[01:56] rick_h_: awesome! [01:57] rick_h_: and yeah, just because they offered and sent a follow-up email saying "why haven't you requested yours yet, it hurts our feelings" [01:57] ah, cool === widox_ is now known as widox [12:04] Good morning, gentle-folk [12:05] morning [12:06] i worked 2.5 days out of the last 10. vacation is over :( [12:06] ugh [12:07] Welcome back? :) [12:11] you are too chipper today [12:11] Not really [12:11] going to be a hot one :( [12:11] But compared with yesterday, today should be better. [12:12] who cares, i'm inside an air conditioned building [12:12] rick_h_: I found your new keyboard: http://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Wireless-Solar-Keyboard-K750/dp/B004MF11MU [12:12] and it's on sale today only, too. [12:13] yea, I saw this thing [12:13] but I don't get it [12:13] going to have crappy keys [12:13] Dude, it's SOLAR. [12:13] and I hate wireless input [12:13] Totally Green, hippie tech [12:13] Gives you a place to put your peicils [12:14] Tactile feedback. Pshaw. [12:15] Of course if you live in a cave like most developers, your keyboard will die about 15 minutes after unboxing. ;) [12:15] unless it can charge from the glow of your monitor. [12:15] oh yeah unity hates to run on my system [12:16] that's ok, it hates everyone [12:16] I kinda like it [12:16] well at least it's an equal oppertunity hater [12:17] though the dock on the side needs a "please go away, you're obscuring the side of libreoffice" button [12:17] I wouldn't know it just hoses X for me because I have a 7300 GPU [12:18] You need a new computer. ;) [12:18] Just use that as a DNS server. [12:19] that sounds like some marketing plan by another company I know, didn't balmer say that same thing [12:19] No, he said "rabble rabble blargh BAZINGA" [12:19] Which roughly translates to "please help me keep my job" [12:20] and give me more booze [12:20] You haven't studied Ballmer-ese [12:20] Give me more booze is "developers developers developers" [12:21] adding the fourth "developers" means "please give me more booze for I am sweaty" [12:22] Never thought I'd say this, but I miss Bill Gates as the head of Microsoft [12:22] at least he gave the company some testicles to kick [12:27] i just looked outside and it's darker than when i woke up this morning [12:27] way darker [12:51] brousch: You're supposed to get storms today. [12:52] we are [12:52] And so are we. :) [12:52] Should be nice and comfy with 92F storms. ;) [13:17] but they bring cooler weather with them [13:17] or behind them [13:18] Yes, yes they doo [13:18] which is why I'm not complaining too hard. [14:17] http://outloud.fm/moshpit [15:20] yummy, monitor reorg time [15:20] yay! [15:21] I <3 conference calls [15:22] So completely silly right now [15:23] fun fun fun [15:26] https://twitter.com/#!/tkadlec/status/90411122817118208 [15:26] wow [15:26] That's pretty cool [15:26] And sad, because IIRC that was the LISP course, correct? [15:30] :( I miss Lisp [15:31] probably just in a "oh, the good ole days of undergrad" kind of way [15:32] I have several books of lisp on my shelf [15:32] should really get them out someday. [15:32] someday. [15:32] someday. [15:32] I say that a lot. [15:33] ditto [15:42] ditto [15:43] Like "someday I should learn Python" [15:43] "someday I should learn C" [15:43] "someday I should sit my butt down and start writing an app" [15:43] someday, I'm gonna be awesome. [15:46] sameday, you'll be dead! [15:46] hm, not what i intended, but ok [15:52] I think everyone does, there's too much stuff these days [15:52] was listening to a podcast where they got talking how just web development has moved from the one guy you'd hire to do you whole company site [15:52] to a team of specialists and applications layered in crazy fasion [15:53] things just get more and more involved and complicated and just trying to keep up somewhere is crazy [16:06] rick_h_: Yeah, I tend to agree, though I'm not sure it's as complicated as some folks make it out to be [16:06] at the end of the day it's all about getting bits from one location to another [16:07] I was on a call where they were hyperventilating about adding JSON support to one of our products [16:07] meh, it's a lot out there [16:07] and I'm thinking "You already sling XML out this thing. Unless you're doing something crazy stupid, throwing out JSON shouldn't be that dificult" [16:07] hahahahahahahaha [16:08] except that xml allows for much more complicated stuctures than json [16:08] But then again, it's Java-based so lord knows what gyrations you'd need [16:08] the reverse would be true, but going from xml -> json might not even be possible [16:08] rick_h_: I doubt it. It's essentially key-value pairs [16:08] ok, yea I mean if it's simple data [16:08] but some places have a lot more [16:09] think about xml attribs for instance [16:09] just sprinkle some SOAP so Java can auto-cope. [16:09] json has no home for them [16:09] True [16:10] I'm firmly in the camp that Java and the auto-tools they use are setting back computer-development about 20 years [16:11] People don't think anymore about what they're using; they just point their IDE at some URL and expect code to just happen. [16:11] Which is all fine and good once you understand what's happening underneath [16:12] [insert standard rant about not being able to build Java code without Eclipse here] [16:14] https://twitter.com/#!/CRREdwards/statuses/90449814415872000 <- Snicker. [16:35] <_stink_> getting daaarrrkk [16:36] round 2 of the storm? [16:36] <_stink_> looks like it [16:37] <_stink_> didn't really get much of a round one up here [16:38] yeah, no round 1 here, but what just happened as round 2 was crazy. It was almost as dark as night [17:08] CNN needs more poll options. Like "Yes", "No", and "Don't be stupid." [17:15] Wolfger: You expect people online to not be stupid? [17:15] Bwahahahaha [17:16] rick_h_: hah, so we craigslisted our fish tank [17:16] and this dude came over [17:16] and he misread so he thought I was giving him my entire kit for $35 [17:16] I'm like no dude, $350. [17:16] he's like "oh, well bye." [17:16] Fuckin' Craigslist [17:17] well, we have emails with him [17:17] he just didn't read I guess [17:17] it's like yes dude, you're getting this huge entire aquarium setup with everything including the kickass substrate for growing plants for thirty five bucks. [17:17] snap-l: No, I expect CNN to not be stupid. Which I admit is nearly as laughable an idea... [17:18] Thanks, jcastro, for that excellent example of stupid people on the internet. :-) [17:18] jcastro: lol [17:18] well sucky [17:20] jcastro: yeah, that sucks [17:21] I more want it gone so I can go bigger next time. :) [17:21] just doesn't make sense to set it up in a place where I will only be a year [17:21] uh oh, jcastro has the bug [17:21] Yeah, no kidding [17:21] yea, I'm dying to set mine back up [17:21] the boy loves watching fish at the stores/etc [17:21] I want to get back into keeping up an aquarium [17:22] think I'll start it back up this fall when the yard duties cut down [17:22] but right now isn't the best time to be dumping money into fish [17:22] snap-l: yea, everything going ok with the relocation project? [17:22] maybe you should invest in fish you can eat when they get too big [17:22] or maybe sardines [17:22] instead of tropical foofoo fish [17:22] rick_h_: It goes. I think he's settling in [17:23] but his TV is jacked, and he wants cable and ... [17:23] ah, gotcha [17:24] Hell, I told him I'd put Dirty Jobs in the DVD player on repeat [17:24] same thing as cable [17:24] start a new movement: The Patriot Aquarium [17:24] like the patriot gardens [17:28] Invest in sushi. Freshly caught and cut. :-) [17:29] Heh [17:33] wow, the end of the first answer http://malaysia.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100403214603AADijSp [17:35] heh [17:35] ok, thanks for destroying my lunch appetite [17:36] I'm having trouble getting a VM to work on this X120e. [17:36] Hoping that creating it on another machine will fix things [17:37] bloody hell [17:37] something about virtualbox is not happy here. [17:37] virtualbox -- [17:37] vmware is more stable [17:38] <_stink_> yahoo answers, classic. [17:38] WEll, even so, VB works on my other machine [17:38] <_stink_> "someone i know ate a goldfish and said it was nasty" [17:38] this won't even boot up 10.04.02 LTS server without panicking. [17:38] Bad RIP value [17:39] and apparently is bad enough to try to kill INIT [17:43] http://www.ehow.com/how_5942884_breed-sardines.html [18:43] http://www.metalinjection.net/show-recap/soundgarden-ultramega-comeback-tour [18:54] snap-l: http://ditrw.com/booktorious/ [19:01] nice [19:02] It's taking a while to load [19:02] kindle is the iphone of ereaders. locked in, took off quickly at first, but now android (nook color) is taking the lead [19:02] though ePub is a very friendly format [19:02] what did you do? load up the big game epub things that choke other ereaders :P [19:02] brousch: I think you've got some rose colored glasses there [19:03] nook color isn't taking off anywhere atm, the new nook is e-ink and rated "on par" with kindle [19:03] rick_h_: No, I loaded up Miles, Mutants and Microbes from Baen [19:03] not that they've jumped ahead or anything [19:04] "Nook color dethrones Kindle as most popular ereader" http://dvice.com/archives/2011/07/nook-color-is-t.php [19:05] rick_h_: what wifi tether app do you use? whatever you were using last year is better than anything i've found [19:05] just the baked in OS [19:05] never used a tether app [19:06] brousch: Wait a sec, I'll put up some shit site that says that the Kobo just ate Amazon and shit nooks [19:06] wtf http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20110708005437/en/Media-Tablet-Sales-Lag-Optimistic-Quarter-Targets [19:06] did you read the real article? [19:06] no way. i was raised on /. [19:07] i don't read past a headline [19:07] There's no numbers [19:07] nothing at all, no source, everything is analyist "expectations" [19:08] What we have here is some serious pony-wishing [19:08] no kidding [19:09] someone's making some $$ on link-bait [19:09] http://hothardware.com/News/NOOK-Color-Passes-the-Kindle-Among-eReaders/ [19:09] article is almost all ipad, lots of in-body ads for you to click on [19:10] Welcome to the echochamber [19:11] welcome to the BS chamber [19:12] come come now, rick_h_, you should know that just by posting crap on the internet, it magicall becomes true [19:13] witness the birth of pasta fetishism. [19:13] NOOK 4 LIFE. KINDLE CAN DIAF [19:13] this one guy, he said that he thought the kobo was the bestest e-reader evar! Nook + Kindle are baby beaters [19:13] so I bought stock in kobo [19:14] Just like all of the people who said that any day now people would realize the brilliance of OS/2 [19:15] and now we're basking in OS/2's incredible marketshare [19:15] OS/2 Vista and OS/2 7 [19:15] have you seen all that linux news? it's the most popular. If you do a google trends it's much higher than windows :P [19:15] finally [19:17] Well yeah... "how do I run Windows games on my Linux computer" has to be the biggest FAQ of them all. [19:18] Followed by "how do I run Windows games on my Ubuntu" [19:18] actually number one search is "WTF is with all these linux asshats?" [19:19] "I installed Linux on my talkie the talking toaster and now all it does is make me crumpets. I can't get it to make toast anymore" [19:19] "Crumpets are better than toast anyway" [19:19] "But I wanted toast" [19:20] "I installed a patch, and now I can get English Muffins, but still no toast" [19:21] "Well, after following a 3 page Ubuntu Forums post, now my toaster tells me to fuck off in Swedish. At least it sounds like Swedish, but I'm not sure. Can someone please help?" [19:21] <_stink_> "I tried the above commands, and i bricked my toaster. Can you help me." [19:21] "Idiot, talkie the talking toaster doesn't know Swedish. It can't be saying anything in Swedish." [19:22] "OK, after 3 updates, 12 patches, and the threat of violence, my toaster ran away last night. Please help me, as I don't have enough money for a new toaster. Answers to the name 'Nigel'" [19:24] "Thank you for your bug report. We have moved from Natty Nutella to Oblong Orange Marmalade, and are closing your bug report. Have a nice day!" [19:26] get it all out :P [19:26] so went and got the mail, it's not currently 94...that's a nice suprise [19:27] Yeah, but the humidity is 94% [19:27] at least [20:37] jcastro: Is Scrabble Free better than Word Feud? [20:37] it's about the same [20:37] but the squares are in the right place [20:38] i wish they had a pay version, hate these ads. [20:39] it has real push notifications, and a dictionary [20:39] there are some nice things, other things are ok [20:39] wordfeud is faster I think [20:39] Yeah, that's what I'm finding [20:39] I can almost play real-time with Wordfeud [20:39] yeah [20:39] this isn't slow [20:40] I prefer real scrabble since it's the same as the board game [20:41] I thought you'd prefer Wordfeud because they give you all the vowels, and me all of the consonants. :) [20:41] heh [20:41] Couldn't make a fucking word for the beginning of the last game. [20:41] I'm going to drain out my Words With Friends, and stick with Word Feud [20:43] yeah for sure WwF is junk, not sure I will stay with wordfued yet [20:44] it's kind of important to me to play the real scrabble as I play the real game all the time [20:44] so this doesn't have to be better than wordfeud, just not terrible enough [20:44] hahah, the android motto: It only needs to not be totally horrible [20:44] jcastro: We should play a game with random placement [20:44] that'll sharpen ya. ;) [20:59] rick_h_: I got my replacement charger in the mail (and it works!). When will I see you in person next? [21:46] I <3 that there's a catdvi [21:56] anyone know of a really good noob HTML/CSS tutorial? I need to find one for an intern, and I really don't want to point him to w3schools or tizag... [22:05] hm, I think I remember htmldog not being terrible, maybe I'll send him that. [22:41] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1798769 has anyone in here had this issue? no reply from S76. i'm thinking of calling them tomorrow afternoon. [22:54] weird, you'd think someone from S76 would at least acknowledge you. [22:55] yeah [22:55] unless they're all on vacation. [23:35] i did get a reply. isantop was on vacation. heh