[00:05] or pretty https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings/Archive/Minutes/2011-07-11 [00:14] pleia2: Thanks, I read the first one (after a lockup :/ ) [01:00] >The requested URL /xubuntu-devel/2011/xubuntu-devel.2011-07-11-19.02.log.html was not found on this server. [01:01] thats on the dev ml [14:28] mr_pouit: email sent for Xubuntu Team; may have sent to the ML by mistake, though [14:34] no desktop images today; alternate images are available for testing === ChanServ changed the topic of #xubuntu-devel to: Xubuntu Development | Want to get involved? See: http://xubuntu.org/contribute | #xubuntu for support, #xubuntu-offtopic for general discussion | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu | Oneiric Desktop images are broken [15:10] All testers: Can now tell in the topic here if the images are working [15:41] charlie-tca: yep, went to ML :) [15:42] Going to be a l-o-n-g week, then [15:44] Hope mr_pouit knows he can respond without including the ML, too :( [15:48] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek Day 2 starting in 12 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom [18:10] Atleast I know now I can't vote for the next Lead :P (And for something I should try for later) [18:11] um, why not join the team? [18:12] testing is a contribution that counts [18:15] * micahg preemptively votes for charlie-tca as project lead [18:21] I guess you call that transparency, huh? [18:21] indeed [22:18] Did everyone see this and I'm just really late to the viewing? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1767896 [22:28] thanks for pointing to that Unit193, hadn't seen that before [22:29] aw, that is nice :) [22:29] yup, it is :) [22:30] pleia2: think it would be good to reply [22:30] yeah, I think so [22:30] the OP is still an active member and I think he'd be happy to know that devs saw it [22:30] active member of the forums [22:31] mhm [22:32] Not all of us read the forums [22:32] but that is really neat! [22:33] All you guys really did do a fantastic job on 11.04. [22:44] Yes they did! And it looks like I wasn't late to the party this time!