[01:20] RAOF: i saw 2 people talking about that bug but haven't been hit by it, guessing it comes from udev being screwed? [01:20] Yeah. [01:21] crw-rw----+ 1 root video 226, 0 2011-07-11 18:49 /dev/dri/card0 [01:21] Pretty much nothing that wants to talk ot hardware is working for me; dri, pulseaudio, etc. [01:21] Yeah. No + for me :) [01:21] pulseaudio is definitely the udev problem [01:21] you updated to the latest and moved /run out of the way? [01:21] Nah. [01:23] wonder why it didnt take out your input devices but did for other people [01:23] Oh, it did. [01:24] I just plugged them back in. [01:24] ah gotcha [01:24] move /run man, it'll fix the world :P [01:25] heck even moving /run and dpkg-reconfigure udev might fix it without rebooting [01:25] or sudo service udev restart === chrisccoulson_ is now known as chr1sccoulson === seb128_ is now known as seb128 [19:02] umm, someone changed wayland to source 3.0 format? [19:02] cosme.ddiaz [19:10] tjaalton, doesnt look like 3.0 to me [19:10] tjaalton, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ricotz/wayland/ [19:15] ricotz: well there wa a bug marked fixed with the changelog claiming so, among other things [19:15] was [19:18] tjaalton, yeah, but it doesnt includes a "source/format", so it is still handled as 1.0 [19:18] also it failed to build [19:18] ok then [19:19] tjaalton, maybe you could have a look at my package [19:19] i dont think the old version really serves a purpose [19:19] work with debian [19:19] this way mesa could build against it to generate wayland-gl [19:19] i'm not really that interested, yet anyway :) [19:20] i see [19:20] I'm interested [19:20] ;) [19:20] ricotz, there's a few things we need to do [19:20] we need to update to a newer snapshot [19:20] the package needs broken into two different packages to match upstream [19:21] bryceh, i know [19:21] http://people.ubuntu.com/~ricotz/wayland/ [19:21] and wayland-demos depends on mesa wayland-gl backend [19:24] ricotz, did you build and run this snapshot? [19:25] bryceh, i build it, but i dont ran it since the lack of a proper mesa build here [19:28] ricotz: and the mesa build needs wayland-dev to build now.. :P [19:28] Sarvatt, yes [19:29] ... and wayland-demos need mesa wayland backend :P [19:36] bryceh, upload it if you like, but the changelog doesnt contain the packaging changes [19:37] ricotz, thanks, I'll do some work on it [19:37] ok [19:38] ohhh ok i thought wayland was needing mesa and mesa was needing wayland to build, that doesn't look so bad [19:38] was having xorg state tracker nightmares all over again === yofel_ is now known as yofel