=== zmijunkie_ is now known as zmijunkie === zkriesse_ is now known as Guest31717 [16:01] lo szczur [16:01] nice nick [16:02] hi bodhi_zazen :) [16:02] THANKS :) [16:02] gaah, caps :/ [18:21] 40 minutes until short Lubuntu presentation on #ubuntu-classroom [22:07] OMFG!! ...ok, I thought I wasn't subscribed to the Lubuntu mailing list anymore... [22:07] 3118 unread mails on the "Lists" section of my mail account... O_o [22:08] (it's not like I ever read any mail there... and I'll still use Lubuntu, of course) [22:23] hi every1, im new to lubuntu (and linux in general) i have a problem which im trying to fix whole day long, i done lot of reading on forums but didnt get anywhere.. [22:24] i cant get lubuntu to work in my monitor native resolution 1280*1024 cant get more than 1024*768 [22:24] !x [22:24] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution [22:24] have you installed the video card drivers? [22:25] Did you see this? [22:25] and from what i read i need to edit xorg.config but that file dont exist at all at mine x11 folder [22:25] driver is instaled ati 9200se [22:26] svd: ubot5 tells you how to make that file [22:27] xorg.conf isn't used anymore... it was used by old *Ubuntu versions, and by some drivers, but it's usually created automatically [22:27] ill read some more and try stuff, than come back if i cant solve [22:27] tnx for ur time [22:27] instead, have you tried Lubuntu menu > Preferences > Hardware drivers? [22:30] cousteau: I didn't get a good res in 11.04 'til I had my xorg.conf file created/edited [22:30] oh