse/keyboard for a while until got it fixed22:36
serge_afkRoAkSoAx: can you grab an older kernel, dpkg -i it, (maybe from your /var/cache/apt/archives), and test that?22:36
serge_afkmight check on #ubuntu-devel :)22:36
RoAkSoAxserge_afk: heh.. yeah will do that I guess22:37
=== Corey is now known as lawfairy
=== lawfairy is now known as Corey
ntoombs_Hi. I'm having problems forwarding port 80 to my server for LAMP. I have talked to my isp to make sure they are not blocking it and they confermed they are not. I have sucessfully forwarded port 22 to my server in the same way I have forwarded port 80. Does anyone know of a reason why port 80 wouldn't allow incoming connections like this after talking these mentioned steps?23:47
warzauwynnntoombs_: try iptables -L and see if something in there is blocking 8023:49
ntoombs_warzauwynn: everything is ACCEPT23:50

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