[00:28] Hey all :-) [00:30] dmcglone1: We are going to give you the silent treatment for not showing up anymore ;) [00:30] Howdy! [00:31] LOL well it's hard when I'm on vacation in another state :-) [00:31] I got a Ubuntu question [00:32] How do I manually mount my SD card. For some reason it will not auto mount [00:33] I also don't know how to find it. I looked under lsusb but don't know which device it is [00:34] tail shows me: [00:34] usb 1-5: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 3 [00:34] Find where it is with sudo fdisk -l and then sudo mkdir /media/{whatever} && sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/{whatever} (replace sda1 with what you find with fdisk [00:34] let me give that a try [00:35] fdisk -l doesn't show it [00:36] They will come back in ~30 and say that's not the best way [00:36] How about sudo blkid ? [00:37] all I need to do is figure out what the card is being recognized as and I can do the rest [00:37] blkid didn't show it either? [00:38] david@ace:~$ sudo blkid [00:38] /dev/sda1: UUID="ec43074a-d3f8-4fba-84aa-83d64f26523b" TYPE="ext4" [00:38] /dev/sda5: UUID="2ff6e467-b2ae-4a07-87c4-4436254c52ec" TYPE="swap" [00:38] 1 is my linux 5 is swap [00:38] Looks as if it's not going to find it [00:38] I noticed that [00:39] but tail recognizes when I plug it in [00:40] dmesg tell you anything fun? [00:41] same thing tail /var/log messages tells me [00:42] /var/log/messages that is [00:42] I wasn't sure what you were tail-ing [00:42] [ 1380.288140] usb 1-5: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 4 [00:47] looks like I'll have to wait till I get home to transfer my pictures :-/ [00:48] That, or wait for smart person/join #ubuntu [00:49] Ah everybody in here is smart in their own way. [00:49] :-) [01:01] I might have to find me a dentist before the week is over. Got a slight tooth ache :-/ [01:02] Hammertime! [01:02] That's not the best response... [01:02] LOL [02:57] well I'm out for the night. g'night all [02:58] !1enolgcmd thgin dooG [03:55] Cheri703: Re: Getting the LoCo doing something. Are you looking at something or do you just want to get started on anything and looking for ideas? [03:55] open to ideas [03:56] Did you have something in mind? I know the wiki needs work, but I'm NOT a wiki person. There is also the ISO testing (I think you said this one too) [04:30] yeah, we can discuss ideas [04:33] At the next meeting? When is that anywho? [04:56] next full loco meeting? [05:02] Yeah, isn't that what you were talking about? [05:09] yeah === _bbb_ is now known as _bbb [17:28] I don't think I'm going to make it tonight :/ [19:14] canthus13: Mind if I put your name in a linux terminal project I have? (As someone that has really helped) [19:19] Uh... Sure. [22:59] Howdy. Sorry I wasn't at unusual hour. When this HTML coding job sets in to motion I'll be available for it again. [22:59] Ubuntu* [23:00] Im hating the auto correct on this thing right now. [23:00] Cheri703 said she didn't think she could go and Unit193 wasn't there wither [23:00] s/wither/either/ [23:03] Ah. [23:13] no worries skrappjaw-DX2, I had a crazy week and my ride home canceled, so I just stayed home [23:27] Cheri703: Cool. Been busy myself.