
wgrantOnly 583 timeouts.01:10
wgrantPerhaps the lack of index bloat is useful.01:10
=== _mup__ is now known as _mup_
LPCIBotYippie, build fixed!09:31
LPCIBotProject devel build #894: FIXED in 5 hr 41 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/894/09:31
=== _mup__ is now known as _mup_
lifelessmtaylor: so21:43
lifelessmtaylor: when are we getting those blueprints patches ? :)21:43
mtaylorheh. hehehehe21:44
mtaylorlifeless: which ones was I going to do again?21:44
lifelessI dunno21:44
mtaylorand wait - aren't you meging them with bugs?21:44
lifelessyou had some openstack wishlist thingies21:44
lifelessyeah, and ?21:44
mtaylorwell, I finally have another guy working with me21:45
lifelessoh oh oh21:45
mtaylorwho is doing some hacking - although he's heads down in jenkins and gerrit right now21:45
lifelessdid you see we got the bugsummary fact/dimension setup going ?21:45
mtaylorBUT - we should be able to get to some of these sorts of things eventually now (bandwidth is good)21:45
mtaylorI didn't - what do those words mean?21:45
lifelessdata warehousing approach21:45
lifelessa fact table - a table with (0,1) rows per unique combination of dimensions (in this case bugtasktarget, status, importance, has-patch, fixed-upstream, viewable-by)21:46
lifelessand then you slice n dice the table to pull out stats21:47
lifelessit has a column containing the counter for how many tasks matched that point in the table space21:47
lifelesse.g. on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/21:48
lifelessthe two portlets - tags and the counts21:48
lifelessused to take 10+ seconds each to render21:48
lifelessnow the tags one is subsecond and the count one is 1.3 seconds 99% of the time, and not over 2s ever in the stats I've looked at21:48
lifelessoh, tag is another dimension21:49
mtaylornicely done21:50
lifelessin the last 6 months we've dropped out 99% render time site wide21:50
lifeless... by 50%21:50
mtaylorlifeless: you know what - puppet is great except when it's not22:20
lifelessorly? software not being great?22:26
lifelessI'm shocked22:31

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