
holstein_marx_: you calling a meeting?02:29
_marx_sure, email it02:30
holsteinemail what?02:31
_marx_oh sorry i was thinking of another conversation02:32
holsteini was responding to the emial02:34
_marx_sure call for a meeting; so i don't have to do all that video editing02:38
holsteini dont follow02:39
holsteinim going to instigate getting a regular monthly meeting going02:39
holsteinbut, i cant take it on right now02:39
holsteinim doing that with ubuntustudio, and i have a bunch of other stuff going on02:39
holsteinhopefully by the august or september meeting02:40
_marx_y call meeting on list02:44
_marx_it would be in appropriate for me to assign team contact by a d602:46
_marx_we need to have a meeting02:46
holsteinamber is the team contact right?02:47
_marx_would you please suggest this?02:47
_marx_me now02:47
_marx_die 6 one dice02:47
_marx_never did d-n-d eh02:48
holsteinno, i kissed girls ;)02:48
holsteinamber is the team contact right?02:48
holsteinand we have admins that can edit that right?02:48
_marx_on which site?02:49
holsteinim not sure what you are or were talking about02:49
_marx_google it on a no cookie system02:49
holsteinthere a launchpad account or team page or something02:50
holsteinand you are/were the admin02:50
_marx_let me get some links02:50
holstein_marx_: no need for links02:50
holsteini dont know how to even take that in right now02:50
holsteinits overload...02:50
holsteinjust tell me if im *way* off base02:50
holsteintheres an LP02:50
holsteinyou are an admin02:50
holsteinyou made dan in admin?02:50
_marx_owner on LP02:51
holsteinthat owner can edit the team contact?02:51
holsteinand amber is the current team contact?02:51
_marx_there is no LP team contact02:51
_marx_it is nice02:51
holstein_marx_: has there ever been?02:52
holsteinwhats the point?02:52
_marx_not sure about LP02:52
_marx_well there's the wiki02:52
holsteinwhats the LP team contact do?02:52
_marx_and the new loco directory thing02:52
holstein_marx_: there have been several step up and say they would take it on02:53
holsteini say, give things to amber or daniel or me or whoever else02:53
_marx_why on earth would i want to resign02:53
holsteinand make sure that someone has the rights to edit all that02:53
holsteinsomeone or some persons ideally02:53
holstein_marx_: if you call a meeting about it, it will be you and me, maybe dan and amber if she can make it.. BugeyeD and coxn might pop in02:54
holsteini dont think anyone is going to lose any sleep over it02:54
_marx_right so IRC meetings are....02:55
holsteinbut, *if* you need to assign the task, i say just pick one of the folks that have already said it was cool02:55
holsteinOR, just make sure several folks have the rights to assign that later02:55
holsteinbut, if you call a meeting, i'll be there02:56
_marx_gracefully abiding by code of contact.03:03
* coxn pops in03:03
coxnping me if you need me. :)03:04
_marx_not just disappear like the last guy03:04
holsteinright... but, that is correct right?03:05
holsteinsome person or persons has admin rights to edit the LP contact?03:05
_marx_oh geez, yes03:05
_marx_oh wait03:05
holsteinbut you do?03:05
_marx_as owner yes03:06
holsteinLP owner?03:06
_marx_there are several team contacts03:06
_marx_i am03:06
_marx_lp owner03:06
holsteinthere needs to be another owner if you are going to be MIA03:06
holsteinowners prefferably03:07
_marx_i'm MIA so03:07
_marx_well i'm MIA03:07
holsteinim just saying, the LP contact is not the issue03:07
holsteinthe issue is the LP owner03:07
_marx_check those pages03:07
holsteinthen, some person or persons can edit these as needed03:08
holsteincan there be more than one LP owner?03:08
_marx_don't know03:08
holsteinwe just need to make sure one or more of the volunteers have admin access03:11
holsteinthen, they can deal with it next meeting, or whenever03:11
holstein_marx_: OK03:19
holsteinso heres a way to get multiple owners03:19
holstein23:19 < pleia2> you can create a ~ubuntu-northcarolina-ower team and add people you want to be owners to that03:19
holsteinthen, anyone in the owner team has owner rights03:19
_marx_but i have no problem just turning over ownership03:20
holsteinwhich is the way i think it should go, so there are more than one owner03:20
holstein_marx_: sure... one of us can tweak this out at some point03:20
holsteinif you just want to hand it off, i say amber or daniel... someone that knows LP, and is around03:21
holsteinBugeyeD is around too though03:21
_marx_well we have been tweaking for a while now03:21
_marx_i've done what i've done or not done; now it is time for someone else03:26
_marx_to do or not do03:27
holsteinyou've done great03:27
holsteini say, set up that owner group, and when you come back, you're still in it :)03:28
_marx_not going anywhere03:28
holsteinthen what are we talking about?03:29
_marx_got you going eh?03:29
holsteinim not following03:29
_marx_i'm a month behind i've been two months behind03:30
_marx_passing it on03:30
_marx_yes money wise i'm in dire straights03:32
_marx_crude method; piss off a team03:33
_marx_not my favorite method03:33
holsteinso, what are you saying?03:36
holsteinyou are not needing to leave?03:37
holsteinwere you just messing around?03:37
_marx_ur lagging03:39
holsteinyeah, its hard to keep up03:39
holstein23:31 < _marx_> not going anywhere03:39
_marx_another owner if lp03:40
holsteinwhatever... you need to get *someone* all the admin privs you have03:42
holsteinlet me know if i can help facilitate03:42
_marx_spell checking with irssi is working well03:43
_marx_holstein: yes i think a call for a meeting is in order03:46
holsteinlike i said, ill be there03:46
_marx_i'll compose some in the am03:47
holsteinso, this meeting is for who is taking over as LP owner?03:48
holsteinor about implementing and owner team?03:49
holsteinor just about the LP contact?03:49
_marx_three and counting03:49
_marx_LD contact too03:49
holsteinwho has had those postitions though?03:50
holsteinseems like we really just need to get your positions filled03:50
holsteinand the other stuff can remaing as-is03:50
_marx_okay let me go get another beer03:50
holsteinyeah... that'll help ;)03:50
holsteini mean, if we dont have an LP contact, we dont ugrently need one03:51
_marx_there's this loco thing03:51
holsteinyou dont need to urgently appoint people before you go, or whatever you are doing03:51
holsteinyou just need to make admins03:51
_marx_i am trying to not to urgently appoint people.03:56
holsteinwhat im getting at is03:56
holsteinif you say 'we need a meeting about an LP contact'03:57
_marx_stick your foot in a yellow jacket nest and see what comes up.03:57
holsteini say, if we havent had one, then dont sweat it03:57
holsteinjust make sure someone has rights to fix that later03:57
_marx_i'll leave it alone04:00
holsteinso, im not clear on what this is04:00
holsteini dont see any admin options anywheres04:00
holsteini see 'join this team'04:01
holsteinnot sure what thats about04:01
_marx_new thing04:01
holsteinlet me re-login04:01
holsteinOK... im in04:03
holsteinlooks like i have permission to set a contact there04:03
_marx_do it04:03
_marx_who did you pick?04:04
holsteinthats the LoCo contact04:06
holsteinso, are you talking about Email:04:07
holsteinNo contact email Set contact address04:07
holsteinat https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-northcarolina ??04:07
holsteinwe could set that to the mailing list addy04:07
holsteinbut i think it goes to each of us individually now04:07
_marx_the lp one has never had a contact04:08
holsteinright, i dont think it needs one04:08
holsteinif thats what you are referring to04:08
holsteinthe email contact04:08
_marx_i'm findng 3 places04:08
_marx_one on the wiki04:09
_marx_one on loco04:09
_marx_and none on lp04:09
holsteinok, so no LP contact needed then right?04:09
holsteini just edited the loco one correct?04:10
* holstein looking at the wiki04:10
_marx_i'm not sure how that carries over to loco04:10
holsteinbut any of us can edit the wiki04:10
_marx_and the new loco04:10
_marx_yeah i know04:11
_marx_i just need to go make some sawdust04:11
_marx_i'll just stop posting to the team list about this and go away; no that is not appropriate04:13
_marx_if i'm here i'm here if not do what i did04:14
_marx_seems i need to be really crystal clear13:17
internalkernel_marx_: I thought we just dealt with lp the other day... what did I miss? What didn't we do?14:01
internalkernelyou added me as an admin, I see your listed as the owner - did you want to change that over to me as well?14:02
internalkernelthe team contact on the LP page goes to the mailing list... I don't see a problem with that, do you?14:02
_marx_let's settle that tomorrow by 3:00 pm14:03
_marx_need to comply w/coc14:03
_marx_code of conduct14:03
_marx_have a meeting14:03
_marx_no one shows, and then just do it14:04
_marx_i do have the perspective of a long time linux and ubuntu user14:05
_marx_this channel is just one example14:06
_marx_regulars have come and gone over the years14:06
internalkernel_marx_: why didn't you make me the LP owner?15:08
holsteininternalkernel: i think a good goal is having multiple owners15:35
internalkernelthat would be ideal... however I'd like to just get it changed at this point...15:35
holsteinapparently, the way ubuntu-women is set up, theres an ubuntu-women owner team15:35
holsteinand that team owns the LP account15:35
holsteinwell, i dont understand why you or amber or one of the other folks who stepped up when _marx_ said he needed to hand over ownership in the first place are not owners by now15:36
holsteinim unclear as to what the issue is15:37
holsteinand that new owner will have permission to work with the contact if needed15:37
internalkernelI have permission to work with the contact, you don't have to be owner to do that - only admin...15:37
internalkernelbut the contact on the lp page goes to the team mailing list...15:38
holsteininternalkernel: i think you saw it the same as me then15:38
internalkernelI don't see an issue with that, do you?15:38
holsteinand i think thats actually preffered15:38
internalkernellikewise... so ownership of the loco is the issue now.15:38
holsteinright, thats the only issue15:38
internalkerneland again... why didn't it happen when I was made an admin?15:39
holsteinbut, i thought thats what you were getting the other day15:39
internalkerneldraggin it on for the purpose of draggin it on15:39
internalkernelI did too15:39
holsteini suppose15:39
internalkerneland then... we got an email today.. about a meeting and a need for an LP owner??15:39
internalkerneltotally baffled...15:39
holsteinwell, that has democratic intentions i assume15:40
holsteinBUT, the 'prediction' about not getting our membership renewed?15:40
holsteinthats unecessary15:40
internalkernelthere's lots that's unnecesary...15:41
internalkernelpuff puff pass, that's all Im going to say...15:42
holsteinso, what is the worst case scenario?15:42
holstein_marx_ leaves and doesnt hand over admin ownership15:43
internalkernelWe get someone else to do it... and it takes longer15:43
holsteinwe can request that from someone though right?15:43
holsteinif needed?15:43
holsteinfrom skaet?15:43
internalkernelright, someone up there in the buntu cloud will be able to do it...15:43
_marx_puff, puff, pass that _is funny16:16
* _marx_ feels better now16:19
_marx_yall be good now16:19

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