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* Kreative` is away: Away06:15
broder!away > Kreative`06:20
ubottuKreative`, please see my private message06:20
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bluefoxicyis start-stop-daemon broken?16:07
bluefoxicybluefox@icebox:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/privoxy restart16:07
bluefoxicy * Restarting filtering proxy server privoxy16:07
bluefoxicyWarning: Fake start-stop-daemon called, doing nothing.16:07
cjwatsonno, but your installation is16:07
bluefoxicyI just installed it.16:08
bluefoxicyer, just installed privoxy16:08
cjwatsonone way in which that can happen is if debootstrap crashed midway through and didn't undo its temporary start-stop-daemon shsim16:08
cjwatsonI expect you have /sbin/initctl.REAL and /sbin/start-stop-daemon.REAL ...16:08
bluefoxicywhich package do I reinstall?16:09
cjwatsonyou don't, move those files back over the non-.REAL variants16:09
cjwatsonI further expect that /debootstrap/debootstrap.log or /var/log/bootstrap.log will exist and have some complaints16:09
cjwatsondid you debootstrap by hand?16:09
cjwatsonI have no idea how broken that installation might be in other ways16:09
bluefoxicywhat's debootstrap?  For building debian from scratch?16:10
cjwatsonman debootstrap16:11
cjwatsonsorry, I'm doing other things and won't have time to walk through things that are documented16:11
bluefoxicythis is a new install from a month or two ago so I dunno what happen.  Oh well.16:15
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cousteauit would be nice that apt-get had a "--queue" option to queue actions to the package manager while it's running17:47
pdtpatr1ckQuestion -- why is it when u use cat the directories would put a space after each word? whereas if u use cd .. it would do a directory walk adding / at the end as it should?18:11
Ampelbeinpdtpatr1ck: what?18:14
pdtpatr1ck What i'm asking is .. if for instance i want to do cat /etc/network/interfaces .. if i type cat /et and tab complete - it would add a space instead of doing /etc/ to continue. Whereas cd does it automatically. Just wondering why it does that in ubuntu.18:16
cjwatsonsounds like a bug in bash-completion18:19
pdtpatr1ckyeah thats what i thought18:20
Ampelbeinpdtpatr1ck: I can't reproduce in oneiric though18:20
cjwatsonit doesn't do that for me18:20
pdtpatr1ckim on 11.0418:20
pdtpatr1cku guys on 11.10 ?18:21
abhinav-I can't produce it on Natty18:21
pdtpatr1cktype cat /etc18:21
pdtpatr1ckand tab18:21
pdtpatr1ckdoes it put a space?18:21
abhinav-No, it puts a slash on hitting tab after 'cat /etc'18:22
pdtpatr1ckur on 11.10 right?18:22
abhinav-I am on 11.0418:22
pdtpatr1cki've tried it on many boxes with 11.04 and it does it each time.18:23
abhinav-hm. well I have only one system running :)18:24
cjwatsonI can't reproduce it in my 11.04 chroot either.  But I've seen this kind of thing in the past, so I expect the required circumstances are just a bit more specific than what version of Ubuntu you're running.18:25
cjwatsonI don't know bash-completion well enough to be able to guess what those circumstances might be.18:26
Ampelbeinthinking about it, isn't filename completion a bash internal function and not at all related to the package bash-completion?18:27
pdtpatr1ckim going to look at the bash_completion code and see what its doing maybe that might help me18:28
cjwatsonAmpelbein: yes, though bash-completion very often overrides it for individual commands18:31
cjwatsonif 'complete -r cat' makes the problem go away, then it's due to bash-completion18:31
pdtpatr1ckfrom what im seeing . looks like the directory commands such as cd are will see the directories whereas commands like cat sees the files. Ehh not a big deal.. will look at it more and customize it my liking if i have to18:31
cjwatsonI do not think that explanation matches how it actually works, no18:32
cjwatsonor at least not how it's supposed to work18:32
cjwatsoncd is told to complete *only* over directories, it's true; but that shouldn't influence the suffix placed when some other command such as cat *does* complete a directory18:33
cjwatsonyou might check whether you've turned the mark-directories readline option off in ~/.inputrc (if you've never heard of it, you haven't)18:35
cjwatsonalthough that wouldn't cause an extra space, it would just remove the slash ...18:36
pdtpatr1ckis there a manual for complete? or is that some function in bash_complete? I don't see where it was created but i've seen it used many times with different options.18:40
cjwatsonit's a bash builtin18:46
cjwatsonit's documented in 'man bash'18:46
pdtpatr1ckthanks cj18:50
puttarajuQUESTION: im following development setup given in link,  http://people.canonical.com/~dholbach/packaging-guide/html/getting-set-up.html#get-set-up-to-work-with-launchpad19:22
puttarajuits taking  more than 2  hours  for  this  command :   pbuilder-dist <release> create19:23
puttarajucan anyone tell me  what this might be doing ?19:23
cjwatsonit does have to download quite a lot (as that page says)19:24
puttarajuanyidea how much?19:24
brycehvaries on your internet connection / computer19:24
cjwatsonshould be on the general order of 100MB (but I don't use pbuilder so I don't know exactly)19:28
puttarajucjwatson: thanks for the info19:33
puttarajuwill wait and see for 1 more hour then19:33
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rwwHello! (and apologies if this is the wrong place). What's the separation between "Ubuntu Server" and "Ubuntu Desktop" as far as EOL on LTS goes? Is there a list of packages that are supported for 5 years and the rest are supported for 3 or something?20:26
directhexrww: yes20:29
rwwdirecthex: Thanks. Is there a copy of the list for hardy online somewhere?20:30
directhexgood question20:32
rwwhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/dapper/supported.txt seems to be the one for Dapper, but the obvious URL substitution doesn't yield one for Hardy, and the Desktop EOL announcement doesn't have one.20:33
directhexit's somewhere in http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu.hardy/ afaik20:36
directhexthere's also a script, ubuntu-maintenance-check or similar20:36
rwwokay, I'll look through that script and see what it's checking against, thanks :)20:43
rwwI assume that no universe and multiverse packages are 5-year packages anyway, just main and restricted?20:44
broderrww: the 3-year/5-year thing doesn't apply to universe/multiverse in the first place21:32
broderas i understand it, the extended support periods are a commitment from canonical21:32
cjwatsonon lucid, you can do 'apt-cache show' and get the support period from the Supported: field; I forget how you were supposed to do that on hardy21:36
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qb89dragonI'm making a deb package and need to force dependencies to install silently (without presenting the user with configuration choices), any idea how to modify my control file to do this?21:56
slangasekqb89dragon: a) packages should in general install silently by default so if they don't, you should consider reporting this as a bug; b) if they prompt for configuration, there's no way to override this from a depending package.21:59
rwwbroder: That's what I thought. Thanks :)22:17
pdtpatrick1Is there some problem with bridge networking in ubuntu?23:06
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slangasekpdtpatrick1: as the output says, the interface you're using is deprecated.  Is there a particular problem you were trying to fix by using /etc/init.d/networking restart?23:31
slangasek(but I'm afraid I'm headed afk now, so can't help further with this - but I would expect 'ifup br0' to be what you want)23:32
pdtpatrick1slangasek, it turns out it was supposed to be bridge_ports instead of bridge_port .. that was fix23:55

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