
holsteinastraljava: alternate install with unet worked fine :)03:52
astraljavaholstein: Good to hear. :)05:59
astraljavabug 80364511:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 803645 in Ubuntu "Sync mudita24 1.0.3-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80364511:36
ScottLoh that is good :)11:41
astraljavaYup, can be added to meta package now.11:50
scott-workabogani: i tested your -lowlatency kernel and it halved stable latency as expected :)13:34
scott-workabogani: i was beginning to package it but it would appear that you do not have it in the git repository as before13:34
scott-workabogani: should i take the source from your /broken ppa and use it?13:34
aboganiscott-work: Sorry?13:35
aboganiI updated git tree few minutes ago...13:36
scott-workabogani:  i don't mind using the source from ppa (unless there is a particular reason not to), but i was trying to follow the procedure from before when i noticed it was not in git14:03
aboganiCould you tell me what exactly are you trying  to do?14:05
aboganiscott-work: ^14:05
scott-workabogani: i was packaging the 3.0 -lowlatency kernel so it can be placed into the repository14:06
scott-workala https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScottLavender/scratchpad14:06
aboganiscott-work: Ahhhhhhhhh14:07
aboganiSimply  replace natty with oneiric in "Clone git Kernel" section. As you can see from http://kernel.ubuntu,com/git I work on latest version and so backport on older ubuntu releases.14:08
aboganiscott-work: ^14:09
abogani http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git14:09
scott-workoh, i feel really stupid now...14:09
scott-worki did try to search the git website looking for a 3.0 kernel14:10
aboganiscott-work: Why? :-?14:10
scott-workbecause i didn't think about 'natty' vs. 'oneiric'14:10

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