
h00kI'm getting off Facebook.17:42
twopoint718Oh? I did that a while ago. Get ready for *angry* friends, really.17:47
h00kI don't care.17:50
h00kI already did it once, came back (still not sure why)17:50
h00kand I'm about to do it again17:50
twopoint718Yeah I dumped FB only to be playing with Google+ right now :/17:50
twopoint718If I didn't know better, I'd think that these social network thingies were really going to catch on17:52
mikeputnamtwopoint718: how am i to encircle you in my "wisconsin linux" G+ circle if i cannot find you!?19:21
twopoint718hmmm, I added you just now.19:22
h00kI have an Ubuntu circle going on, but anything Ubuntu-US-WI related will probably just go Public or All Circles for me19:30
mikeputnamyeah. i don't have a lot of linux-centric stuff that i wouldn't also share publicly. none in fact.19:34
mikeputnami suppose the notification thingy could be used19:34
mikeputnamthe circles are almost more of a memory aid for me19:35
mikeputnamin twitter i'd quite forgotten why i originally added/follow people19:35
twopoint718I dunno, I feel like I have a two-face level of split between my nerd-side and my other side. I remember posting something linux-related once on FB and I got a zillion WTFs from civilians.19:36
mikeputnamtwopoint718: for example.  i'd been following you for a while on twitter. but until you just got added to my linux circle i'd forgotten how i "know" you19:36
mikeputnamnow i won't forget19:38
twopoint718Yeah, I think it is a good idea to group people on social networks, for the reasons you say.19:40

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