Infernet | appears with "deafult" name | 00:00 |
Infernet | default* | 00:00 |
Macer | hm | 00:02 |
ussher_ | gomiboy: got it closer to sorted. it needed 'xinerama' not 'twinview'. Thanks | 00:03 |
^waffles | hi guys | 00:06 |
^waffles | i'm trying to recover a corrupt root.disk from a wubi installation of kubuntu | 00:06 |
^waffles | well, i think it is corrupt | 00:06 |
^waffles | when i run any fsck, i get a bad magic number in super block error | 00:07 |
^waffles | i'm still offering $100.00 to someone who can help me recover these files | 00:09 |
BluesKaj | redeyyez, the nvidia driver to use is the recommended one... the other , if there is one, it might be an experimental driver which will surely crash your system. | 00:11 |
BluesKaj | ^waffles, pls describe your boot process , and do you get bootloader menu ?, namely grub iirc it even installs on wubi. | 00:18 |
^waffles | i am dual booting windows 7 and kubuntu, had been working fine for about 3-4 months, first time booting today in 2 weeks and i was brought to a grub prompt (instead of loader screen) | 00:18 |
^waffles | in the past two weeks i've upgraded to windows 7 sp1 | 00:18 |
^waffles | the boot process was normally like this, windows boot loader -> chose kubuntu, then from grub select linux | 00:19 |
^waffles | now, after selecting kubuntu from windows boot loader, i get a grub prompt | 00:19 |
^waffles | i can't open root.disk in any ext3explore etc | 00:19 |
BluesKaj | I thought you had a wubi install , that' not dual booting | 00:20 |
^waffles | yes its a wubi install | 00:20 |
^waffles | well it's installed alongside, whatever | 00:20 |
^waffles | i'll be back in about 15 minutes BluesKaj i'll msg you? | 00:20 |
BluesKaj | wubi is not a dual boot, let's be clear on that ...we need to know exactly what kind of setup you have before we can proceed ..."whatever" doesn't cut it in these situations | 00:24 |
szal | BluesKaj: we've been as far as determining this being a Wubi install earlier today already.. and as far as I understand the Wubi docs, it's standard behaviour that the Wubi installer creates a boot option for *buntu in the Windows bootloader | 00:26 |
BluesKaj | yes szal , I've used wubi , but we have to be sure that's what is ...unfortunately that makes this more complicated...he should be able to see the ubuntu files in windows, but I'm wondering if he can access them | 00:35 |
Macer | ok. stick a fork in it | 00:39 |
Macer | there is no way to get this damn artigo video to work with a linux driver unless i run some ancient version when via was actually supporting it | 00:40 |
Macer | lame | 00:40 |
Macer | guess i will try windows 7 home on it | 00:40 |
BluesKaj | that's a shame , Macer | 00:42 |
BluesKaj | anyway, that's it for me today .... movietime , later folks | 00:45 |
Macer | it sure is a shame | 00:46 |
Macer | it would have made for an awesome box | 00:46 |
Macer | but they used this crap obscure s3 video card and then didn't support it past ubuntu 8 or something :) | 00:46 |
Macer | lame sauce | 00:46 |
szal | Macer: the S3 is so old, there were Win16 drivers for it | 00:51 |
szal | iirc | 00:51 |
Macer | szal: heh | 01:19 |
Macer | well.. unichromes aren't really too old | 01:19 |
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lsnj | who know ubuntu10.04 how to protect stack? | 01:49 |
szal | define 'protect stack' | 01:56 |
lsnj | just like proc/sys/kernel/exec-shield | 01:57 |
redeyyez | sharing a drive via samba. | 02:07 |
redeyyez | yet it asks for a password when i try to connect to it. and its not one of my passwords. | 02:08 |
redeyyez | how do i fix this anyone? | 02:08 |
=== test is now known as ^waffles | ||
^waffles | sos, i'm getting stuck in a login loop at kde login | 02:55 |
^waffles | so i created a new test user, which logs in fine | 02:55 |
^waffles | the original user could login from console | 02:56 |
^waffles | but when he logs in from kde login screen, the screen goes black and then back to login | 02:56 |
^waffles | can you imagine why? :P | 02:57 |
szal | see ~/.Xsession-errors, /var/log/kdm.log, /var/log/Xorg.0.log(.old) for clues | 02:59 |
^waffles | | 03:01 |
^waffles | | 03:01 |
^waffles | and lastly | 03:02 |
^waffles | :D | 03:02 |
^waffles | dont know what any of this means tbh | 03:20 |
^waffles | btw szal i got those files recovered :O | 03:23 |
asteroid1717 | Hello. | 03:29 |
StepNjump | hi guys. I have some java files here that I need to install as an app. Could anyone kindly tell me how to provide the permissions required to the program in order to run? | 03:53 |
debg | StepNjump: add +x to the file . chmod +x <filename> , or give it 755 permission , chmod 755 <filename> | 04:09 |
vikapi | any1 has issue with rekonq..for me it jus stops responding quite often..i ve to restart the app again.. | 04:25 |
valorie | vikapi: start rekonq from the console, and see what's happening when it freezes | 04:33 |
vikapi | valorie, ok..will do..1nce the issue happens again i ll get back to u.. | 04:34 |
vikapi | valorie, while startup, is normal?? | 04:35 |
shadeslayer | vikapi: yes | 04:49 |
vikapi | shadeslayer: ok.. | 04:50 |
bobweaver | Any one know anything about Making a splash screen for kubuntu ? I have tried downloading a a tar file changing all the permissions then changing out the pictures and renaming the new pictures to what the old ones are then re-taring it still nothing | 04:54 |
valorie | bobweaver: you can change the splash in systemsettings | 05:03 |
bobweaver | no \ | 05:03 |
valorie | yes | 05:03 |
bobweaver | after I make it and install it it wont load or do anything | 05:03 |
bobweaver | no preview or anything | 05:04 |
valorie | you are supposed to use systemsettings to do that | 05:04 |
bobweaver | what do you mean | 05:04 |
bobweaver | I use system settings --> workspace --> splash to tey and install it It is when I am making it I am making the mistake | 05:07 |
valorie | ok | 05:08 |
valorie | here is a way to do it via the cli: | 05:08 |
bobweaver | thanks | 05:08 |
valorie | although it's a bit old, it will probably still work | 05:08 |
valorie | back to spam-fighting | 05:10 |
bobweaver | that is to use just to use splashes that are install or all ready made | 05:10 |
bobweaver | I am trying to make my own | 05:10 |
bobweaver | or replace pictures in one that is made | 05:10 |
valorie | you might look at the coding in kde-looks | 05:17 |
valorie | there are some splashes there | 05:17 |
valorie | !splash | 05:17 |
ubottu | To change your KDE splash screen go to System Settings -> Appearance -> Splash Screen | 05:17 |
valorie | heh | 05:18 |
bobweaver | I know how to change my splash I just dont know how to make one that will work | 05:19 |
bobweaver | where is coding on kde-look I can not find it | 05:20 |
valorie | you would have to download the source | 05:20 |
valorie | since they are opensource, I assume the sources are available | 05:21 |
shadeslayer | bobweaver: i'd say look on | 05:27 |
bobweaver | thanks shadeslayer | 05:27 |
=== Shaun__ is now known as Shaun | ||
vikapi | where do i file a bug related to kubuntu???is it in launchpad??i dnt see a file bug link there.. | 06:11 |
Torch | vikapi: yes, if it's directly related to kubuntu itself. | 06:30 |
netmen5 | he all i have kubuntu 11.04 and problem. i want dont prompt password after stand by, anyone help? | 06:31 |
vikapi | i have servers which i access using keybased ssh..gnome used to save the passphrase in gnome-ssh-agent..and it was out of the box, i didn ve to configure anythng there.. how to do this in kde..i ve not used kde much.. | 06:45 |
vikapi | can some1 suggest a sound recorder in kde?? | 06:55 |
cyberbob | I have fresh installation of Kubuntu 10.10 (64bit) | 07:04 |
cyberbob | I can see my sound card identified by linux but still unable to play any file. . | 07:04 |
Graf_Westerholt | cyberbob, is all volume turned on? | 07:05 |
Graf_Westerholt | No sound channel muted? | 07:06 |
cyberbob | yes all are | 07:06 |
cyberbob | there is a builtin speaker in my machine but no voice from that as well as from sound jacks. . | 07:07 |
cyberbob | yes no channel is muted | 07:07 |
valorie | in 10.10 I had to unmute in Alsamixer | 07:07 |
valorie | all the time | 07:07 |
valorie | so you might check it -- run alsamixer in the console | 07:07 |
valorie | you use arrow keys to move arround, and m = mute | 07:08 |
cyberbob | valorie: I have adopted the same practice unmuted all channels . . | 07:08 |
valorie | cool | 07:09 |
valorie | have you installed or uninstalled pulseaudio? | 07:09 |
cyberbob | but still no luck !! | 07:09 |
valorie | i've always had good luck with PA, but some people must uninstall it | 07:10 |
cyberbob | valorie: it is fresh installation I just installed mpg123 to listen my favorite mp3's | 07:11 |
cyberbob | moreover it is an HP machine dc 5150 | 07:13 |
cyberbob | any idea howto overcome this issue | 07:17 |
redeyyez | after installing an app via wine, what should i do next, it doesn't open trys for a second then diappears. | 07:19 |
valorie | !sound | 07:20 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound see - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 07:20 |
valorie | cyberbob: ^^^ some suggestins | 07:21 |
valorie | suggestions | 07:21 |
valorie | if you are trying to play mp3s you will have to install the proper codecs | 07:21 |
valorie | easiest way to do that is sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras | 07:22 |
valorie | which gives you flash and such also | 07:22 |
cyberbob | valorie: #lsmod |grep snd shows some codec already installed | 07:22 |
cyberbob | one of them is snd_ac97_codec , i think this serves the purpose . . | 07:23 |
valorie | depending on what you are playing it with | 07:23 |
valorie | phonon requires different files than just alsa, for instance | 07:24 |
cyberbob | valorie: that is right but when system boots it plays a default sound but in my case nothing. . | 07:24 |
cyberbob | so i think there is some issue else codecs. | 07:25 |
valorie | hmmm, I had this problem one time, too | 07:26 |
valorie | what did I do about it? | 07:26 |
valorie | did you also check Kmix for muted channels? | 07:26 |
valorie | so many places things can get muted | 07:26 |
valorie | and do you have any hardware buttons that could mute | 07:27 |
cyberbob | valorie: yes I have checked already as in ubuntu we go for graphics controls first than move onto console .. | 07:28 |
cyberbob | this is a desktop machine and nobutton for muting audio .. | 07:28 |
redeyyez | buttons are overrated | 07:29 |
cyberbob | I am thinking of re-installing/updating alsa-base alsa-utils; | 07:29 |
cyberbob | and trying one deadly thing #killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse* . Hope that works. . | 07:30 |
rvb | hello, how will i know on which file does my phone goes to if i attached it to my pc using usb? lsusb only gives me the bus and device number, i am looking for something like /dev/tty .. | 07:32 |
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nomad111 | ahh this is driving me nuts. my laptop fan is constantly running at max speed. I don't know how to address this issue. can anyone help? | 07:53 |
nomad111 | im running kubuntu 11.04 on a lenovo thinkpad x1 | 07:53 |
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valorie | !kwallet | 08:00 |
ubottu | kwallet is a subsystem that provides a convenient and secure way to manage all your passwords. More information is available at | 08:00 |
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netmen5 | need some help with passwd after wake up | 08:05 |
netmen5 | i dont need password | 08:06 |
Peace- | anyone here bluetooth expert ? | 08:36 |
Peace- | i can 't send from phone to pc | 08:36 |
Peace- | this is bad | 08:36 |
Peace- | it worked before now :) no | 08:36 |
valorie | !bluetooth | 08:38 |
ubottu | For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see | 08:38 |
valorie | !info bluedevil | 08:38 |
ubottu | bluedevil (source: bluedevil): The KDE bluetooth stack. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 215 kB, installed size 1288 kB | 08:38 |
valorie | that isn't much help | 08:38 |
Peace- | ah nope | 08:41 |
Peace- | it seems something is messing | 08:41 |
bobweaver | Yes I got the splash to work just the way I want it. YES !!! | 08:41 |
Peace- | because on start up | 08:41 |
Peace- | it works | 08:41 |
Peace- | then after a while it seems it doesn't work anymore | 08:42 |
bobweaver | peace let us see a rfkill list all | 08:42 |
Peace- | so i guess some crash is the point of this problem | 08:42 |
Peace- | mm good bobweaver | 08:42 |
Peace- | :) all no | 08:42 |
Peace- | so it's not that problem | 08:42 |
bobweaver | hmm what about mods ? | 08:43 |
Peace- | mods? | 08:43 |
Peace- | what do yo mean exacly ? | 08:43 |
bobweaver | are all mods loaded | 08:43 |
Peace- | ah modules | 08:43 |
bobweaver | for the blue tooth | 08:43 |
Peace- | i have done sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth force-reload | 08:44 |
Peace- | so i guess yes | 08:44 |
Peace- | anyway | 08:44 |
Peace- | lsmod | grep blue | 08:44 |
Peace- | bluetooth 141699 23 rfcomm,bnep,btusb | 08:44 |
Peace- | something is missing ? | 08:44 |
bobweaver | yes sorry about spelling I have Dyslexia | 08:44 |
bobweaver | so it is hard for me to type | 08:45 |
Peace- | np | 08:45 |
bobweaver | are all the dependence there ? | 08:45 |
Peace- | bobweaver: american \ english \ australian? | 08:45 |
bobweaver | american | 08:45 |
bobweaver | thats right 4:45 am | 08:45 |
bobweaver | you | 08:46 |
Peace- | bobweaver: dyslexia is common on english\america\australian guys | 08:46 |
Peace- | becasue letters vocals has not the same sound xD | 08:47 |
Peace- | in italy we have less problem for dyslexia | 08:47 |
Peace- | anyway | 08:47 |
bobweaver | yeah it is a little more then that but back to the bluetooth | 08:47 |
Peace- | i could reinstall bluedevil | 08:47 |
bobweaver | have you done a modprobe | 08:48 |
Peace- | bobweaver: nope | 08:48 |
Peace- | should i ? | 08:48 |
Peace- | because the device can send to phone | 08:48 |
bobweaver | yes see if it loads it | 08:48 |
bobweaver | ohh | 08:48 |
Peace- | but the phone can't connect with pc | 08:48 |
bobweaver | nevermind | 08:48 |
Peace- | i guess is a settings failure | 08:48 |
Peace- | or something | 08:48 |
Peace- | the devices are paired | 08:48 |
Peace- | and trusted | 08:49 |
bobweaver | so It is working just crashing on start up sometimes ? | 08:49 |
Peace- | nope | 08:49 |
Peace- | i don't see crash | 08:50 |
Peace- | but i suspect it crashes | 08:50 |
bobweaver | no phone to computer or other way ? | 08:50 |
Peace- | phone to computer | 08:50 |
bobweaver | do a dmesg | grep bluetooth | 08:50 |
Peace- | computer to phone works always | 08:50 |
bobweaver | anything funny | 08:50 |
Peace- | zero output :( | 08:50 |
bobweaver | but phone to computer no good | 08:51 |
Peace- | yes | 08:51 |
Peace- | phone 2 pc ==> no way | 08:51 |
Peace- | pc 2 phone ==> always work | 08:51 |
bobweaver | phone to pc use to work ? | 08:51 |
Peace- | no | 08:51 |
Peace- | ok nevermind weaver | 08:52 |
bobweaver | reinstall bluedevil | 08:52 |
Peace- | no way | 08:54 |
Peace- | it doesn't work | 08:54 |
Peace- | i will try with a live cd | 08:55 |
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Anubis | hi | 08:59 |
Anubis | i have problems in connecting to the internet using my wired connection. i disabled the firewall, even setup the params for the eth0 but i cant surf the net | 09:01 |
Peace- | mm | 09:01 |
Anubis | however, i am able to reach the router | 09:01 |
Peace- | Anubis: dsn ? | 09:01 |
Peace- | go on the router | 09:01 |
Peace- | and set dsn | 09:01 |
Peace- | o dns | 09:01 |
Anubis | peace: i set up the dns manually | 09:01 |
Peace- | xD | 09:01 |
Peace- | sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart ? | 09:02 |
Anubis | did that | 09:02 |
Peace- | ping ? | 09:02 |
Anubis | nope | 09:02 |
Peace- | every pack is lost ? | 09:02 |
Anubis | it doesn't reach | 09:02 |
Anubis | yeah | 09:02 |
Peace- | mm | 09:03 |
Peace- | 80 is open righ ? | 09:03 |
Anubis | i will reset my router to the default settings and see what happen | 09:03 |
Peace- | nice idea | 09:03 |
Anubis | i hope that this will work | 09:03 |
Peace- | i have to reboot | 09:03 |
Peace- | bye | 09:04 |
Anubis | ok | 09:04 |
Anubis | bye | 09:04 |
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rubyy- | i need to check all hd , tables, that has differe file systems , fat, ntfs, ext4. everytime i install kubuntu. its stuck with error on 23% of wipiing swap area. ? | 10:17 |
alex__ | someone knwo why my Xorg process is using 90% of my cpu ? | 10:17 |
teliti | Sorry, I'm new to kubuntu: Is it correct that one has to add "deb natty main" to the source list if you want to migrate to the latest kde-release? | 10:20 |
=== booster is now known as Peace- | ||
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vikapi | ubuntu doesn't have /var/log/messages????wat is the alternative then??/var/log/dmesg?? | 12:08 |
yofel | rather /var/log/syslog | 12:10 |
FloodBotK2 | !netsplit | 12:18 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 12:18 |
bodom | Hi there, guess I got a simple problem: I'm trying to remove an hidden widget from my desktop | 12:35 |
bodom | I see it a boot time, then it vanishes | 12:36 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 12:38 |
vikapi | wat is the alternative of /var/log/messages in kubuntu?? i dnt find one in my installation.. | 12:47 |
Ddpbf | you have /var/log/messages | 12:48 |
Ddpbf | but probably it is empty | 12:48 |
Ddpbf | try file yofel mentioned | 12:48 |
bodom | vikapi: /var/log/syslog | 12:49 |
vikapi | bodom: ok.. | 12:49 |
bodom | I have one more issue: when i start the PC, KDE (kdm) is not started: I get a console login prompt, then, after few mins, kdm start | 12:53 |
Ddpbf | bodom: it looks like dkms issue | 12:53 |
Ddpbf | you could try with nomodest parameter | 12:54 |
bodom | Perhaps this has something to do with my issue? [ 85.770181] tda1004x: timeout waiting for DSP ready | 12:57 |
bodom | [ 85.880114] tda1004x: found firmware revision 0 -- invalid | 12:57 |
bodom | [ 85.880123] tda1004x: waiting for firmware upload... | 12:57 |
bodom | Then, after a while [ 117.370400] tda1004x: found firmware revision 20 -- ok | 12:58 |
bodom | and then again [ 252.221336] ioremap error for 0xc7f90000-0xc7f91000, requested 0x10, got 0x0 | 12:58 |
bodom | But the weid thing is that if I manually login as root and issue an /etc/init.d/kdm start, kdm starts... fine | 12:59 |
=== James1479 is now known as James147 | ||
BluesKaj | bodom, this might help , check system settings>startup&shutdown>session management >on login , check restore previous session | 13:07 |
bodom | BluesKaj: How is this supposed to solve my issue? | 13:17 |
BluesKaj | bodom, I thought it might work by restoring previous session , thereby autostarting kdm | 13:19 |
bodom | BluesKaj: Afaik, session is restored after kdm startup and login | 13:20 |
BluesKaj | well it was worth a shot , you asked and I answered | 13:21 |
bodom | BluesKaj: sure, thank you! | 13:23 |
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Ddpbf | bodom: did you to boot with nomodeset? | 13:29 |
bodom | Ddpbf: no, I'm gonna try it next reboot (added to grub settings) | 13:30 |
BluesKaj | bodom, make sure kdm in /etc/init.d properties points to /lib/init/upstart-job , | 13:32 |
bodom | BluesKaj: yes, it does | 13:33 |
bodom | Ddpbf: reading about nomodeset, I'm using nvidia proprietary drivers instead of nouveau, does this makes difference? | 13:34 |
Ddpbf | bodom: afaik proprietary drivers do not support kms | 13:42 |
Ddpbf | so nomdeset is option no1 for proprietary drivers | 13:43 |
raul_ | hi | 13:44 |
raul_ | hola a tod@s | 13:47 |
raul_ | alguien sabe como activar el indicador de mensajes de kmail ? | 13:51 |
raul_ | he investigado las opciones de kmail pero no hay nada que activa dicha opcion | 13:51 |
bodom | raul_: !spanish | 13:52 |
=== Guest8599 is now known as alfplayer | ||
bodom | raul_: this is an english only channel, please type in english | 13:52 |
raul_ | ok , i don't know | 13:53 |
raul_ | i'm sorry | 13:53 |
raul_ | bodom thanks for pointing out the channel | 13:54 |
raul_ | glup !! I am the only Spanish channel | 13:56 |
raul_ | anyone know how to turn on the message kmail? | 13:56 |
Ddpbf | what kind of message? | 13:57 |
Ddpbf | mail message or system informations? | 13:57 |
raul_ | message indicator | 13:57 |
raul_ | kmail mail messages | 13:58 |
Ddpbf | have you set it properly | 14:00 |
raul_ | I've looked at properties kmail but there is nothing that you can enable this option | 14:01 |
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Ddpbf | i meant have you set stmp properly | 14:03 |
raul_ | I found it !!!, thanks | 14:06 |
BluesKaj | kmail is clunky since kde4 | 14:07 |
BluesKaj | and akonadi really screwed it up | 14:09 |
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vikapi | amarok is sad.. | 15:46 |
BluesKaj | I avoid amarok | 15:51 |
BluesKaj | usually remove it after hoping it will work to my way of thinking , but whoever configured it's functions obviously doesn't use the same thought processes as me :) | 15:53 |
vikapi | it doesn even have player controls..a newbie to kde like me is so sad.. | 15:55 |
sithlord48 | it has player controlls. | 15:56 |
vikapi | while ripping cd to ogg in amarok, it doesn even respond.. | 15:56 |
sithlord48 | why use amarok just do it w/ dolphin. | 15:56 |
BluesKaj | it does you habe to enable them by right clicking on the tilebar and choosing options in the dropdown | 15:56 |
BluesKaj | have to | 15:56 |
* BluesKaj doesn't understand why ppl insist on using lossy audio | 15:57 | |
vikapi | sithlord48: how to do tat with dolphin? | 15:59 |
BluesKaj | VLC does what I need for all media | 15:59 |
sithlord48 | vikapi: to do it via dolphin you first want to look in system settings -> multimedia -> names and ogg voribs tabs; set it up how u like , then put in ur cd open w/ dolphin and copy the files you want.. | 15:59 |
sithlord48 | i use amarok to play music and dragon or vlc for video some times one will play a video wrong so i use the other | 15:59 |
sithlord48 | vikapi: when you open in dolphin you should see a ogg , mp3 wav flac folders you can just copy the tracks from there it will encode to that format on the fly | 16:00 |
BluesKaj | VLc works well for our HT setup because it outputs dolby digital and dts directly via the spdif to audio receiver coax/dac inputs | 16:03 |
sithlord48 | nice, i have not special set up atm so it just works via 3.5mm jacks | 16:04 |
neil | I need some help. I've got some updates to install, but when I click apply in kpackagekit it brings up a window saying "additional changes are required to complete the task". Basically it wants to remove grub-efi and grub-efi-amd64 and install the bios version of grub. How can I get around this? | 16:07 |
BluesKaj | sithlord48, we use this pc as a media server for our tv and audio system , just wish i could figure a way to dump contents from the pvr to this hdd | 16:09 |
Peace- | BluesKaj: oneric | 16:10 |
Peace- | BluesKaj: here works | 16:10 |
Peace- | BluesKaj: but... installer fails... | 16:10 |
BluesKaj | Peace-, nvidia drivers are still broken according to yofel | 16:11 |
Peace- | BluesKaj: i use intel ... and still opengl is broken | 16:11 |
Peace- | i have to use xrender for effects | 16:11 |
sithlord48 | ouch. | 16:11 |
Peace- | but anyway there are multiple problems | 16:11 |
Peace- | kate crash | 16:11 |
Peace- | widget are not installed properly | 16:12 |
sithlord48 | oneiric is ok so far for me , but its only in a VM | 16:12 |
Peace- | nope here the installer fails | 16:12 |
sithlord48 | i was gonna try on my netbook but if intel video is broken maybe i should wait. | 16:12 |
BluesKaj | Peace-, kate still crashing ,,,ahh that was one of the resaons I reverted to natty | 16:13 |
sithlord48 | i had a few day old daily build cd | 16:13 |
Peace- | sithlord48: i have used the daily build | 16:13 |
sithlord48 | kdesc 4.7 seams nice | 16:13 |
Peace- | and intel works | 16:13 |
Peace- | but... desktop effects should be disabled | 16:13 |
Peace- | you can enable them with xrender instead of opengl | 16:13 |
sithlord48 | cause on naty im gettings some black background on items that shouldn't have them .. (natty , xcrack ppa) | 16:14 |
sithlord48 | or is it called xorg-edgers now | 16:14 |
Peace- | BluesKaj: the crazy stuff ... you get arora , rekonq and konqueror | 16:14 |
Peace- | arora = rekonq = joke | 16:14 |
sithlord48 | i like rekonq , it works good for me on natty | 16:15 |
Peace- | i have to use bank | 16:15 |
BluesKaj | well, I'm going to wait til DR and 3D are working on nvidia-current experimental drivers that break my system , for me ..had enuff grief | 16:15 |
sithlord48 | my bank works w/ rekonq | 16:15 |
Peace- | here no | 16:15 |
sithlord48 | lame | 16:15 |
Peace- | for me only firefox works fine | 16:16 |
Peace- | but it's heavy | 16:16 |
BluesKaj | chromium? | 16:16 |
Peace- | works better than rekonq and arora | 16:16 |
Peace- | it lacks of print selection | 16:16 |
Peace- | i guess firefox it's the most complete browser | 16:17 |
Peace- | and i can't undestand why kubuntu team deosn't install it by default | 16:17 |
Tm_T | Peace-: installing it would mean dropping plenty of other stuff from cd | 16:17 |
Tm_T | anyway, all this is more suitable for #kubuntu-offtopic | 16:18 |
Peace- | Tm_T: yea | 16:18 |
sithlord48 | i wish they would drop the FF installer, its a waste of space can't people just use the packing installer | 16:18 |
JohnFlux | My mouse cursor keeps disappearing! Any ideas how to get it back? | 16:18 |
Peace- | JohnFlux: disable destkop effects helps? | 16:19 |
Peace- | disabling | 16:19 |
JohnFlux | hmm, it says that desktop effects are already disabled for technical reasons | 16:20 |
sithlord48 | properiatary driver? | 16:21 |
JohnFlux | how can I check? | 16:21 |
BluesKaj | I normally o't copy dvds , but I have Cream Reunion DVD that I'd ike to add tomy media fis ...dos cdrecord work with dvd ? | 16:21 |
BluesKaj | don't | 16:22 |
sithlord48 | do u know what kind of video card u have ? | 16:22 |
JohnFlux | sithlord48: it says i'm not using any proprietary drivers | 16:22 |
JohnFlux | but that one is available | 16:22 |
JohnFlux | ATI | 16:22 |
sithlord48 | what one? | 16:22 |
JohnFlux | i'll give the driver a go | 16:22 |
sithlord48 | wait | 16:22 |
sithlord48 | do u know what card u have? | 16:23 |
sithlord48 | run lspci in konsole (look for video section ) if u don't | 16:23 |
JohnFlux | 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series | 16:23 |
sithlord48 | you should be covered w/ the open driver, but since your mobility user the properitary might be a better choice simply for better power config ability | 16:24 |
JohnFlux | okay, trying to prop. driver - thanks | 16:28 |
=== sayakb is now known as sayakb_away | ||
dean | Hey all could someone tell me if muon software manager is included with kubuntu? | 16:54 |
gorgonzola | hello peoples. i have a very annoying problem that is driving me insane, and want soe help. my laptop doesn't get dhcp addresses oon wifi. any idea how to debug this? note that i have no control over the access points | 16:56 |
dean | Or could someone tell me if there is an easier way to install programs rather than use kpackagekit? | 16:57 |
gorgonzola | dean apt-get install? | 16:59 |
dean | gorgonizer: But program names aren't always the right names. I heard kubuntu was starting to get muon software centre preinstalled and wondered if 11.04 has it? | 17:00 |
gorgonzola | dean, its gorgonzola, gorgonizer is some other peep. I'm sorry, but i don't understand your question. | 17:07 |
BluesKaj | dean is gone .no patience , typically requires instant gratifacation | 17:11 |
preecher | yup | 17:11 |
BluesKaj | didn't even wait 5 mis | 17:11 |
BluesKaj | mins | 17:11 |
henrik | .... | 17:17 |
* BluesKaj thinks he's being trolled | 18:01 | |
=== moon is now known as Guest94851 | ||
JohnFlux | Hey all | 18:40 |
JohnFlux | My mouse cursor disappears after a while of using kubuntu | 18:40 |
JohnFlux | I've just tried changing to the proprietary driver, but it made no difference | 18:40 |
JohnFlux | The only way that I know to get the cursor back is to log out :-/ | 18:41 |
JohnFlux | hmm | 18:41 |
JohnFlux | I tried creating a new desktop session | 18:41 |
JohnFlux | and in that new desktop session I have a cursor | 18:41 |
JohnFlux | but it didn't make the cursor come back in the original session | 18:42 |
JohnFlux | kwin --replace doesn't help | 18:44 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
asdfasdfasdfasdf | hello is the installation process the same in kubuntu 11.4 than in ubuntu 11.4? | 19:54 |
yofel | asdfasdfasdfasdf: it looks a bit different obviously, but it's the same installer | 19:55 |
asdfasdfasdfasdf | ah ok | 19:55 |
asdfasdfasdfasdf | yofel, is there a first thing to do guide after installation somewhere? you know installing codecs, flash etc | 19:55 |
yofel | not that I know of right now, someone else might know | 19:56 |
=== OMaxis is now known as Omaxis-AFK | ||
=== 13WAAGBMK is now known as jff | ||
aguitel | che alfplayer ,synaptic es de gnome? | 21:42 |
alfplayer | hola | 21:42 |
alfplayer | es basado en gtk | 21:43 |
aguitel | che alfplayer ,te pregunto porque instale kubuntu y no aparece | 21:43 |
alfplayer | en muchas distros viene instalado con gnome | 21:43 |
alfplayer | no estoy seguro | 21:43 |
aguitel | en debian con kde esta synaptic x defecto | 21:44 |
alfplayer | creo q ahora no va a venir más synaptic en ubuntu | 21:44 |
alfplayer | podés buscar el centro de software si te viene bien | 21:44 |
aguitel | buenoi pero uno lo puede instalar luego | 21:44 |
alfplayer | kubuntu puede tener otro como synaptic | 21:45 |
alfplayer | no sé, no estoy usando kubuntu | 21:45 |
alfplayer | buscá si viene otro q se llama PackageKit o similar | 21:45 |
alfplayer | sí, se puede instalar y usar normalmente | 21:46 |
alfplayer | pero si tenés otro ya instalado no habría necesidad de instalarlo | 21:46 |
aguitel | que otro | 21:47 |
=== c is now known as Guest38474 | ||
alfplayer | el q dije | 21:47 |
aguitel | a ok | 21:47 |
alfplayer | podés buscar el q dije | 21:47 |
alfplayer | no sé porque no estoy usando kubuntu | 21:47 |
ubuntu4shane | does anyone know if kde needs a .profile file in the /home folders of the user?? | 22:39 |
aguitel | ubuntu4shane, i have this file | 22:41 |
ubuntu4shane | aguitel: is it empty? | 22:41 |
aguitel | ubuntu4shane, no | 22:41 |
ubuntu4shane | ohh, duuuuhh, I just checked my account, I too have a generic one, checking for bashrc | 22:42 |
ubuntu4shane | and declaring my bin | 22:42 |
ubuntu4shane | but basically for my kids accounts I shouldn't need it | 22:42 |
yofel | ubuntu4shane: usually not, it's there because on user setup the contents of /etc/skel/ are copied to the users home folder. | 22:49 |
ubuntu4shane | yofel: ok, I figured it was a generic file. I had something in there from before for my kids, but deleting it was easier than modifying them, so I just dumped them. | 22:50 |
ubuntu4shane | yofel: thanks. | 22:50 |
B_Raven | Hey, having some issues with my sound card suddenly not working. (using kubuntu 11.04 with a realtek intel HD 883 chip). | 23:01 |
=== c is now known as Guest62976 | ||
B_Raven | Do I have a mystery for you. :P Running kubuntu 11.04. ubuntu-bug audio manages to play audio to my speakers. But seems nothing else manages to. | 23:19 |
B_Raven | Haha, who thought of the damned brilliant idea of starting the audio system MUTED?! :P | 23:23 |
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