
ScottKdebfx: I don't think it should.02:33
vikapiany1 has issue with rekonq..for me it jus stops responding quite often..i ve to restart the app again..04:32
valorievikapi: this isn't a support channel04:33
valorieI'll help you in #kubuntu04:33
vikapivalorie,i understand.i did a post in #kubuntu but noone responded.. 04:33
valoriefine, but this chan isn't for support04:34
shadeslayerMorning :)04:49
debfxScottK: yes, question is how do we make it stop07:15
debfxScottK: is python 2.6 going to be dropped from the archive this cycle?07:16
yofelmoin o/09:05
apacheloggeremit yawn(LionYawn);10:16
shadeslayermorning apachelogger10:16
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apacheloggersenior yofel!10:17
shadeslayerCSMA/CD is better :P10:17
apacheloggerdunno what this is10:17
apacheloggersounds naughty10:17
apacheloggerstop talking about it10:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: seems everyone passed mid term10:17
shadeslayeryofel: i don't thinkusr/lib/kde4/ktexteditor_* belongs to katepart10:29
yofelwell, I'm not sure, they were in kdelibs5-plugin before, so I assume they are related at least (maybe used by katepart)10:30
shadeslayeri think katepart should suggest/recommend kate-plugins10:30
shadeslayerthe question is, does katepart need these libs or are they optional10:32
yofelnot sure either, it at least doesn't seem to be directly linked to them10:35
shadeslayerwell, i'm also not sure if we should split katepart10:36
apacheloggerrandom thought: ask upstream?10:37
yofeluh, why should kile for example require kate being installed?10:37
yofelit uses katepart, not kate10:37
yofelalso, I don't want to make kdelibs5-plugins depend on kate10:38
shadeslayerwon't katepart dep on kate?10:41
shadeslayeror are kparts standalone?10:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^^10:41
yofelthe kpart was in kdelibs before, so why would you start thinking it needs kate o.O?10:41
apacheloggerask upstream10:41
apacheloggeryou can implement it in all sorts of ways10:42
apacheloggerit certainly does not depend on a kapplication10:42
yofelkate certainly needs the kpart, not the other way around10:42
bambeeknotify really needs fixing... 10:42
bambee23336 bambi     20   0 5296m 4.5g  17m R  100 77.2   6:37.29 knotify4 10:42
yofelbambee: find out what's broken, no memleak here10:42
shadeslayeralright that in case10:42
bambee77.2 => memory10:43
apacheloggerbambee: what memory10:43
shadeslayer*i'll split it10:43
yofelapachelogger: %10:43
bambeeapachelogger: knotify uses 77.2% of the system memory here10:43
yofelbut 4.5 GB RES is...10:43
bambeemy system swaps all the time10:43
yofelget yourself an SSD then you won't notice it that much at least ^^10:44
bambeea SSD is faster but still slower than memory :)10:45
yofeltrue, but at least the system stays usable10:45
bambeeit's also expensive :p10:45
shadeslayerok, from the katepart project page, usr/lib/kde4/ktexteditor_* should go into katepart10:47
shadeslayer"KatePart is a fast and featurerich text editor component with many advanced features. It implements the KTextEditor interfaces, a common interface collection for text editor components in KDE, allowing it to be selected as the editor in applications that lets the user chose from different implementations, as well as it can use KTextEditor plug-ins.10:47
debfxScottK: kate, kdegraphics-mobipocket and svgpart are in New11:53
debfxoh kubuntu_12_kubuntu_homepage.diff is basically empty12:49
debfxpatch quality++12:49
bambeedebfx: this patch is from kde-workspace, right?12:59
debfxbambee: yes12:59
bambeeit's empty, really? 12:59
* bambee blames quilt12:59
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debfxI've fixed the patch now13:00
debfxquilt is imho a horrible tool to use13:03
debfxI usually just do quilt pop -a, edit the patches and let debuild apply them again13:04
yofelquilt is fine IMO, but that dpkg-source auto-applies the patches is annoying indeed. Esp. since it breaks many other tools (m-o-m being the most annoying perhaps)13:06
karmois it feature or bug that i cannot go back in kmenu with that long "<" button on the right side (button doesn't exist anymore)?13:32
karmoleft side*13:32
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debfxkarmo: seems to be a feature but I also miss that button13:35
apacheloggerkarmo, debfx: breadcrumb nagivation14:45
debfxapachelogger: which requires much more aiming and is less obvious14:50
mfraz74what are the plans for Amarok in 11.10 and 11.04 PPAs?15:16
apacheloggerdebfx: and usability experts have been asking for it for years16:31
yofelapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/97651 Either he didn't get the problem or they don't care :/18:55
apacheloggerI am not sure, but I think what rdieter was trying to say is that it is mess in general19:02
apacheloggerrdieter: also, there are git repos which have a kdegraphics- prefix19:02
apacheloggerthat said the modules as they were are still existing, so I personally do not see a reason why generic repos should be packed into a tar with module prefix19:03
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valoriebrrrr, I just realized that updates broke my headphones jack again23:34
valoriewere scheduled updates this last week or so including a kernel update that I didn't notice?23:34

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