
Turlnewz2000: hi there03:09
newz2000hey Turl03:09
Turlnewz2000: can you have popcon checked? It's been serving the same data for 3 days already03:10
newz2000Turl: certainly03:11
Turlthanks :)03:11
Turlnewz2000: how is oneiric going?03:16
newz2000Interestingly enough, I'm pretty detached from that thesedays.03:16
newz2000I've moved to a different team that deals with applications we use internally.03:17
newz2000So I help the teams that do the release.03:17
newz2000They don't seem too stressed, so I assume it's going well. :-)03:17
TurlI kind of got detached too, jumped off from the ubuntu releases after natty got released03:18
Turlno gnome3 support+unity was a deal breaker :/03:18
newz2000I feel like there is a tremendous effort being put into Unity. Def give it a try when 11.10 comes out.03:19
newz2000I expect it to be vastly improved.03:19
TurlI might give it a go03:19
Turlas things stand today, gnome3 is the best DE in my opinion03:20
newz2000It'll be interesting to see how this pans out.03:20
Turldid unity get integrated messaging?03:21
newz2000what do you mean?03:22
Turlon gnome3, when you get a message, a notification pops up from the bottom of the screen03:23
Turl[pic] [Person name]: blah blah03:23
newz2000oh, yeah, Unity has that03:23
newz2000Just like Ubuntu with Gnome203:23
Turlif you hover it, it expands and shows the chat and you can reply inline03:23
newz2000no, not that03:23
Turlit's really cool, no need to switch tasks to reply03:24
=== SuperHark is now known as MichealH
dakercjohnston, nigelb mhall119 auto fixed bug 711649 ?12:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 711649 in loco-directory "My Name doesn't show in Meeting Chair list (affects: 1) (heat: 5)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71164912:01
dakershould i close it ?12:01
nigelbdaker: do you know what fixed it?12:19
dakerthe profile was not created12:23
nigelbYeah, have we fixed the issue of actually triggering the profile creation?12:24
nigelbIf not, I think we need to wait till that happens12:24
Turlhi all20:14
TurlI was helping a friend and noticed some spam on the ubuntu wiki20:14
Turlhere more precisely https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff20:15
coalwaterwhat exactly do u see as a spam20:16
coalwaterplus i think the contents of the page it self is maintained by the docs people20:16
Turl"teeth whitening"20:16
Turland some other links over that one20:16
coalwaterlet me check20:18
Turlthat's certainly not wifi related :)20:18
coalwatero ok,20:18
coalwatergot u20:18
coalwaternicely hidden lol20:18
Turlextra reading is FULL of them :p20:19
coalwaterlet me see if i can edit it, if not ull have to report it to the wiki team i think20:19
coalwaterwow, it has been hidden there since quite some revisions lol20:20
coalwaterok Turl , i'll take care of it :D , with little help20:29
Turlcoalwater: great, thanks20:30
Turl336+ seems like all spam edits lol20:30
coalwaterthat far? lol20:30
coalwateralso 36220:31
coalwateryea i see20:31
Turlspammers really go unnoticed on there lol20:31
coalwateryea, lol20:32
coalwaterTurl, if u want to have some fun watching https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff?action=diff&rev2=372&rev1=33920:35
Turlcoalwater: still missing some :)20:47
coalwateri know, we're looking into it, #ubuntu-beginners-wiki20:47
Turlok :)20:48
Turlprobably those spammers got quite a bit of pagerank lol20:48

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