
philipballewhow can i cut my terminal in half so i have 2 different sessions running in the same window?01:24
stlsaintphilipballew: if you use terminator you just right click and select how you want to split01:25
stlsaintunless you are asking for something else.....01:25
philipballewi have gnome now though01:25
stlsaintterminator is a application01:26
stlsaintphilipballew: or if using terminal just hit the file tab and select new tab01:26
philipballewhttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/images/ter/3.png like this01:26
philipballewthat is terminator i know01:27
stlsaintphilipballew: ok, so what is the problem?01:27
stlsaintphilipballew: i just stated that you can do it with terminator so.....01:27
philipballewis that doable in  gnome terminal?01:27
philipballewprobably not01:29
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stlsaintphilipballew: you need the application terminator01:31
philipballewalright, ill look into it01:31
bobweaverAny one know anything about Making a splash screen for kubuntu ?  I have tried downloading a a tar file  changing all the permissions then changing out the pictures and renaming the new pictures to what the old ones are then re-taring it still nothing04:45
stlsaintbobweaver: might be best to try the kubuntu channel, i am not a kde user04:54
bobweaverthanks stlsaint will do04:55
bodhizazenbobweaver, the splash screens are built into the initrd05:36
bobweaverThanks bodhizazen I will look there05:37
bodhizazenEasiest is to replace the original with the one you want, and then rebuild the initramfs05:37
bobweaverhow would one do that05:37
bodhizazenYou can extract the initrd, swap out the splash image, and re-compress the initrd05:37
bodhizazenbobweaver, well, I personally do it by running the debian-live scripts =)05:38
bobweaverI wish I was that smart one day though :)05:39
bodhizazenNot sure exactly how to do it in Ubuntu, google search how to extract and then re-compress the initrd, it is just an archive, not too hard05:39
bodhizazenThe debian live scripts are the way to go, but, as with iptables, you sort of need to understand the basics first, then the live-build scripts automate the whole process05:40
bodhizazenBut if you do not understand the process, hard to make use of all the automation, lol05:40
bobweaversounds way cool05:40
bobweaverwhat should I study first assembly ?05:40
bodhizazenyou will have to read the man pages, and understand what they are talking about, lol05:41
bodhizazenbobweaver, start here: http://linuxcommand.org/05:42
bobweaverbodhizazen, you are awesome thank you so much05:42
bobweaverI have been watching the old cbt courses and there are helpful but old and for red hat05:43
bobweaverwell I got some reading to do thanks again05:45
bodhizazenThose tools will automate the process, but you will need to look at the configuration files05:46
bodhizazengood luck bob =)05:48
bobweaverthanks again bodhizazen Namaste05:50
philipballewcan someone help me compile software?06:08
coalwaterany 'bugs' person around here06:49
bobweaverbodhizazen: I did it thank you so much for the links I could never had done this with out you YES !!!08:16
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torzhanHi! (running 11.04). I set up the remote desktop function so I can access the machine from my phone. It works great, and I like the function that I get promted when someone tries to access the machine remotely. What I want to do however is to add an exception so that the machine recognizes the macID of my phone so I dont need to use the comp to allow access. I am brand new to Ubuntu and linux, so I really have no sense of wh10:58
torzhanere to begin even. Any pointers?10:58
ibuclawtorzhan, what app are you using?11:00
torzhanibuclaw, on the phone i use mocha vnc lite11:00
torzhanon the machine its the standard built in remote desktop11:02
ibuclawtorzhan, ok, just trying it on my phone. =)11:06
torzhanibuclaw, Its good =) Abit laggy, cant handle the frames, but works great if you just switch songs etc11:07
ibuclawwicked. =)11:17
ibuclawhi from  mobile11:17
torzhanhi from machine ;)11:19
ibuclawtorzhan, in Desktop Sharing11:20
ibuclawlook at security options11:20
ibuclawYou have:11:20
ibuclaw- You must confirm each access11:21
ibuclaw- Require password11:21
ibuclawthe safer option would be to require password and just store the credentials on phone.11:21
ibuclawthough you could have neither checked - but that's not very secure in the slightest =))11:22
torzhanSo what I want to do, is add an exception, or an IF rule to it11:27
torzhanif"this macid" allow instant access. That way I could connect anytime to it, and still have the same security features if someone else is trying to log on11:28
ibuclawI don't think you can set this using the desktop sharing application itself11:31
ibuclawpossibly have it as a firewall rule though11:31
torzhanI think you just have to add it to the script that promts you11:34
torzhanShould be pretty basic stuff11:34
bioterrortorzhan, if you use VNC just for playing music, try something console based like MOC or any MPD client with SSH11:36
torzhanbioterror, I am REALLY new to this. MOC, MPD and SSH are new acronymns to me. But Ill give it a look11:37
bioterrorSSH = SecureShell11:38
bioterrornormal stuff for windows too11:38
bioterrorMOC is Music on Console, a text based music player supporting almost every music file format11:38
bioterrorthat's what I use11:38
bioterrorMPD is a music player daemon11:38
bioterrorit's a library kind of thing which you can command remotely11:38
bioterrormany of my friends are MPD users11:39
torzhanAlright, right now I use Firefly(DAAP server) on my win desktop and just connect to it via Banshee from this machine11:41
torzhanMPD works with iPhone?11:42
bioterrorat least 3 clients for iPhone11:43
torzhanbioterror, can you run MOC on win7 tho?11:45
bioterrortorzhan, probably with Cygwin :G11:46
torzhanbioterror, that's embedded right?11:46
torzhanbioterror, I dont think that will work with my current network setup. Ill get a media server later running ubuntu, by then it will most likely work great with MOC. But I dont think its the solution right now12:01
bioterrortorzhan, as you wish ;)12:03
torzhanThanks tho :)12:03
bioterrorXBMC can be used with web browser12:04
torzhanlooks nice, gonna check it out12:05
bioterrorseems like there's some iPhone/iPod remote clients too12:06
torzhanYeah I just checked, theres alot, and they look great12:07
torzhanWe might have a winner, gonna try to set this up12:07
bioterroryeah, I use XBMC on my HTPC12:07
torzhanIs the server function built in the program?12:07
torzhananyone know how to enable multiverse and multiverse repositories in ubuntu 11.04?12:20
bioterrorfrom synaptics for example12:20
bioterrorsettings -> repositories ->12:21
bioterrorand when you are there, enable partner too ;)12:21
torzhanMate, < REALLY new :) synaptics?12:22
torzhanPackage manager?12:22
bioterrorI am really worse in helping with regular ubuntu ;)12:23
torzhanWell its hard to help in text :) since got no idea of my previous exp, but from now on, assume I just learned to press the power button ;)12:24
torzhanHm, getting a 404 error when trying to get the xbmc launchpad12:26
torzhanI am following the guide12:27
torzhanBut it says it cant locate the standalone and the launchpad12:27
bioterrorthat's becouse there's only for 10.10 and below12:31
bioterrorbut wanst you going to use it windows 7?12:32
bioterrorwhere is your music and stuff?12:32
bioterrorI understood it like that12:33
torzhanThe server is going to be on my win7 machine12:33
torzhanTHats where I got all the media12:33
torzhanIve got it working already through firefly and banshee12:37
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kristian-guesthi all18:26
holsteinkristian-guest: hey! :)18:26
kristian-guesttrying to put Lubuntu on usb, using unetbooting and win18:26
kristian-guestI get "errors found in 1 files" again and again18:26
holsteinin what step?18:26
holsteindid you confirm the md5 of the downloaded iso?18:27
holsteini usually format the stick before each unet attempt18:27
kristian-guestyes, it was correct18:27
holsteinkristian-guest: is it lubuntu 11.10 ?18:28
holsteinmaybe drop back to the latest alpha18:28
kristian-guestno, 11.0418:28
holsteinkristian-guest: you could try the ubuntu tool, but you'd have to be in ubuntu18:28
holsteinmaybe see if you have the latest unet for windows18:29
kristian-guestI do, installed it 5 mins ago18:29
holsteinif the iso is good, then its windows or unet it seems18:29
holsteinmaybe step down to an older version of unet18:30
kristian-guestthis is not a bug18:30
holsteinkristian-guest: seems like it, but is it a linux lubuntu bug?18:31
holsteinthats the question18:31
holsteinkristian-guest: i would try http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/18:31
holsteini think its safe to assume the lubuntu 11.04 iso is good18:33
holsteinand if you properly confirm you have the iso DL'd with no errors18:33
kristian-guestI did18:34
kristian-guestpendrivelinux.com is down18:35
holsteinkristian-guest: you did what?18:35
kristian-guestcheck the DL18:35
holsteinOH... yeah18:35
Unit193www.linuxliveusb.com/en/download Will check the ISO and make a boot USB18:35
holsteinUnit193: that iso is *not* hybrid right?18:36
holsteinits the 11.10 ones that you can dd i believe18:36
Unit193holstein: That is just a windows tool, not an ISO download18:36
holsteinUnit193: right... i was just wondering if you knew off the top of your head when the iso's went hybrid18:37
kristian-guestUnit193: I was thinking of that too18:38
holsteinyeah, 11.04 iso are not18:38
holsteinwhat im proposing is that the iso is downloaded and checked and proper, so any errors would be with the tool18:39
kristian-guestshould I "hide created files on key" ?!18:41
holsteini would be using it for that, and then wiping it, so i wouldnt, but if you plan on using it as a live stick for long term, and other data, that might not be a bad idea18:42
kristian-guestI'm trying again18:49
kristian-guestI get a lot of "no such file or directory" on the translations18:54
holsteinkristian-guest: when?18:54
holsteinmaking the stick?18:54
kristian-guestduring the integrity check18:54
holsteindid it pass?18:55
kristian-gueststill working18:55
kristian-guestI guess error reports are made instantly18:55
kristian-guestnow it says 117 files19:10
[styx]this may not be the right channel but ill ask anyway19:28
[styx]when ever i try to git clon something my whole system freezes19:29
[styx]and im forced to reatart19:29
[styx]any help?19:29
coalwaterwas it working before, or since u started it's like this ?19:30
[styx]i dont clone that often19:31
[styx]but last week it worked19:31
coalwateri don't know really, i haven't tried git before, but i suppose it's like bzr and every thing19:33
coalwatermaybe it's the firewall?19:33
coalwateri can't tell u to test cause ull probably have to restart if it's not19:34
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[styx]ill search around more19:35
coalwateru sure it freezes u even can't switch to tty1 and kill it ?19:36
[styx]i cant don anything except move my mouse19:37
[styx]no click or no alt + f219:37
holsteinhow about control+alt+F2 ?19:38
coalwaterlol, if he tries it he wont be able to come back, u come back by ctrl alt f8 btw, or f719:39
holsteincoalwater: good point ;)19:39
coalwateri think u killed him19:40
coalwaterhope he can figure it out19:40
coalwateri think we'll see a ping timeout sometime soon19:43
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[styx]even if i did need a reboot19:47
[styx]i wouldnt leave19:48
[styx]because i have a bouncer19:48
holstein[styx]: are you able to get to tty ?19:49
coalwaterhey pedro3005 :D hi19:50
[styx]i havent tried yet19:51
[styx]i dont feel like rebooting19:51
holsteinlike coalwater suggests, try going to tty when the system is hanging and kill whatever it is19:51
holstein[styx]: for me, control+alt+f7 is how i get back to the current graphical display19:52
holsteinshould be F7 to F819:52
coalwateri think u should try sudo ufw disable , cause if u made the firewall deny outgiung it might be why it hangs19:52
holsteinif you have a router firewall, it would be cool to try that as a test at home without any worry19:54
[styx]here goes nothin19:55
[styx]i have to elave anyway so its all good lol19:55
[styx]yay i don freeze but get an error lol19:55
coalwaterwhat error19:56
coalwater'here goes nothing' lol19:57
[styx]fatal: destination path 'emerald' already exists and is not an empty directory.19:58
[styx]just need to remove the directory19:58
[styx]im cloning emerald from git19:58
holsteinhmmm... not sure about that19:58
holsteinthe few things ive used from git were not already on the system19:59
holsteinand i remember trying to specifically *not* install them system-wide19:59
holsteini would probably RTFM a bit more before rm /whatever/emerald and hitting the button19:59
[styx]well ill figure this out later19:59
[styx]i have to go19:59
holsteinOR, at least have a backup of it, and know how to recover20:00
[styx]all the things i do to get emerald on unity lol20:00
[styx]thnkas for the help guys20:00
coalwaterdont forget to re enable ur firewall20:00
coalwatersudo ufw enable20:01
[styx]yeah i did20:03
coalwaterok, just making sure20:04
kristian-aalborgback home... phew, that was an embarrasment :(20:29
kristian-aalborgI feel guilty about all of linuxdom when stuff like that happens20:30
* IAmNotThatGuy blinks20:30
kristian-aalborgIAmNotThatGuy, dunno if you witnessed the Birth of Fail earlier on... getting a netbook to boot from USB20:35
IAmNotThatGuyah... thanks for explaining :)20:35
kristian-aalborgI feel bad even talking about it20:42
kristian-aalborgholstein, what was it you said about new boot stuff?20:42
kristian-aalborgand, sorry for being a bit absent before, I had a lot of things to tend to20:42
IAmNotThatGuykristian-aalborg, real life really acts strange sometime. let me read the logs now and try to help you if I can20:45
kristian-aalborgIAmNotThatGuy, I am no longer at the faulty situation20:45
IAmNotThatGuyah okies20:45
kristian-aalborgthe person and I are going to try and get our hands on an usb/cd device and try from there20:46
IAmNotThatGuyOkay I am heading to beds. its 2:20 AM20:50
IAmNotThatGuynight all20:50
holsteinkristian-aalborg: the newer iso's are hybrid20:52
holsteinfrom here on in AFAIK20:52
coalwaterhybrid means?20:53
bioterrordamn it took long20:53
bioterrornow we can just dd if=ubuntu-11.10.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=1M20:54
holsteinyeah, its a good thing20:54
holsteinno more unet or whatever manditory20:54
kristian-aalborghard to dd on win boxen20:54
kristian-aalborgI like unetbootin20:55
bioterrorI like dd20:55
kristian-aalborgso do I... I like a lot of software ;)20:55
kristian-aalborgI think they should go hand in hand... so that you can dd if you want and use a gui if you want20:55
holsteinkristian-aalborg: thats where we are20:56
bioterroryou can just move the files20:56
holsteinyou can use unet still if you want20:56
bioterrorthere's no need for unet :D20:56
holsteinyou can also bit copy with something other than dd20:56
bioterrorand half of the unetbootin's have not even worked :D20:56
kristian-aalborghowever, id did not work... tried three times... finally settled for that other app, as it made a "more correct" looking boot20:56
holsteinid didnt work?20:57
kristian-aalborgholstein, 3x unetbootin and 1x the other app... no workie21:12
kristian-aalborgto make things worse, I've hyped Linux to this person for years :/21:12
bioterrortry another distribution21:13
bioterroror plain debian21:13
bioterroror what ever21:13
kristian-aalborgbioterror, Lubuntu is really made-to-order for this situation21:14
kristian-aalborgor whatever the term is... it's the perfect thing to use21:14
holsteinkristian-aalborg: peppermintOS is lubuntu based21:20
kristian-aalborgholstein, yes, that sounds like a neat little distro also... I just happen to know my way around Lubuntu enough to offer good support21:25
kristian-aalborgso, this is weird... my *browser* dies periodically, but internet connection seems fine22:42
kristian-aalborgbrowser is chromium22:42
holsteinmaybe try another browser to be sure22:43
holsteinid probably look at a PPA like https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/stable22:44
kristian-aalborgyeah, I'm going to fire up the fox the next time it happens ;)22:44
holsteinim running 12.0.742.112 (90304) Ubuntu 10.0422:45
kristian-aalborgok, so connection seems to get very bad instead of actually dying... I guess "less demanding stuff" like irc is still cool, though22:59

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