
DaekdroomWhy do indicator-messages and indicator-session break indicator-me?00:41
DaekdroomIs that on purpose?00:41
jbichaDaekdroom: yes, indicator-me is going away for 11.1001:02
brodockdoes anyone know when gnome-shell will be updated to latest version (3.1.x) ?01:13
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DaekdroomHas anyone else started using the lastest gwibber, with the new interface?01:31
jbichabrodock: I was just playing with gnome-shell 3.1.3 but I need someone to sponsor it so it may be a few days01:44
jbichaI could put it in a PPA but it's not really that much different than 3.0.2, I think it's 3.1.4 that will have more visual differences01:45
brodockjbicha: thanks for the information... i thought 3.1.3. would be "a lot different"... but will be waiting for 3.1.4 so...01:46
jbichabrodock: here's the changelog http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-shell/tree/NEWS01:47
brodockjbicha: looks like there are only bugfixes indeed01:49
jbichabrodock: some are bug fixes, some are new bugs, lol01:50
IdleOne!info rtkit03:01
ubotturtkit (source: rtkit): Realtime Policy and Watchdog Daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 0.10-1 (oneiric), package size 34 kB, installed size 208 kB03:01
jamesbond2I have error with dbus09:18
jamesbond2Unable to connect to the system bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Connection refused09:18
jamesbond2this happens after upgrade to the latest version09:35
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nperryollowing my weekly safe-upgrade... no longer have power indicator for unity11:26
nperryAhh, this seems to be why.11:28
nperrylibindicator3-6: Breaks: libindicator3-3 (<= 0.3.91-0ubuntu1) but 0.3.22-0ubuntu2 is installed.11:28
penguin42oh is that still broken...11:30
hakermaniaHello, what's the command to change desktop background in oneiric? The gconftool-2 command exist but doesn't seem to work11:35
Tallkenhakermania, try gsettings11:43
Tallkenhakermania, http://dgoins.wordpress.com/2011/06/27/changing-the-gnome-3-desktop-with-images-from-bing/11:44
Tallkenhakermania, I'm not sure but should be it11:44
hakermaniayes, it did the trick, thanks. Gsettings is preinstalled and generally required, right? I mean it should be a dependency...?11:46
hakermaniaTallken, .11:46
Tallkenhakermania, AFAIK gconftool-2 is Gnome 2 and gsettings is Gnome 3. As Ubuntu Oneiric is Gnome 3 minus gnome-shell, I'm going to answer "yes"11:47
yofelanyone else with a broken nvidia driver? I'm only getting "[   157.047] (EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0)", modprobe nvidia tells me the module doesn't exist and modprobe nvidia-current fails with No such device12:19
Ampelbeinyofel: what does dkms say about the nvidia module?12:21
yofelnvidia-current, 275.09.07, 3.0.0-5-generic, x86_64: installed12:22
Ampelbeinhmm, no problems here. 'uname -a' confirms that this is your running kernel?12:23
yofelyep, and I did reinstall the driver too12:23
hakermaniayofel: A friend of mine asked me to format his PC and install Ubuntu. It installed OK and when I enabled the nvidia driver and went to restart the screen went mad. I had to log in safe graphics mode to disable the driver... This is madness!12:29
yofelnah, the driver worked fine till I rebooted an hour ago12:30
hakermaniayofel: nvidia drivers doesn't seem to be very stable, anyway, I need to go to a restart myself. B12:30
yofelheh, well at least nouveau works somewhat12:31
coz_yofel,   does compiz run on the nouveau driver in ubuntu?12:32
yofelno Idea, A) I'm using KDE, B) I have to force-off hardware acceleration for nouveau for it to work with my graphics card12:33
coz_yofel,  oh ok12:36
coz_yofel,  i tried fedora and it worked really well,, although there is that bug that the video ram can be filled and then its a no go for anything until a restart of x12:36
yofelna, my issue is freedesktop bug 2698012:38
ubottuFreedesktop bug 26980 in Driver/nouveau "NVA3 / NVA5 / NVA8 / NVAF (GT2xx/GT3xx) with nouveau: random GPU lockups" [Major,New] http://bugzilla.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2698012:38
BluesKajHiyas all12:38
coz_yofel,  oh ok , yeah way different..  someday it will work :)12:39
BluesKajhey yofel, coz_ , how's KDE 4.7 and X getting along together these days ? Still lotsa probs ?12:49
yofeluh, no issues from 4.7 side, just that the nvidia driver just stopped working here12:50
coz_BluesKaj,  I havent used it recently,,  still deciding on reinstalling it12:50
BluesKajcoz_, yeah, that's why I'm asking , waiting for some positive news :)12:51
coz_BluesKaj,  same here actually...:)12:52
coz_BluesKaj,  although on Fedora,,  kde was extremely nice :)12:52
BluesKaj"nvidia driver just stopped working", isn't encouraging to me , that's what I use on both linux machines12:53
BluesKajok yofel , thanks for the info ..guess I'll wait a bit longer :)12:54
coz_BluesKaj,  yes  scary  for me too12:54
cjohnstonGreetings, I installed the daily last night. When I get to the login screen, I click on my username, and then I just get a background and a mouse.. No toolbars, no enter password, nothing.. Any ideas?13:10
cjohnstonIf I ctrl alt f1, I get a terminal and can login through that.. I ran update and upgrade to no avail13:11
jamesbond2cjohnston: which display manager are you using?13:18
webczatwill openjdk7 be supported in ubuntu 11.04?16:49
webczatOr will i need to wait or use ppa?16:58
BluesKajwebczat, you mean 11.10 /17:07
BluesKajopenjdk7 is available in 11.0417:08
webczatBluesKaj: where?17:20
BluesKajin the repos17:21
BluesKajwebczat, oops sorry I'm mistaken, thought I saw it there, must be in 11.1017:24
coz_hey all17:29
penguin42anyone else seeing white instead of black screenlock?17:32
webczatBluesKaj: Is it possible it's in .04 but not yet added? like it's beta stage still.17:32
BluesKajpenguin42, could you check in the repos for openjdk7 for webczat ..see if it's there17:47
BluesKaji'm on 11.04 now17:47
* penguin42 looks17:55
penguin42webczat: Yeh 11.10 has openjdk-7 - currently version 7~b143-2.0~pre1-1ubuntu117:56
webczatit's bad that I will need to wait for a next release of ubuntu just to get never java17:59
penguin42webczat: You can request a backport; you might also find that there are already backports for some ubuntu versions18:02
penguin42actually bug 807220 is the bugrequest for that backport18:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 807220 in openjdk-7 (Ubuntu) "wishlist: openjdk-7 package for natty backports " [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80722018:05
penguin42although there seem to be some discussions18:05
webczatNew java has some new filesystem related nead things.18:15
alex_mayorgawhat module do I bug if my volume keys don't work?19:00
alex_mayorgaerr... package19:00
penguin42alex_mayorga: I guess the interesting question is how far do they get - it could be the kernel, udev, X or some bit of gnome I guess19:01
alex_mayorgapenguin42: do you know of a debugging guide?19:01
penguin42alex_mayorga: No, sorry - I think I'd try xev to see if they are creating any X events, then I think there is a console utility for printing key presses but can't remember its name19:03
trismalex_mayorga: maybe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hotkeys/Troubleshooting19:03
alex_mayorgapenguin42, trism: thanks!19:03
alex_mayorgaI'll check it once my touchpad decides to work :)19:04
alex_mayorgaperhaps related to my gnome-settings-daemon crashing :S19:06
alex_mayorgahow does one get real gnome desktop?19:07
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.19:08
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tamranhello everyone20:54
tamranI've upgraded to the alpha2 version of 11.10, however I find now that it's not so stable.20:54
tamranI've done backups using DejaDup (regularly)20:54
tamranis it possible to "downgrade" back to 11.04?20:54
tamranI read a few pages online but the instructions were for a waaaayyyy old version of ubuntu20:55
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.20:55
tamranso, the textbook answer is wipe and reinstall?20:55
tamranthanks rww20:55
rwwand don't use alpha versions of Ubuntu if you want stability ;)20:56
tamrando I have to re-format?20:56
tamranit's not a huge deal I guess20:56
rwwno idea, I always have because I poke at Ubuntu on a machine I don't have data on.20:56
tamranrww, well I wanted to contribute, but I think for me what's happening is the "upgrade" broke some things that a straight install wouldn't have20:57
yofelre-format is cleanest, but the installer can wipe old system files when installing to the same partition20:57
tamranok, I shall reformat20:57
tamranthanks guys for the quick answers20:58
tamranoh, I do have another question about the power management bug20:58
tamranthe one that affects laptop battery life and overheating20:58
tamranthis is a kernel bug as I understand ... I read that it seems to be on it's way to being fixed ... or is fixed in latest kernels20:59
tamranis this true?20:59
tamranor do I have to use that grub startup line fix?20:59
tamranerrr, workaround, not fix20:59
tamranmy computer overheats and shuts itself down, but when booted to straight debian I don't have the overheating problem at all21:00
yofelhm, I don't know how far they got to fixing it, but I got system lockups with pcie_aspm=force so I'm running without it again. I believe it was disabled to fix freeze issues in the first place21:01
tamranI set it but it doesn't seem to do much to be honest21:02
tamrando people have this problem in 10.04?21:02
yofelno, all kernels < 2.6.38 use ASPM21:02
yofel10.04 has 2.6.3221:03
yofelIn my case it does save a bit of power, but it seems my system is one of those with broken hardware21:04
tamranyofel: Nvidia?21:04
tamranI have Nvidia and the overheat issues started with even 9.1021:04
tamranwell, this was the first time it started I think21:04
yofelunrelated to this then, but I can image it makes things worse21:05
tamranNvidia don't have a great track record for drivers in the past few years21:05
tamranfrom an overheating/power-management perspected (my experience)21:06
tamranshame really21:06
yofelat least here the nvidia driver works rather fine (until today :S), I don't have much hardware to compare though21:07
tamranyofel: oh, you mean with latest updates in Alpha2?  that's where I'm at now and I am stuck with no GL21:07
tamranthe desktop isn't very good without gl21:07
yofelfor me the driver stopped working at all, now I'm running with nouveau. Which doesn't like my hardware :/21:08
tamranahh, ok so I'm not the only one ... this is sort of what's making me want to look at downgrading ... the little bugs were manageable, but it seems to be getting less stable with updates (like most alpha stuff until it get's worked out)21:09
yofelwell, thankfully KDE doesn't depend on GL as much as unity and gnome-shell do, but it's still annoying21:10
tamranwell, I'm going to give the reinstall a whirl21:11
tamrantake care, and great chatting21:11
tamranthanks again for help21:11
yofelno problem21:11
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