=== emma is now known as em === k1l_ is now known as k1l [09:44] !oggcamp-#ubuntu-uk is Oggcamp is a two day unconference on August 13th/14th 2011 [09:44] AlanBell: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [09:45] oggcamp-#ubuntu-uk is Oggcamp is a two day unconference on August 13th/14th 2011 [09:45] it doesn't listen to me === lubotu2` is now known as lubotu2 === lubotu3` is now known as lubotu3 [09:51] !oggcamp-#ubuntu-uk is a two day unconference on August 13th/14th 2011 [09:51] I'll remember that, tsimpson [09:51] !oggcamp-#ubuntu-uk [09:51] oggcamp is a two day unconference on August 13th/14th 2011 [09:51] AlanBell: ^ [09:51] AlanBell, you might want linkyness in there? [09:53] ooh, good idea elky, tsimpson can you add http://oggcamp.org/ [09:54] !no oggcamp-#ubuntu-uk is a two day unconference on August 13th/14th 2011 - See http://oggcamp.org/ [09:54] I'll remember that tsimpson [09:54] thanks \o/ [09:54] :) === Cheri703_ is now known as Cheri703 === mquin_ is now known as mquin [20:56] In #ubuntu-women-project, maco said: !uw is the group tag [20:57] In #ubuntu-women-project, maco said: !uw is an alias for !ubuntuwomen [20:57] ignore those. its in reference to identi.ca group tags