[02:15] waaaa [05:21] morning \o [06:33] Morning [06:43] I should really make a script to automatically change googe-chrome file each time an update comes out [06:43] getting sick of having to manually edit that file :P [06:43] usually don't realise it needs changed until I start watching a video [06:56] morning [07:07] Morning all [07:08] hi diplo [07:28] morning folks [07:29] morning [07:29] is using an rsa ssh key pair only more secure if you disable ssh password authentication as well? [07:29] so you _have_ to have a key to get in [07:30] what if you loose your key?? [07:38] morning all [07:39] hiya [07:40] * AlanBell is in the Federal Ministery of Economics and Technology in Berlin [07:40] Guten Tag! :) [07:48] MooDoo: "Guten Tag, you're it!" [07:48] lol [07:55] Morning [07:55] morning [07:56] o/ [08:08] morning [08:09] j0nr: yes, and don't loose that key! [08:09] danfish: but _what if_ you do?? [08:09] not that I have danfish [08:10] I still have password auth on, due to paranoia [08:12] [Paul Mellors] What's your t-shirt? - http://paulmellors.blogspot.com/2011/07/whats-your-t-shirt.html [08:12] j0nr: depends on the system you're accessing - is it a vos? [08:12] s/vos/vps [08:13] had a minor disaster with my phone last night [08:13] oh dear :( [08:13] put cyanogen on it and lost all my contacts [08:13] i thought they were backed up to google? [08:14] thats what my pre-flashed desire told me [08:14] oimon: they should be [08:15] oimon: if you entered a Google account [08:15] oimon: check it by logging into gmail and clicking the "Contacts" link [08:15] if you don't have gmail on your google account, that's your problem [08:15] i see a flash of htc garbage on the contact sometimes [08:16] hang on... contacts can be local, google, or other provider like ubuntuone [08:16] i suspect the contacts were set as local [08:16] :( [08:16] i suspect now too [08:16] Daviey: I can't don't do that on my Nexus One [08:17] (/me did the same thing, and lost a 'few' but ot all) [08:17] they're always tied to a "provider" [08:17] any way to retrieve them from a nandroid backup? [08:17] MartijnVdS: sucks2beyou [08:17] oimon: pass. [08:17] which is either Google, Twitter, Facebook, Last.fm, etc. [08:17] * oimon has a little cry [08:17] * Daviey gives oimon a pony. [08:18] Heh, just had an alert on my phone to say that a google+ contact has posted a message, didn't realise the app did that as well [08:18] * MartijnVdS gives oimon a bucket of pink paint to go with the pony [08:18] even worse, i must have moved them from my sim to local :'( [08:19] oimon: if you've done a nandroid backup you should be fine [08:19] i don't wanna reflash it though [08:19] just to extract the info [08:19] Good morning peeps :) [08:19] oimon: that's going to be harder [08:22] howdy bigcalm [08:22] http://mdzlog.alcor.net/2010/05/29/extracting-files-from-a-nandroid-backup-using-unyaffs/ [08:25] good morning lovely peoples! [08:25] * oimon hugs popey [08:26] czajkowski, oi who are you and what you done with the real czajkowski [08:27] I am in good form [08:27] * Daviey takes a double take at going to mdz's blog.. "Your organization's Internet use policy restricts access to this web page at this time." [08:27] * MooDoo prods czajkowski [08:27] had drinks with Daviey yesterday nice to catch up with people [08:27] yes.. yes it was! [08:28] czajkowski, awesome......i must get down to london one day to meet you all [08:28] MooDoo: you say that, but I'm sure your Davemor2 double [08:28] never see the 2 of ye in the one place [08:28] czajkowski, hehe ;) [08:28] czajkowski, after baby is born i'll come down and prove you wrong :p [08:28] This is why Saturday and Sunday evenings of oggcamp are going to be fun :D [08:29] s/fun/hurt/ [08:29] Daviey: In other words, "stop slacking" :P [08:29] Daviey: jon and I got nandos afterwards were starving [08:29] bigcalm, i can't go :( [08:29] czajkowski: oh lovely... I had a macdonalds. >:( [08:29] MooDoo: poo :( [08:29] i have the contacts on a titanium backup but unfortunately restore didn't work [08:30] oimon: did you mess up your phone trying to install cm7? [08:31] bigcalm: not "mess up" fortunately, just realised my contacts/phone numbers were not living on google servers [08:31] Daviey: at least you made it home! we started to watch um,,,, one of the die hards as well [08:31] nice evening to round of a shite day [08:31] Whoops [08:31] czajkowski: rocking. [08:32] czajkowski: it's good to see you happy :) [08:32] +! [08:49] ah, looking at my nandroid backup, i see the contacts data stored in providers.contacts rather than contacts. [08:49] i wonder how to restore that db [09:03] oimon: just been reading through the scroll-back, erm... can't remember if you already done it... but have you logged into your google account and checked that they're not their? [09:04] HazRPG: yeah, there's only 10 numbers there. the others must have been local instead. [09:04] I didn't realise you could do that [09:05] HazRPG: maybe it's a HTC Sense "feature"? [09:05] (\o/ Nexus, in that case) [09:05] MartijnVdS: Heh, yeah I did notice you mentioned you have a Nexus One too :P [09:06] I bought mine straight from google.com/nexus ;D [09:06] I'm waiting for the "Nexus 3" [09:06] haha same [09:07] Mainly because the Nexus S is already outdated (no dual-core processor :() [09:09] ok i realise i've been a bit silly [09:09] if i nandroid backup right now, then i can restore the old backup, get the contacts and restore the new backup again. i was thinking i'd have to re-flash DOH [09:11] doh indeed [09:11] oimon: well, one thing you could do, if you do revert back, use an app to backup the contacts... and also make sure to sync your contacts up properly with google :) [09:11] oimon: oh, wait hang on... [09:11] oimon: erm... you say only some of them were synced up to your account? [09:12] about to find out :) [09:12] oimon: sounds odd that it would only sync a few and not all, have you tried clicking on "Other Contacts" on gmail? [09:12] yeah [09:12] ah [09:12] hmm [09:12] looks like i've been a numpty at some point [09:13] * daubers is happy waiting for the official ROM for his SGS2 [09:13] did you disable syncing with the desktop widget at some point and just never enabled it back? Because that will explain why only some of them are there [09:14] HazRPG: no idea, i think it may have been a sense think when i origianlly setup [09:14] possibly [09:14] (I knew sense was a bad bad idea!) [09:15] (so glad I went on gut instinct, and didn't get a phone with it on) [09:15] i like sense but had to CM7 it cos my phone was full [09:15] been telling people for years not to get a phone with it on (but people ignore me :/) [09:15] oimon: Hmm? [09:15] oimon: You getting the 20MB low disk space message? [09:16] have known a lot of people who are very happy with sense [09:16] Cos I'm currently finding that a pain at the moment ;/ [09:16] HazRPG: yeah, after installing loads of stuff that i actually wanted.. mails etc were not coming thru [09:16] gord: I haven't met a single person yet that has actually said "sense is good" [09:16] sense is good [09:16] Sense is senseless [09:16] i have met lots :) [09:16] gord: no way :o [09:16] i don't personally really like it myself though [09:16] o.O [09:17] HazRPG: if you go to oggcamp you will meet me, and i will say "sense is good" [09:17] my wifey likes it too [09:17] :o [09:18] D'oh! I can't use that reason for not getting a phone with sense now o.O (all ruined! :P) [09:18] doesn't require much knowledge or setup [09:18] some good defulat apps [09:18] and theme [09:18] I'm still going to recommend against sense though :P [09:18] taken me 18 months to root/cm7 it, for the reason i stated [09:18] HazRPG: Sense clutters the UI. Another reason :) [09:18] sense is mainly about the theme if I recall, and basically changing a few of the default apps a little bit [09:18] My phone has sense on it, but I never know which part is sense & which part is android, can't say I've ever had a problem with it though, the only thing I conciously use is the friendstream [09:18] HazRPG: s/little bit/lot/ [09:19] MartijnVdS: True, but my point is that its basically just the open-sourced stuff google pushed out, and they've sat and coded on-top of to give it a theme = sense ui [09:20] sometimes cm7 offers to reboot in recovery mode and other times the regular reboot screen..not sure what i'm doing [09:20] Because I've seen sense on other peoples phones, and little things like the contacts, etc look very similar to how it would have been originally... but with a different skin and an added "feature" or two [09:20] sense ui is more than just a theme, it's a resourse hog [09:20] HazRPG: except it's too big (install 1 app and memory is full), is non-standard, and they should work WITH google not against it [09:21] MartijnVdS: You'd think, right :/ [09:21] i also prefer the htc facebook app [09:21] much better [09:21] I prefer Google+ :) [09:21] I hated how Facebook stole my friends :( [09:21] ? [09:22] there's a reason for things like sense [09:22] currently, I'm sat on MSN... and so far I have 1 person logged in [09:22] the other 100 or so are offline, and have been since getting a facebook account :/ [09:22] directhex: Sense is a place where the PROBLEM should have been solved, not papered-over by writing more code [09:22] Just a thought, if HTC phones have "Sense", does that mean non-HTC phones have "Non-sense" :) [09:22] MartijnVdS: which problem? [09:23] hardware vendors badly want to differentiate themselves in the market. it's hard to do that when you've got, say, an LG and an HTC which are near-identical but one is much cheaper [09:23] MartijnVdS, there are features from sense i miss from my use of vanilla roms [09:23] sense is a nicer theme and better default apps [09:23] if you are a noob you are grateful for the ontroduction [09:24] oimon: vanilla has the introduction too as of 2.2 iirc [09:24] restoring my sense backup to get the contacts :-\ [09:24] certainly android has caught up since 1.6 [09:24] android is just a bit... desktop linux. you know those guys with conky and panels and stuff all over the place? that's how android feels to me [09:25] :P [09:25] in a good way, right? [09:25] directhex: well yeah, I understand why they do it... but surely a skin would be all you'd need to make yours look different - maybe make an app or two different, to make it more desirable by people... but fully changing it and breaking things in the process is not cool :( [09:25] even with sense, wifey and my phones looked completely different [09:26] now with cm7 mine looks like a "man phone"..cm7 is not v female friendly [09:26] My phone looks different too, with adw launcher :3 [09:26] the launcher was the only thing that really needed to be changed [09:26] you prefer that to launcher pro? [09:26] launcher pro caused more trouble then was needed [09:27] how come? [09:27] I don't know, it just seemed like it was going for the whole "wow look I can do this, and I can do that..." but not actually finishing any of them [09:28] i don't remember what launcher i have. i don't really care [09:28] i decided to be different and i just use stock android [09:28] cos i'm crazy like that [09:29] Only reason I wanted to change the launcher was because I wanted to have a different set of application lists (e.g. one for games, one for commonly used, one for specific tasks, one for all) [09:29] gord: other than the launcher, I use stock too [09:29] widgets. sense has some good widgets. still haven't found a good replacement calendar widget [09:30] one thing I really dislike about android's message application though, is the fact that the timestamp is when the phone received the message and not when the message was actually sent (from the header of the message) [09:30] nandroid backups are cool :D [09:32] that really frustrates me, because I went to Egypt to see my mum's family... and I got a SIM to use while I'm there... I come back, load up my UK SIM back up, and all the messages tell me that they were sent that day (when clearly they weren't) [09:33] booting into htc backup, contacts are stored "on phone" :-\ [09:33] e.g. "You going to pub on the 10th?" when it was already the 21st. [09:33] must have been when i still cared about privacy [09:33] oimon: heh, seems that way [09:34] oimon: just realised I didn't answer your question earlier, yeah I'm heading to oggcamp :) [09:34] still doesn't allow me to exprt them to google [09:34] i will be on saturday, sunday is still unknown [09:34] oimon: don't need to export them, load up the android settings [09:35] go to "Accounts and Sync" and make sure "Auto-sync" is on, and then click on your google account and tick "Sync Contacts" [09:35] you'll see an icon appear next to where it says "Sync Contacts" [09:36] wait for that to disappear, and then that means all your contacts were synced over [09:36] open gmail to confirm this... and your done :) [09:36] same with calendar [09:36] \o/ gcal sync [09:36] indeed :3 [09:36] doesn't work strangely [09:36] I have mine set to sync pretty much everything :) [09:36] oimon: what happened? [09:37] did the "sync disc" icon show up and then disappear? [09:37] yep, but doesn't sync the contacts [09:37] hmm odd [09:38] hang on, I'll see if there's a SenseUI way of doing it [09:38] the app is called "people" [09:38] oimon: the app, or the account you created them in? [09:38] the app [09:38] the account is google :) [09:39] oimon: don't you have a normal "contacts" app? [09:39] don't think so [09:39] you should... I think [09:39] because the main framework will loaded up from "contacts" [09:39] HazRPG: it could be sense-senselessness [09:40] yeah [09:40] alright, round two [09:40] erm... [09:40] also the reason why i thought google had them [09:40] remove the google account from that sync menu I told you about earlier [09:40] and then add it back [09:40] (according to the htc website, you have the option to sync when you add it in) [09:40] ah, i found another way [09:41] export to sdcard [09:41] import to gmail via website using the vcf file [09:41] \o/ [09:41] good, because I was going to say there's a warning on the htc website saying " If you skipped signing in to a Google Account when you first set up your phone, you may encounter problems when using some Google applications. If these problems persist, you may need to factory reset your phone and enter your Google Account details when you set up the phone again. To factory reset your phone, see Performing a factory reset (hard reset)." [09:41] :D [09:42] wow [09:42] u guys have been helpful thanks [09:42] :) [09:42] * HazRPG likes fault finding and solving :) [09:43] when is oggcamp again ;s? [09:43] !oggcamp [09:43] august? I have a feel its august [09:44] seems there isn't a factoid for that [09:44] august 13/14 [09:44] hurrah \o/ [09:44] !oggcamp-#ubuntu-uk is Oggcamp is a two day unconference on August 13th/14th 2011 [09:44] AlanBell: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [09:44] brobostigon: am I still picking you up on the way? [09:44] gonna try restore my cm7 image again...phew [09:44] what a palaver [09:45] oimon: indeed... be thankful you backed up though :) [09:45] next time, check backups before wipe [09:45] basically a bug in sense [09:45] MartijnVdS: surely "make sure you backup everything individually" would be the lesson here :) [09:46] hmm [09:46] its what I do :) [09:46] i did titanim backup too [09:46] but that's because I get sick of losing stuff when I rely too much on "this will backup everything" programs [09:46] my SD must be full of crap now === lubotu3` is now known as lubotu3 [09:49] for example, when I bought my phone, I initially created a new account for it (basically the same name I use for everything but with ".android" at the end) so that everything can get synced there, and be self contained... I then copy out the contacts every so often into my main gmail account, and also get evolution to pull that information out onto my desktop :) [09:49] I've even got a backup of my evolution stuff, so that if things go really tits up, I have a copy somewhere ;D [09:49] 64-bit flash released for linux \o/ [09:50] I also have my main google account added on my phone, but that's just because I like reading my emails where-ever I am :) [09:50] oimon: o'rly!?!?! :O [09:50] * HazRPG goes to find it [09:50] http://linux.slashdot.org/story/11/07/14/0210259/Adobe-Released-64-bit-Flash-For-Linux?utm_source=slashdot&utm_medium=twitter [09:50] although slashdot article have been rather incacurate lately [09:51] bout time, that things been in beta for too long now [09:52] about to receive an athlon 64 x2 processor for my PC :D [09:53] my home pc has been neglected a bit of late [09:53] !oggcamp [09:53] oggcamp is a two day unconference on August 13th/14th 2011 [09:54] !oggcamp [09:54] oggcamp is a two day unconference on August 13th/14th 2011 - See http://oggcamp.org/ [09:54] even better [09:55] HazRPG: on way what? [09:55] brobostigon: oggcamp ^_^ [09:56] AlanBell: woot :) [09:56] HazRPG: no idea,i havent thought about it recently.but yes. a lift, would be good, thank you. [09:57] brobostigon: I hadn't either, until oimon reminded me of it [09:57] 1 month today :D [09:57] oimon: Hmm, slashdot is partly right - but Flash 11 is still in beta: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer11.html [09:57] oimon: got released yesterday it seems [09:58] HazRPG: ah, i see, nearer the time, lets plan times etc. [09:58] btw how can i force the faecesbook app to always show "most recent" instead of "top news" [09:58] oimon: err... browser, or on your phone? [09:58] phone app [09:59] pass [09:59] * HazRPG plays with phone to find out [09:59] brobostigon: cool, :) [09:59] brobostigon: will do [10:02] oimon: as far as I can see, news feed already shows "most recent" and not top news [10:02] but that's on the standard facebook application [10:02] ok lol, will try again later to see if it's changed again [10:03] well mine says the last update was "a few moments ago" and then there's one for "5 minutes ago" [10:04] on the website, the "top news" the first one shows "30 minutes ago" so yeah my guess that its already set to most recent is correct it seems [10:05] oimon: I'd suggest checking your profile on the website, and see if the first one on your app matches the first one on your "most recent" [10:05] and then check the "top news" [10:05] should answer that problem for you :) [10:05] "Plugin container for firefox" taking 209,556K. W . T . F ? [10:06] bigcalm: flash by any chance? [10:06] Yes [10:06] *sigh* [10:06] But never this bad [10:06] hmmm android market not sending apps to my phone :( [10:06] flash always does that, in chrome I tend to kill flash every hr or so, to stop it growing too much [10:06] that and "flashblock" helps too :) [10:07] Thing is, I'm playing music from SoundCloud [10:07] So flash has to run [10:07] Might run it from another machine [10:07] oimon: mine was doing that the other day, they must be changing things in the market... because they recently taken out the "Facebook Sync" on some versions of phones (my friend found this out on his Nexus S) [10:07] Morning all [10:08] Absolute 80's is quite upbeat this morning :) [10:08] bigcalm: is it a playlist? Or you just clicking back and forth between different songs? [10:08] HazRPG: a playlist [10:09] aix weather widget is a nice weather app [10:09] ah, was going to say just kill flash after each every x number of songs, but if it's a playlist, that might be a pain [10:09] Yup [10:10] bigcalm: try Flash 11 beta ;D [10:10] On windows? [10:10] might help things (hopefully?) [10:10] yup :) [10:10] http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer11.html [10:10] I've plugged my headphones into my dev server, will play music from there [10:10] there's a 32-bit and 64-bit version on there too (along with all browsers and OS's) [10:24] http://bugs.adobe.com/flashplayer/ [10:25] I accept the flash player shouldn't be growing in memory usage (although I don't know if it's the player or a flash application causing it) but the more voices that raise issues on there the better. [10:29] Also, you can enable logging for the flash player in ~/.macromedia/Flash_Player/Logs by creating a ~/mm.cfg with two lines in it: http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/help.html?content=logging_04.html [10:54] * dwatkins notes he appears to have killed the conversation [10:57] Any suggestions for managed web hosting in the UK? [10:57] daubers: bytemark? [10:58] +1 [10:58] MartijnVdS: yeah that's one option on the table. I'd go to bitfolk if I was running it but it's for my mums company, so a managed service is better [10:58] Positive-Internet.com (I work for them, I have to say it ;)) [10:59] You won't find better managed-level support outside of rackspace, probably :) [10:59] Well.. and bitfolk.. ;) [11:00] Kirrus: if you get a call from Boori by a lady called Jane, that's my mum :) [11:00] Kirrus: So be nice! [11:01] daubers: Probably won't be me taking the call, unless she asks technical questions ;) [11:01] But if I do, I'm always nice :P [11:01] Kirrus: Probably unlikely... [11:03] daubers: I've asked the ladies answering the phones to put her through to me if she does :) [11:03] Kirrus: Heh :) [11:25] * daubers does the thing that Daviey hates and pipes cat through less [11:27] i like doing that on projectors at sprints/uds, because you know someone is gonna twitch [11:27] haha [11:28] someone did that in a best practices talk I was in, complained at the end that nobody told him off for it [11:30] heh :) [11:36] Literally cat foo.txt | less [11:36] ? [11:37] Nah, it was a grep [11:37] cat foo.log | grep something [11:37] * bigcalm grins at the trolling genius [11:40] Kirrus: Get all of his secrets off his MOM and hold daubers to ransom for the rest of his life Muhahahahahahahahaha [11:42] haha [11:43] bigcalm: yup [11:58] if i start searching google for "unnecessary use of" it pre-fills with three options... [11:59] unnecessary use of long words [11:59] unnecessary use of horn [11:59] unnecessary use of cat [11:59] \o/ [11:59] http://partmaps.org/era/unix/award.html [12:00] haha! [12:00] popey: you mean you've been looking up unnecessary uses for cats man your evil leave the cats alone evil man [12:23] HazRPG: u on CM7? [12:24] oimon: nah, vanilla :) [12:24] my market problem might be a cm7 issue: http://forum.xda-developers.com/archive/index.php/t-1072349.html [12:24] can't install angry birds or maps [12:25] CATASTROPHE! [12:25] Oooh... didn't realise reading had a hackspace [12:25] maps is one of the main things i use my phone for..haven't played AB for a long time [12:29] * daubers attempts to make contact [12:32] Arggghhhhh, this computer system at work makes me feel like I've gone back to the dark ages [12:37] oimon: I have CM7.1rc1 and maps work for me [12:37] I don't have Angry Birds currently installed though [12:39] oimon: But does it make phone calls [12:39] oimon: also, save your battery with a setting change. For some reason, the default setting in CM is for wifi to go to sleep. This should be set to never: Settings -> Wireless & network settings -> Wi-Fi settings -> Menu -> Advanced -> Wi-Fi sleep policy -> Never [12:39] Haha [12:39] Who uses a smart phone to make phone calls? [12:39] phone whatnows? [12:40] For a while, with cm6.x, I couldn't make/recieve calls. Living on the edge is fun :) [12:48] bigcalm: thankyou for the wifi thing. [12:48] fixed the maps/AB thing with a symbolic link ..ugly [12:49] will remove it when new CM comes along [12:49] sorry for spamming the U-uk irc for android issues today :) [12:50] aw, dammit. I meant to go and lie^M talk to T-Mobile this morning :( [12:50] Not like we've got anything on-topic to talk about [12:51] not sure if i regret switching to CM7 yet :P [12:51] I didn't [12:52] it's been a painful day so far though [12:52] BigRedS: told you you shouldn't have been jabbering me :P [12:52] daubers: how ever did your windows 7 trip go I forgot to check in [12:53] davmor2: 90% of what I do every day I could do in Windows :) [12:53] davmor2: The other 10% could be done, but had me arguing with C# in order to write stuff to do it [12:54] daubers: did you measure your productivity though? [12:54] daubers: so you prefer to use linux still then :D [12:54] i only rebooted the other day to add a 1gb net card..uyptime was > 2 months [12:55] Everything I do can be done in Linux, except there are 2 bits of hardware with no Linux support. So, I'm stuck :) [12:55] Kirrus: ah, I'd got back by then [12:55] BigRedS: sounds like an excuse to go out again.. :P [12:56] Kirrus: but I'm actually generating working code now :) [12:57] * oimon wonders if popey looks like the collectors card pic or his profile pic, since they are rather different [13:02] one is uhm [13:02] one is very recent [13:02] one is over a year old [13:03] i consider a profile pic new if i still own the clothes i was wearing. in some cases, that could be 15 years [13:03] :D [13:04] i still own that shirt [13:04] i drink out of a pint glass each day that has "1995 UMIST Real Ale festival" written on it [13:04] oimon: I tried, but it's hard to measure :) [13:05] hmmmm real ale festivals :D [13:16] hi, i am having trouble installing vlc 1.1.x as lucid keeps installing 1.0.6 even after i have updated, plz help! [13:18] samantha: How are you installing 1.1.x? [13:18] samantha, tried the PPA? - http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppas/89 [13:19] DJones, using sudo apt-get install vlc [13:19] MooDoo, will try [13:20] i was using vlc to view dvb-t but too many segmentation faults :( [13:21] DJones, as prescribed on the download page for vlc [13:21] Looks like 1.0.6 is the latest version in Lucid [13:21] http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/vlc [13:22] oh dear [13:22] Looks like there are ppa's with 1.1.10 in though [13:23] https://launchpad.net/~ferramroberto/+archive/vlc here is one [13:23] i can send hubby back on the roof to tweak the ariel again :$ [13:23] MooDoo, that first link is umm not working [13:24] samantha, sorry the first link was for natty not lucid sorry, here is a ppa with vlc for natty in it - https://launchpad.net/~ferramroberto/+archive/vlc vlc 1.1.10 [13:24] i so can't type today, i hope you inderstood that [13:25] thanks [13:25] This post refers to teh same ppa http://www.multimediaboom.com/install-vlc-1-1-10-in-ubuntu-11-04-10-10-10-04-ppa/ [13:26] yay [13:26] i have my uses....not a lot :) [13:26] it's just that the vlc download page says it will take no responsibility if i install 1.0.6, which is the version lucid is installing [13:26] samantha: Ubuntu applies security patches [13:27] ok MartijnVdS [13:28] i think, i should have the ladders out of the shed for him so when he gets home he can pop up on to the roof and reposition the ariel [13:28] simpler! [13:28] :) [13:28] in this storm? [13:28] umm, < lol [13:30] you have a storm? not a cloud in the sky here [13:30] * DJones looks out of the window at the sunshine [13:33] thanks for your support folks, i must leave [13:33] bye [14:45] quiet again :) [14:46] Yup [14:47] All must be good in the world of ubuntu-uk, no problems, no complaints, just happy users :) [14:48] maybe, yes. [14:49] or they are all at the pub having a beer [14:49] :) [14:49] I will be very soon [14:49] well beer fextival weekend in my local, so i will wait till tmrw. [14:59] :( beer [15:00] * brobostigon haz hefeweizen in the fridge. [15:21] !virus [15:21] Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus [15:33] !AlanBell [15:34] What's an appropriate low cost eat out dinner option when your wife just got a first? [15:35] daubers: I don't think there is I'm afraid [15:35] daubers: Greggs [15:35] danfish: Rubbish [15:35] Subway [15:35] Oh, got a 1st, not had a 1st child [15:36] Cafe Rouge? [15:36] bigcalm: very definatley the 1st, very definatley not first child! [15:36] daubers: Frankie & Benny’s [15:36] ☺ [15:36] popey: Oooh ... good one :) [15:36] popey: f&b is great if you don't mind the noise [15:37] local curry house doing midweek special [15:37] low cost, good food, cocktails I guess if you want to splash a bit of fun [15:37] The f&b by us is very noisey, is that common? [15:37] daubers: If you have to leave your table to order you went to the wrong place ;) [15:38] we took the kids to the cinema recently and i went in f&b for the first time [15:39] seems okay to me if you're not a food snob :D [15:39] It's great fun :) [15:39] heh f&b have an android app [15:39] Time to convert some tesco club card vouchers into Cafe Rouge / Pizza Express tokens :D [15:40] STOP IT! [15:40] Had very bad experiences in Pizza Express [15:40] Only had good experiences with PE's [15:41] bigcalm: We went in one on our honeymoon and where esssentially sat in an open kitchen with kitchen noises surrounding us [15:41] na na na na nandos FTW! [15:41] Heh [15:41] ooooo [15:41] I have 1.25 free chickens waiting for me at Nandos [15:41] i found nandos to be less than great [15:41] oooo, how about that place where they write your order on the table? [15:42] Wagga momma? [15:42] popey: that's my kids at my house ;) [15:42] popey: http://www.wagamama.com/? [15:42] thats the one bigcalm [15:42] thats a good one [15:42] I'd rather go for Sushi [15:42] nice atmos, good food and medicinal sake [15:43] Oooh.. wagamama is also good [15:43] i find sushi always makes me think "I wish I'd had a burger" after [15:43] LOL [15:43] sushi always thinks "HOW MUCH?" [15:43] You're going to the wrong places then [15:43] sushi always looks better than it tastes. [15:43] Meh [15:43] sushi always make me think "I bet they wish they'd had a cooker" [15:43] i like _some_ sushi [15:43] bigcalm: you are wrong. [15:44] popey: But.. does it look better than it tastes? [15:44] http://www.woktastic.co.uk/ # noodle and sushi bar - buffet sushi ftw! [15:44] Damn, now I want to go and eat Japanese. [15:44] * bigcalm resists the smut [15:44] Sushi reminds me of the Simpsons puffer fish episode [15:44] bigcalm: Okay.. next time i'm in Brum, i'll consider it.. but if it's crappy, i will hunt you down. [15:45] Daviey: I'll join you! [15:45] bigcalm: nah. [15:45] :'( [15:45] :D [15:45] Don't you like me no more? [15:45] * bigcalm goes looking for coffee [15:45] bigcalm: Okay, okay - if you pay, you can come. [15:46] Daviey: Hayley and I go on a Sunday now and then. The manageress likes us and gives us free stuff [15:46] bigcalm: oh great.. but do they make you share a spoon? [15:46] Haha [15:47] https://plus.google.com/113834766641843352499/posts/HCv7wSWEyP2 [15:47] birminghams a bit far out for an evening out.... [15:47] Hayley is coming to this year's Oggcamp as well [15:48] \o/ [15:52] i like the sushi place where you have a conveyor belt with food on [15:53] Woktastic is such a place [15:54] conveyor belts are the normal serving mechanism aren't they? [15:55] That's what I thought [15:55] depends, some are [15:55] i have been to ones without [15:55] They were in Japan (well the ones I visited anyway) [15:56] I'd really like to go to an Ethiopian restaurant again, went to one that had great food. [15:56] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conveyor_belt_sushi [15:57] very pricey though [15:57] well the K10 in moorgate is priecy [15:57] easy to spend 60 quid on dinner for 2 at sushi places [15:58] Woktastic's conveyor service is a one price buffet. They also have a menu for extra items you can order for extra cost [16:00] * bigcalm stops pimping them [16:00] i would go , but they are far waway [16:01] Cafe Rouge then ;) [16:03] chez oimon [16:04] To the pub! [16:04] TTFN [16:05] o/ [16:06] popey: I know you need know incouragement but have one for me :) [16:10] Speaking of sushi conveyors, did you see this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gua47iSif4 [16:16] I wonder if tonights giffgaff update will support auto topup on goodybags :p [16:16] Wow [16:17] oneiric is rough today [16:18] MartijnVdS: about a million and one popups from apport? [16:18] davmor2: that, and no unity panel (back to unity2d..) [16:18] MartijnVdS: Oh I didn't get that [16:18] also, apps not showing windows (QT ones mostly -- picard, vlc, calibre) [16:19] vlc and picard even manage to crash the window-decorator *sigh* [16:19] (and, as a programmer and internal release manager at work, I wonder if people test their changes at all before uploading) [16:22] you don't do code-reviews before letting people commit? [16:23] gord: at work, yes we do. we also require the test suite to pass [16:23] gord: I'm wondering how Oneiric can break so spectacularly [16:25] MartijnVdS, oh i didn't read up, thing is about your problems, its not happening for anyone who's developing unity or uploading it, so of course things work fine here so we upload [16:26] gord: this means the unit test suite is not comprehensive :) [16:26] (I know, the GUI bits don't have one.. my opinion is that they should) [16:26] MartijnVdS, no, it means there are eight billion different bits of hardware, all with their own drivers and quirks. its called an alpha for a reason [16:27] gord: gnome-settings-daemon crashing is NOT a hardware problem [16:28] Unity not displaying, sure, that can be a 3d driver bug or hardware quirk [16:28] i wasn't talking about gnome settings daemon now was i [16:41] shrink shrink shrink === OmNomDePlume is now known as BitcoinSpeculatr [18:12] [Matthew Garrett] Booting with EFI - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/138188.html [19:51] new torvhwood, soon. bbc1, in 10 mins. [19:51] torchwood [21:01] lo [21:02] irc.lug.org.uk [21:06] anyone used shout2send in streamer? [22:16] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/ReApprovalApplication2011 if some wants to go through that, checking links and grammar that would be awesome [22:16] and finding pictures on the linked pages and putting them in the wiki page [22:17] AlanBell: when is our deadline again ? [22:17] this cycle [22:17] but it we are late czajkowski will frown [22:17] AlanBell: I'm overly picky about spelling, grammar, etc... is that useful just now? :) [22:18] yes [22:18] and remember [22:18] woo [22:18] it *is* a wiki [22:18] :D [22:18] so edit at will [22:18] ok, i will have a check. in the morning, i am too tired, to convetaret properly. [22:19] concentrate [22:19] heh [22:20] that is a good sounding word you just made up [22:21] hmmm, quite. [22:25] oimon: not sure if your still about, about your maps issue... if I recall CM7 has a tutorial on its website somewhere about putting "google-based apps" back in [22:26] not sure what it actually shows, but might be worth looking for (I'd try and find the page for you, but I'm very at the moment) [22:26] very busy* [22:40] AlanBell: does Ubuntu-UK have a statusnet/identica tag/thingy? [23:04] AlanBell: right. I've done some editing, given up now because my brain stopped being able to improve stuff. [23:12] [Jono Bacon] Thunderbird In Ubuntu 11.10 - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/07/14/thunderbird-in-ubuntu-11-10/ [23:13] iam lokking for xp os for use in my virtual box can anyone tell me where to get the iso? [23:15] i feel alone ... === Hornet- is now known as Hornet