
TakyojiGrah, friggen Pidgin bugs05:13
TakyojiApparently it has sparklehistory listed over 100 times and in 3 different ways05:13
TakyojiHow in the hell does Novacut have JUST 100 backers via Kickstarter? http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/novacut/novacut-pro-video-editor07:48
TakyojiThat's horrid07:48
TakyojiIt has just 69 backers07:50
TakyojiJust have 500 people donate JUST $50 and it would easily be covered07:51
TakyojiPeople are able to make over a million dollars in sales on the Humble Indie Bundle in the span of a week, yet a project for professional video production on Linux (which we greatly lack) can't even make over just $5,000 in like a week?07:55

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