
nuvolario/ mornings07:46
kbmonkeyo/ morning08:40
Cantidehi ^^;08:41
kbmonkeyhi Cantide! and nuvolari 08:41
kbmonkeynuvolari, did you see kilos had fixed langjan's apt problem? he is becoming the local guru XD08:42
kbmonkeytoday i need to sort out that lpi learning mailing list, and go through more of that study guide - i fell behind! oops :P08:43
kbmonkeybbl, shutting down all distractions for now ;D08:51
Kilosmorning all09:12
kodezmorning oom kilos09:14
Kiloslo kodez 09:14
kodezhow are you today?09:14
Kilosgood ty and you09:15
kodezi'm better than yesterday and the cold is going09:15
Kiloscold not gone yet09:33
Kilosi think still bigger cold coming09:33
KilosMaaz, coffee on09:33
* Maaz starts grinding coffee09:33
kodezi had a cold and am better than now09:34
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!09:37
KilosMaaz, ty09:44
MaazEnjoy Kilos09:44
Kiloslol oh you had a cold09:45
Kilosglad you feeling better09:45
nuvolarimorning oom Kilos, kb09:45
nuvolarihe's not here09:45
Kilosdag nuvolari 09:45
Kilosit didnt say kbtab09:46
nuvolariye lol09:46
nuvolarihoe gaan dit met oom vandag?09:46
nuvolarivodacom :(09:47
nuvolariek tik al 2 sinne vooruit09:47
nuvolariKilos: ek sien apie sê oom raak ons local guru hierso!09:47
Kiloshy droom09:49
Kilosmaar dit was soos probeer om n kar se wiel ruil terwyl dit in die pad af hol09:50
nuvolariek hop hier soos ek lag oom09:51
Kiloseks seker dit was daai update manager wat nie iets kon doen nie maar het aanhou probeer die hele tyd en al die cli goed geblok09:51
nuvolaridie beste uitdrukking wat ek in 'n lang tyd gehoor het09:51
nuvolariKilos: of hy droom of nie, oom het die fix gekry! no questions asked.09:52
Kilosen die langjan het opgekom met n nuwe naam "vir my" vir pc's09:52
nuvolarilaat my dink aan die grappie van die seuntjie wat sê sy pa is 'n neukeraar, in die meantime werk hy met rekenaars09:53
Kilosjy is in n goeie plek vir hierdie winter seun09:53
Kilosen lawyers is prokerowers09:54
KilosMaaz, coffee on09:55
* Maaz starts grinding coffee09:55
nuvolarija nee oom, ek stem! lekker weer hier09:55
nuvolarikoel, maar draaglik09:56
nuvolarioh my word. dis al 12:00 :(09:56
Kilosja die dag is half verby al09:56
* nuvolari wonder waar is die dag heen09:57
nuvolariyoohoo? 09:57
Kiloshier is dit 2° in die nag09:57
Squirmgood morning09:57
nuvolario/ Squirm 09:57
Kiloslo Squirm here one of the LPI guys09:58
* Squirm prods nuvolari09:58
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!09:59
SquirmMaaz: coffee please09:59
MaazSquirm: There isn't a pot on09:59
KilosMaaz, thnk you buddy09:59
MaazKilos: Excuse me?09:59
KilosMaaz, thank you buddy10:00
Kilosuh oh10:00
Maazsure thing, Kilos10:00
SquirmKilos: I dont think you're his buddy :/10:00
Kiloslol yeah looks like10:00
KilosMaaz, botsnack10:02
* Maaz munches10:02
Kilosyay kbmonkey has gone to google10:10
Kilosthat other mail place was a prob10:10
nuvolariwhat did I do?10:37
nuvolariSquirm prodding me10:38
* Squirm whistles innocently10:38
Kilosnuvolari, tell Squirm about your LPI course10:38
Kilosdunno where you are going to find the time though10:43
nuvolariMaaz: lpi.link is http://groups.google.com/group/linux-studies10:48
Maaznuvolari: Got it10:48
nuvolariSquirm: ^^10:49
Squirmwhat am I looking at?10:50
nuvolariSquirm: not much info yet10:51
nuvolaribut we're working on getting a study group going10:51
Squirmmay I join in?10:53
SquirmI should get ontop of this RHSA thing I want to do10:53
nuvolariSquirm: the more the merrier10:53
Squirmbuy myself an RHSA book or something10:53
nuvolariSquirm: why not start whith the SPI stuff?10:54
nuvolarier, LPI10:54
Squirmthinking of doing that too10:56
nuvolariSquirm: see the about setion10:56
nuvolariargh 10:57
SquirmYou are now a member of Linux Studies.10:57
nuvolarimy connection is killing me10:57
Kilossomeone needs to convince telkom and mtn and voda to give cheap packages to the pay as you go peeps. not only specials for contract peeps11:25
CantideKilos, let's protest11:26
Kilosi would Cantide but you need to get to thier forums or something and those sights kill data with all the moving picks and adds11:28
Cantideand flash11:29
Cantideand needless stuff you don't actually want to see / spend data on11:29
Cantideyeah :<11:29
Cantidethey are smart :<11:29
Kilosyeah maybe if one can get their CEO's mail addresses then everyone can mail in complaints11:29
Cantidecreate a bot net to pleasantly email them :)11:30
Cantideyeah, inet does suck here :<11:30
Cantideshould get better with WACS, and if we ever get LLU, then yeah, it'll be awesome11:30
Kilosbut its actually stupid on their part because there are less peeps on contract so they are actually losing11:31
Cantideperhaps they're trying to lure more people into contracts11:35
Kiloscould be . the swines11:53
Kilosnaand almal18:18
Kiloshiya english peeps18:18
KilosMaaz, coffee on18:18
* Maaz puts the kettle on18:18
KilosMaaz, coffee for all18:18
MaazCome on ya buncha geeks. Rock up with your mugs with the correct amount of sugar added already18:18
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!18:22
KilosMaaz, ty18:22
MaazEnjoy Kilos18:22
KilosMaaz, weather in pretoria south africa18:25
MaazKilos: That didn't seem to agree with me18:25
Kilostwit bot18:25
Kiloswhere did he get that from18:26
KilosMaaz, weather in tswane south africa18:27
MaazKilos: City not found18:27
KilosMaaz, where is pretoria south africa18:27
MaazKilos: Not a clue, sorry18:27
Kilosgoodness me18:27
KilosMaaz, are you well?18:28
MaazKilos: *blink*18:28
Kilosmethinks maaz needs to rub sudo dpkg --configure -a18:30
Symmetriaeveryone cross your fingers 19:10
Symmetriaseacom could quite possibly die in 50 minuets time :P19:10
Symmetriafor how long I don't know19:10
Symmetria(in theory it shouldnt be more than 5 minutes, in practice, god only knows)19:11
Kiloswhats the prob Symmetria 19:11
Symmetriathey are switching from SEMEWE-4 cable system to TE North cable system in Egypt 19:12
Symmetriabecause the former is going down for 2 weeks due to maintenance19:12
Symmetriaso there will be a switching hit19:12
Symmetriaif they dont screw it up, thats minutes, if they do screw it up, who knows :)19:12
Kilosty for letting us know19:13
Symmetriain the mean time, Neotel's backhaul to the landing station is running at risk at the moment as well since one of their fiber routes is down and they have a single point of failure 19:13
Symmetriaand DFA's backhaul to the landing station is going down for maintenance at midnight :P19:13
Kiloshi inetpro 19:13
SymmetriaI.E its a perfect storm of potential screwups :) 19:13
Symmetriaif everything goes according to plan we'll see almost no outage, if everything goes wrong,lol, who knwos19:14
Kilosdont laugh. vodacom messes up enough19:14
Symmetriaheh vodacom is on that DFA fiber iirc, I dont know how much backup they have 19:16
Symmetriathey may have a backup route via joburg19:16
SymmetriaI know our neotel backup route was switched to the redundant fibers about 30 minutes ago, so we have backup on that for when the DFA stuff goes down19:16
Kilosvoda has really ,been sucking lately19:20
Symmetriaheh Im gonna be kinda pissed if we lose access to the landing station tonight considering the vast quantities of money invested in redundancy19:21
Symmetriaheh the full cost of that landing station backhaul was like, 20+ million bux all included 19:24
Symmetriaheh, lol, someone in ##networking was asking about stealing ip address space on the internet 19:32
Symmetriaand someone else was like "zomg, you can't do that, not possible"19:33
Symmetria:P till I gave them a step by step on how its very possible, has happened in the past, and how its accomplished :P19:33
Kiloswork out a way to use broadband without voda eating data then you my hero19:34
Kilosnight all sleep tight19:54

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