=== utlemming is now known as utlemming_307 === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk [08:38] skaet: ping, I'm moving the release date for mx5 server since preinstall pool hasn't landed yet and I rather not push something completely broken and untested [09:07] NCommander, release date ? [09:07] NCommander, isnt that bound to milesones anyway ? [09:07] ogra_: er date we would hav efirst images [09:07] ogra_: not directly [09:07] (i.e. next official release date for new images would be A3) [09:07] does that matter ? [09:08] we want *working* images by next milestone [09:08] if they work on first cut they can as well go in on milestone freeze date (ulikely they will indeed) [12:25] are archive days still happening? === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha === doko_ is now known as doko [13:23] NCommander, just go ahead and update first image date to your best prediction. ogra_'s is correct, first release date is a milestone. === utlemming_307 is now known as utlemming === seb128_ is now known as seb128 === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch [18:13] ScottK, any reason why the Kubuntu images for Karmic, Dapper can't be moved off cdimages to old-images (http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/kubuntu/) now? [20:31] skaet: No. I'm suprised they weren't moved long ago. [20:32] ScottK, Thanks. :) [20:39] so I'm just watching http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snXPtQpl3b0 in which ScottK mentions that the freeze guidelines aren't clear [20:39] looks like they haven't been updated since then... [20:39] I think they are perfectly clear and have no clue why people get them wrong. [20:40] ok, that some people think they aren't clear [20:40] How can U/I freeze possibly mean that features that affect U/I are exempt from feature freeze? [20:40] I'm looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeatureFreeze and it seems like it doesn't clearly express the de facto 'bug fixes are ok' policy as well as it could [20:40] It's just mind boggling. [20:41] Possibly. [20:41] I think the bigger problem is people landing crap at the last minute and then coming up with lame excuses why they thought it was OK. [20:41] I certainly don't object to more clarity. [20:44] Having not been on the team for a freeze period before I can't really comment, but I do have that impression too. [20:48] Do people respect the 'file a bug for all bug fix uploads after FF' requirement? It seems a bit heavyweight — wouldn't it be better as 'explain that this is a bug fix release in the changelog or sync request'? [20:58] Laney, in practice I've not seen lot of bugs for those [20:58] yeah [21:00] right well I just went ahead and changed it. We can discuss if someone doesn't like it. [21:01] Laney: I think that's fine. We did that when we first started allowing it. I think it's time has passed. [21:02] It used to be ALL new upstream releases needed an FFe, so just requiring the bug to document it was, in fact, lighter weight at the time. [21:02] Right. [21:03] and after reading these I can't find out how you could confuse UIF and FF [21:03] so I'm on your side here. === skaet is now known as skaet_afk === skaet_afk is now known as skaet === Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha